Wondrous Winter

Author: Gwaelinn
Beta: none
Email: [email protected]
Rating: PG13-NC17
Pairing: Legolas/Surprise
Warnings: Slash, AU
Request: Legolas is hunting and gets lost in a sudden snow storm. Who is his mysterious savior?
Written for: Ignoble Bard

Summary: none given.

Author's Note: Sorry this was delayed. The original was lost when my computer crashed. Happy Holidays!

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Snow and cold are not something that elves worry about, however, that does not mean that they do not appreciate a warm cozy environment on a blustery winter�s day.� Thoughts of this nature were winding their way through Legolas� mind, bringing a smile to his face.� He had left Imladris at dawn under sunny skies.� As the day progressed, the clouds began to gather and a frigid wind crept over the mountains.� Blue eyes scanned the horizon.� The prince hopped that the weather would hold long enough for him to meat up with his lover.� A good winter storm is always more enjoyable.� He smiled again.

Legolas thought back to his Majority celebration, which was the first time he laid eyes on his hearts desire.� The night of his Majority, he lost his heart to one of the oldest, most fair, and noble elves on all Arda.�

**(10 years earlier)**

His older brother laughed as he patted his shoulder.

�Oh brother dear, do not set your self up for heart break!� Not only is he above your station, he is always with a beautiful ellith on his arm.�

�I am a prince.� How can �he� be above me?�� Legolas had whined.

�A prince yes, but only because great grandfather founded this realm and called himself king.� The Vanya is of blood relation to the ancient line of kings�not to mention he has seen the light of Aman.� I love you dearly little brother and you will make a fine mate, but find someone closer to your age and standing.�� With a brotherly hug, the crown-prince left his brother to think things over.

Legolas had known his brother meant well and was right, but still his heart fluttered at the sound of the mellow laugh.� He could not keep his eyes off his Fathers honored guest.�

**(Back in the present)**

His Majority celebration seemed so long ago, yet 10 years is nothing to an elf.� So much had changed.� He had seen much of Arda, learned from both the Edain and Eldar.� He had even managed to keep relations pleasant in Imladris despite a certain young ellyth�s constant attempts to get into his pants.� Arwen was incorrigible!� The Prince sighed, well, that ordeal was over and now it would be him and his lover for a whole month!� This would be the longest visit with his lover yet!� Legolas� musings kept him from noticing the decline of the weather.� When he came back to himself, the sky was filled with dark foreboding clouds.� He chuckled as past memories came back to him�

**(Two weeks after Legolas� Majority.)**

If he could just find the stag!� There was to be a feast tomorrow, as a closing to his coming of age celebrations.� That meant that the elf who captured his heart would leave.� Legolas had to find a way to get noticed�well as something other than a youngling.

The young elf set out a dawn; the air was bitter, but the sun was rising.� It was the perfect day to hunt.� He packed a few supplies, his bow and knives and left without a word.� He had been walking for most of the morning without spotting the stag or anything worth shooting.� By late morning, he found deer tracks and set out to follow them.� He was so intent on finding his prey that he forgot to keep an eye on his surroundings or the sky.� The terrain had become rockier and more uneven and a cold wind blew ominous clouds across the sun.� Still the Prince tracked on.� He stopped briefly for a light lunch.� It was then that he noticed the change in the weather.� It had begun to snow.� Elves, however, were affected little by the elements so Legolas continued his hunt, moving closer to the foot hills.

Back at the palace, a worried king paced the throne room.

�Peace sire.� I am sure Legolas is fine.� He is a skilled tracker.� You, yourself, said he knows these woods better than anyone.�

The king looked at his longtime friend and mentor.� �That still does not stop a parent from worrying.� I wish he would have taken someone with him.� The weather changes so suddenly this time of year; Legolas knows that.� Furthermore, dark creatures have begun to seep into our fair wood.�

�Would you feel better if someone were to go look for him?� The elf cast the king a knowing look.

The king grasped the Vanya�s shoulder.� �You are a dear friend.� Are you sure you do not mind?� Legolas can be difficult to track, but you are the master.� I feel a great storm brewing, bring him home soon.�

The blond smiled as the king sighed and sat on his throne.� It would be fun tracking the young prince.� Tales reached far and wide of the prince�s stealth and ability to move undetected.� Anyway, it would give him a chance to visit with the handsome ellon with out prying eyes.

