Expect the Unexpected by Naurring
Title: Expect the Unexpected
Author: Naurring
Email: [email protected]
Beta:Andrannath Mirdaneg
Rating: R
Pairing: Erestor/Glorfindel
Warnings: None

Request: Author's Choice

Summary: Glorfindel realizes that he knows some people far less than he thought he did.


"Erestor! Are you in there again?" Surprised Erestor lifted his head. His gaze fell on Glorfindel, who leaned against the doorway, arms crossed and shaking his head.

"As you can see," the black haired elf answered, returning his attention to the letter he had been writing.

Glorfindel sighed and moved away from the door into the room. "One day you will fade, being always in the inside. Or the house will collapse and bury you." He sat down on the desk, effectively keeping Erestor from writing.

"I doubt anybody is in reach to be even hit by a dust corn when the house collapses." He tried to shove Glorfindel away with his arm, but the warrior had no intention to move and kept sitting where he was.

"Still," he insisted, "it simply cannot be healthy for an elf to not go outside. Always you are sitting in your study, working, and if not, you teach the children. When was the last time you visited the gardens, Erestor? A month ago?"

Erestor briefly considered the question. "Perhaps two." He didn�t tell Glorfindel that he had been swimming in one of the great pools the waterfalls created just the other night. That was not what Glorfindel had been asking for, after all.

"See?" Glorfindel stated triumphantly. "Erestor, you need to go outside!" Firmly he plucked the quill out of the advisor�s hand and took the letter away from him. "We will go outside now. We could walk in the gardens. Or at the Bruinen. Or we could go to the training fields and spar!"

Erestor laughed dryly, reaching out to take the quill back. "Surely not!"

"Why?" Swiftly Glorfindel moved the quill out of Erestor�s reach. "Don�t you know how to wield a sword?" He paused a moment. "I suppose not. You�ve never done anything else than being an advisor, haven�t you?"

"You think too low of me, Glorfindel. Or too high of yourself. Of course I know how to fight." Erestor reached for a bundle of papers and began looking through them, now that his letter was out of reach.

"Then I don�t see your problem. If you know how to fight, you can spar with me!"

"Glorfindel, believe me, you don�t really want me to do that."

"I will be careful; you don�t have to fear being wounded."

Erestor sighed and put the papers in his hands down. "I don�t fear being hurt, I fear that *you* will be hurt!"

Glorfindel�s laughter echoed in the room. "You are afraid that you will wound me?" Slowly he calmed down, a chuckle occasionally breaking forth. "I doubt that you would even have the slightest chance against me. Let alone beating and wounding me!"

A dangerous smile appeared on the advisor�s face. "I would not be so sure of that. You would be surprised by the outcome."

The broad grin on Glorfindel�s features vanished abruptly. "Prove it."


"Prove it. You say that your fighting skills outlast even mine, who has slain a Balrog. Prove it to me."

Erestor�s eyes twinkled dangerously. "Is that a challenge?"

"It is," confirmed the blond warrior. "And after you have lost against me, you have to be my servant for a whole day, as a punishment for your haughtiness."

Erestor�s expression was a bit unnerving, but he paid no attention to it. "And if I win you will do the same for me?" he asked carefully.

"If you win or even manage to stand your ground against me for some minutes, I will do whatever you want for one day."

"Agreed. This afternoon, then?"

Glorfindel was surprised how quickly Erestor had given in. He felt the joy of his victory well up inside of him and jumped up from the desk.

Erestor reached for his letter and quill which Glorfindel had left on the desk and started writing again.

"I see you in the afternoon, then," the blond repeated, already at the door. "I�ll wait for you on the training fields. Don�t you dare to back down."

Erestor shook his head over Glorfindel�s enthusiasm. He was so sure of his victory. Well, he would be very surprised.


Grinning Erestor knelt on the floor, rummaging through a big chest. He was nearly as excited as Arwen, when the child was presented with a cake. The comparison was not that bad, after all he would get a most delicious sweet as well.

"There you are," Erestor whispered lovingly when he finally found what he had been looking for, lifting a bright elvish blade out of the chest. He closed the lid again and rose to take care of the sword. Carefully he unwrapped the clothes protecting the blade, gently polishing it. It seemed to have been ages ago that he had last looked at the sword, but it were definitely decades.

Erestor had no scabbard for the sword; it had been lost together with the weapon the last time he had fought in a war. The blade had been found later on the battlefield � a warrior had recognized the inscriptions and brought it back to him � and the dark haired elf was very thankful for that. He loved his sword dearly and many a time had it saved his life.

