Gold Dust

Author: Riina
Beta: Fimbrethiel
Email: [email protected]
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Elrond/Glorfindel
Warnings: none
Request: First time or establishing a relationship fic, something angsty with a plot!
Written For: Nienna

Imladris, November, 2510 Third Age

Elrond stood at a window in his study, watching the snow fall slowly. He felt old and weary. He had seen Glorfindel ride in with his group a moment ago and knew that one part of his life was over. Not lost, not forgotten, but in the past. He sighed, and his breath caressed the icy-cold window, making a perfect round of frost on it. How appropriate, thought the Lord of Imladris. Was that not like his touch, killing everything with its coldness?

A knock sounded on the door and he turned to answer, "Come in, Glorfindel."

"My lord, we saw your wife safely to Mithlond and she is presently in C�rdan's care. The next ship sailing West is scheduled to leave in a month's time. Celebr�an has a place in it. She sent you this."

"Thank you. How did she fare?" Elrond took the scroll from Glorfindel and rolled it in his fingers.

"She seemed relieved now that the time of sailing is in sight. Almost happy. Sad to leave her children, like any mother would, but she understands why they decided to remain behind in the end. If fate is willing, you will all meet one day in Valinor."

"How are my children?"

"They are fairly well. Once they have taken care of the horses, they will be here. They want to be with their father."

"Thank you, meldir." Elrond fell silent for a moment, and then cast his gaze to the floor. "I did not have the heart to go with her, not even to the Havens. I am a coward."

"She understands, my lord, and does not think you a coward. It is not easy to let a loved one go. Not even when you know that is the only solution or you lose them forever."

"You are wise, my friend."

"I will not dispute that, but those were Celebr�an's words. She knew how you would feel." Glorfindel grinned.

"She would think of that, would she not? A wise woman. I have been blessed to be surrounded by people of intelligence." Elrond smiled, the warmth of it fleetingly reaching his eyes. "I can never thank you enough for escorting her to C�rdan."

"You already have. I believe I hear footsteps in the hall. Sounds like the twins."

"Like Oliphaunts, you must mean?"

"Sometimes, yes." Glorfindel laughed. "If there is nothing else, I think shall retire to my rooms. I love snow, but travelling in it is tiresome work. I shall see you in the morrow."

"May the night bring you pleasant dreams."

"And may your sleep be peaceful, H�ren. (My lord)" Glorfindel nodded slightly before disappearing in the darkness of the corridor.

Elrond stared at the doorway, lost deep in thought. Was everyone close to him blind? Or just too kind to say anything, to tell him they knew about his heart? Sometimes the two were one and the same thing; kindness substituted for blindness. He did not know which one he preferred. Either one, he supposed, was as bearable as the other. As long as he did not find pity in his friends' eyes. He did not want it, he did not deserve it. He chose as he did, knowing very well the price for his decision.

What would his friends make of him now that his wife had left him? His marriage had been a charade from the beginning, but it had been easier when she was still here, keeping up the pretence of a couple dedicated to each other. Only guilt was left, and he found it to be a grim companion. Must he keep on pretending? Or was he free now to pursue his own happiness instead of that of his realm?

He sighed wearily and brought a hand to his forehead, rubbing his eyes. The letter. It was mostly likely unpleasant to read. He would not have the heart for it tonight. Certainly, she had finally opened her eyes and decided to call his bluff. Would she tell him she was aware of his love for another? Would he be able to read her disgust for him? Sleep would not come to him if he did not know; therefore he read the last line of the letter: "You will always have my heart, Celebr�an." Always have her heart... He stared at the flames in the fireplace and they knowingly stared back, suggesting that perhaps she was not so wise a woman after all.

The voices of Elladan and Arwen drifted in through the doorway and Elrond put the scroll away, ready to greet his children.

Walking along the corridors, Glorfindel heard snippets of conversations from behind closed doors. He was certain each and every hearth in the building was in use that evening, and all Elrond's elves wrapped in blankets. The freezing wind got to the bones. Even the most warm-blooded of elves were sure to feel the chill. Were they experiencing the loss of Celebr�an already? She had been their kind and loving sun.

Elrond obviously was feeling the loss. Glorfindel had rarely seen him as gloomy as tonight. Was it a wonder? He and Celebr�an had loved each other with dedication very few couples had, and people envied their marriage. For a long time Glorfindel had hoped things had turned out differently - he had wished to be the one Elrond loved. Time had given him wisdom in the matter, and he knew he had done rightly on that fateful summer evening a forever ago...

