Erestor’s Begetting Day Gift by Selene Aduial
Title: Erestor’s Begetting Day Gift
Author: Selene Aduial
Email: [email protected]
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Erestor/Gildor
Warnings: None.

Request: Angst is great, but it must have a happy ending; I like 'first time' fics (I do not care who is the virgin); if possible, I really like 'spy' or intelligence-gathering elves.

Summary: Erestor reaches his majority and Gildor has a gift for him.


Ost –in –Edhil

Cerveth 5, 1650 Second Age

The Wandering Company had reached the city just before noon and they were erecting tents of all shapes and sizes.

A group of young elves was staring down from the wall at the encampment that was being built outside the gates of the city.

Or rather the elflings were staring at the elves in the encampment, because they had never seen the elves of the Wandering Company before.

They could only look at them with their mouths hanging open.

Dressed in every colour imaginable and with their multitude of hair colours they were a rare sight to see.

“Do you think we can go down and talk to them?” Cardolan asked the others.

“Why would we want to talk to them? They look strange,” another ellon answered.

“I do not think they look strange,” one of the ellith whispered to her friends, while she was staring at an ellon, who was making his way through the camp. “They look nice.”

“You are right,” her best friend Gwilwileth said with a giggle, following her gaze.

“You can not go down right now, and you know it. Master Ceredir will not like it if you are late for class,” interjected an ellon that had come up behind them.

“Erestor! Why do you have to be such a spoil sport?” Eirein moaned, looking up at the ellon that helped out their teacher.

But they all knew he was right, so with a last wistful look they turned their backs on the camp and started walking towards the small school building.

“I will take you there when lessons are over, I promise,” Erestor told them.

“Have you ever seen them before?” Eirein asked him.

“I have often visited them when they came to the city before, though it has been sometime ago when they were here last,” he answered her. “They are friends of my family, and they can tell great stories about life outside the city.”

When the group reached the school the elflings went straight in, but Erestor looked back at the camp with a wistful look of his own.

Down in the camp the elflings and the older ellon had not gone unnoticed. As a matter of fact the elves were used to the stares of elves that had never seen them before, and they had not been to Ost-in-Edhil for a long time.

“How long do you think it will take, before they will come looking around, captain?” Faron asked the elf standing next to him with a big smile.

“Just about as long as it takes for their lessons to end, mellonen. You know how curious elflings are,” Gildor replied.

Of course Gildor was right. As soon as their afternoon lessons ended the elflings hurried out of the school accompanied by Erestor.

They left the city through the gate and walked towards the encampment.

However when they reached the first of the tents, the elflings stopped and hesitated.

They looked at Erestor. “Can we really go and look?” Cardolan whispered.

Erestor was about to answer that question, when they heard a voice behind them.

“Of course, pen neth. You are all welcome to visit our camp any time you like.”

The elflings turned toward the voice and then took a startled step back.

The sight before them left them with their mouths open, and the youngest elfling gave a squeak before hiding behind Erestor.

There was a tall elf standing right before them, he was dressed in a simple suede brown tunic and moss green leggings of the same material.

On his feet he was wearing sturdy black boots that were travel worn. He had a sword and a knife hanging from his belt. He carried a quiver filled with arrows on his back and a longbow in his hand.

His golden hair was woven into tiny braids with gleaming beads.

He wore several golden rings on his fingers and a big bracelet encircled his left wrist.

The elflings were staring so hard at the elf before them; they never noticed the others that were standing off to the side of him. Until they heard the snickering that is.

“Gildor mellonen, you should not scare them like that,” an elf Erestor knew very well said, clapping a hand on the elf’s shoulders.

“Do not worry, pen neth he does not bite,” he spoke soothingly to the elfling that was peeking out from behind Erestor’s legs.

“Ada! What are you doing here?” Erestor asked rather surprised.

Then he blushed at his own forwardness.

“I mean, I thought you were supposed to be working on the books Lord Celebrimbor ordered,” he added as an explanation, looking down at his feet a bit embarrassed.

