My Gift to You

Author: Nienna
Beta: The lovely Aradiria, who always calls me on my grammar mistakes and squees in all the right places. Thank you, my friend!
Email: [email protected]
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Elrond/Legolas
Warnings: none
Request: Elrond/Legolas, Surprise elements, spirit of the season in the story, emotional joy of love and gift giving, lovemaking and fluff
Written For: Sian

As the weak winter sunshine spilled through the windows, gracing the Hall of Fire with its meager warmth, dozens of elves bustled here and there, transforming the Last Homely House with the traditional decorations of the season. Fresh garlands made from sweet smelling evergreen and dried herbs hung over each window, the great hearth, and in every doorway. Wide colorful ribbons in rich jewel tones were tied to wall sconces, attached to the garlands, or fashioned into bows and tucked into the branches of the potted trees in the Hall. All offered their help with the various tasks that needed to be accomplished to bathe the valley in the sights and smells that brightened every countenance. Yule had come to the valley, and every elf welcomed this festive time of year with open arms.

A shout from the courtyard outside drew attention away from the task at hand, the laughter and chatter carried into the Hall on a brisk winter breeze. Curious beyond admission, Elrond left the Hall, handing off his handful of ribbons to Erestor with a murmured explanation, who just quickly followed. The Lord of the valley heard more than one elvish voice raised in conversation, two of them he knew as his sons. Then a third broke apart from the din, and as if floating along on a whisper of a breeze to tickle his ear in a dancing caress, Elrond recognized that voice.

His heart sped hopefully, and his pace quickened, leaving Erestor in his wake. Each step brought him closer and closer to the owner of that angelic voice, and his heart called a greeting. He could not stop the smile from breaking out across his face, and he could not stop the breath from leaving his lungs as he took in the most welcome sight in all of Arda.

Elrond froze on the steps leading down into the cobbled yard, a goofy smile on his face and his heart on his sleeve. Elrohir and Elladan watched with indulgent smiles, snickering to each other at this latest display of their father in love. They watched the eyes of their visitor roam their father hungrily, only to soften upon resting on his face, the love he bore Elrond evident to any who cared to look.

"Legolas..." Elrond said, still near breathless, as he took the first of the handful of stone steps that would lead to his beloved.

Elrond�s beloved apparently did not want to wait any longer than absolutely necessary, and sprinted the remaining feet separating them with a happy whoop. "Elrond, meleth n�n."

The elf lord caught the Mirkwood prince to his chest, burring his nose in the honey golden hair, not wanting to let go for fear he would disappear into mist in his arms. The scent of the woodland elf surrounded him, sending waves of desire, both new and remembered, to play havoc with his senses. Neither elf noticed when the twins and Erestor snuck off to leave the two lovers to their reunion. Both the twins and Arwen knew and approved of their father�s relationship, being fully appraised of the true nature of their parent�s lives together. While they had maintained an affection and love of partners, neither had lost their heart to the other. Their marriage had been political, designed to strengthen the bonds between the two realms and aid in presenting a united front, should darkness once again threaten this peaceful land.

No, the Peredhil offspring adored Legolas, and welcomed him as their father�s chosen lover. And though few others outside the closest of friends knew the true nature of the Lord and Lady�s marriage, none could deny the light that was back in their Lord�s eyes, nor the smile that seemed permanently fixed upon his face. All agreed that the young Prince of Mirkwood had deeply touched the heart of their beloved Lord.

Legolas finally pulled back, his eyes roaming his lover�s face, fresh tears welling in the cerulean depths. He framed Elrond�s cheeks with his large hands, running calloused fingers over the soft skin under them, long strands of near black silk flirting over the backs of his hands.

"What are you doing here?" Elrond whispered incredulously, as if speaking louder would shatter the magic that quivered around them.

Legolas smiled, and Elrond�s whole world brightened. "I convinced Ada he did not need me this Solstice." He stopped, the laughter in his eyes subsiding, his tears threatening to fall. Elrond raised his hands and cupped Legolas�s face in turn, thumbs gently chasing the silvery droplets from his lover�s eyes. Legolas�s eyes showed a stream of emotion, most fleeing too fast for Elrond to name, and his fingers tightened imperceptibly on his face. "That is not the only reason I am here."

Elrond smiled. "Is it not?"

"No." He shook his head, a sheepish smile playing upon his full lips. "I missed you."

The grin that split the mighty elf lord�s face was evidence enough of his happiness at those words. Legolas breathed a silent prayer of thanks to whatever unseen force guided him to this valley, to his beloved. He could see it in Elrond�s eyes; he needed this as much as Legolas did.