Elrond's study, Late July, 108 Third Age

"May I come in, my lord?"

"Certainly, Glorfindel. Can I help you with anything?"

Aye, Glorfindel wanted to scream. You can tell me you love me; that you never want to leave. Make me believe you spend every waking moment thinking about me, almost tasting me on your lips. You can take me in your arms and kiss my doubts away. Assure me that I am not a fool for believing in the sweet words you whispered in your moment of passion. You can lie to me and say that the night we shared meant the world to you, and I will believe every word. Please tell me what I heard is not true. Please, love me. Please.

But he knew he would hear none of those things from his lord. So, instead he said, "I heard the news of your betrothal to Celebr�an of the Golden Wood. May I congratulate you?"

"Thank you. This is an important step in bringing the realms closer together. We are very fortunate to have Celebr�an as the Lady of Imladris."

It was true, undeniably true. And so Glorfindel of Gondolin, the bravest of all elves known, did what any coward would do: kept his silence. He hardened his heart and closed the doors to his soul, as he walked over to his lord to give him a celebratory embrace. With his false smile he felt a traitor. All he had ever wanted now belonged to someone else. He was left with nothing, much less than he had ever been afraid of.

Dwelling on the past never made anyone feel better. Certainly not someone whose past held painful memories that accused him of being a coward and a traitor to his own heart. Glorfindel turned on his heels and headed towards the Hall of Fire. He needed wine and a warm, loving body to get him through the night.

Imladris, Early December, 2753 Third Age

Elrond sat in a comfortable chair next to the fireplace, his feet propped on a stool. He held a goblet in his hand. As he swirled the wine in the goblet so that it almost spilled over, he pondered on how quickly things changed and thus seemed as if they never did. It was almost three hundred years since Celebr�an sailed West and life in Imladris had gone back to normal so fast, she just as well could have never existed.

But she had been real and he was a father of three because of her. He loved his children more than anything on Arda, but sometimes he wondered if the price he had paid for them was not too much. Was it his part to spend forever with a cold heart?

"Glorfindel, can I ask you a very personal question?"

"Why do you even wonder? We have been friends for ages; anything you want to know, I shall share. Besides, I suspect you know more about me than I know myself." Glorfindel chose a luscious pear from the food tray and returned to lie on the bear rug in front of the fireplace. "But there is a price. Pour some more of that mulled wine for me, will you? Then I shall be your fountain of information."

"You are insane; did you know that, meldir?"

"I do. And that is why you hold me so dear." Glorfindel wiggled his eyebrows.

Elrond smiled warmly at the golden figure bathing in the warmth of the flames, and felt a small twitch somewhere deep inside of him. Memories of their night together still haunted him after centuries. There were nights when he woke up, disoriented, short of breath, and his heart beating frantically in his chest. As he wondered what had happened to wake him up, his hand touched a slimy spot on top of his stomach, and he knew. He had been dreaming of the seneschal, his golden skin, his soft lips, and his deep sapphire eyes.

"You meant to ask a question?"

"Ah, yes." Elrond hesitated for a moment, clearing his thoughts. "Have you ever truly loved anyone?"

Glorfindel turned to look at his friend at the hint of desperation he heard in his voice. "I have. I still love him, I believe. Though it is sometimes difficult to distinguish between the real feeling and the wish of it."

"You love someone?" Elrond was surprised; he had expected Glorfindel to say no. Glorfindel had had a few lovers that Elrond new of, all female. His love affairs had never lasted very long or been too intense. And hence, Elrond, and everyone else too he suspected, had thought it was because Glorfindel had not found the love of his life yet.

"I do."

"Have I met this lucky person?"

"You have, on many occasions."

"Really? Why are you not with him?"

"Time has never been right. But let us forget that. Were you going somewhere with your question?"

"Aye. Time is like gold dust. Did you know that, Glorfindel?"


"If we let it slip through our fingers, while gazing longingly at the unattainable stars, it becomes worthless, dirt in the wind."

"And what are your unattainable stars?"

"I believed that the dream of love and family would be in my reach too."

Glorfindel turned to lie on his stomach and looked at his friend curiously. "It was. You had Celebr�an, and the twins and Arwen. If that is not the dream of family life fulfilled, then I do not know what you are looking for."

