Learning About Love by Amber
Title: Learning About Love
Author: Amber
Email: [email protected]
Beta: None
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Elrond/Elros, Elladan/Elrohir, Elrond/Glorfindel
Warnings: Twincest

Request: Pairing: Elf/Elf Rating: NC-17 or higher if it goes that high. Request/plot : Angst, love, happy ending. Do not include: As long as there is no hobbit sex or even naked hobbits

Summary: Elrond learns about love.


Elrond had hidden himself high in the branches of an old oak tree. The tree was positioned just right so that even though he was up the hill a little ways, he had a clear view of the little beach at the edge of the high lake. It was springtime and the tree had not filled out totally but there was enough cover to prevent him from being seen by anyone below him. He had come here after hearing the twins refer to it earlier. He had been hearing rumors about the extent of their relationship and sought the truth. Even now he was not sure that he really wanted to know the truth, but something compelled him to find out.

As he sat waiting Elrond remembered another little beach, a secluded cove on the sea shore, where he and his twin had hidden themselves away from the stares of all. They had retired to the beach one night, after E�nw� had given them their choice, to contemplate and talk, and had ended up drinking too much wine. They had gone swimming to clear their heads before talking and were lying unclothed on a blanket drying when Elrond had dosed off. He had awakened to the feel of hands he knew were his brothers running over his body. As he opened his eyes, his brother Elros had leaned down and kissed him while grabbing his member and stroking it. Elrond had been too shocked to move at first but then had firmly pushed his brother off of him and backed away. What his brother had done was forbidden and he would let nothing come in his way of becoming an elf now that the option was open to him. Grabbing his clothing, he had dressed as he ran up the beach. Elros had called him repeatedly but he had ignored him and run away. He had avoided his brother until after their choices had been made, and had avoided the topic of what had happened on the beach altogether. Now he wanted to confirm what he was hearing and ensure that one brother was not attempting to force himself on the other.

He had only been waiting an hour when he heard the twins approach the beach. He watched as they stripped and went swimming in the cold water. Elrond admired the bodies of his twins and compared their adult forms to his own. They were more Elvin, which was to be expected and carried few of the human traits that marked his body. About the only part of their frames they had inherited from him appeared to be his broad shoulders and their coloring. In all else they resembled the firstborn. He watched as they left the water and lay on a blanket drying off while they talked. Elrond then watched as the rumors were confirmed before him.

Elladan leaned in and kissed his brother. Elrohir returned it passionately and began running his hands over his twin�s body. Slowly, Elladan worked his way down his brother�s body stopping to tease his nipples and navel before continuing lower and swallowing his brother�s member whole. Sucking vigorously, it was only a few minutes before Elrohir arched and cried out in ecstasy as he emptied himself down his brother�s throat. As he regained his breath, Elrohir returned the favor to his brother only he was not as vigorous in his treatment. Elrond watched as his younger son pulled a bottle of what could only be oil from under the edge of the blanket and slowly prepared his brother. Elrond watched as his more reclusive younger son rose over his brother pulling Elladan�s legs forward over his shoulders. He was surprised that his eldest let his brother take charge and dominate him. Elrond found himself hardening at the sight of his younger son taking and riding his brother. He could not tear his eyes away as Elrohir finally reached between them and stroked his brother to completion following him a few strokes later.

Elrond watched as his son�s rested for a few minutes before cleaning themselves up. They spent some time talking then cleaned the area and headed down the path back to the house. Climbing down the tree a few minutes later, after ensuring that no one was around, Elrond leaned against it as he tried to control his own body. It bothered him that his body had reacted in a sexual way to the sight of his sons�s coupling. He should have been disgusted but wasn�t. He did not know what to do. His son�s were going against the laws but they were his sons. Besides, the laws were not written with twins in mind as there had only ever been one set born when they were written. Did the rules apply to those born with connected f�a? If not, then had he down wrong in denying his own brother that night? Thoroughly confused, Elrond started down the path to return to the house. He never noticed his blond guardian climb down another tree and follow him discretely.