His father laughed and squeezed his shoulder. “I have been working on them all day, ionnen.

I decided to stop early and come and visit, you do remember our friend here?”

Erestor looked up and nodded. He turned red again and mumbled, “Hello Gildor.”

Thavron and Gildor looked at each other and smiled.

Then Thavron turned to the elflings, “Go on, do not be shy, go and look around. There are some elflings in the Wandering Company, I am sure they would like to play with you.”

The elflings looked at Erestor and when he nodded they walked of into the camp looking for new playmates.

Erestor could not leave the elflings alone in the camp; after all he was still responsible for them.

So while the elflings spent the rest of the afternoon in and around the Wandering Company’s camp, playing with their children and receiving treats from the cooks, he had looked around the camp and talked with Faron about the Company’s travels and what news they had from the rest of Arda.

He knew that one of the biggest responsibilities of the Wanderers was to gather information for the High King Gil-Galad.

His father had told him about that, and he had also told him that because of that the Wandering Company even travelled through Harad and Rûhn at times.

He had always enjoyed hearing about the rest of Middle Earth and he could not help but wonder what it would be like to travel as far as that.

Suddenly Eirein came running up to where Faron and Erestor were talking.

“Erestor, we are playing catch me. Will you come and play with us?” she asked breathless from running around.

“Thank you for asking, but I am talking with Faron right now.” Erestor replied.

Eirein just shrugged and ran away again.

“Are you sure you would not rather go and play a game with them?” Faron asked him.

Erestor shook his head, “I am sure, I like hearing stories about the world outside of Ost-in-Edhil.”

He would not go out and run around like he was an elfling anymore. Next week he was going to celebrate his 500th begetting day and that meant that he would finally reach his majority.

Faron in the meantime had to admit that he had been enjoying the ellon’s questions and bright mind and so he did not mind that the ellon had refused to join in the game.

He also had to admit that he had been enjoying the ellon’s company for another reason.

He would not make fun of him, but he had laughed to himself when he had noticed that Erestor’s eyes were following their leader everywhere.

Faron could not blame the young elf because Gildor always attracted attention wherever they went.

Sometime later when Faron suddenly stopped talking to him Erestor realised that he had been caught starring at Gildor.

Looking at Faron, he saw him looking at him with a sympathetic grin; he flushed to the tips of his ears and looked down.

Then he quickly got up, thanked Faron for the talk and called out to the elflings. “Alright pin nith; it is almost diner time so we have to return to the city.”

The elflings said goodbye to their new friends and then they made their way back to the city and their diner.

Faron snickered and watched them go. When he turned around to walk back to his tent he noticed that Gildor was looking at him with a smile on his face.

He then realised that their leader knew and he grinned.

Cerveth 12, 1650 Second Age

The afternoon found Erestor looking at himself in the dress mirror in his room when his naneth knocked on the door and came in to his room.

He was wearing the new clothes she had given him earlier that day: a fine velvet burgundy red tunic with a white shirt underneath and a pair of dark grey velvet breeches. On his feet he was wearing a new pair of black leather booths.

His naneth had told him to bathe and get dressed for the feast that would be held for his coming of age that evening.

“The clothes suit you as well as I had hoped, ionnen.” Miriel smiled at her son who was frowning a bit at his reflection. “I know that you would not have picked these colours yourself, but I just knew they would look good on you.”

“The clothes are beautiful Nana. You are right about the colours though. I would never have picked such dark ones for them myself, but I do like them now that I am wearing them.”

“Are you all prepared for the feast?” she asked him.

Erestor looked at his Naneth and turned a little pink at the tips of his ears.

“Not quite Nana. Do you know were Ada is? I would like to ask him something.”

Miriel nodded, “He is in the hall looking after the preparations. I will ask him to join you.”

She left the room and went to look for her spouse; she already knew what her son wanted to talk about. She grinned to herself when she remembered her own majority day celebration.

“What do you find so funny, mellethen?” Thavron asked when he saw her coming in to the hall.

