Happenstance by Tena
Title: Happenstance
Author: Tena
Pairing: Faramir/Haldir, Boromir/Legolas
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: These characters belong to Prof. J.R.R. Tolkien. I make no claim to these characters and use them solely for entertainment purposes. No money is being made.
Archive: OEAM, wordsmithsthree
Warnings: M/M smexin�, rimming
Request: Pairing: Boromir and Faramir get drunk in an inn, they've been out in the field, they run into Legolas and Haldir, surprise me with who winds up with who... A case of mistaken rooms, laughter, sweet and light hearted, poor Faramir can use some comfort.

Summary: Boromir and Faramir are given some time off and they happen to meet up with Legolas and Haldir.

Author�s note: Boromir lived, Denethor died, Aragorn is king, Haldir lived, and Legolas has not moved to Ithilien yet. Boromir is steward and Faramir is Prince of Ithilien.


It was early evening at the Crow�s Nest Inn, Boromir and Faramir had just arrived, procured a room, upstairs last door on the right, and were now sitting in the great room for a meal and a drink. Boromir took a long drink of his ale and sat back in his chair, feeling his body finally relaxing.

�This is good, little brother. Remind me to thank Aragorn for this time off,� he smiled, lifting his mug in salute.

�This is just what I needed, Boromir. It seems like so long since we have been able to do this,� Faramir emptied his mug, much to the amusement of his brother, and signaled the barmaid for another round.

�Oh, so it is going to be one of those nights,� Boromir teased. �I hope I can keep up.�

Faramir laughed. �I am just trying to get a head start. I can never keep up with you.�

By the time they had eaten their dinner and were on their fourth mug of ale, the great room was filling up with travelers and locals. The crowd was drinking and beginning to sing bawdy songs that were making Faramir blush.

�You look like a blushing virgin on her wedding night, Faramir. You have heard a lot of these songs before,� Boromir teased his little brother.

Two cloaked figures walked into the Inn, spoke with the man behind the counter, and made their way into the great room. A loud laugh coming from the corner of the room caused Legolas to look that direction. He smiled as he saw Boromir with his head thrown back laughing.

Legolas elbowed his companion. �Haldir, look who�s here,�

Haldir spotted Boromir and then noticed the red head sitting with him. He looked at Legolas and grinned. �It appears they have had a few drinks already. Is it really going to be this easy?�

Seeing Boromir signal for more drinks, Legolas smirked. �It appears so.�

The barmaid walked to them carrying two mugs of ale, �There is an open table there, my lords,� she pointed.

�Actually, we see some friends. I think we will sit with them,� they pointed to their friends table.

�Well, follow me then, that's where I am heading.�

Haldir stopped her. �Let us take these to them. Could you bring two more for us?� Haldir smiled and the young bar maid blushed.

�It would be my pleasure,� she winked.

Legolas shook his head. �You are terrible, Haldir,�

�And you love it, meldir.�

�Yes, I do,� Legolas whispered as they approached the table.

Boromir looked up to see the two beautiful elves coming to the table. His eyes widened, he smiled brightly and his leggings suddenly felt very tight. �I don�t believe it,� he shook his head.

�Hello, Boromir, Faramir,� Legolas bowed his head quickly. �You remember Haldir I am sure.�

Boromir stood, hugged Legolas tightly and greeted Haldir a little more formally with a traditional warriors greeting. �It is good to see you, both of you,� he made a point of saying. �Please join us.�

Faramir felt dizzy around the elves, he always had. Their beauty and grace were amazing to him. He had talked a lot with Legolas, but had only heard about Haldir and his courage as he fought at the Hornburg. Now, he was sitting next to him. Faramir felt his throat tighten.

Haldir could sense Faramir�s unease. �I believe this is yours,� he slid the mug of ale to Faramir.

�Oh, thank you, but what about you?� Just then, the bar maid brought the elves their drinks. Faramir smiled. �Well, I guess that answers my question,� he raised his mug and they all toasted.

�To good friends,� Boromir smiled at them all.

�Haldir, did you have the chance to meet my brother?� Boromir watched the silver headed elf starring intently at his brother.

�No, unfortunately I have never had the pleasure,� Haldir�s eye smoldered as he smiled softly at Faramir. �I have heard much about the brave Prince of Ithilien.� Faramir continued to turn a brighter red, drinking his ale to cover his embarrassment.

Boromir and Legolas grinned at each other. �Well, now you do,� Legolas chuckled and turned his attention to Boromir. They had not liked each other from the moment they met at the Council of Elrond, but the more time they spent while the Fellowship travelled the more attracted they felt for one another. They did not dare act on their feelings; their quest was too important. But, now times were more peaceful and perhaps things could change.

�What are you and Haldir doing out here?� Boromir asked as he watched Legolas over the edge of his mug.