"It was a lie, Glorfindel. It was always a lie. I did what was expected of me. For the good of my people. We needed a stronger bond between the elven realms, and marrying Celebr�an was the perfect way to achieve that."

Glorfindel sat up. "You are saying it was a political marriage?"

"Of the best kind. She was beautiful, kind, a perfect mother. More than any man could ask. Not, however, the one for me. I wanted more. I wanted something else. Women with their soft curves and gentle demeanour do not move me."


"No, I want to feel safe in someone's arms, not to be the strong one myself. I do that all day and all night for my people. In private I want to be weak, to be taken care of. I want someone with a fire so strong inside that it will engulf me in its flames and burn me clean. I want hard muscle, a strong body to tame. I want a warrior." Someone like you, came a thought to Elrond's head and he knew it had hidden somewhere for a long time, ever since their first encounter.

"Do you think she knew?"

"I always suspected she must, but she never said anything..." Elrond paused abruptly. "I did not read the scroll she sent with you. It still must be in the bottom drawer, buried in other things I have avoided." Elrond walked over to his desk and rummaged around for a while, emerging with a scroll. "Here it is. Just looking at it gives me a sense of dread."

"Why? It is only words, no matter their meaning. Besides, she was the gentlest soul. I cannot imagine her wanting to hurt you."

"My own guilt must be making me see monsters where in reality there are none. The best way to stop agonizing over this is to read the letter, no?"

"I should think so. I shall leave you to it. Do not torture yourself over things you do not have the power to change anymore. Past is past. Good night, meldir."

"Good night."

Elrond sat looking at the scroll and thus missed the peculiar look on Glorfindel's face. The seneschal stood at the door for a long time as if wanting to say something. When he noticed Elrond was about to get up, he disappeared silently from the entrance. Elrond went to his favourite chair, gulped down the glass of wine, and started to read.

Dear Elrond,

I know you feel guilty for not coming with us to the Havens. There is no reason for that. I understand what you are going through, as I am living with the same feeling. We believe we failed each other.

Life as a lord, or a lady, of a realm is not easy. We must follow our head, not our heart. And for that, for the good of our people, we needed to keep up the fa�ade, you and I, but there is no need for it any longer. You are free to pursue your happiness as I am mine. I love you deeply as the father of my children and a close companion, but we were not right for each other. We are not to blame; we did the best we could. If we meet again in Valinor, I hope it is as valued friends, nothing more.

A word of advice, dear husband. You consider me wise, so heed my guidance. I know you love Glorfindel. I have known since the beginning. Whether it was out of a sense of commitment to me and our marriage, or from lack of courage, you never pursued a relationship with him. I thank you for it. For I believe I could not have lived with the burden of a wife deceived, even as I could not have grudged you the happiness the relationship surely would have brought you. There were times when I wished for nothing more for myself, but I was never miserable with our life. Ah, the advice. I can see your face in my mind at the moment, and it brings a smile to my lips. I am certain you are rolling your eyes. I know you all too well, Elrond.

Go to him. Go to Glorfindel. For I have seen love's fire in his eyes when he looks at you and thinks no one sees him. He longs to hold you in his arms. Remember, it is never too late for love.

I have one last thing to give for everything you gave me. I release you from our marriage. The rest is up to you. You deserve to be happy.

You will always have my heart,

Again, Elrond sat silent for a while, staring at the flames. To think he had dreaded reading this letter for centuries. His wife had been the wiser of them in the end. Except about one thing. Elrond was certain it was already too late with Glorfindel. He had messed that one up more than two thousand years ago. Glorfindel had never given him any reason to believe there was anything more than friendship between them. Even that was more than he deserved. He had been careless with a young elf and his heart, and now he paid for it with his own happiness.

The Lord of Imladris broke down and cried. For all the lonely nights, for relief and for regret. For the one thing that meant the world to him. For love he would never have because of his own imprudence. He wept for the chance he had lost.

Imladris, the night of Winter Solstice, same year

Moonlight shone in through the bedroom window, and shadow snowflakes danced on the crumpled surface of Glorfindel's bed linen. There were no sounds, no one moving around in the crisp winter night. Everything was calm and peaceful, except Glorfindel's heart. Ever since Elrond's revelation, he had not been able to sleep properly. His mind reeled with all the possibilities, and explanations, and reasons. In the end, however, he realized that nothing had changed. Elrond had married Celebr�an.