And today it would, once again, show his invaluable worth and bring the blond warrior to his bed.

Gently Erestor laid the sword down on a table and turned to his bed to make it ready for his prize. He fetched the finest and softest sheets, placed a variety of oils on his nightstand and also laid out a few clothes and ribbons, just in case his prize needed a little persuasion to stay in his bed.

He felt nearly a bit sorry for his friend. Glorfindel was far too innocent for his own good and probably wouldn�t have thought of sex as a reward even when Erestor had stood naked and aroused in front of him.

Erestor just hoped that he was not *too* innocent for he really did not want to deflower the blond. What a first time would that be?

No, if Glorfindel really did not want to sleep with him, he would ask something else from him. But he counted on the fact that Glorfindel had sex now and then and would keep his promise.

Finishing his preparations, Erestor picked up his sword again and left the room for the training fields.


Patiently Glorfindel waited on the training fields. With the elegance of an elven warrior he moved over the ground, swinging his sword. He had to practice a bit before their fight. After all, Erestor was very inexperienced and he didn�t want to hurt him, so he had to adjust his strokes.

He felt a bit guilty for making Erestor lose but he was glad the advisor finally went out. All he did was sitting in his office and work. No matter when Glorfindel looked in on him, he was always slouched over some letters or documents. He really needed this fight.

Whilst practicing his fighting style, he thought about what he would do with Erestor for the one day. Perhaps he could let him do his paperwork; that was something the advisor was really skilled in. On the other hand, Erestor would probably love it and be inside again. A ride to the Bruinen perhaps, and a nice picnic there. Yes, that sounded good.

He stopped in his practice when he saw the figure of an elf advancing on him out of the corner of his eyes. He turned around and waved in welcome, recognizing his friend. "Good afternoon, Erestor," he greeted him. He studied his friend who was for once not clad in one of his robes but in leggings and a tunic. He had to admit that Erestor really had lovely legs. Hidden under the robes he had never noticed before.

"Here," he said, picking something up from the edge of the training field. "I brought you a sword." The slender blade bore visible signs of use and was by far not as beautiful and magnificent as Erestor�s own sword.

Smiling Erestor shook his head and Glorfindel let the arm with the sword sink to his side, confused. "I don�t need it," the advisor replied.

Glorfindel�s gaze fell upon the weapon at Erestor�s side, his eyes widening at the sight.

"Where did you get that from? Whose sword is it?" The blond dropped the superfluous blade and reached out to take the sword Erestor held in his hand. Smiling the dark haired elf handed it over to him and watched as Glorfindel studied and examined the splendid blade. "That�s a masterpiece!"

Glorfindel was astonished. "Rarely have I seen such a magnificent sword! And the inscription! It is as delicate as if it was drawn with a quill! It�s really old, isn�t it?" he whispered in wonder. "Now tell me, whom does it belong to?"

Pleased, Erestor had watched how the warrior caressed the shiny blade. He hadn�t expected that. He had thought that the advisor had never even seen a sword in his whole life and now Erestor turned up with a weapon as masterly crafted as one could wish for. His confidence in his own and in Erestor�s apparently nonexistent skills already swayed a little. Erestor couldn�t hide his broad grin. This was going to be a lot of fun.

"It is my sword." Carefully he took it back, looking lovingly at the blade. "Celebrimbor himself wrought it a long time ago." The blond�s eyes nearly bulged from their sockets.

"*Yours*?" He wouldn�t have been surprised to hear that Erestor kept a goat in his room or had been a woman once. But that he actually owned a *sword*? By all means, Erestor? And even one made by Celebrimbor?

"Sure. It is a very good sword." Gently Erestor caressed the blade with the tip of one finger, cutting himself in the process. He watched how Glorfindel flinched when the small wound opened and blood welled forth. "It has often proven its worth and been of much service. Many a battle have we fought together."

Glorfindel�s proud form had slumped visibly and he stared uneasily at his opponent, whom he had assumed to be helpless and who now stood with such a formidable blade. He saw his picnic moving into far distance.

"You fought in a battle?" he asked weakly.

"I did," confirmed the former warrior. "I settled down to being an advisor after the Last alliance. Seeing Gil-galad burn to death has somewhat weakened my wish to fight."

Erestor had really fought. In the front line. What on Arda had he gotten himself into?

"Well." Abruptly, Erestor lowered his sword. "Shall we begin to spar now? I�m not here to talk. That we can do in my room afterwards."