Legolas was finding it hard to see through the blustering snow.� He had long ago lost the deer tracks.� It was time to head home.� The storm had taken him by surprise and was making traveling difficult.� The young elf was wishing he had taken a horse.� Actually, he was wishing he had never stepped out of the castle.� He could hardly see more than a foot in front of him and the wind nearly knocked him off his feet.� He had only a light winter cloak and normal hunting boots.� The cold was quickly seeping in.� He shivered.� He stumbled and fell several times on the uneven ground, each time the snow stinging his hands.� He began having problems with his eyes, the wind forcing frozen tears to flow and the bright snow was blinding.� The young prince began to feel the first tendrils of fear as he recalled stories of so called snow blindness leading even experienced elves to their frozen doom.� He stumbled again, but this time did not fall.� A pair of powerful arms caught him and a gentle voice spoke to him.� He felt himself lifted on a horse.� Ha warm body soon held him tight and wrapped a heavy mantle about him.� Legolas felt safe and loved.� He snuggled deeper into the mysterious warmth which earned him a chuckle from his savior.� It was not until several days of rest that Legolas� sight returned to normal and he learned who his rescuer was.� The poor young prince was mortified!

He visited the prince during his recovery often, noticing the sheepish look in the bright blue eyes.

�What troubles you?�� The ancient elf asked.


�Legolas, it could have happened to anyone.�

�Not you.�� The prince ground out.� �I am nothing but a foolish child in your eyes.� You never would have gotten into such a situation.�� Tears stung the prince�s eyes and he looked away in embarrassment.� The one who made his body sing was the one who found him.� There was no hope now, of that Legolas was certain.

His companion laughed.� �Let me tell you a little secret Legolas.� I have been in the same situation and I was WELL past my majority.�

Legolas looked up wide eyed.� �You do not need to make up stories.�

The prince loved the sound of his secret loves laugh.� �I am not making up stories.� I will tell you what happened.� Then I will wait here while you call in anyone of my traveling companions.� They will attest to the truth of my tale.�

Legolas nodded.� It would be nice to know that this great, wonderful, handsome, kind, wise and ancient lord also made his share of mistakes.

That was the beginning of a great friendship.� Sure enough, Legolas learned that age did not always play a part in foolish decisions�or that it played a part in the ability to be friends.� The Vanya stayed a few weeks extra, spending it mostly with the young prince.� It came to be that you would not see one without the other.� And, as is the case with royals, the rumors began to circulate.� The prince and his friend would just smile and wave off the gossip.� Let people think what they wanted�the two friends knew the truth.

In the end, it was the Vanya who suggested Thranduel let his youngest son see the rest of the world.� He offered to accompany Legolas to LothLorien.� The elder elf convinced the king that it would be good for the prince to learn the role of diplomat.� The fact that it meant he would be able to keep the prince�s company was beside the point.

Thranduel however was not blind.� He could see the growing attraction between his son and his former mentor.� It pleased him, though.� They would make a fine match and there could be no one better for Legolas.� They Vanya would make a loyal and doting lover.� Knowing this, the King agreed.� Legolas left the wood that following spring with is soon to be lover.�

As agreed, he had traveled to the realm of the Lady of Light.� He had spent three years in Loth Lorien followed by three years in Imladris.� In those years he had seen his lover a total of 4 times and never for more than a day of two.

**(Back in the present)**

The wind was beginning to howl and a heavy snow began to fall steadily.� He shivered despite himself.� � He quickly found an over hang and settled in for the night.� If all went well, he would reach his destination by tomorrow evening.�

A dark dawn met him and the storm continued to rage.� Legolas pressed forwarded, the thought of a strong, warm body holding him tightly, chasing the chill from his frozen body keeping his spirits up.



