To Follow our Hearts

Author: Erviniae
Beta: Jaiden_s
Email: [email protected]
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Elladan/Elrohir
Warnings: AU, angst, M/M
Request: Angst, a kidnap of Elladan and rescue by Elrohir.
Written for: suemichave

Summary: Elladan gets into trouble and Elrohir comes to the rescue.

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The sound of sensual laughter wafted up to him through his open balcony. Rising from his chair, Elrohir put down upon the couch the book he was reading. He knew the voice that belonged to that laughter. Moving into view onto the balcony that overlooked one of the many gardens and waterfalls of Imladris, Elrohir espied the reason for the husky sound : Elladan was returning to the house from the gardens. His younger twin's hand was pulling along a disheveled maiden of questionable character. Many maidens and males alike wished for a moment alone with the wild beauty that was Elladan. His spirit called to any near him, for so full of life was his twin, that it became contagious. He was a drug from which there was no relief, save more of the same .

Glancing up upon feeling his twin's scrutiny, Elladan smiled and nodded to his brother fondly. Elrohir let out a sigh he had not realized he was withholding and quietly turned back to his room. Blowing out the lone candle, he made his way to his bed, alone. He soon heard Elladan enter their common sitting area and his twin tried to probe his mind. Elrohir blocked him out, as he would if he were asleep. Getting no reply to his inquiries, Elrohir then heard his brother enter his own bedroom.

Elrohir lay there with sleep eluding him. Staring at the beautifully painted ceiling of lightest blue with white clouds, he thought of the differences between he and his twin. Having been born minutes earlier then Elladan seemed to make all the difference in the world. Where Elladan was carefree, Elrohir was serious. Raised from the start as heir apparent to all that was Imladris, Elrohir took care to learn all he could. He reveled in knowledge, pining on every word that came from his two favorite lore masters, his father and Master Erestor. Whereas Elladan squirmed through every lesson, Elrohir was the perfect student in every way. They were inseparable from the start, often with the older saving the younger from some punishment with his quick thinking. Elrohir had not been averse to playing, apart from any trouble that Elladan deemed to find for them. It had been quite fun and exciting, that fear of getting caught.

It all changed the week after their majority ceremony. Imladris had celebrated the coming of age of the twin sons of Elrond by feasting each day and dancing each night under the stars. Their grandparents had graced Imladris with their presence, and Elrohir enjoyed every moment he could with their grace and wisdom. Elladan began his seeming incessant need to bed any Elf he could convince, which was many indeed. Thus began the lessening of their bond. Elrohir feared it lost forever. He had an inkling of the horror it must have been for his father to lose his own brother to mortality, for he has lost Elladan to desires of the flesh.

The night after their ceremony found Elrohir alone for the first time in their shared rooms. Up until that night, Elladan would often sneak into his brother's bed, as they had done as elflings, to sleep within the safe familiarity of his brother's platonic embrace. Now Elladan rarely slept all night in his own bed, often he slept half the night within someone else's embrace, though Elrohir knew his twin was not actually sleeping. Elrohir found that he, himself, desired not to bed anyone that he saw. He did not want a casual affair: He wanted complete fidelity and love. Elladan thought he was a bit daft in that. “There is so much to taste, so many varieties,” Elladan would often tease his brother. “There is time enough for fidelity and marriage, Elrohir. We are immortal, after all.”

Elrohir slept alone not due to lack of suitors, he was as beautiful as his twin. Most could not tell them apart by sight alone. His hair was dark and full with the dark honey highlights from his mother's lineage. His eyes were grey like his father's, and his build was near identical to that of his twin, long and lean, with the sinewy musculature of an Elf. Mortal blood could only be seen by the very light dusting of hair leading from his navel to the base of his elfhood. Of course, most knew of this due to arms training or swimming, and Elrohir wore it proudly, whereas Elladan sought to shave it, wishing to appear fully Elven. Elrohir recalled the day he caught Elladan doing just that in their bathing room. Elladan had started at being caught and had cut his abdomen with the straight shaving knife. Elrohir had not said a word, but just shook his head and gathered a cloth to stop the flow of blood.

The next morning found Elrohir in the hall for morning meal at Lord Elrond's table. He was near finished eating and discussing the schedule for the day with his father and Master Erestor when Elladan sauntered into the hall. He wore grey leggings and a blue tunic over a crisp white linen shirt. His hair braided in an intricate set of warrior braids. He looked stunning and many an eye cast his way.