The Peredhel stroked Legolas�s cheek once more and took a step back, looping an arm loosely around the archer�s slender waist. "You are just in time for the celebrations. We have been preparing all week. The cooks have baked endless amounts of breads and pastries, the table linens have been cleaned and the silver polished. Today we began decorating the Hall of Fire," Elrond paused, letting out a wearied sigh, "and thank the Valar you are here."

Legolas laughed and leaned his head on the older elf�s shoulder as the two elves headed into the House.

Creeping to the door of the spacious chamber, Legolas poked his head out, checking the hallway for his lover. Finding not hide nor hair of any elf, Legolas smiled, a mischievous twinkle in his blue eyes, and firmly shut the door. Elrond had left him to rest and refresh himself, going to oversee the final preparations in the Hall for this evening�s Solstice feasting. Legolas found it the perfect opportunity to check the condition of the gift he had so carefully transported from Mirkwood.

Closing a strong hand around the handle of his satchel, the archer slid onto the bed, reverently placing the bag next to him. He parted the folds of leather and withdrew a large bundle of the softest muslin, placing it gently next to him. Legolas held his breath as he began unwrapping the gift, his fingers sure and true despite his nervousness.

If this fragile thing did not make it safely, if the gift for his beloved had damaged, Legolas would be heartbroken. He was so looking forward to seeing the look on Elrond�s face when he held the fragile weight in his hands. Coming to the final concealing layer of fabric, Legolas paused and closed his eyes, biting his lip as he took a steadying breath.

His pink lip still caught between small pearly white teeth, the Mirkwood elf allowed his eyes to drift open as the muslin fell away, leaving the delicate gift laying in it�s bed of soft blue. Gently lifting the object, he turned it this way and that, checking for any tiny cracks or chips, relieved when he found none.

And with a smile and a prayer of thanks, Legolas reverently laid the gift back in it�s protective padding and drew the fabric around it�s brilliance. He slid the bundle back into the leather satchel and breathed a sigh of relief.

He smiled, sitting upon the rich red coverlet of Elrond�s bed, holding a worn and battered leather satchel, knowing in his heart that this would be the best Yule ever.

Elrond hurried from his chambers, glancing back only once to be sure Legolas wasn�t following, and made for the lesser used back staircase. His destination this afternoon was not the Hall of Fire as he had said, but to the out of the way storage house where he secreted his Yule gifts. The half-elf could hardly believe his Legolas had come. For months he had planned this most special of Yule gifts, plotting just how he would package it up and who would deliver this most important parcel. But just as he was putting the final touches on the travel plans, and Glorfindel had grudgingly accepted the request to hand deliver the package, Elrond had felt the need to wait.

It had not been a vision, but more of an intuition, a feeling in his gut that told him not to send this gift. He knew not why, but he hoped. He hoped Legolas would find a way to come to him this season. Only just this morning, when he had been standing on his balcony and looking out over the white kissed grounds had he let go of this hope. For surely, if Legolas were to arrive, he would have done so. And the elf lord had turned from the pristine vista of his valley in winter�s embrace, resigned to a Yule feast without his love.

The most wonderful of surprises had come to him this day, however, and Elrond was not going to waste one moment of their time together. Reaching the lowest level of his House, Elrond looked around quickly before slipping into a door in the darkened corridor. Locking the door behind him with his key, the Peredhel lit the candles in their wall sconces, sending a soft glow into the furthest corners of the small room.

He crossed to the far corner in four long strides, and kneeling on the cold stone Elrond shoved a large trunk out of his way. The container slid across the flagstones with nary a sound, the heavy fabric it was resting upon quieting the screeching and providing ease of movement. Once clear, Elrond left the trunk alone and pried loose a large blue grey stone from the floor.

Inside, wrapped in colorful fabrics and tied with equally festive ribbons, were the gifts the elf lord planned on giving his family this year. He set aside the stone and selected a small package wrapped in green silk. Pulling the white ribbon from the gift, Elrond let the silk flutter to the floor, and he was left with a carved wooden box in his two hands.

Lifting the lid and setting it aside, he reached inside and removed the real gift, examining once more the intricate design and exceptional craftsmanship of the piece. Each time he looked upon his beloved�s gift, Elrond was struck anew, reminded of the depth of their love. With great care, Elrond set the tiny thing back in its bed of velvet. He replaced the lid and took his time in wrapping the box in its green silk, and it�s fastener of pure white ribbon.