“Your son wants to talk to you and I think it is about the feast. Or should I say it is about the fact that this coming of age means that he is now old enough to ask someone to teach him about bed play. Go help him relax or he will not be able to enjoy this night.”

Thavron nodded his understanding and left the hall to talk to his son.

That evening Erestor had accepted the blessings from the guests, he had danced and talked and really had started to relax and enjoy the night.

He had even been able to ignore the fact that some of the elves were looking at him like he was some kind of trophy. He knew all to well that some of them were hoping to be the one to claim his first time.

Erestor had already decided to not let himself get caught up with them and he just ignored their looks.

Sometime during the evening his father called and waved him over.

With a jolt Erestor had recognized the group of elves standing next to his father, they were from the Wandering Company. He had not known they had been invited for the feast, but he realized that it was logical. After all they had been friends of his family for centuries.

He had gone over to greet them; only when he reached them he noticed someone missing.

Erestor realized that he had hoped Gildor would have come to the feast with his people as well and felt disappointed that he was not..

Later that evening Erestor was standing in a corner talking to some of his friends.

His friends had been trying to get him to go and ask one of the ellith to dance with him.

“Go on Erestor,” Tathar said nudging him, “go and ask Limloeth for a dance. She will not bite you, you know.”

“Not unless you want her to.” Beling added with a wicked grin.

The older ellyn started snickering when they saw Erestor turning red.

Erestor glared at them, they had been teasing him from the moment they had arrived.

He knew he could not complain, because he remembered all to well that six moons ago he had been on the other end, teasing Tathar who had been celebrating his majority day.

“Alright, alright, I give. I will go and ask her to dance with me, if only to make you stop nagging me.” He let out with a sigh, and walked in the direction of the elleth.

He never got to ask her, because when he passed one of the doors that led out into the garden someone suddenly put a hand on his arm.

Erestor looked up surprised and was caught in a pair of bright blue eyes.

“Happy begetting day, pen neth.” Gildor said and smiled at him.

Erestor just stood and stared at him for a moment, then he turned red and mumbled, “Thank you, my Lord.”

Gildor grinned to himself and looked the ellon over. “You know, you look like you could use a bit of fresh air. It is rather warm in the hall.” And with that he led the flustered ellon out into the garden and towards one of the secluded benches.

“Let us sit down here and talk,” he said and pulled the ellon down beside him on the bench, “I never really got to talk to you when you visited our camp last week. You have grown since I last saw you; you were a mere elfling back then.”

Erestor nodded, “I know, that was over a century ago.” Then he blurted out, “I missed you!”

Gildor smiled and put his arm around him, then he pulled him close, “I missed you too, pen neth. And I have a special present for you”

Erestor looked up at Gildor a bit surprised, “you missed me?” then he saw the look in Gildor’s eyes and without even realizing what he was doing he reached up and put his hand against his cheek.

When Gildor turned his face and kissed the palm of his hand he froze for a second, then he let out a gasp. Gildor caught his hand before he could pull away and kissed it again.

“You look so beautiful tonight,” he whispered then.

Erestor swallowed tightly and stared at Gildor. “I do?” he squeaked.

Gildor looked into his eyes and smiled at the bewildered ellon, “Yes, you do.”

“Shall I tell you a little secret?” he asked then. “It is my present for you.”

When he received no reply he nudged the ellon sitting next to him. Erestor startled and realizing he had been staring at Gildor he turned red right up to the tips of her ears.

Gildor snickered and asked, “Do you want to hear my secret?”

When Erestor nodded he continued. “I have been waiting for this night.”

He saw the question forming in the gorgeous indigo eyes that were staring at him again.

“I have wanted you for a long time but I had to wait for you to come of age before I could approach you.”

Erestor shivered when he saw the look in Gildor’s eyes and then he whimpered when his mouth was caught in a searing kiss.

Gildor drew back cursing himself when he heard the sound, to fast. He was moving to fast.

But when he looked at Erestor he realised that the ellon had not whimpered because he was scared, what he saw were eyes wide with surprise and darkened with lust.