Glorfindel involuntarily straightened his back and tightened his grip on his own sword. "But of course." He swallowed hard, glancing at Erestor�s gleaming blade, whilst they moved in position. Erestor�s weapon was much sharper than his own sword and presented a danger that was not to be underestimated. And he knew nothing about his opponent�s fighting skills and style.

He didn�t have much time to think about this, though, for Erestor didn�t lose any time, attacking him. Glorfindel had just enough time to jerk his sword up to block Erestor�s stroke, stumbling back, surprised at the force with which the advisor handled the weapon.

Soon, he realized that Erestor was a worthy opponent, his fighting skills equalling the blond�s own. For several minutes the two elves moved over the training field, the sounds of their swords meeting with a loud clattering echoing over the field.

Erestor enjoyed himself immensely. He had completely forgotten how good it felt to hold a sword in hand and to fight with it. He held himself back a bit, as he didn�t want Glorfindel to lose in the first seconds and to see that he didn�t stand a chance. He watched how the blond moved, studied the elegant curves of his body. They both had shed shirts before starting the fight and he had perfect view of the blond�s muscular chest. Tiny drops of sweat clung to the smooth skin and the rosy nipples looked most tempting.

Erestor decided to end the fight. They could play this game for hours, but he didn�t want to wait that long. He wanted his prize now.

Glorfindel suddenly found himself lying flat on his back with Erestor�s foot on his chest and the tip of his sword at his throat. Stunned, he looked at the shiny metal.

"I think I won, didn�t I?" Erestor asked with a grin.

The warrior�s eyes slowly moved up to look at his face, the wonder and disbelief clearly visible in them.

Erestor took his foot and sword away and reached to Glorfindel, offering to help him up.

Slowly the blond sat up and accepted his friend�s hand. Quickly he was pulled to his feet. Erestor had a broad grin on his face and looked rather pleased. "You beat me," Glorfindel murmured, still trying to understand that this had really happened.

"I did," the dark haired elf confirmed. "Now, Glorfindel." He crossed his arms in front of his chest, looking strictly at the warrior. "Are you going to keep your promise? You will do everything I ask of you for a whole day?"

Glorfindel shook his head. This simply couldn�t be. Erestor had really beaten him. How on Arda did that happen? The advisor raised an eyebrow and Glorfindel realized that he had accidentally answered his question.

"Of course," he hastily replied. "I�ll do as you ask. When does the day begin?" Inwardly, he could have throttled Erestor. Or rather himself. There was nobody in Imladris who could beat him in a fight. Probably not even in L�rien or Mirkwood � at least he loved to think so. And now this advisor, who never set a foot outside and hadn�t held a sword in decades, came along and beat him without any effort?

"Now," Erestor stated and motioned for Glorfindel to follow him. "You will really do what I ask of you? Anything? Without complaint?"

"I won�t jump of the top of the waterfall or anything like that. But, yes, Erestor, I�ll really do it. I said so before the fight and usually I keep my promises."

He didn�t like the smirk on the others face one bit upon hearing this. "Good. Very good."

Glorfindel�s worry grew. Why was Erestor so pleased to hear this? "Erestor," he carefully asked. "What exactly do you want me to do?"

"You�ll see soon enough." Great. Just great. This answer was really helpful. He did as he was told and followed Erestor through the house. He soon realized that they were heading for the advisor�s room.

Erestor was all mysterious silence, walking quietly through the corridors. Inwardly, he felt extremely satisfied that his prey had gone into his net and he couldn�t wait to reach his chamber and waited for Glorfindel until he entered himself, closing the door behind him. As soon as the blond stepped inside he ordered, "Strip."

The warrior turned to him, eyes big with disbelief. "I beg your pardon?"

"Strip," Erestor repeated. He placed his sword on a board and waited for Glorfindel to follow his order.

Glorfindel�s gaze fell on the bed and suddenly he knew what Erestor had in mind. "Erestor!" he exclaimed. "You can�t be serious!"

"I am," the dark haired elf replied. "And you better strip now or I�ll do it myself. Or have you reconsidered and want do back away from your promise?"

Glorfindel�s eyes flickered between the big bed and Erestor. He really wanted him to sleep with him. How in Arda had he gotten himself into this? At first he wanted to scream �Yes, yes, I have reconsidered!� But that would mean to break his promise. The thought of having to sleep with Erestor made him slightly uneasy. He had never suspected that Erestor might want something like that.