Over the next several weeks Elrond pondered the problem of his sons. He finally decided to do nothing and act like he did not know what was going on. This would work as long as no one made it public. When that happened, he would deal with it then. His sons did not know that he had found out and left the day after the incident to hunt orc, so he avoided having to face them. He was not sure he could have done it then. Finally he was able to push the matter into the back of his mind, at least during the day. Night was another matter as Elrond had started having dreams. Over and over, night after night, what he had seen that day on the beach replayed itself within his mind while he slept. Since he was not sleeping well he had taken to napping in the evenings after dinner to obtain a semblance of rest. Then had come the night when in his dreams, the twins had been replace with him and Glorfindel. Even worse was that his body reacted to these dreams in ways that it had not with the dream of the twins. After the third night of having to clean himself up and change the sheets, Elrond refused to sleep in the bed. He obtained little rest sleeping in the chair and became irritatible.

Glorfindel did not tell Elrond that he had seen him that day in the tree. Instead, he watched as Elrond struggled to come to terms with it himself. Then he checked on his lord one night to discover him sleeping in the chair before the fire. Even then it was clear his dreams were allowing him no rest. Glorfindel saw the bottle beside the chair and realized that Elrond had tried to drink himself asleep. Knowing that Elrond would not wake, Glorfindel placed his hand over Elrond�s forehead and recited an incantation that Lord Namo had taught him. Closing his eyes, he looked into Elrond�s dreams and was shocked at what he saw. He recalled the scene from that day at the lake but the players were different. He watched as he rose over Elrond and entered him, riding until they reached their completion. Glorfindel slowly withdrew from Elrond�s dreams and sat back on his heals contemplating the one that was his lord. He knew that he and Elrond were connected in some way; he had been told this before leaving Aman and he could feel the connection between them. Could it be that they were soul mates?

Glorfindel thought about the connections between the two of them and realized that it was so. He was sure that Elrond felt their connection but had no idea how deep it actually was or what form it took. Love that he had been denying existed blossomed and he knew he would have to be the one to take action. Thinking of his love�s past, he would not be surprised if Elrond knew very little of the ways of love. Glorfindel also knew that Elrond would fight this as he was over honorable sometimes. He would be afraid of what would happen to Celebr�an, the children�s reactions, and what everyone else would say. Rising, he went to make plans. Erestor would help him he was sure.

Glorfindel spent several weeks preparing the cave higher up the mountain as their retreat. He fully stocked it with everything he thought they would need including medical supplies in case Elrond turned combative. Then he waited until after the summer solstice, when the twins left again and visitors lagged for several weeks in the heat. Double checking with Erestor to ensure he knew how to reach them in case they were needed, he led Elrond out of the house under the pretenses of taking a swim to cool off. Deciding that it wouldn�t hurt to actually take a swim, he led Elrond to the high lake and its little beach. He smiled at Elrond�s unease but ignored it allowing Elrond to calm as they swam. Afterwards, he led Elrond to the cave under the pretense of exploring for a few minutes before returning. After they had entered, he triggered the little avalanche he had set up to seal the entrance.

�What is going on, Glorfindel?� Elrond asked mystified because he sensed no menace from his friend.

�It is beyond time we addressed an issue between us,� Glorfindel responded.

�What issue is this that it would need to be talked about while sealed in a cave?�

Elrond asked as he observed the preparations that had been made to the cave.

�The fact that we are soul mates,� was the given response. Then Glorfindel waited to see what kind of an answer he would be given.

Elrond did not answer right away. He needed to think about what had happened to make Glorfindel believe this. They were connected he admitted but how could his friend believe it was in this way? Where they not soul brothers instead? Stopping to stare into the water of a pool at the back of the cave, he felt along their bond as he never had before trying to discover its extent. What he discovered shocked him and he reeled around looking for a way out.

�No, this can not be,� Elrond said as he tried to find a way out of the cave as he felt panic rise in him. �I am married, I have children, I prefer females. This can not be.�

Glorfindel watched from a seat as Elrond ran around denying everything. Under normal circumstances it would hurt to hear Elrond deny him but circumstances were not normal. He decided how best to approach this and gain him a husband without causing Elrond�s f�a to unhouse itself.

�Elrond, calm yourself. We can not talk this over while you are panicking,� Glorfindel called. �Come, sit across from me and we will talk through this.�

After hesitating, Elrond calmed some and went over realizing that Glorfindel was right.