He lived for more ages than he cared to remember.� He had seen the light of Aman, left it to follow his kinswoman, fought the Dark One in several wars, saw the reforming of Arda, loved and lost.� He spent his days wandering the wilds of Arda, gathering and sharing information with all the races. He loved life and lived it to the fullest, even to the point of being called flamboyant and extravagant.�

Ten years ago the Valar blessed him with a treasure beyond compare.� The young prince of Mirkwood had stolen his heart the moment he heard the gentle voice.� When he had turned to see who spoke, he lost all sense of time and thought.� Legolas was enchanting.� It was the night of the prince�s majority.� The young ellon was garbed in rich emerald green robes which made his hair glow a soft gold.� The crown of fall maple and oak and bright red berries made the young one look like a servant of Yavanna.� They had talked late into the night and Legolas proved himself to be adventurous and free spirited�

The Vanya sighed.� The prince would be the perfect mate for him.� He had taught Legolas the physical art of Love, this solstice he planned on bringing up the more intense love of the fea.� He hoped the prince would consent to bind with him.



Legolas road into the camp amidst the swirling snow.� Other than the sentries on duty, the Prince was greeted by no one.� He dismounted in front of a dark blue tent.� He removed his pack and the lead ropes from his horse and turned it loose to seek warmth and shelter with the other animals.� He then pushed open the flap and stepped into the warmth.

�Meleth.�� Was all he said.

Gildor spun around to face his snow covered lover.� In three strides he covered the distance, pulling the prince close and kissing him soundly.

Legolas laughed and pulled away.� �Keep that up and I will thaw in no time.�

�That is the plan.�� came the husky reply.� �Come, you will feel better when I am done with you.�� Gildor pulled Legolas to the center of the tent, near a small fire and began to remove his traveling cloak and overlay.� �There are hot springs here.� A warm bath will help.� Come, remove the rest of your clothing.�� Gildor went to a chest and retrieves two heavy cloaks.� �These will keep us warm to and from the springs.�

Legolas quickly divested and wrapped the warm fabric close to his body.� He would have preferred to be wrapped up in Gildor�s arms but there was no rushing the Vanya.� It was clear he had a plan.� After removing his close also, the Lord of the Wandering Company led the way out into the storm.� They walked about 20 years.� A fog engulfed them and Legolas could smell the minerals from the hot spring.

�Here love, let me help you.�� Gildor Stopped at the edge of a steaming pool.� He took the Prince�s cloak and carefully hung it from a branch.� He chuckled as Legolas rushed into the warm water, hissing as it touched his chilled flesh.� Gildor followed suite.� The two sat side by side in the pool in comfortable silence, both content to be in each other�s presence.� In time, Gildor reached over and pulled Legolas to sit in front of him.� He began to gently massage his lover�s muscles.� Legolas sighed in bliss.� Powerful hands kneaded and caressed the smooth skin.� The gypsy�s hands moved from the shoulders, down the arms, sliding forward to work up the ripple abdomen and chest.� Gildor leaned forward, his breath caressing the sensitive point of the prince�s ear.� �I have dreamed of your body pressed against mine every night.�� Gildor let his tongue slide along his lover�s ear.� �The things I want to do to you�can you feel what it does to me?�

Legolas trembles and moaned with desire.� With out thinking he pressed back, feeling a rigid shaft pressing against his buttock.� �I want you.�� He rasped.� �Now.�

Gildor let his hands drop to the prince�s thighs and began to work on those muscles.� �In time, beloved.� For now let me just enjoy the feel of your body, the tightness of your muscles, the quiver of your skin as I touch you�here.�� Legolas gasped as strong fingers ghosted over his quickly growing erection.� He felt teeth nibble at his collar bone.� He let his head fall to the side, allowing for better access.� The young prince reached up and grasped the back of Gildor�s head, fisting the dark golden hair.

Continuing to suckle on the collar bone, Gildor let on hand slide over a hardened nipple and the other to stroke the now rigid shaft.� Legolas wreathed against his lover�s slick body, begging and moaning with desire.� �Oh penneth!� You have relit the passion in my.� I desire you as no other.��

Legolas attempted to turn in his lovers arms, but was held fast.� �I want to kiss you, to feel you.�� He begged.