Setting the package back amongst its fellows, Elrond replaced the stone and slid the trunk back into place. He stood, brushing the soot from his robe and blew out the candles, sending the room once more into darkness. He slipped from the room, locking the heavy door for the last time until next year, and quietly stole away.

The Hall of Fire was awash with golden light; candles burned from every flat surface, each wall sconce and candelabra and the fixtures hanging from the high ceiling. The flames from the great hearth threw pleasant heat into the room, while a soft winter breeze rustled the curtains on the balcony.

It was a time of renewal, of celebration, when elves made merry and rejoiced in the coming of the light, of the promise of spring to come once more. This year was no different, and the addition of the guests from Mirkwood only added to the heartfelt revelry.

Elrond sat in his chair, watching the elves under his rule as they enjoyed themselves, drinking freely of the wine from his cellars, dancing in wide circles to the magical music that Lindir and his minstrels provided. In particular, he watched his lover.

Legolas stood on the opposite side of the Hall, deep in conversation with his Chief Councilor. If he did not know better, he would think that Erestor had designs on his love. But, one look at Glorfindel, who gazed indulgently at his spouse would cure anyone of such indecent thoughts. His Councilor and Seneschal had been in love for millennia, and had been bound for half that time. They had eyes for none but each other, and their rather loud private activities was proof enough of that.

Two spitfires in matching red and black took up seats on either side of him, forcing his attention from its current focus of Legolas�s posterior.

"Ada, stop staring."

"Elrohir, I am entitled to stare all I like. Aside from being old enough to hold such affections for another, I do not care who sees me. I have hidden long enough my feelings for him. I will do so no longer." Elrond smiled, softening the somewhat stern tone of his voice and turned to look at his youngest son. "Besides, it is not like there are elves left in this valley that do not know at this point."

Elrohir snickered, exchanging a glance with his twin. The gossip mill in Imladris was notorious, and the twins were not above helping out with a few choice morsels now and then.

"I am sure there is some elf who has not heard, Ada. Perhaps there are one or two in Edhellond who are unaware?"

"Or maybe this happy news has not yet reached the shores of Valinor. I am sure all the Elves in the Blessed Lands would rejoice with you." Elladan snorted.

"Begone, the pair of you. I have little tolerance for your sharp tongues this eve." Elrond mock growled. "If you have nothing nice to say, I think you had best keep silent."

As one, they leaned in and placed loud smacking kisses on his cheeks. Elrond sat perfectly still, knowing as he did that should he protest or move; a wet cheek would be the least of his worries. His sons were worse than he was at their age.

"Thank you, Ada." Twin voices met his ears, soft with gratitude and love for their father.

"You are welcome, my sons. Use them in good health." Elrond smiled at his lovely sons, watching as they walked away, their Yule gifts glinting at their waists. A pair of daggers, carved with delicate vines and designed as mirror images, inlaid with sapphires for Elrohir and garnets for Elladan, were left in their rooms this afternoon. It was custom among the members of Elrond�s family to leave their gifts in a place frequented by the recipient, thus providing for a day full of the surprise and delight of hunting for your gifts and the joy of giving.

Already, Elrond had received a beautifully enameled box filled with rare inks of every culture from Erestor, a set of hair clips and beads from Arwen, an elegant scene of far off Valinor carved in apple wood made by Glorfindel, a skillfully bound journal from Elrohir, a set of quills and a small sharpening knife with a mother of pearl handle from Elladan, and the gift of song from Lindir. He had yet to find gifts from Melpomaen, Saelbeth and a few others of his household, but they usually waited until the following day to leave their gifts.

That only left two things on the agenda for this evening. One, giving Legolas his gift, and two, tearing every stitch of clothing from the Mirkwood prince and taking him hard and deep.

And with that thought, Elrond rose from his chair, thankful for the robes that hid his awakened member from prying eyes, and stalked his lover. Erestor glanced up and saw him coming, and with a twinkle in his black eyes, ignored him. Glorfindel had to turn away to hide his snigger, taking a swallow if wine to cover his smirking lips. Legolas was therefore completely unaware of the approaching Lord of Imladris.

Or so he thought.

Just as Elrond was about to snake his arms about a lithe body and whisper naughty things in his pointed ear, Legolas turned. And smiled.

With a wicked slant to his curving lips, so red from the berry wine he�d been drinking and, Elrond thought distractedly, just as sweet, he advanced. Like a prowling tiger, Legolas took step after step, ignoring the catcalls and whistles that split the happy chatter. His smile grew even bigger as Elrond felt the unyielding wall at his back, the stone cool on his suddenly overheated body.

