Angel/Spike Slash
Title: Follow the Leader
Author: Inca
Feedback: makes me happy, and happy writers write more,
[email protected]
PG-13 m/m implied
Disclaimer: They don't belong to me, I just like to play with them
Spoilers � Probably up to 5.10 (5th season, Soul Purpose)
Summary: If you aren�t the lead snow dog, the view never changes.


London, 1882

William fell to his knees on the wooden floor, his hands held up by rope lashing him to one of the posts of Angelus� bed. His back was streaked with fiery pain.

�Have you learned yet? Has it got through?� His Sire asked, speaking patiently, twisting the riding crop in his hands.

William clenched his eyes shut against the sting of his sweat. His back ached from the punishment, the welts burning hot against the cool of his bare skin; his wrists were burnt from rubbing against the restraints.
He leant his forehead against the bedpost, against his hands, smelling his Sire in the red patterned sheets. The fire flickering in the fireplace cast gloomy shadows around the room, William could see Angelus� shadow stalking across the room towards his.

Angelus whipped him again, harshly, aiming at his lower back.

�I don�t.� he panted, his unkempt hair falling in his eyes.

�You don�t what?� Angelus� tightly drawn voice replied.

�I don�t understand why you�re�� he started, the older vampire growled, and whipped twice more, in rapid succession.

William screamed.

�You�re being punished for disobeying me.� He leant close to William�s ear. �I gave you an instruction, and you did what you wanted.�

�All I did was kill two humans!�

�Two which I told you to leave!� Angelus roared. He stood and pulled the fledglings head back by the hair.
�They were the family of the Chosen One, and know she will know we are here. You have put us in danger.�

He smacked William across the face before releasing his hair.

�Darla follows me, she�s my Sire, but I am stronger, smarter. I tell my Drusilla where to go, what to do, and on whom to feed. I instruc�ted my earlier childe, Penn, in a similar fashion. And I will do the same for you.�

He undid the ropes tying William�s hands to the post. The younger vampire crawled painfully to a sitting position, keeping his back from the heat of the fire as to not upset his wounds.
Angelus stood in front of him, sliding the end of the riding crop up William�s body, and neck, to pause under his chin. He lifted the crop; causing Williams head to tilt up to him.

�You will ne�er decide for yourself.�

�Why not?�

��Cause there�ll only ever be one leader, boy.� Angelus smiled beatifically, �Me.�

Present day

�Spike, you�re not going to lead us in there. We have to plan. You don�t know the layout, you don�t know how many vampires are �� Angel paused abruptly as Spike pushed past him, and into the sewer tunnel that led to a now-known vampire nest.

He glanced over his shoulder at Wesley and Gunn, and headed into the tunnel himself, followed by the two men.

�Great, now Spike�s the one makin� decisions?� Gunn muttered to Wesley.

Angel grimaced as he tried to catch up to the other vampire. He moved quickly down through the dark sewer, and saw Spike about to bust through the plywood

�Spike!� he hissed.




�Hey talk a little louder, wanna make sure the vamps can get away and continue with the killing, right?� Gunn�s sarcastic hiss rung in Angel�s ears.

He tried to regain some authority.

�Because you�re not leading this ��

Spike lifted his chin and raised one eyebrow.

�Says who?�

Wesley and Gunn rolled their eyes at each other; Wesley hoisted his adze onto his shoulder, sighing with impatience.

�Me, I�m saying. I let you come along and �,� Angel paused aware of the pleading whine starting to creep into his voice.
He sighed, the one thing he seemed to be doing a lot of since Spike had shoved himself back into his life.

�Spike, you cant go in there all loud and noisy and � you. Wesley�s research shows there are 9 really dangero � �

�Doesn�t matter, I have a sword.� Spike interrupted. He lifted said sword, a huge shiny impressive weapon, as though Angel couldn�t see it.

�Angel, are we going to wipe out the nest or not?� Wesley�s brusque voice whispered from the darkness of the sewer tunnel.