Gildor groaned, “Valar, please help me or I will not be able to control myself.”

Erestor’s mouth curved into a hesitant smile and pressed his lips to Gildor’s again.

“Will you teach me?” he asked when they broke apart.

“Valar, yes!” Gildor breathed before pulling Erestor into another kiss. He brushed his tongue over the lips and when they parted for him he deepened the kiss.

When the need for air broke them apart he pulled the ellon to his feet. “Let us find a more private place shall we?”

Erestor nodded and led the way holding the older elf’s hand tightly.

They rounded the house and went in through a side door into the kitchen.

Seeing a flask of red wine standing on a table Gildor grabbed a hold of it and trusted it into Erestor’s hand. He grabbed two glasses and allowed himself to be pulled out of the kitchen, up the stairs and into Erestor’s bedroom.

“Bolt the door pen neth. We do not need any intrusions.” Gildor said taking the wine from him. Erestor blushed again, but did as he was told.

He turned to find Gildor sitting on the sofa by the fireplace in nothing but his breeches holding out a glass of wine to him.

“Take of your tunic and come sit and relax.” He said with a gentle smile.

Erestor took of his tunic but left his shirt; then dropped beside Gildor on the sofa, took the glass and emptied half of it in one big gulp.

“Easy now. You will only get drunk if you drink like that, and I do not want you to fall asleep on me.” Gildor admonished taking a sip of the wine, but Erestor had already emptied his glass.

Plucking the glass from the younger ellon’s hand, Gildor emptied his own glass as well.

Then he turned towards the youngling. “Are you scared?” he asked, and when Erestor shook his head he added, “Or are you nervous?”

When Erestor looked at his lap he lifted the ellon’s head back up. “I would never do anything you do not want, so you do not have to be nervous,” he told him.

Then he kissed him again. A sweet kiss that quickly became more demanding when he pushed his tongue into the younger elf’s mouth.

When he pulled back Erestor’s eyes fluttered open, and he smiled at him.

Then they kissed again and he heard the ellon moan softly.

He pulled him closer to him and hands encircling his waist and snaking up across his back.

Another moan sounded and Gildor moved to nibble at one peaked ear making the ellon in his arms whimper.

He let out a groan when he felt Erestor’s hands tangle in his hair and the young one copied his actions by taking the tip of his ear into his mouth and nibble on it.

Gildor pulled away and nibbled his way down Erestor’s throat, biting down and suckling the skin leaving oval bruises.

His hands were pulling at the waist line of the ellon’s shirt. “Take this off as well.” he whispered.

Erestor allowed the shirt to be pulled over his head and Gildor dropped it to the floor.

Then he smoothed his hands down the raised arms and over the pale chest rubbing the nipples on the way down, drawing a gasp from the younger elf’s mouth. “Ai, Gildor.”

Gildor smiled and brought his hands back up and he rubbed them again, feeling them pebble against his palm. He was rewarded with a moan and Erestor let his head fall back. “O Valar, that feels nice.” He grounded out.

Gildor licked at the right nipple, then sucked it. Another moan escaped the young elf and he moved to the left nipple to do the same. His hands were roaming over the elf’s chest and stomach caressing him.

Then he moved up and kissed him again. He sat back and looked at the young ellon.

Erestor was leaning against the back of the sofa looking at him with eyes that shone like stars and had turned nearly black with desire.

He stood. “Let us move to the bed, pen neth.” He said pulling him to his feet.

And then he led him towards the bed where he pushed him down to sit on the edge.

He started kissing him again, and then started to slowly kiss his way down his throat and further down his chest and stomach.

Erestor fell back onto the bed lost in the sensations Gildor was creating. “Please,” he begged, though he did not know what he was begging for.

He was so enthralled by the kisses he did not even notice that the laces of his breeches were opened, freeing his straining erection.

Suddenly he sat back up when he felt a warm hand encircle him.

He looked at Gildor sitting kneeled in front of him and then let out a shuddering breath when Gildor leaned forward and licked the slit at the tip of his member.