He swallowed as Legolas continued to advance, only stopping when he was pressed full length against his lover�s body, his eyes darkening to the most beautiful shade of indigo. And with that same sexy smile, he lowered his head.

"Hello lover."

Elrond�s mouth was taken and plundered by a sweetly questing tongue, sending wave after wave of pure desire through him. Legolas tasted him, leaving no crevice aching for his touch, taunting Elrond to come play with him. Elrond�s hands fisted in Legolas�s tunic, his mind a swirl of colors and thoughts, most of which centered on the elf in his arms.

His member throbbed insistently against the other�s thigh, and Legolas reacted, thrusting his hips so slowly as to not be obvious, but it was devastating to Elrond. With a whimper he would deny tomorrow, the Peredhel raised one hand and plunged it in the silken depths of Legolas�s hair, holding the younger prince�s head as he took control of the kiss, raising his hips in a subtle counter movement that left little to the imagination.

Legolas tore his mouth free with a gasp, and he gazed at Elrond, his eyes nearly black with the force of his desire, red lips glistening obscenely from their kiss, breath coming in fierce pants. Elrond smiled, and thrust once more, delighting in the way Legolas�s lids fluttered closed for long moments, loving the feel of the elf in his arms hard and trembling.

All at once, their surroundings registered with the dazed lovers, and Elrond straightened, fighting to regain some of his dignity while Legolas just smiled smugly. He was clearly thrilled to have so thoroughly flustered his lover, and with a slight movement of his golden head, he indicated the doorway behind him. Elrond smiled, and pushed off from the wall. He led his lover from the room, smiling at the words of approval and somewhat colorful suggestion that the gathered Elves offered him, the hand that rested on the small of Legolas�s back drawing secret circles against the soft suede.

Behind him, Elrohir, Elladan, Erestor and Glorfindel all wore various expressions of shock, intrigue, and indulgent acceptance; as if a benediction had come from the Valar themselves, they were each deeply touched and happy for Elrond and Legolas. Though Erestor shook his head with a rueful, though happy, smile and Glorfindel chortled with glee and the twins were equal parts happy and envious, each knew in their heart of hearts that this was a well matched couple.

They took their time walking the bright halls of the Last Homely House, both eager to continue what had been started in the Hall of Fire but more content in each other�s quiet presence for the moment to break the spell. They held hands and whispered to each other, thankful for the first truly quiet moment alone all day. Once the carved door of Elrond�s chamber stood before them, the anticipation grew in leaps and bounds, lending quick breaths and happy giggles and thundering heartbeats to both Elves.

Elrond let Legolas enter and followed, shutting and locking the door behind them with a purposefulness that made Legolas blush. Smiling, Elrond came further into the room, and Legolas took his beloved by the hand and lead him to a comfortable couch set before a glowing fireplace. Gesturing for Elrond to sit, Legolas returned to the tall wardrobe on the opposite wall, opening the doors and removing a leather satchel with great reverence.

His smile a trifle uncertain, though hopeful, the younger elf turned and walked back to sit before Elrond.

"I have something for you, seron vell." Legolas spoke, his voice slightly husky but still musical, his eyes sparkling like the finest sapphires. "I had this made for you in Mirkwood," he said, caressing the satchel softly, "and I carried it all the way to Imladris personally, for fear it would break. I did not want to present you with a shattered gift this night. Thankfully, it has survived the journey. I hope you like it."

And with that, the Prince of Mirkwood held out the satchel with trembling hands. Elrond, swallowing the lump in his throat, took the worn leather in his hands and laid it gently beside him. The way Legolas carried the parcel and handled it suggested to Elrond that it was highly fragile, and it would not do to break his beloved�s gift after he had taken such care in transporting it. With a smile for his prince, Elrond opened the case and grasped the folds of muslin, pulling the bundle out with great care.

Laying the gift on his lap, Elrond set about unwinding the soft fabric, his heartbeat increasing with each layer revealed. Finally, when the fabric fell away and the protective cotton fluff met his eyes, Elrond paused. He looked up, taking in the sight of his heart�s heart in this moment. Legolas sat on a low table across from him, hands in his lap, the moonlight falling across his face and playing with the firelight to alternately gild and frost his beautiful face. But his eyes, the color of a summer sky, were filled with hope, and love, and happiness. Elrond was struck by the sheer delight Legolas found in giving him a gift. He smiled, his eyes filling with moisture at this display of selflessness, and his heart swelling at the purity of the Prince of Mirkwood�s soul, and turned to the weight in his lap.