�Explain why you believe this Glorfindel. I want to understand,� he said.

�You felt what the bond told you Elrond. You panicked when you realized the truth. Why do you still deny this?� Glorfindel started. �I know you have questions. I will try to answer them if I can, but don�t deny the truth of what you felt. That in itself is a crime.�

�I am married, Glorfindel,� Elrond began. �Marriage is for eternity; a bond that cannot be broken. Even if we are soul mates, we can never be together. Why even acknowledge something that will bring us both only pain?�

�Your children are important to the future of Middle-earth, Elrond. They had to be born, hence your marriage to Celebr�an,� Glorfindel answered. �I was re-embodied and spent years in Aman before I was returned to Middle-earth. I believe I was kept there so that your marriage and the birth of your children could take place unhindered. Can you honestly tell me that you would have still married Celebr�an if I had been here and you knew that I as your soul mate?�

�I would not have. That still does not change the fact that I am married to her for all eternity,� Elrond admitted. �I am trapped now and any bond between us is a mute point for I will never sentence anyone to the Doom of Finw�.�

�I know not what is to happen Elrond but I can tell you this. Soul bonds are few and far between. They are a gift from Il�vator and not to be ignored,� Glorfindel countered. �If the One dictated your marriage to Celebr�an while making us soul mates, can you not trust in him to look after Celebr�an also? How do you know that the bond between you is still in place?�

�I do not know,� Elrond admitted unsurely. �All bonds are sundered by death of the hroa or the crossing beyond the curtains of night. Only the Valar could confirm that our bond would not reappear when I sailed.�

�Then we will ask Mithrandir if there is a way to be sure,� came the reasoned response. �Either way, now that we have both acknowledged the bond it will have to be consummated. If we do not and wait, we will begin to become disorientated and eventually become incapacitated with pain.�

�But I prefer females,� Elrond countered in desperation.

�Do you really Elrond?� Glorfindel asked unwilling to let this go. �How many times did you and Celebr�an mate?�

�How dare you ask me that,� Elrond began.

�Stop this now Elrond,� Glorfindel cut in. �Most already know that your marriage was political not a love match. Answer me.�

�We had sex three times,� came the quiet response as Elrond turned away. �We mated on our wedding night, and when we chose to have children. She was disgusted by the human traits I carry on my body. She did not want to see me unclothed or have me touch her if I were not dressed.�

Glorfindel did not know how to answer that admission. By all rights Elrond was little more than a virgin. It was also telling in that it was an admission that he was uncomfortable in his own body, in how he thought others saw him. Glorfindel had not considered this as Elrond carried himself so well.

�I would never have believed you were uncomfortable living in the world of the firstborn after all of these years. Many love and respect you Elrond. They look to you for leadership and to save all of us from the darkness,� he said trying to reassure Elrond.

�Except that they all do it from a distance. I am not good enough to be allowed too close, only to sacrifice myself for others,� was the bitter comeback.

�I accept you Elrond. I do not want you to sacrifice yourself for others but to live with me forever. Accept this, please,� came the plea.

�I still say that I prefer females,� Elrond shot back.

�Oh Elrond, you do not know enough about sex to truly know. Let me teach you?� Glorfindel asked. Then he took a chance. �Your dreams are of us together, not of you and Celebr�an.�

Elrond whirled back around in shock.

�How do you know that?� he demanded.

�I came upon you sleeping in front of your fire and could tell your dreams were troubled. Lord Namo taught me a way to see into ones dreams, so I looked thinking I could sooth you,� admitted Glorfindel. Then he switched tactics. �I love you Elrond.�

Confusion was clear on Elrond�s face and he probably would have bolted and hid if he could have. Glorfindel rose slowly and walked to stand close in front of Elrond. Caressing his cheek, he suddenly grasped Elrond by the back of the head and pulled him in for a hard kiss. Elrond struggled at first but eventually gave up and returned the kiss in desperation. They only broke the kiss as a necessity when they both needed more air. Elrond pushed him away and began to wander the cave in confusion. Glorfindel let him be for a moment to collect him self before renewing the assault. Cornering him, Glorfindel grabbed him again and pushed him up against the wall as he kissed him breathless. Again Elrond struggled at first before giving in. This time it was Glorfindel who ended the kiss then licked and kissed along Elrond�s jaw and neck. When he came to Elrond�s ear he licked and nibbled along the edge until he took the tip into his mouth and sucked.