�Travelling to Ithilien. I wanted to stay there a while before I accepted Aragorn�s offer to live there. Haldir offered to accompany me,� Legolas leaned forward, rubbing his knee against Boromir�s.

Boromir looked at Haldir who was deep in conversation with his still blushing brother. �You and Haldir are�friends?� Boromir did not like the jealous feelings he was having.

Legolas pressed his knee harder against Boromir�s. �Friends, yes�sometimes more�but friends always,� he smiled. �We are friends are we not, Boromir?� Legolas slipped a hand under the table and squeezed Boromir�s knee.

Boromir�s mouth went dry. All the fantasies that had been fueled by the beautiful blond elf before him, and now�did he actually have a chance to live those fantasies? �Of course, friends and�� he reached under the table to grip Legolas� hand. ��maybe more?�

Legolas nodded. �Are you staying here?�

�Yes, Faramir and I are sharing a room,� he shrugged. �Cheaper that way.�

�Yes, there was only one room left so Haldir and I are sharing it,� Legolas frowned slightly trying to think of a way to be with Boromir. The things he had imagined doing to the man were now possible, and he did not want to let this opportunity pass. �We have the last door on the left.�

Boromir grinned, a sudden idea blooming in his head. �We have the last room on the right.�

Seeing the mischievous glint in Boromir�s eyes, Legolas knew what the man was thinking and thought it was a brilliant plan.

Haldir and Faramir were in their own conversation, completely ignoring them. This gave Boromir and Legolas the chance to discuss the plan and put it into action.

�I look forward to seeing Minas Tirith and Ithilien. I was still recovering and was unable to be there for Aragorn�s coronation,� Haldir smiled at Faramir.

�Well, I am not sure it can compare with Lothlorien, but it is home. I think you will like it there,� Faramir blushed under Haldir�s gaze.

�I am sure I will like it, especially if you are there,� Haldir slipped his hand over Faramir�s.

Faramir blushed even harder, his hand trembling slightly.

While Faramir and Haldir were distracted, Boromir whispered to Legolas who grinned and nodded. The man stretched and yawned dramatically, and patted Faramir�s shoulder. �Little brother, I am off to bed. See you in the morning,� he stood. �Good night, Haldir, Legolas. We should break our fast together.�

They both agreed and Faramir began to stand. �I should go, as well. I do not even know where our room is.�

Boromir pushed him back into his seat. �Stay, Fara, I am sure our friends would love to hear more about our home, and you are far better at telling about the real Gondor than I am. Our room is the last door on the left,� he emptied his mug and made to move away, giving Legolas one last long look.

Haldir looked up at Boromir, and then to Legolas who was grinning. Haldir shook his head slightly; he knew what they were up to, but he did not mind Faramir sharing his room. Actually, the idea was rather exciting.

Legolas watch Boromir move to the stairs and after a few minutes, he too drained his mug and said good night. Haldir grinned at his friend. �Sleep well, mellon.�

�You too, Haldir,� Legolas smiled and winked. He should have known Haldir would catch on, but he was pleased that his dear friend did not seem to mind.

Faramir was beginning to feel the effects of the ale he had been drinking, and he was smiling like a cat that just ate a bird when Haldir looked back at him. Haldir chuckled, �Are you well, Faramir?�

�Very well, Haldir. You really are pretty,� he slurred his words slightly.

Haldir laughed and nodded as the barmaid put two more mugs in front of them. �Thank you, Faramir. You are rather fair yourself,� Haldir ran his hand over Faramir�s soft red hair. �I do love the color of your hair, and your eyes are a beautiful blue.�

Faramir had been trying to take a drink, but his motion froze when Haldir touched him. �Uh�um�thank you, H�H�Haldir.�

Haldir leaned back to give Faramir a chance to catch his breath. �So, tell me what you like to do, away from your duties.�

Faramir shook his head, �Well, I rarely have time away from my duties, but I enjoy reading, hunting, and I recently learned to play chess.�

Haldir�s brows rose. �Really? I play chess. Perhaps I can entice you to play with me while I am in Ithilien.�

�I would lo�love�to play�play with you, Haldir,� he ducked his head as his words hit him and Haldir grinned. �Chess�I would love to play chess with you,� he took a deep breath and a long drink from his mug. �I am not very good though. I have not been doing it for very long.�

Haldir could feel himself falling for this handsome man. He leaned very close to Faramir and whispered, �I have a feeling you are very good, Faramir. I am sure of it. It really doesn�t matter how long you have been doing it; you just have to put your pieces in the right spots.�

Faramir choked on his ale and when he looked back at Haldir, the elf�s eyes were dark and staring right into his eyes. �I�I�I think I may have had enough to drink,� he could feel the room starting to spin.

�Yes, perhaps it is wise that we turn in for the night,� Haldir suggested. He offered his hand that Faramir readily took.