With trembling fingers, Elrond peeled back the padding, letting it fall from his fingers and a gasp escaping his lips at first sight of the object waiting for him. For long moments, he could not move, just looked at his marvelous gift.

Legolas edged closer to him, their knees bumping together softly. "Do you like it?" he asked, the hope clear in his voice.

Elrond tore his gaze from the gift in his lap and met his love�s eyes. "Oh, Legolas," he gasped, looking back to lift the delicate present in his hands. It was a moment frozen time, a miniature Elrond and Legolas, dancing on a bed of flowers, carved entirely of glass. The carving was colored with sheer, glossy paints, their clothing and hair and faces startling in their vibrancy. Elrond studied the looks on their faces, of pure delight, the hair that hung in mid air, forever caught in time, their clothes swirling about as they danced. Their hands were joined and their eyes sparkled. The flowers were so beautiful Elrond thought them to be tiny buds captured within the glass itself. He looked back to Legolas, his tears finally slipping down his cheeks, as he recognized that place in time. "How did you-?"

Legolas smiled, a blush staining his cheeks a charming pink, "It was the happiest moment of my life."

Elrond set the dancing figures aside carefully, and gathered his beloved�s hands in his own. "Our first Midsummer, when I told you I loved you?"

Legolas nodded.

The half-elf looked back to the carving, to their eternal dance, and smiled. "It is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen." He turned back to Legolas and leaned close, pressing a heartfelt kiss to the waiting lips. "I will treasure it always. Thank you, meleth n�n."

The smile Legolas gave him was blinding, his whole face lit up with his happiness. "I wanted to give you something special to celebrate our first hundred years together."

"And you have, Legolas." Elrond whispered, kissing Legolas once more, thanking him with his love better than he ever could with his words. Near breathless once more, the elf lord broke the kiss, resting his forehead against Legolas�s. "I have something for you as well."

"You do?" Legolas asked, a hint of excitement creeping into his tone. Elrond laughed and stood, taking the glass carving and placing it gently on his dressing table, retrieving from the surface a small package wrapped with green silk.

"I do, my prince." Elrond returned with the gift, sitting once more on the couch. He handed Legolas the box with a soft smile. "For you Legolas, on our one hundredth Yule."

The archer took the box. "Thank you." He smiled shyly, and placed the box on his lap. Taking the white ribbon in hand, he tugged, pulling the satin length free and setting it aside. With a soft smile on his face, the prince pulled away the green silk, his eyes widening as he took in the beautifully carved box.

"Open it." Elrond urged softly, and Legolas looked up questioningly before he pulled off the top and set it aside. A breathless sigh fell from his lips, his eyes softened, and his shoulders relaxed as he looked in the box. He cast a look up at Elrond and reached in, fingers brushing the luxurious velvet and grasping the tiny gift inside.

Bringing the cool metal into the firelight, Legolas stared at the ring in his hand. It was a band of mithril, with a vine pattern etched in the shining surface, but instead of leaves, it was set with tiny alternating emeralds and light blue sapphires, one stone set where a leaf should be. The gems traveled the entire circumference, meeting in the middle in a cluster of vines and stones of various sizes, about seven in all.

Completely taken aback, Legolas raised wide eyes to Elrond and read the hope in the elf lord�s stormy grey eyes. The meaning behind the ring was clear. It was etched in the surface for all to see. The prevailing vine that was so essential to any elvish realm in design and linked by the blue of Imladris and the green of Mirkwood, met in the center, the gems mingling in complete equality.

"Elrond?" Legolas gasped, hardly daring to breathe.

The Peredhel took one of Legolas�s hands, holding it between his two, and met his eyes. "This ring was designed for you. When I was first thinking about gifting you with this, I had a specific meaning in mind to go along with it. That meaning still stands, but only if you wish it too. I do not expect you to answer right away, nor do I expect you to accept. There is much I will do for you, Legolas, and if I must wait for you, I will."

Elrond finished, and Legolas looked back at the ring in his hand. He knew what Elrond was asking, and he knew he would accept. His eyes filled with tears, his heart threatened to burst with happiness, his acceptance hovered upon the tip of his tongue.

Closing his hand around the cool metal of his ring, Legolas leaned in and kissed Elrond with all the love in his soul. The older elf groaned into the kiss, and Legolas deepened it, knowing his love could taste his answer. Elrond suddenly shoved his hands beneath Legolas�s bottom and lifted, carrying his lover to bed. Legolas wrapped his legs around Elrond, but never stilled his kiss.