Glorfindel held him against the wall as he assaulted Elrond with sensation. Then he took him in another deep kiss that consumed him. Slowly he divested Elrond and himself of their tunics until he was running his hands up and down Elrond�s sides as he worked his way down. He grabbed Elrond�s hands and held them behind his back when he began to push him away again. Continuing his assault on Elrond�s body, he nibbled and suckled his brown nipples as he gently pulled on the dusting of hair around them. Elrond gasped and clung to the blond not understanding the feelings coursing through him. He struggled to grasped and hold on to Glorfindel�s hands as he continued the torment with his hot tongue. He wanted to fight but knew inside that he was already losing the fight.

�Teach me,� he moaned into Glorfindel. �Please.�

�Only if you bond with me love,� Glorfindel told him as he drew back.

Looking like a scared elfling, Elrond finally closed his eyes and nodded capitulating to what he now admitted to being true. He still didn�t know if he could go through with this but he would try. Glorfindel lifted him up and carried him to the makeshift bed on a shelf of the wall. Laying him down, he finished removing Elrond�s clothing before standing back and removing his own. Then he lay down beside Elrond and held him until he became used to the feel of their bodies together. When Elrond tried to pull a blanket over himself, Glorfindel stopped him.

�I intend to hide nothing from you, do the same for me. I do not find you offensive. I have seen you without clothes on many a time, both while on the campaign trail and here in the valley. On the contrary, I find you very beautiful,� he said as he pulled the blanket back off Elrond.

Glorfindel then continued where he had left off at Elrond�s nipples. After ensuring they were both hard and sensitive, he continued down to play with Elrond�s navel for a few minutes before dipping lower. Kissing around the base, he then slowly licked up the shaft and around the tip. Elrond let out a loud moan and arched up when Glorfindel took him in his mouth and began sucking. Suddenly he cried out as he came quickly. Glorfindel swallowed every drop and leaned up to kiss Elrond and give him a taste of himself. Holding him gently, Glorfindel gave him time to calm and let him explore his own body with both his hands and tongue. He was surprised when Elrond took him in his mouth and began to suck on him. When he felt himself nearing his peak he stopped him.

�Not like this,� he told Elrond. �I wish to come inside of you...�

�Will it hurt?� came the hesitant question.

�Only for a moment; then I promise to make it feel so good you will cry,�

Glorfindel said as he positioned Elrond on his back with his legs up and spread. Taking a bottle of rose scented oil he began to massage Elrond�s upper thighs and bottom. He took Elrond into his mouth again to distract him as he began circling his entrance. Elrond tensed when Glorfindel pushed the first finger through his guardian muscle but soon was so distracted by what Glorfindel was doing with his mouth to him that he barely felt when other fingers entered and stretched him. When Glorfindel thought he was ready he oiled himself then took Elrond in a deep kiss as he slowly pushed in all the way. Stopping to give Elrond time to adjust, he waited until Elrond signaled him to begin a slow steady pace.

Soon Elrond was pushing up to meet him as he pulled Glorfindel�s buttocks toward him faster. Glorfindel began to pump faster and faster as he felt them nearing their peaks. Grabbing Elrond�s member to stroke him, Glorfindel was caught unawares as Elrond sunk his teeth into his shoulder at the same time he raked his back with his nails. Then he felt the clench of Elrond�s passage as he felt the warmth of Elrond�s release spread onto their stomachs. Unable to wait any longer, he came himself with a mighty heave and shout. At the height of their release their f�a met and mingle until they became one.

They remained joined together as they explored the depths of each other�s beings. Finally Glorfindel slipped from Elrond�s passage and laid himself beside his lover as he pulled him tight against him. They opened their minds to one another again to mingle as they fell asleep in each other�s arms.

Glorfindel woke hours later to find Elrond gazing down at him in wonder. He only laughed when Elrond posed his first question.

�What else do you have to teach me and how long can we hide here?�

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