Faramir staggered slightly. �I think I need to get some fresh air before I turn in, you go ahead, Haldir. I will see you in the morning,� he released the elf�s hand.

�Faramir, are you sure you are all right? I could come with you.�

�No, no thank you. I will only be a moment. I just need to clear my head,� he pushed against Haldir�s arm slightly. �I will be fine.�

Haldir watched as Faramir headed out of the inn. He felt he should go after him, but Faramir had insisted. He knew the man would end up in his room eventually, thanks to Legolas and Boromir�s manipulation. He only hoped Faramir would not be angry. As he walked upstairs and down the hallway, he could hear Boromir and Legolas going at it. He shook his head and smiled. With any luck, he and Faramir would be making some noise of their own.

Faramir breathed deep, filling his lungs with the night air. He was still a bit dizzy as he walked back into the inn. He headed up stairs and stood at the hallway. It looked very long and he was trying to remember which room was his.

�Last door on the left, last door and the left�� he chanted under his breath. As he reached the end of the hallway, he stopped, looking at the door across from his and Boromir�s room. Unmistakable sounds of passion drifted to his ears, and Faramir felt his heart sink at the thought that Haldir was with Legolas. His shoulders dropped and he sighed.

He went into �his� room, now only wanting to fall asleep and not think about the elf he desired being with another. He quietly took off his clothes, never lighting the candle. He wanted it dark, just like his mood had suddenly turned. A loud moan from across the hall reached his ears and he sat heavily on the bed.

�Faramir, you fool,� he leaned over placing his head in his hands.

He felt a warm soft hand on his back. �I do not think you are a fool, meldir,� Haldir whispered.

Faramir jumped off the bed, stumbling over a chair. �Haldir�I am sorry. I thought Boromir said the last room on the left,� he began grabbing his clothes.

�Faramir stop,� Haldir sat on the side of the bed and reached for Faramir�s hands. �Boromir did say the last room on the left.�

�But, why�if it was your room,� Moans drifted across the hall and Faramir looked at the door. �Oh�I see,� he looked back at Haldir. �He and Legolas�.,� Faramir chuckled. �I thought that was you and Legolas. Well, I am in the wrong room, I should let you�� he stopped when Haldir stood, naked, and moved closer.

Faramir�s eyes drifted down the elf�s body, and then he quickly diverted his gaze, looking to the window and biting his lower lip. Haldir thought the man could not be more attractive, but at seeing his nervousness he turned Faramir�s face back to him. �No, Faramir, you are not in the wrong room. You are right where you are supposed to be,� he leaned forward and kissed Faramir softy on the lips.

Faramir leaned back, away from the elf, looking him in the eyes. When he saw only sincerity reflecting there, he smiled, dropped his clothing, and leaned in to kiss Haldir. The kiss was sweet and slow, each being tentative with the other. Faramir placed his hands on Haldir forearms and slowly slid them up to his biceps, and then up to his shoulders. Feeling emboldened by Haldir�s soft moan, he pulled the elf to him until their bodies were flush.

Haldir gripped Faramir�s waist, bucking slightly as their arousals touched. They broke apart to catch their breaths. �Well, I certainly sobered up quickly,� Faramir chuckled.

�You were really feeling the ale downstairs weren�t you?� Haldir nuzzled his cheek.

�I think I was intoxicated by you, Haldir,� Faramir lowered his head and looked at Haldir through lowered lashes.

�Hmmm�do you still think I am pretty?�

Faramir paled slightly. �Did I really say that?�

�You did but worry not; I knew it was the ale talking,� his hand now lower on Faramir�s hip.

�Maybe pretty is the wrong word,� Haldir looked at him questioningly. �You are beautiful,� Faramir whispered.

Nothing was tentative after that statement. Haldir pulled Faramir down onto the bed, their breathing frantic as they could not get enough of each other. Faramir wanted to test what he had heard about elves, so he kissed up Haldir�s neck, gently sucked in his earlobe and nibbled on the tip of his ear. Faramir grinned as Haldir bucked under him and moaned loudly.

Faramir looked into the elf�s eyes. �So, it is true. Elven ears are very sensitive.�

Haldir narrowed his eyes. �It is true. Now, I want to know if what I hear about humans is true,� Haldir flipped them quickly, and before Faramir knew what was happening, Haldir had taken him fully in his mouth.

�Ummnnngghh�� Faramir�s body contracted.

Haldir looked up at the man and playfully licked his length. �So, it is true that men speak a strange language when they are aroused. What was that?� he grinned.

Faramir chuckled and caressed Haldir�s cheek. �Oh, that was aroused Gondorian for,Sweet Elbereth, please don�t stop.