Studying Erestor, Glorfindel had to admit that his friend was very fair of face, though. He had never thought of Erestor in that way but the longer he did now, the more he had to admit that it was not the worst thing to sleep with the advisor. Slowly he started to strip until he stood naked in front of Erestor.

Erestor seemed to like what he saw, his gaze swept over the blond�s body and a pleased smile adorned his face. "Lay down on the bed," he ordered.

Glorfindel turned to do as he was told. He had just leaned back against the pillows when Erestor crawled into bed with him, absolutely naked. The advisor reached over his soon-to-be lover, retrieving a red piece of cloth from the nightstand. "Give me your hands."

Glorfindel raised an eyebrow, but still extended his hands obediently. In one swift motion, they were tied together and bound to the bed over his head. "Want to make sure I don�t escape?"

Erestor grinned at him, wrapping the cloth one last time around the headboard. "Of course. I don�t want to take any risk." He leaned down to the blond and pressed a kiss onto his lips, gently biting into his lower lip. "Don�t worry. I won�t hurt you."

Glorfindel lay completely still as Erestor started to explore his body. Gently he ran his hands over the smooth chest, further down his legs and up his arms.

The warrior moaned softly when his friend started kneading one of his nipples, biting and sucking the other. Erestor�s free hand stroked over his thigh, lightly scraping the skin there with his fingernails. A sharp yelp left Glorfindel�s lips when slender fingers suddenly touched his awakening arousal. "Erestor," he whispered hoarsely.

Erestor�s mouth released the hard nub that was Glorfindel�s nipple, biting, licking and kissing his way up to the blond�s mouth. "Now," he whispered against his lips, gently licking over them. "Not so bad after all, is it?"

All Glorfindel could do was moan loudly. The hand caressing his member felt simply too good. He eagerly returned the kiss that was bestowed onto his lips, the hand formerly massaging his nipple now tangled in his hair, one of the fingers stroking over the tip of his ear.

Erestor was most pleased with the effect he had on the blond. Glorfindel was moaning and writhing beneath him, though he had been so reluctant in the beginning. The advisor spread his prey�s legs, licking his way down the muscular body.

The warrior cried out in ecstasy when a skilled tongue caressed the tip of his member. With expert movements, Erestor licked over the length, taking it deep into his throat, his hands massaging thighs and balls. Glorfindel didn�t notice what was happening when Erestor reached for the nightstand until he felt the tip of a finger press against the entrance to his body. His head jerked but the finger had already pushed inside, slippery with oil.

"What are you doing?" he asked Erestor, eyes fixed on the hand that vanished between his legs.

"What do you think I�m doing?" Erestor said with a grin. He wriggled the finger inside the blond�s body, letting him feel it. "I�m going to fuck you."

"I never agreed to that!" Glorfindel exclaimed, tugging breathlessly at his bonds.

Erestor chuckled. "You agreed to go to bed with me. What did you think would happen here?"

Glorfindel snorted. Of course Erestor was right. How stupid of him not to assume it in the first place. It was not as if he had never had sex in that way before.

Erestor did not waste any time. Whilst he licked at Glorfindel�s member, he quickly prepared his lover. Coating his own arousal with the oil, he positioned himself so that his penis touched the small hole. Glorfindel glared at him whilst Erestor grinned down at him before shoving inside.

Glorfindel let out a small cry when the advisor�s member suddenly filled him. Soon the gentle caresses to his body returned and it wasn�t long until he was moaning again. Giving one last bite to an erect nipple Erestor moved up to claim the blond�s lips shoving himself deep into the warm body beneath him.

He grinned again when Glorfindel let out a loud yelp, arching slightly from the bed. Erestor thrust again, expertly hitting the other�s prostrate. Quick and hard he drove himself into the blond, quickly bringing them both towards orgasm.

Glorfindel moaned loudly when his seed spilled onto the sheets and over the skin of his and Erestor�s stomach. Panting, both of them lay on the bed, slowly recovering from their small encounter.

Erestor pushed himself onto one elbow, brushing a damps strand of raven hair out of his face. "Now," he said, grinning down at Glorfindel. "That wasn�t that bad at all, was it?"

"It was bearable," Glorfindel mumbled in reply. "Barely." Erestor laughed and got out of bed to clean himself. "Will you untie me now?" Demonstratively he pulled at his bonds.

Erestor stopped in the doorway to the bathroom, grinning at him. "I have a whole day with you. Do you really think that I will already release you? I�ve still got much more to do with you." With that, he vanished in the bathroom.

Groaning, Glorfindel let his head fall onto the bed. He had a whole day of this ahead of him.

He was so going to love this day.


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