Angel closed his eyes, and wondered when he was going to figure out why he always got the blame for Spike�s appearance and annoyance.

�Okay we go in together,� he acquiesced quickly, noting Spike was going to burst into the nest in the next 3 seconds with or without them.

The four men broke through the door just in time to see the last vampire running down the far corridor. The vampire slammed a sewer grate over the entry of his tunnel and locked it with a chain, other vampires joining him to ensure Angel and the others could not get through.
One vampire gave them the finger before running down another corner and disappearing from sight.

�Good one Angel, they heard all your whining. Why not give em a chance to get more vamp�s enlisted before attacking next time.� Spike pushed past him and started back the way they came, �Wanker.�

Angel turned to see matching glares on Wesley and Gunn�s faces, before they too brushed past and exited the now empty nest.

Angel sighed.


Spike walked into Angel�s office and made sure to slam the door behind him.

�Hello Poof.�

Angel didn�t bother to look up from his files as the vampire entered.

�Oh joy, Spike is here, now my life can truly begin.� He deadpanned, frowning at the sheets in his hands and then opening a book on his desk to search for something.

�That�s right.�

Spike flopped down onto the chair in front of Angel�s desk and started picking at the black on his nails. He scratched bits of polish off before rolling them into little balls and flicking them on Angel�s carpet.

Spike looked at the older vampire and snorted.

�Nice shirt.� He sneered, gesturing to Angel�s purple button down shirt.

Angel flicked a sheet up, and looked at something underneath it, calmly.

�At least I don�t wear the same thing everyday, what are you, a cartoon character?� he asked without looking up from his work.

Oooooh, Spike thought, someone�s pissed off.

�Oh by the way, nice going with that vamp nest yesterday, good job.� He prodded.

He watched as Angel�s calm veneer cracked for a moment, to older vampire�s fists clenching slightly, before he settled down into research mode again.

�What are you doing now? Researching more ways for you to be completely useless? Or are you looking up a way to get Shanshu-ed?�

Angel�s eyes flicked from the book to Spike�s face.

�I,� he ground out, �am researching where the vampires are most likely to go next.�

�You�re not gonna find that in a book, Fairy.�

�The vampires were part of a cult, they move from one significant place to the next, depending on the position of the planets.�

�This cult sounds like they�re a bunch of pansy wankers.� Spike suddenly grinned and leant forward, �Hey why don�t you join?�

Angel returned to his books.

�Look, what if I found them? I�ll bring you along. Teach you how to sneak up on a vamp nest.�

Angel looked up again in seething disbelief.

�You�re the one th �� he bit off the rest of the sentence, and looked very deliberately at his books again.

Spike grinned to himself, trying not to laugh. He looked around the office.

�I see Charlie and the Wuss �aven�t caught this researching fever.� He observed.

Angel�s head involuntarily ticked slightly to the side. He clenched his teeth together and continued reading, trying to ignore the younger vampire.

�They blame you? Punishing you for it by making you research all by your lonesome?� Spike queried.

Angel bit his lip and opened another book angrily, still refusing to look at the blonde. Spike nodded.

Sometimes, he thought, my powers of seeing the truth astound even me.

�Bit rough.�

�Yes, I agree, especially as you were the one who destroyed �� he furiously bit off the sentence again.

�Destroyed � your relationship with Buffy?� he asked, about to laugh.

Angel looked up, glaring at Spike psychotically.

�Ooooh, someone�s channelling Angelus.�

Angel�s face softened � slightly.

�What do you want Spike?�

He got up and perched on the edge of Angel�s desk, flicking some papers carelessly to the ground.

�Want some help researching?�

�When did you learn how to read?�

Spike laughed as he watched the older vampire trying to restrain himself from putting his head through the wall.

�Someone�s full of spice today. And I�ll have you know, I was an English Major.�

Angel sighed through his nose, and flipped his book back onto the desk.

�Really?� he asked tiredly.

�Yep.� He frowned, �Didn�t do too well in it, though.�

Angel nodded in a �duh� way.