Reaching the wide bed with it�s red coverlet, Elrond let himself fall, tumbling into the soft mattress with his beloved, never breaking their kiss. Tongues battled for dominance, lips brushed and melded and shifted while fingers moved to unfasten troublesome clasps. Breaking the kiss with a groan, Elrond set his mouth to Legolas�s throat, nipping and licking his way to the tip of a pointed ear, drawing gently upon the sensitive flesh. Legolas arched and cried out, pressing himself harder against Elrond�s body.

Elrond parted the fabric of his lover�s tunic, running his hands over a well muscled chest as he continued to lave Legolas�s ear in moist heat. It was a torture he knew his beloved enjoyed most, and he gave it willingly, loving the way he arched and bucked and moaned. His teasing fingers pulled at already taut nipples, only causing Legolas to arch harder and moan louder.

With a soft chuckle, Elrond stood and quickly shed his robes, letting the heavy fabric slide to the floor, leaving him standing in only his shoes and leggings. Legolas reached out a hand to his lover, a flush creeping around the edges of soft fabric to beautifully paint his face a delicate pink. His eyes ran over the bared chest of the elder elf, his mouth opening of it�s own volition, his tongue slipping out to moisten dry lips. Elrond�s eyes darkened further, and he took Legolas�s outstretched hand, climbing onto the bed as the younger slid across to make more room.

Time stood still as both elves looked at each other, studied each other, memorized each other. It was as if they too were carved in glass, to be frozen forever in a moment of love and beauty. They reached for each other as one, lips meeting in a heated kiss as hands wandered at will, caressing every exposed inch of skin within their reach.

Yet these weren�t the rough touches and fevered kisses born out of passion. They were the lingering sweeps of hand and finger, the gentle meeting of lip and tongue born out of love. The two lovers put aside their more base urges and focused on the deep well of emotion they shared; love, trust and desire flowing freely between them.

Legolas arched beneath the weight of his Peredhel lover as a hot tongue left trails of blazing fire across his throat, biting ever so softly as he went. This feeling of being so desired lent a powerfully heady fog to the prince�s already addled senses, the knowledge that Elrond wanted him and only him made his heart race in his chest. Never before with any lover had he felt so alive, so treasured; in a time before their time, Legolas had never known such physical love.

They touched, their eyes speaking volumes while their lips were occupied elsewhere; they kissed, their moans swallowed eagerly as the fire within built steadily. Blonde hair fanned out across snowy white pillows, pale creamy skin flushed a charming peachy pink against the soft red velvet. Elrond ran one long fingered hand down his younger lover�s body, watching with glazed eyes as Legolas arched into his touch, one long full body roll that left the elf lord breathless. Quick fingers unlaced the leggings keeping him from his prize, and in one smooth motion, Elrond stripped the archer of the remainder of his clothing.

Whimpers whispered upon the air as bodies danced upon the bed, and the fire lovingly gilded long limbs and lean torsos, playing around the angles of faces twisted in agonized bliss. Elrond had never looked as beautiful as he did when he surrendered to the call of his heart, and Legolas watched in awe as his beloved closed his eyes in abject rapture, arching up into molten heat as he was swallowed with capable precision.

Forcing his eyes open, Legolas watched as his ample length disappeared between red, red lips, moaning as a tongue flickered against the tiny slit in the swollen head. Elrond smiled through his task, opening his eyes and locking his glittering mithril gaze on Legolas. He propped himself up on his elbows, blonde hair spilling over his shoulders to pool on the bed behind him, muscles quivering with the effort it took not to take that eager mouth, and watched as Elrond skillfully brought him closer and closer to completion.

The scent of sage filled the air, and Legolas bucked as a slick finger probed his entrance, lips and tongue and throat still milking his hard flesh. One long finger slid inside, and Legolas felt his body tighten. His eyes grew heavy, but he forced them open, needing to ground himself in his lover�s eyes, lest he shatter into hundreds of tiny pieces of perfect happiness.

Elrond doubled his efforts, sliding another oiled finger into Legolas�s passage and increasing the suction slightly, the hoarse moans and whimpers that fell from his lover�s lips spurring a fever in his blood. Feeling the sacs that housed and protected his prince�s twin jewels draw up tight in preparation for release, watching Legolas�s entire body grow tight with tension, Elrond crooked his fingers and brushed that small hidden gland inside the tight channel.