�Well, by all means then,� he sucked Faramir into his mouth again, swiping his tongue along the thick vein of the man�s erection. Faramir did indeed taste sweet and his scent was intoxicating. He swallowed around the length, burying his nose in the curl hairs at the base of his cock. He pulled off to the tip, sucking hard and bringing Faramir back into his throat.

Faramir was quickly coming undone by the elf. �Oh�Haldir�close, so close,� he moaned.

Haldir sped up his motions, and could feel Faramir�s entire body go rigid. Faramir erupted in his mouth, and cried out his name. Haldir swallowed all his seed and continued licking Faramir until he began to go soft. He slid back up the bed and kissed Faramir deeply.

Across the hall, Boromir and Legolas were trying to catch their breath from their romp. They heard Haldir�s name cried out in passion, and Boromir began to giggle. �Good on you, little brother,� he pulled Legolas closer and kissed him urgently. �Now, it�s my turn, elf,� Legolas smiled as Boromir rolled on top of him.

Faramir was trying to catch his breath and was having difficulty with Haldir kissing him. He gripped Haldir�s hair and pulled his head back. �That was incredible,� he leaned up and nuzzled Haldir�s neck, letting go of the grip on his hair.

�If you liked that, you will certainly enjoy what else I have planned,� Haldir smiled lecherously at him, and slowly slid down Faramir�s body, leaving a trail of kisses along the way. He lifted Faramir�s legs up and pressed them to his chest. He looked at Faramir and licked his lips, watching him as he lowered himself between the man�s legs. He nuzzled Faramir�s balls, and swiped his tongue across the sensitive skin below them. Faramir let his head fall back onto the pillow, and he moaned loudly, unable to believe he was actually here with Haldir. He jumped as Haldir�s tongue touched his quivering hole, and silently pledged to thank his brother endlessly for this opportunity.

Haldir gently pressed Faramir�s knees apart, guiding him to relax his legs. Faramir was trembling slightly in anticipation of what was to come. Haldir wrapped his hands around the outside of Faramir�s legs, hoping to calm him some. He kissed the man�s inner thighs, playfully nudging his balls with his nose, and swiped the flat of his tongue across the tight ring of muscle. He watched as the hole clenched, and again used his tongue to coax the ring to relax.

Faramir was moaning constantly, his head tossing form side to side. His breathing was ragged, and his once soft member was now rock hard and standing at attention. Haldir pointed his tongue and pressed it into Faramir�s passage. �Ugh,� Faramir grunted. He had never felt anything like this and had never heard of anyone doing this before. He thought it must have been an elvish trick.

�Haldir, please�I need�I want.�

�Yes, Faramir, I need and want you too,� Haldir reached for the oil at the bed side, poured a little on Faramir, and coated his fingers, working them gently into Faramir. He had no desire to hurt the men, but his desire was beginning to win out over his control. Hoping Faramir was prepared enough; he slicked his own hard erection and placed the head at the man�s opening. He leaned forward and kissed Faramir, slowly pressing into his tight passage.

�By the Valar, Faramir, you are so tight, so hot,� Haldir grunted as he filled the man fully.

Faramir�s eyes were tightly closed, his face in a slight grimace. �Burns��

�Sshh, pen melui, it will pass. I promise,� Haldir kissed Faramir�s eyes, and then nuzzled his cheek.

Slowly, Haldir began to thrust, and soon Faramir was moving with him, urging him to thrust harder. They moved as if they were made for one another, in perfect harmony. They locked eyes and did not break their gaze and their movement became faster, more frantic. Suddenly, Faramir cried out, splashing their stomachs with his seed, followed soon by Haldir. He arched roughly, grunting loudly as he filled his lover completely.

Exhausted and sated, they lay side by side. Faramir grabbed a towel near the bed and cleaned them both. Haldir pulled Faramir flush to him, kissing his cheeks, stroking his back, and then kissing him deeply before they fell into a deep sleep.

Boromir and Legolas quietly closed the door to Haldir and Faramir�s room, grinning as they walked down stairs to break their fast. They had already decided to stay at least one more night at the inn, and then travel back to Ithilien and Minas Tirith together. Legolas decided he should see Aragorn, and that would give him more time with Boromir, and by the look on Haldir and Faramir�s faces as they slept, Haldir was going to enjoy Ithilien very much.

Haldir woke to a very warm body next to him. He looked up to see Faramir smiling. �How long have you been awake?�

�Just a little while. I think I could get used to this,� he said nervously, not sure how Haldir was feeling about what had happened.

Haldir snuggled closer to Faramir�s side, and kissed his neck. �Good, because I am already used to this. I think I will enjoy waking up by your side quite often,� he thrust his hips against Faramir�s, his morning erection poking the man�s side. Faramir�s desire had already made itself know while he watched Haldir sleeping.

Faramir rolled to his side, facing Haldir and their erections pressed together. �Oh, yes, I can definitely get used to this.�

They never made it to breakfast.


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