�I only got schooled �til I was 14.� He offered.

Spike raised his eyebrows.

�Guess there�s not much need for school when you�re just gonna grow up to be a potato fucking farmer, is there?�

Angel smiled at him sarcastically, and leant back in his chair.

�I wasn�t a farmer.�

Spike started giggling.

Angel thought for a moment and then widened his eyes.

�And I didn�t have sex with potatoes.� He added quickly.

Spike smothered his giggles and dipped his head. He slipped off the desk and started for the door.

�Well if you don�t need help researching, I�m off to find Head-Boy.�

Angel scoffed.

�Gonna see if he can give you any information about the Shanshu Prophecy?� he sneered.

Spike turned around, mocking smile on his face.

�Well, I was actually gonna annoy him some, but now that you mention it. Maybe I will pick the watchers brain for a bit.�

Angel looked unhappy, and snuffed through his nose. He got up and stalked to a bookshelf across the room. He started pulling the books off the shelves and piling them into his arms.

�Hey, reckon he�s upset enough with you, to wanna help me out with �the Blue Fairy�? Spike prodded.

Angel, stony faced, walked back to his desk as Spike tried to crack the thing layer of Angel�s calm.

�Cause if he cracked it, made Angel lose his temper � he won.

�Make me a real ��

Angel turned around in a huff, dropping the pile of books onto his desk, before facing him.

�Why are you fighting for this, Spike? Why do you even want it?� Angel asked.

�Time killer.� Spike responded, cleaning the nails on his right hand with his blackened thumbnail.

Snick, Snick.

Spike waited for the inevitable question.

Snick, Snick.

�Time killer?� came the through-clenched-teeth query.

�Yeah, gotta do something �til the Peppermint Stick opens.�

Angel�s expression turned from frustration to na�ve puzzlement.

�What�s the Peppermint Stick?� he asked.

Spike stopped playing with his nails long enough to flip him an incredulous look.

�Peppermint Stick, one of the finest strip joints L.A. has to offer. I�ll take you there one day.�

Na�ve puzzlement then turned to disgust.

�No thanks.�

�What you got against strip joints?�

�You can�t see that those kind of places degrade women and put the social ��

�Cor mate, there are enough college girls rallying for women�s rights, you don�t need to step in. What�s next, eh?� He raised an eyebrow; �Land rights for endangered gay squirrels?�

�I just don�t like strip bars.�

�Colour me surprised.� Spike muttered, checking his nails before reaching in his jacket for a cigarette.
�Why does it matter if I want it? You just wanna get it cause you think you�re the leader. You think I get this, then that means you�re not gonna be the Alpha Dog anymore.�

Angel looked up in confusion.


�Nothing, Never mind.� Spike said, �I�m just wondering why you even care if I want it. What�s it to you?

�Because you, don�t, you� Angel waved his hands around in frustration, �you don�t even care! It�s just a passing fancy. You didn�t even know about it a couple of months ago, and now you�re fighting me for it!�

�Yeah, I want it, I guess. I wouldn�t be upset if I got it, put it that way. And I haven�t fought you for it.� Spike looked to the roof and thought for a moment, �Oh wait, yes I have. But that was the principal of the thing�

Spike put the cig in his mouth, and lit it, hoping Angel was too distracted by having something to brood over, to notice he was smoking in the office.

�It�s like,� Angel paused, frowning, searching for words, �Its like this is what I was working for, this is what I wanted and ��

Spike snorted, �And you think I�m gonna steal it from you.�

He looked alarmed, and tried in vain to back pedal.

�No, it�s not that ��

�That�s exactly what it is. But the Shanshu?�

�What about it?�

�It already knows a vamp is gonna get all mortal coil, it�s a destiny. You don�t have to fight for fate. It just is.�

Angel frowned.

Spike sighed; resigned to the fact he�d have to explain. He took a drag from his cigarette as he tried to figure out how to put it in words.