Kissing his mother's cheek, then the top of his father's head, he sat next to Elrohir, snagging a half-eaten muffin from his brother's plate, which earned him a glare from his twin.

“Pass the honey, please,” he asked no one in particular. Elrohir passed the honey absently to his brother. Glorfindel rose from the chair across from him, eager to start his day, but not before giving Erestor a peck on the cheek.”

Speaking into Elrohir's mind as they could since elflings, Elladan purred, “It is such a shame that Glorfindel is bonded to Erestor, for I would love to taste of his delights.”

“Elladan! Is that all that you think of?” Elrohir answered back in kind.

“Well, I have to do so for both of us,” he yawned. The others left to start their days leaving the brothers alone in the hall.

“Now, Erestor. I bet he is beautiful in his passions.” Elladan spoke aloud this time.

Elrohir sighed heavily, but chose to ignore that statement. Sometimes Elladan just loved to tease him.

“I was hoping to find you awake last night, brother, I wanted to talk.” Elladan spoke in a more serious tone, directing his gaze into his brother's grey eyes.

“Was something wrong? Why did you not knock on my door?” Elrohir raised a perfect eyebrow.

“No, nothing, I just wished to talk, like we used to.” Elladan then added, “I remember a time when I did not need permission to enter your rooms.”

Elrohir thought he saw remorse in his twin's gaze. Oh how he missed they way they used to be, as well. His missed Elladan's embrace, their talking into the depths of night, their fits of giggling and their sharing of secrets. He felt a twinge of hope light itself with his belly.

“I remember a time where you sought out my bed and not that of every maid and male in the vale.” Elrohir whispered.

Elladan fought a sudden twinge in his loins at the sound of his twin's voice. He knew the reason he bedded so many. Deep inside he struggled against feelings one should not have, reasons why he could no longer seek out the safety of Elrohir's bed and touch.

“That maiden that I bedded last night was not a maiden but a maid.”

“Elladan, surely you have not sought to defile that which the Valar have blessed.” Elrohir whispered in surprise and disappointment to his brother. Rubbing his face, Elladan exhaled slowly.


“I know brother, and I need no lecture, for my own guilt has begun to eat its way to my mind.”


“She offered and said she was lonely in her marriage. I found myself deep inside her before my reason took over,” Elladan spoke truthfully.

“Who is her husband?” Elrohir was already trying to find a way out for his twin in case the husband found out.

“Brithion,” Elladan winced. “I know, brother. Say nothing to me, unless it be of help.”

“Let us hope he does not find out,” Elrohir stood and said into his twin's mind. “Can you not take yourself in hand and leave the maids alone?”

Elladan's eyes began to twinkle with mirth, “It is more pleasurable to have another's hand upon me, brother mine.” And with that Elladan was out the door.

Months went by. A blink of the eye to one immortal. Things seemed to go on as usual with one exception: Elladan avoided the maid with whom he shared his delights on that mistake of a night. Unfortunately, Lithiel wanted more of the pleasures that Elladan had to offer, and she often seemed to appear wherever he went in the Last Homely House. He politely refused all her advances, to her growing resentment and ire.

This night seemed to be an exception, for Lithiel was nowhere to be found. Elladan had relaxed and decided to enjoy himself in the Hall of Fire while Elrohir had retired to their quarters to read once more. Hours flew by as Elrohir found himself blowing out his candle to retire to his empty bed. The next morning found all at morning meal. All but Elladan. He did not show up for mid-day meal nor dinner that night. Elrohir started to worry. This was most unusual behavior for Elladan. He often missed two of their meals, though never three. Elrohir decided to search for his twin. Reaching out his mind, he found emptiness. He searched all of Elladan's many favored spots to no avail. He was not to be found. Finally reaching the stables, he walked towards their horses only to see both there. Panic arose in him, and he ran back to their rooms and dressed for travel.

After arming himself with his sword, bow, quiver and knives, Elrohir felt drawn to the balcony. Leaning against the balustrade, he searched the gardens for any sign of his beloved twin. His eyes caught sight of something shining in the brush. Easily jumping over the railing, Elrohir landed in a roll and instantly was on his feet and picking up the shining object. It was Elladan's favorite hairclip, a gift from their grandparents for their majority, a beautifully wrought Lorien leaf of silver.