Love became before everything else, Glorfindel thought. All these years he had believed Elrond chose Celebr�an, because he was in love with her. Though he had wished that love to be his, he could not bring himself to hate Celebr�an or to be jealous of the relationship she and Elrond had. She was kind, good-hearted, giving, and Glorfindel loved her like a sister.

But now he felt betrayed. The marriage being a sensible choice made Elrond's conduct unforgivable. If Glorfindel had been cast aside for love, that he could live with. To have been Elrond's toy was unacceptable. Elrond had taken an advantage of Glorfindel, a foolish and na�ve elf in his youth, and never even tried to explain his actions.

He lay on the bed, staring at the ceiling, when another thought entered his head. With the way things were, was not the biggest blame in reality on him? If he had mustered the courage to speak up, everything might have turned out differently. How could he blame Elrond for staying silent, when Glorfindel himself had done the same?

Noises from the yard disrupted his gloomy thoughts. Elrond's twins had sneaked out and were having a snow fight. They ran around the garden, first throwing and then dodging snowballs. Elladan leaped up a tree to escape his brother. Elrohir leaped after him, managing to grab his leg, and they both fell down on the ground. Glorfindel winced, for he could imagine how Elladan felt as the one who took the impact of the drop. The twins rolled in the snow, laughing. Glorfindel watched Elrohir straddle his twin and then kiss him deeply.

Elves were more liberal with the ways of love than other races on Middle-Earth, and still affection between brothers was not readily tolerated. As Elrond's heirs Elladan and Elrohir had been forced to face many prejudices to become accepted. They had known what they wanted and what was right for them, and fought for it. They had been brave. That was a lot more than could be said for the seneschal of Imladris when it came to the matters of the heart. What a fool I have been, thought Glorfindel.

Glorfindel made his decision. It was time to take a leap from the highest ledge and see if his wings had grown strong enough.

Elrond woke up. He blinked a few times, wondering what had disturbed his sleep. Nothing seemed to be out of the ordinary. They had had another wonderful celebration of Winter Solstice and had spent the night dancing, eating, drinking, and making merry. The house around him was finally quiet, and the only sound Elrond heard was fire crackling in the other room. When he remembered he had not left the fire burning, he got up. Straightening the long, white nightshirt he wore to bed, he walked to the sitting room door. There was fire in the hearth, and a golden-haired elf sat in one of the chairs in front of it.

"Glorfindel? What are you doing here? Is something amiss?"

"Everything is fine. I was lying in my bed when I realized there is one more gift to give. The most important one."

"Since you are in my rooms, can I assume I am the receiver?" Elrond tried to make light of the situation, but Glorfindel seemed not to notice.

"No, my lord, the gift is for me. I have held this thing inside me for ages and to find some peace of mind I need to speak about it. Do I have your ear?"

"Of course. If there is anything I can do for you, you know I will do it."

Glorfindel was silent for a long time. When he finally spoke, he did so in a very soft voice, "Melin chen, Elrond. Did you know that?" Not giving Elrond time to answer, he continued, "I remember when I arrived here for the first time. You held a picnic for the whole House out in the garden. I came to stand at the corner of the house and saw a beautiful elf, holding a basket full of apples. His ebony hair shone in the sunlight as he walked around, talking with everyone, handing out the fruit, and laughing. Then he noticed me and turned wholly in my direction."

Glorfindel closed his eyes, lost in memories. "It was your smile, I suppose. It reached all the way to your storm grey eyes, and there was nothing I could have done to keep from falling for you. When you introduced yourself as Elrond, the lord of valley, I knew I had come home." He paused. "I have loved you ever since. And watching your sons' snow fight tonight has made me realize I have been a fool."

"A fool?" Elrond whispered, stunned to the core.

"Aye. I should have told you. Whatever destiny decides for us, we must do all we can to help her. Letting you know might not have made a difference, but at least I would have certain. Of your feelings and mine. Instead I placed my happiness and heart to your keeping. What a terrible burden to bear, especially when you did not know of it. I understood tonight that only I am to blame for my loneliness. Only I.