Legolas threw his head back and cried out harshly, driving himself deep into wet heat and spilling himself in one great rush. Elrond greedily drank every drop, not wasting even the smallest bit of the younger elf�s pearly seed, savoring the salty sweet taste that was wholly Legolas. The Peredhel lovingly cleaned up his beloved�s oversensitive length, smiling to notice it was still full and mostly erect. Legolas watched Elrond with glazed eyes, the cerulean bright against his flushed face, as he crawled up the younger elf�s body, planting kisses here and there. Only when he had reached Legolas�s lips, and had taken them in a hot kiss, and felt Legolas�s long arms wrap around him, hand tangling in his midnight hair did he move his fingers. Legolas groaned long and loud into Elrond�s mouth, and he withdrew his fingers, chuckling when Legolas protested that decision.

"You are eager this eve, are you not my love?" Elrond breathed into the prince�s open mouth, eyes locked and bodies entangled.

"I am always eager for your touch." Legolas replied, not waiting for a response, but claiming Elrond�s mouth, tasting him deeply and thoroughly. Elrond shifted atop his lover, moving to allow more freedom of movement for both of them and returned his oily fingers to the younger elf�s puckered opening, sliding easily inside to gently stretch the tender passage.

Legolas moved into the touch, pressing back against the probing fingers and welcoming the burn that turned his desire to a full blaze, crying out as Elrond brushed his prostate again and again. Legolas reached for Elrond�s face, cupping the soft cheek and kissing him with all his soul, desperate for their bodies to finally be joined once more.

Elrond�s fingers withdrew, and he shifted, oiling himself as he prepared to take his beloved in the deepest love either would ever know. Legolas gazed up at him, his clear blue eyes shiny with the truths from his heart, ready to entrust himself utterly to the one he loves. Elrond always felt a profound sense of awe at this moment, poised at the gates of bliss, ready to pierce his lover. Always was he deeply touched at the gift he was given again and again.

Legolas smiled, and Elrond eased forward, never pushing, but sliding inside, welcomed into the tight, tight heat. Inch by slow inch, Elrond sheathed himself, watching as Legolas bared his throat with a low moan and his eyes fluttered shut. Legolas loved this moment, when he felt both impossibly full and torn in two, waiting for the moment Elrond would slide home and pull the pieces of him back together again.

Then it came. The last inch and Elrond stopped, fully seated inside his lover�s willing body, feeling those nearly unbearably tight muscles throb around him, and allowing them to connect emotionally as they were physically. Legolas opened his eyes and immediately drowned in the swirling depths of Elrond�s grey eyes, feeling them slip into each other and embrace the other wholeheartedly, feeling their love become tangible.

And he knew it was the right moment. Just as Elrond was about to withdraw for the first gentle thrust, Legolas placed a hand on his arm, effectively stilling all movement. Elrond looked at him quizzically, poised on the edge of surrender, and waited. Legolas raised his left hand, closed in a fist, and Elrond saw the movement as if time had slowed, watched as it came to a stop between their bodies and slowly unfurl, revealing a gleaming band of mithril resting against the calloused skin of his beloved�s palm.

For one awful second, Elrond�s heart stopped beating and his whole world ground to a halt. Fearfully, he met his prince�s eyes, only to have every fear in the recesses of his soul chased away by the radiant glow on Legolas�s face.

A smile grew on that beautiful face, and he watched as blue eyes filled with silvery tears. Blood pounding in his ears, heart racing in his chest, he held still, ready to bolt should rejection be his response.


All shadows of doubt fell away, leaving only the two elves upon the bed, joined in love and desire, glowing in that perfect moment in time. With trembling fingers, Elrond extended one hand and took the ring from his lover�s palm, placing it on the first finger of his left hand. Legolas watched with shining eyes, biting his lip as the ring slid into place, clasping Elrond�s fingers when they made to retreat. The ring felt wonderfully heavy on his hand, and he laced their fingers together, lamenting the fact that he had no ring to place upon Elrond�s own finger.

Smiling, Elrond easily read the thoughts on his prince�s face. He reached over to the bed side table, groaning at the feel of Legolas�s muscles clenching around him and grinning at the pained moan that left his lover�s mouth. He slid open the small drawer, retrieving a small leather bound box. He handed it to Legolas, who looked up in question.

"Open it, my love." At Elrond�s softly voiced encouragement, Legolas released the tiny catch and lifted the lid. He gasped in delighted surprise, seeing a matching ring resting on a scrap of silk, winking at him in the firelight.

"Elrond." Legolas looked up, a smile hovering around the corners of his full lips.

With a small shrug, a sheepish smile curved the elf lord�s mouth. "I hoped."