Carefully looking around, he squatted and surveyed the brush. He found dark hairs on the ground and markings of the earth that looked like something was dragged. Something rather large. All his training came back to him in an instant, and he followed this trail that he hoped led to his brother. His first thought was that somehow Brithion found out about his brother's indiscretion with his wife and sought revenge. Brithion was one of the blacksmiths of Imladris. Tall, even for an Elf, Brithion had a broad chest and huge arms from his years of wielding the tools of his trade. Easily seeing the obvious marks left by one not even trying to cover their deeds, Elrohir soon found himself at the entrance to a crevice in the rock at the base of the Misty Mountains that surrounded Imladris. It was a crevice that he and Elladan used to hide in as Elflings. Peering in, he saw that a fire had been lit. He could see the figure of his brother sprawled unconscious against the dirt floor. A rage welled within him so fierce that he had to step back and force himself to take deep breaths to calm down. He knew that rushing in could be the worse thing to do, and he could not identify whoever had kidnapped Elladan.

Leaning against the cold stone, he forced down the urge to cry. Sending out a tendril of thought, he could sense that Elladan was indeed alive, though in an unnatural, drugged sleep. The panic lessened and he began to think of ways to rescue his brother, his life...his soul.

Hearing talking, he did his best to listen as close to the entrance as possible. It was a female voice that spoke to his surprise. “Why did you ignore me? Was I not enough for you? You told me I was beautiful and that you desired me, but you LIED!!!” Elrohir flinched. This was not the voice of a sane Elf, but that of one who was touched by some mind sickness.

“You would not even talk to me when I asked for a word with you, dear prince!” The voice hissed. “You, you half Elf!” He heard what sounded like a thud, and a groan resounded throughout the cave, echoing until it finally dissipated into the air. “I hate you,” sneered the female voice. “When I am done with you, you will be pretty no longer and no one will want you!”

Elrohir heard the sound of a knife being unsheathed from its scabbard. Acting on instinct, he silently nocked an arrow, pulling back the string and stepping into the clearing just in time to see Lithiel about to slice Elladan's face. The arrow released with a twang and found its mark. It hit the blade of the knife, knocking it out of Lithiel's hand. She screamed in shock and rushed at Elrohir, who grabbed her arms but not before her nails made a gash on his cheek. Elrohir instinctively punched her, rendering her unconscious. He took no chances and tied her hands with mithlain.

Rushing to Elladan's side, he checked his twin for injuries. The worst one was found on his back which was scratched raw from being dragged. Elrohir then called out to his father.

Elrond, in the midst of enjoying his wife, stopped mid-thrust and pried his lips away from Celebrían’s long neck. Cocking his head to the side, he appeared to be listening to something or someone. Living first as Galadriel's daughter and now with her husband, Celebrían knew immediately what was happening.

“Father, come quickly to the narrow crevice where Elladan and I used to hide as elflings. Bring help and a stretcher. Elladan is hurt.” Elrohir then shook Lithiel awake. “What did you use to drug my brother?”

Her eyes trying to focus, she struggled against the rope to no avail. “Whore's root,” she giggled.

Elrohir sighed. Though Elladan would awake with a headache, he would awaken fine, none-the-less.

In what seemed mere minutes, Elrond was there with Glorfindel and a few guards. Checking first on Elladan, Elrond had his son lifted onto the stretcher. He then looked at Elrohir with many questions in his eyes. “Do not untie her, Father. She had drugged Elladan and was about to try to disfigure his face.” On the way back to their home, Elrohir told all that he heard and saw to Glorfindel and his father and then had the task of telling what Elladan had done with this married she-Elf. He could feel the anger, fear and relief rolling off of his father.

Upon reaching the house, they were met by a worried Celebrían and Erestor upon the steps. In the healing wing, Elrond and Elrohir set about to cleansing and dressing Elladan's wounds. When they were near finished, Elladan began to stir with a groan. “My head, it pounds,” he groaned as Elrond made him a draft for the pain. Elrohir held his brother's hand as he told him about what had occurred.

After drinking the foul tasting remedy, Elladan told his part of the tale.

“Lithiel begged to speak with me as I was walking in the gardens. Since I had been avoiding her, I granted to let her speak. She professed love for me, and I told her that I did not feel the same for her pointing out that she was already married.” Here, Elladan chanced a glance at his father and received a disgusted glare. “ I know I was wrong, Father, but I meant no harm.”