"My heart has grown weary of its self-made prison, and I wish to set it free by telling you. Whatever happens, I will not keep secrets anymore. And I now find that I do not care about your answer. Speaking of the matter was enough." Glorfindel smiled. "That is all I had to say. I thank you for listening."

"You love me?"

"Strangely, I still do. But I promise the subject will not come up again." Glorfindel got up to leave.

"Please do not go. I love you."

Glorfindel smiled regretfully, and walked to the door. "Good night."

"No!" Elrond rushed to stop Glorfindel and grabbed his arm. "You cannot come in here, tell me you love me, and then leave. It does not work that way. Come, sit back down, and hear what I have to say. Please."

Elrond felt Glorfindel hesitate for a moment, before letting Elrond lead him back to the chair.

"You have it all wrong. I loved you. I still do. I am sorry for what I did. I knew I should have come to you and explain the situation, but I was afraid that if I said it out loud, if I admitted my love for you, it would not go away silently. That I would not have the strength to distance myself from you anymore. I had pledged myself to the marriage with Celebr�an before you and I came together. I could not go back on my word. And we needed the alliance with the Golden Wood. Can you see that? Tell me that you understand." Elrond sat down on the floor in front of Glorfindel, searching his eyes.

"I do, but I wonder if I have enough faith in me left to believe in us."

"No?" Elrond looked absolutely crushed.

"Forgive me, Elrond. I am trying to punish you, when there is nothing you need to be punished for. I am sorry. Seems I find this hard after all. I promised myself that if you are willing, I will give us a chance. Even if it all comes crashing down, it will be worth it. Love is worth everything."

Elrond rose to his knees and brought his lips to Glorfindel's. He kissed the seneschal with the barest of touch. It was his time to make a move, time to take risk. "I want you to have me, Glorfindel. I offer my body as a sign of my commitment. No other has ever been offered this gift."

"Do not say things like that to me," Glorfindel whispered in a hoarse voice. "For there is nothing I want more than to bury myself in your body, and I would not be gentle."

"I do not want you to be gentle. I need to be punished, you need to have retribution, and perhaps then we can start again, our past erased. Please, use me as you wish."

Elrond sat back on his heels, casting his eyes to the floor, and his dark hair fell in front of his face. His posture told of complete submission, and it was all Glorfindel needed to make up his mind.

"Stand up, love. Two wrongs will not cancel each other out. I will have you, for it is something I have dreamt of for millennia, but I will do it right. A first time is first time and such a gift should be treated with love. There shall be no regrets, if we hope to make this work. What do you say?"

"I love you. Is there anything more that needs to be said?"

"No, I guess not. Now, come and let me make you mine." Glorfindel offered his hand and Elrond took it. They walked to Elrond's bed chamber

"I need to fetch something. Make yourself comfortable." Elrond returned a moment later. Glorfindel had done as he asked and reclined on the bed, gloriously naked, and Elrond felt his breath catch. More than two thousand years had passed since they had been in this situation, and time had only made Glorfindel more beautiful. He had been a young elf back then, his body showing signs of how strong and muscular it would one day become. Time had made all the promises come true: Glorfindel was a vision of physical strength and stamina with his powerful thighs and broad shoulders.

Elrond crawled on the bed and lay down next to Glorfindel. "Kiss me."

Their lips touched, first gently and then with more passion. Glorfindel marvelled at the sweetness of Elrond's mouth. He nudged a little with his tongue and Elrond opened up to him. Elrond tasted of spices and apples. A forever in this bed, with this elf, would not be enough to Glorfindel.

They broke the kiss and smiled at each other.

"I think we should lose this night shirt. It makes you look virginal. On second thought, it fits."

"Oh, be quiet." Elrond threw the garment to the floor. "Is this more to your taste?"

"Infinitely. Come here."

They kissed again. Glorfindel wrapped his arms around Elrond, pulling him closer. The feel of Elrond's erection against his abdomen was fast making his control slip. Glorfindel did not want to rush this. The last time did not mean a thing to him anymore; this was what mattered, their real first time together. Because love changes everything.

Glorfindel nuzzled Elrond's neck, the beautiful base of his throat, buying himself more time to calm down again. "What did you retrieve? Oil?"

"I cannot give you a gold ring, not right away, to mark you as mine. But I can cover you in gold dust. This time I will not let you slip between my fingers."

"Gold dust?"