And with a laugh, Legolas took up the matching ring and placed it on it�s rightful place, Elrond�s finger.

Their inner flames blazing with love and completeness, the two intended elves lost themselves in each other, lips seeking and finding their mates in happy abandon, bodies finally moving together in a slow dance to fulfillment.

Long, languid strokes that wrenched harsh cries from melodic throats, deep thrusts that struck to the core and moved lean limbs and strong torsos into gentle arches, slow, torturous movements that moved them ever toward the peaked heights of rapture. Elrond loved his Legolas long and thorough, sweeping his hands down silken skin and hard muscle, kissing every inch of flesh his mouth could reach, keeping the pace deliberately languorous.

Legolas felt his voice growing ever more hoarse as cry after cry and moan after moan was ripped from his lungs, brought forth by his lover�s expert touch and experienced lovemaking. His eyes filled with tears at the agonized pleasure that built inside of him, spilling over to run in tiny rivers down his cheeks and pool onto the pillow beneath his head. He was breached again and again, arching into the thrusts and groaning at the hand that tightened on his hip.

Elrond�s own cries filled the room, as he gave voice to his pleasure and lost himself in the Mirkwood prince beneath him, watching the expressions flit across that wondrous face and marveling that this elf was his. He tightened his right hand on Legolas�s hip, increasing the pace of his thrusts spurred on by his beloved�s vociferous encouragement and driving them ever closer to shared bliss.

Legolas writhed as Elrond stroked his prostate with each stroke. He reached up to grasp at a hard shoulder, grounding himself as he was taken to heights of blinding pleasure. They moved as one now, bodies straining and gleaming with a fine sheen of moisture, voices rising and mingling in the air around them. Hands twined and clutched as lips met in a fierce embrace, tasting of each other and breathing hard.

Elrond�s hips began to lose their steady pace as Legolas�s whimpers filled his ears with the music of love expressed in totality. On a harsh gasp, Legolas tore his mouth away and threw his head back into the pillows, body tight and tense, a sobbing cry ripped from his throat. Legolas arched his hips in a final meeting as his hot seed spilled onto his belly, each jolt of pleasure bringing forth another droplet of the pearly essence.

Elrond watched his Legolas surrender to passion�s call, a tingle beginning way down in his toes and rising up, only to explode with violent ferocity into his lover�s channel. His soul content and his heart happy, Elrond screamed his release to the night sky, the echo of Legolas�s name reverberating off the plaster walls as he rode the wave of his completion.

Flushed and sated, Legolas watched Elrond�s eyes flutter shut, his near black hair coming to shroud his pink cheeks, groaning when his lover�s softening shaft slipped from his body. Instantly, Elrond rolled to his side and enfolded his prince in his arms, kissing the sweaty head that was tucked beneath his chin. Legolas burrowed into the elf lord�s embrace, tangling their legs together as their bodies cooled in the cold winter night.

Only when they caught their breath did they move under the warm covers, Legolas settling into the elder�s elf�s arms once more. Elrond was nearly in his reverie when Legolas�s voice floated into his ears.

"I have changed my mind."

His eyes flew open, and Elrond looked incredulously at the younger elf beside him. "I beg your pardon?" he asked with a slightly raised eyebrow.

"I changed my mind." Legolas repeated, eyes closed and perfectly happy, nuzzling Elrond�s throat.

"Yes, Legolas. You have said that. What have you changed your mind about?" Elrond asked, trepidation beginning to rise in his mind and threatening to choke him. Had Legolas changed his mind about their future?

"That Midsummer is no longer the happiest moment of my life." Legolas said, yawning widely and rubbing his face on the soft linen pillowcase. "This is."

Elrond�s heart melted and he relaxed into his bed, tightening his hold on his intended. "Mine too, Legolas." He sighed. "Though if you even think about freezing this moment into glass and gifting me with it on our binding day I think I shall have to kill you."

Legolas laughed, Elrond�s matter of fact tone and drowsy manner of speech belying the severity of this threat. Elrond smiled, the sound of the Mirkwood elf�s laughter singing in his heart.

"I am happy you like my gift to you, Elrond." Legolas said, sobering and running a finger along the Peredhel�s strong jaw line.

"And I am happy you like mine." Elrond said, kissing his prince thoroughly and pulling the covers over their heads.

Legolas�s happy giggle filled the spacious chamber, and Elrond�s mock growl joined, as night settled even deeper in the valley. The Solstice had come.

The End

Elvish translations:
meleth n�n - my love
seron vell - beloved

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