“How did you manage to become drugged, Elladan?” asked Elrond.

“She must have slipped something into the bottle of wine I had with me, when my back was turned.” He realized.

“Whore's root,” stated Elrohir.

“Explains the headache,” replied Elladan.

“Oh, so you did listen to some of our lessons,” teased Elrohir. Elladan stuck out his tongue at the barb.

“Elladan, what you did was wrong. When are you going to calm your wild ways?” Elrond gritted his teeth so hard that his jaw shook.

“When I can have the one I long for.” He looked down upon speaking it.

“Why do you not just tell this Elf?” asked Elrohir though for some reason, he was insanely jealous that Elladan was in love. He felt a sick feeling in the pit of his stomach for it seemed he was forever destined to lose his twin.

“It is forbidden,” came the quiet reply.

“Is this Elf married as well?” Elrond asked in disgust at his youngest son.


“Elladan, you forever speak in riddles. I have had enough of you this night. Elrohir, take your brother to his room,” Elrond scowled.

Elrohir stared wide-eyed into Elladan's downcast face. What was he saying? What was he telling them? Could it be? Glancing to his father, he just nodded. “Come Elladan, let us go to our quarters.” Putting a comforting arm out for support, Elladan grabbed onto Elrohir and silently the two walked slowly to their rooms.

Elrohir put Elladan to bed, leaning down to kiss his forehead. Elrohir's lips felt so soft and warm against his brow. He felt a loss as his twin left for his own chamber. “Rohir?” Elladan called after him using the name he conjured for his twin in their youth. Elrohir stopped but did not turn back. “Would you keep both our doors open this night?”

“Aye.” And with that Elrohir was gone from his room.

The next week found a rapidly recovered Elladan. Erestor, along with the other advisors, handled the punishment for Lithiel. She was to immediately sail for Aman, where her mind would have a chance to heal. Brithion was given a choice of sailing with her or not. He chose to stay and severed their bond. Elladan was given no further punishment, for he had enough anguish to deal with and his own wounds to heal.

Each night Elladan had come to their quarters early, to Elrohir's amazement. He sensed that his twin wished to tell him something. Afraid that he knew what it was, Elrohir refused to ask him. Instead, they played chess, read, and talked of many things. Sometimes, they sat upon their shared balcony at night, watching the stars and the path of their grandfather's ship while drinking wine and relaxing.

This night was much the same. After saying their goodnights to each other, Elrohir retired to his room to sleep. Donning his sleep pants, he sank under his covers with a contented sigh. He knew his twin was there before the knock came upon his door. “Enter,” he spoke softly.

Elladan stood at the foot of his bed in only his sleep pants as well. They hung low on his slender hips and revealed a tiny line of hair that ran from his belly button only to disappear under the waistband of the pants. “May I sleep within your bed this night?”

Elrohir did not say a word, though he opened the sheets in invitation. Elladan smiled and eagerly crawled in beside his twin and into his welcoming embrace. Laying his head on Elrohir's bare shoulder, he sighed happily. This felt so safe, so sweet and so right.

“When did you stop shaving?” Elrohir whispered.

“Last week,” came Elladan’s contented reply as he felt Elrohir smile.

“I like it,” Elrohir said as he looked into Elladan's upturned face while his hand followed the trail until the top of the sleep pants. Elladan shivered from the gentle touch.

“I want to be as you are,” Elladan gave a slight smile and placed feather touches to his twin as well. His hand stayed upon Elrohir's abdomen for a long time and then it went lower and gently he ran his long fingers over his twin's building hardness. With a gasp, Elrohir stayed Elladan's hand.

“Why do you do this?” Elrohir questioned with a gentle voice.

“I love you, Rohir, my beloved, Rohir. I only ever wanted you. I sought others to hide from my feelings for you.” Tears suddenly splashed Elrohir's chest.

“We are brothers.” Elrohir reasoned.

“We are twin souls,” came the reply from Elladan. “Perhaps, just perhaps, if we follow our hearts, unlike the other Elven twins of yore, our Father included, then we will not have tragedy befall us? For our souls are one, as are our hearts, Elrohir, you cannot deny that. I can feel that.”

“Yes,” Elrohir breathed rapidly, his elfhood growing with each word spoken between them. Elladan began gently massaging him as they spoke. Elrohir shuddered at the sensation.