Elrond could not remember anymore where he had gotten the dust, but everything golden reminded him of Glorfindel and he had not wanted to get rid of it. "I want to worship you, rawen valthen (my golden lion). Please let me." Elrond took a jar of salve and poured some of the gold dust in it. He then stirred it all together, preparing a shimmering cream. "I have had this dust for ages. It was given to me by someone who believed in its healing powers. I prefer herbs. But I never got around to throwing it away. The way it sparkles reminds me of your hair in the light of Anor." Elrond smiled. "And now I want to rub it on your skin. Slowly, inch by tantalizing inch."

Hearing the words, Glorfindel's eyes became darker. "My patience is not without limits, Elrond."

"Should I tie you to the bed, then?"

As Glorfindel nodded, Elrond hurried to fetch a few leather strings he normally used to knot his hair. "Hmmm. I cannot tie you lying down. That way I cannot access your back. I shall have to be creative."

A moment later Glorfindel was on his knees in the middle of the bed, his hands fixed together above his head to the frame of the bed's canopy.

"You are beautiful, my lover. So beautiful. And all mine." Elrond walked around the bed, taking in the sight his lover presented. "All mine." He crawled back on the bed, the jar with him. The scent of sandalwood filled the room when Elrond warmed the cream between his palms. He touched Glorfindel here and there, leaving golden fingerprints after him. Bringing his body flat against Glorfindel's back, he nuzzled his lover's neck and started to smear the cream to the seneschal's arms. First one, and then the other. Even in winter Glorfindel's skin was slightly tanned, and the cream deepened its golden hue. Elrond felt intoxicated by Glorfindel's beauty.

"You shall be the death of me, love."

Glorfindel only moaned in answer, and Elrond continued the massage. He smoothed the cream over Glorfindel's muscled back with caressing touches and bent back to admire his handiwork. Golden elf, golden skin. And it was all his, at least for now. They would worry about the rest of it later.

"I want to taste you, Elrond. Come here."

Circling Glorfindel slowly, Elrond tasted every inch of skin on his way. He could not leave his lover's nipples without attention, and brought his mouth first on one and then the other. He nipped lightly one tight nub, breaking the skin. A small drop of blood formed and he licked it with his tongue. "Taste yourself in my mouth." Elrond offered his lips to Glorfindel, who took them in a scorching kiss

"Mmmm. Delicious, but now it is time to switch our roles."

Elrond yelped in surprise when Glorfindel grabbed his wrists and flipped him around, so that he was on his hands and knees.

"I would be a poor seneschal, if leather ties were all that was needed to keep me captive." Glorfindel wrapped the leather strips around Elrond's wrists and then tied them around bed posts. "You, however, will not slip from these so easily."

The seneschal grinned wickedly, "I suspect I was too rash in my opinion earlier, dear Elrond. I find the need to punish you too great to ignore."

The words rushed to Elrond's groin, and he shivered.

"Do not be afraid. It is what you wanted, is it not?" Glorfindel let his finger follow Elrond's spine, leaving a golden trace on the smooth, pale skin. "Play nicely, and I shall grant you release soon. The more you resist, the longer this will take. For a while I thought about gagging you too, but I want to hear your pleasure. And let there be no doubt about this, pleasure you shall receive." To make his point, he licked his way up Elrond's spine to the tip of his sensitive ear and earned a whimper. "But first: you left something unfinished." Glorfindel got off the bed and came to stand in front of Elrond. He continued what Elrond had started with the balm, covering himself in it. His touches were languid, soft caresses as he lingered in sensitive spots of his body. Elrond had stopped breathing by the time Glorfindel came to his erection, the last place without the cream.

Mesmerized, hypnotized. Those were the only words to describe how Elrond felt as he watched his lover pleasure himself. Glorfindel took a generous amount of the salve in his hand and brought it to his penis. He closed his eyes, letting his hand slide up and down along the length of his shaft. Soon his breathing got shallower, and Elrond saw the muscles in his thighs ripple under strain. The sight of his lover, on the verge of an orgasm, nearly undid Elrond. He had trouble breathing. Then Glorfindel opened his eyes and looked straight into Elrond's. "Shall I leave the rest of this to you, my lord?"

Elrond opened his mouth, but as nothing came out, he only nodded.

Back on the bed, Glorfindel crawled between Elrond's legs and came to lie beneath him. "I love you. I know I have said it already, but I want to say it again. Just because I can. I love you." He kissed Elrond, with passion. He slid his tongue inside his lover's mouth, inviting it to a dance. They tasted each other, drinking in love and desire.