He fell back on the bed moaning when the tip was taken into a moist warm mouth.

Gildor sucked the tip and then he engulfed Erestor completely.

“Gildor … that feels so good … I am going to … oh, God please.” The younger elf was panting out.

Gildor lifted his head to look at the elf and said “Come for me, pen neth.” Before taking him back into his mouth.

Erestor did not last long, he arched his back and with a howl he spilled his cream into the eager mouth.

Gildor moved up his body and kissed him. Erestor tasted his own release in the kiss.

Gildor pulled the elf further on to the bed before he would slide of the side of the bed and down to the ground.

He slipped of the bed and went into the bathing room and looked around. When he found what he was looking for, he grabbed the vial of oil and returned to the bed.

Erestor looked up at him a bit dazed; Gildor smiled, leaned over and kissed him.

“Raise your hips a bit please,” he said; getting a confused look he added, “So I can take of your breeches, pen neth.”

Erestor did as he was told, looking up at Gildor, eyes wide with expectation.

Gildor stood up and slipped out of his own breeches as well. He hissed when the cool air brushed his straining member.

Erestor looked at him and he swallowed tightly. Gildor smiled at the ellon and lay down beside him.

He pulled the younger elf into his arms and kissed him, a long lingering kiss.

When he felt him relax into the kiss; he started brushing his hands down the ellon’s body again.

Erestor’s body reacted immediately and he could feel something stir against his thigh.

He moved down the body again, kissing and nipping at the smooth pale flesh.

He moved in between the ellon’s thighs and brushed his hands and mouth over his member.

Then he moved lower licking over the sac and then he moved even lower licking the puckered opening.

Erestor gasped at the sensation that the tongue was creating. “Gildor … yes.”

Gildor pulled the stopper from the vial and poured some oil on his fingers.

He licked the ellon’s erection again, making him gasp for air.

He rubbed his oiled fingers over the puckered opening, pressing al little harder every time.

Then he slowly pressed one finger inside while he kept looking at Erestor’s face for any signs of discomfort.

When he saw none, he started moving the finger in and out, adding another finger when he felt the muscle relax more.

Scissoring his fingers he sucked the ellon’s member into his mouth.

Erestor was writing on the bed, moaning and gasping for breath.

Then fingers brushed over a spot within and he nearly jumped of the bed. “God … that was … Gildor … please”

Gildor quickly finished preparing the ellon, and then he oiled his own shaft, hissing at the sensation.

He kneeled between Erestor’s legs and took hold of his hips.

He slowly pushed into the velvet warmth and groaned. “Ai, Erestor you feel so good.”

When he was fully sheeted he waited, so Erestor could adjust to his size.

Only when Erestor started moving against him; he slowly pulled back and shoved back in.

He kept a slow rhythm until the ellon started begging him for something; though he did not even know what he was begging for.

Gildor let go of his control then and soon the chamber was filled with gasps and moans spilling out of both elves.

When he felt he was reaching his climax Gildor took Erestor’s erection in his hand and started stroking him; sending the ellon over the edge again, his seed spilling over his hand.

The resulting spasms in the velvet warmth that was gloving him sent Gildor over the edge too and he spilled his cream inside the elf’s body.

He fell on top of the young ellon panting hard, when he felt his erection softening; he pulled out of the warm body beneath him.

He rolled onto his back pulling Erestor in to his embrace. “Did you like my begetting day gift for you?” he asked smiling.

The ellon looked in his lover’s eyes and kissed him.

“I loved the gift and I love you Gildor,” he whispered before falling asleep.

Gildor looked at the precious gift the Valar had given him and smiled.

The End.

Elvish translations:
Cerveth – July:
Ellon - elf (male) :
Ellith – elves (female) :
Pen neth – young one:
Mellonen – my friend:
Ada – dad:
Ionnen – my son:
Pin nith – young ones:
Naneth – mother:
Nana – mom:
Mellethen – my love (female) :
Ellyn – elves (male) :

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