“What if we are banished?” Elrohir tried to reason.

“Then we shall still be together as one, for only our bodies need to join to become fully one. We are already bound in spirit and mind and heart.” Elladan then lifted his head and searched Elrohir's eyes. Elrohir leaned down and slowly placed his soft lips upon his brother's own. A soft cry escaped both mouths as the slowly savored the taste of the other. To Elladan it was an elixir he could not get enough of, to Elrohir, pure nectar. Slipping his hand inside of Elrohir's pants, he took the now throbbing length in hand and pleasured his twin with his skill and love. Elrohir pulled away from those lips and just let himself feel what was being done to him. Somehow, Elladan had managed to pull the sleep pants far enough down for his erection to spring free. Fingers played with the shaft, stroking softly up and down, encircling the swollen head, his finger teasing the slit and swirling in the fluids leaking, using them as a lubricant to encircle the virgin aperture of Elrohir's ass. Elrohir hissed, then stiffened, his release coming swift and copiously over Elladan's fingers and hand. Elrohir shuddered and spasmed while Elladan watched his brother's face in his desires. Lifting his hand to his lips, Elladan made a show of slowly licking his fingers of his brother's essence. Elrohir cried out and came once more. Crawling atop Elrohir, Elladan began to suckle his twin's lower lip, his tongue making its way down his neck and shoulders, over to already pebbled dusky nipples, only to lave and suck each until it could become no harder. Elrohir was absolutely beautiful in his passions; he was unrestrained in voice, showing his pleasure for each touch, each lick, and each suck. He writhed wantonly, speaking words of love to his brother, speaking the words of a lover.

“I need you, my Rohir,” Elladan whispered as each, now bare, began to rub his near painful erection against the awakening one of his twin.

Kissing passionately, lips and tongues exploring the other, Elrohir pulled away and looked deeply into Elladan's lust-filled gaze. “If we do this, if we go so far as to not be able to go back, Elladan, I would have your fidelity. For nothing less would I do this.”

Elladan leaned his forehead upon his twin's. “I swear to you I shall never want another, for it is only for you that my heart sings, Elrohir, only you.”

Elrohir nodded. “Then take us over to where we shall become one, Elladan. Take me now.”

Moaning at those words, they kissed with such ardent passion, their souls dancing together on the precipice of becoming joined forever. Kissing his way down Elrohir's tautly muscled skin, his hands ghosted over slim hips, only to lift up his brother's pert ass to gently place a testing lick onto that most secret of spots that would be the undoing of both of them. Elrohir nearly screamed at the sensation.

Elladan's tongue teased and probed, lubricating with his saliva, preparing his love for what was to transpire between them. He looked up to see his mirror image with hair fanned about silken pillows and eyes closed in bliss. Sensing the gaze, Elrohir opened eyes gone black with desire, and nodded. Taking his erection in hand, Elladan lined the head to the stretched opening that was wet with saliva and pushed slowly past the guardian ring. Letting out a hiss of pain, Elrohir tried to instinctively close his legs to no avail, this action only causing Elladan's length to slip in deeper still. “Elbereth!” moaned Elladan as he began to sweat from trying to hold back his passions until Elrohir deemed them ready.

Both leaned into the other for a kiss at the same time, this action bringing Elrohir's legs and arms around Elladan's waist and shoulders, causing Elladan to sink fully into the velvety soft sheath before him. Breathing heavily, they both pulled away looking deeply into one another's eyes. Elrohir nodded almost imperceptibly and Elladan began to move. Ever slowly he began his dance inside his brother, his soul, his heart, his love. They did not rush. They just loved each other, their gaze never leaving the other. They felt as if they were no longer two distinct souls, but one now. Elladan shifted his hips and Elrohir cried out in ecstasy. Sweat rolled off of Elladan, his hair clinging to his face and shoulders in ringlets of brown. Elrohir found he could not get enough. He brought his legs tighter around his brother's hips, driving him deeper still until neither could do anything but moan incoherently. Elladan lost the battle first, and spent himself with a cry inside the sweetness that was the other half of his soul. Elrohir followed as his inner muscles tightened, effectively squeezing another smaller orgasm out of Elladan. Falling on top of Elrohir, they fell asleep in a sweet embrace; Elladan's head nestled under Elrohir's neck as they slept with sated smiles upon their faces. One. They were finally one.

* * * the end * * *

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