"I wish we had a telepathic connection, that we could see each other's minds, use one another's senses." Glorfindel slid down his lover's body. He gently licked one nipple and then blew on it, making Elrond whimper. He then went to the other one, repeating the same gentle course of action and at the same time pinched the other nipple hard. This time Elrond groaned loudly. "Aye, I love your voice. Do not hold out on me. Let me hear you like what I do."

Elrond's body was covered in a light sheen of sweat and his mind a muddle. The strain on his shoulders from being tied up bordered on pain, Glorfindel's actions were pure bliss, and he was caught in between the sensations. He wanted to beg, to be let out of his ties, to be taken over the edge, to be kept there hanging forever, for the feelings made him feel more alive than ever before. Glorfindel was his entire world, and he had no objections to it. Willingly he would spend forever being tortured thus.

"If we shared our senses, you could taste what I taste." Glorfindel moved further down and took his lover inside his mouth fully. Crying out, Elrond bucked against him. Glorfindel swirled his tongue around the head of his lover's cock, tasting the nectar that slowly dripped from the slit. He brought his hands up to steady Elrond's hips. He used his tongue, his teeth, his lips, to bring his lover to the brink of release and back, and when he judged Elrond to be almost there, he withdrew and slid out from under him.

"I think you are ready for the next experience. Aye?"

Elrond panted harshly, and then whimpered as he felt Glorfindel's tongue probe his opening.

"Surely this is going to kill me. I might have made a mistake. Please just let me out of these ties, and we shall forget any of this ever happened. I cannot take this. It is too much."

Not liking his lover's words very much, Glorfindel decided to put a stop to them and pushed his tongue deeper. He felt Elrond quiver under his ministrations. He doubled his efforts, his hand searching for the bottle of oil he had seen earlier. With the noises Elrond made, Glorfindel's is patience would not hold out much longer; he had to prepare his lover.

Elrond felt the oil trickle on his skin, slowly, drip by drip getting closer to his anus. He knew what to expect, but not how exquisite the feeling would be. When Glorfindel's finger pushed in, he was ready for the invasion and pushed back to welcome it deeper.

"Please do not tarry anymore. I have to feel you inside of me."

Glorfindel added a finger, stretching and widening his lover's passage. He took his time, used slow, languorous moves. Elrond moaned, whimpered, groaned. And when he thought he would die of pleasure, Glorfindel stopped.

"I wish you could see what I see. How perfectly our colours fit together, your pale, alabaster skin against my golden. Your midnight hair making mine shine like the stars in the dark sky. You are an enticing sight, love, quivering with pleasure under my hands. You glisten with oil, ready for me..."

"For Valar's sake, have me already. Have I not suffered enough, paid for my misdeeds tenfold?" Elrond thrashed on the bed, the ties on his wrists digging deeper in his skin. He would go crazy if Glorfindel kept torturing him.

But Glorfindel did not. Instead, he took a firm hold of his lover hips and placed his erection at the opening. He started slowly, gently pushing the head inside and then waiting for a moment. One swift stroke, and he was in all the way. Elrod screamed with pleasure, pushing back, and Glorfindel could not hold out any longer. He set a brutal pace, making their coupling fast and furious. Only a few strokes were needed to push Glorfindel over the edge and he spilled deep inside Elrond's body. Elrond followed, the feel of his lover's warm seed inside of him triggering his release.

Glorfindel collapsed on the bed. All he wanted was to close his eyes, but he had to let Elrond off his ties first. "I hope you are not hurt." He opened the knots on the strings and gently kissed each wrist. He gathered Elrond in his arms, spooning him from behind.

"No, I am not hurt, but I am spent. I believe I have never been this spent in my life. You *will* be the death of me, rawen." Elrond snuggled in closer. Glorfindel massaged his tender wrists with the oil and he felt temptingly drowsy. He was safe and protected and all was right in his world. "I love you."

"I love you, too." Glorfindel knew they would have to talk tomorrow about everything that had happened, but for tonight this was enough. He kissed the top of Elrond's head before falling to slumber.

Next morning the sun found the two naked elf lords wrapped up warmly in each other, both covered in gold dust, their skin shimmering in the first light of the day ...

The End

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