Gildor chuckled.� �You will have your chance; but now is my time to play.�� He tightened his grip on the Prince�s member and began long slow strokes.� Legolas was beautiful in his wanton state.� His hips began to thrust.� Gildor used this to his advantage.� Moving his other hand, he slid it between their bodies.� As Legolas thrust forward, Gildor positioned his hand.� As the prince brought his hips back, he found himself impaled on a finger. He cried out with desire.� Gildor began to work his finger in time with the strokes�always slow and long.� He carefully added a second finger and brushed that magical bundle deep inside.� Legolas screamed his passion, pushing back on the wicked fingers, begging for more, for faster, for release.� Gildor was temped to take the prince right there, but he had other plans.� For now, he wanted to bring his precious one to ecstasy.� He began to quicken the pace.� He added a third finger and brushed the sweet spot repeatedly.� With an arching of the back and a primal scream, Legolas came hard in his lover�s hand.� Whispering words of love, Gildor cradled the spent body.

�How I have missed your passion, meleth.� Let us return to my tent now.� I am sure we will find a warm meal when we return.�� Legolas could only nod.� Never had he felt so totally boneless.� With a bit of help, he exited the pool, wrapped the cloak around him and followed his lover.

When they entered the tent, they were met with the aroma of fresh stew.� Gildor stoked the small fire and uncovered the tray with their meal.� He carefully carried it to his bedding and set it down.� He then took the cloak from the Prince.�� Legolas got the hint and move to the bedding, he scooted under the satin comforter and waited for Gildor to join him.� Blue eyes went wide as they took in the naked form of the gypsy king.� He had forgotten just who splendid a physical specimen his lover was.� Gildor was tall like Glorfindel but not as powerfully muscled.� His golden mane brushed the small of his back and his eyes were the most intense shade of aquamarine.� Though he was nearly as old as dirt, his face was fair and youthful.� Unlike many of the other Eldar, Gildor never seemed to loose his youthful disposition.� It was one of the things Legolas loved most about the Vanya.� Patting the space beside him, the prince invited his lover to join him.� Gildor slid between the blankets, reclining on his elbow.� He passed Legolas a bowl of stew and fresh bread.� They spent their meal time catching up with all that had happened since they last met.� When the bowls were emptied, Gildor set them aside and reached for Legolas.� He pulled the yielding prince into a tender kiss.

�I love you.�

Legolas pulled back and looked into piercing eyes.� �And I you.�� He leaned in for another kiss, this one quickly igniting the flames of passion.� The two shifted amid the velvet pillows and silk sheets.� Gildor found himself pinned beneath the hungry mouth of prince.� Legolas kissed and licked every inch of his lover�s body.� He nipped and teased the hardening nipple, dipped his tongue into Gildor�s bellybutton and nibbled at the thigh junction.� Gildor squirmed and moaned, wrapping his hands in Legolas� flaxen locks.� The ancient elf bucked when his shaft was taken to the hilt.� The moist warmth and gentle sucking nearly undid him.� Then, as quickly as the warmth came, it left.� Gildor moaned in disappointment.� Now it was Legolas� turn to chuckle.� It still amazed him that he could bring this mighty soul down to a writhing puddle of want.� He leaned forward and sucked on the tip of Gildor�s ear.� The Vanya moaned.

�Enough!�� Legolas found their rolls reversed.� Gildor stared down at his lover intently.� �We have been together for 10 years.� I have lived long enough to know what I want.� I want you Legolas of the Woodland Realm�for eternity.� The next time I make love with you it will to bind with you with the Valar was witness.� I need to know�Do you want me as I want you?� You are young and there are many who desire you.� I am willing to wait, but I need to know if you desire to be bound to me?�

Silence stretched out for what seemed like forever.� Gildor began to dread the worst.� Legolas reached up and stroked his lover�s cheek.� He gazed lovingly at the Vanya.�

�I love you with my whole being.� Never have I wanted another.�� He placed a chaste kiss on Gildor�s lips.� �I desire to bind with you.� I will be yours forever.�� He placed a gentle kiss on Gildor�s neck.� �Make me yours tonight.�

Gildor�s smile was blinding.� �As you wish.� I will be yours as you are mine.�� He leaned forward and kissed the Prince passionately.


The storm continued to rage outside the tent.� Amidst the howls of the wind, moans and screams of pleasure could be heard.� The elves of the Wandering Company silently rejoiced at the sounds.� Their beloved Lord finally found his soul mate.� As the Company snuggled under their blankets, Gildor�s people began to plan for the addition of a binding ceremony to this year's Winter Solstice Feast.

The End.

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