�So when you first heard about it you were the only vamp with a soul.�

�Yeah.� Angel snorted.

�So you figured it was about you, naturally. But then I came along, so what if I�m not stealing it from you. What if it was never about you in the first place? It might�ve always been about me.�

�So you do want to be human then.�

Spike rolled his eyes in frustration.

�I don�t want it one way or the other. If it comes along for me, great, if not, I won�t be crying myself to sleep in the morning. I�m just saying that fate on the scroll is already written, it�s already played out. You don�t have to fight me for your destiny, cause if its yours, I can�t butt in and steal it from you. It�s yours.�

�But you�re saying it � might not be mine.�

Angel sank down to his desk, crinkling some sheets of paper as he sat on them unaware.

�Yeah Mate, that�s what I�m saying. Cause I kinda get the feeling if you don�t get this Shanshu bollocks, you would be crying into your sheets in the morning. Trying to make you see there are other ways this thing might pan out.� Spike sat down next to Angel on his desk. �And that�s no ones fault, It�s fate.�

�I guess.�

�I mean this Shanshu? Might not even happen for another 200 years, right? Who knows how many fellow vamps might be clawing for a piece of humanity by then? Might not be about you or me.�

Angel ran his tongue over his teeth in thought.

�Why do you want it, can I ask? I mean you�d help more helpless with vamp strength than ageing human strength. And you said yourself, It isn�t a reward.�

Angel looked to him, exuding a lost-boy air.

�I just,� he mumbled, looking out the window, �it would make me human.�

�That�s it? You just wanna be a real boy?�

�Well I don�t like the idea that I�m dead.� He explained.

Spike nodded, using the end of his cigarette to light the tip of a new one. He inhaled as Angel spoke.

�I mean, being that one in the prophecy would give me �� he continued, haltingly.

�Give you what?�

�A purpose � a value.�

Spike looked at him, exhaling smoke into the office.

�Have you ever thought you might have a place in the world besides some grand destiny? A value beyond this stupid Shanshu prophecy?�

�What else is there?�

Spike shrugged.

�Life, maybe? Unlife. Friends. Laughing. Booze. Fun. Kissing. Strippers. It all works for me.� He turned to Angel, smiling at the thought of his reaction to his next meaning of life, �Shagging.�

Angel blinked hard in an involuntary reaction to the last statement, as Spike chuckled at him.

�Did you go to a Catholic school when you were alive?�

Angel looked at him warily, and nodded.

�Thought so.�


�You think sex is a bad thing.�

�Well, it is� he said offended, �for me, anyway.�



Spike carefully stubbed his cigarette out on a piece of paper, after thinking for a moment how funny Angel�s reaction would be if he burnt a spot of lacquer off the poof�s desk.


Angel turned his head towards him, eyebrows raised in question at the now unimportant nickname.

Spike pegged his dry cig across the room and leant across the sheets and books to brush his smoke warmed lips against Angel�s.
Angel tensed for a moment as Spike deepened the kiss before relaxing into it. Spike raised one hand to run his fingers through Angel�s perfectly gelled spikes.
Spike broke the kiss, flopping back into his previous seat, and sticking his hand into his coat pocket to pull out a cigarette.

Angel, confused, turned to Spike and blinked at him in bewilderment.


Spike searched for his lighter, found it, lit his cigarette and puffed smoke into the office.


Blink, frown.

�What?� Spike finally asked, speaking around the cig between his lips.

�Why did you � what was that for?�

Spike shrugged.

�Felt like it.�

�Uh,� Angel raised his eyebrows, taking this in, �well, then, � thankyou?�

Spike took the cigarette out of his mouth and turned to Angel in disbelief.

�Who says thankyou after a kiss?� He snorted and shook his head, �Poofter.�

Spike slipped off the desk and turned to Angel to see his gaze fixed on the office carpeting, his hand up to his mouth.

Spike swallowed his giggles.


Angel broke out of his reverie, hand dropping to his lap.

�Spike, I have a name.�

�Wanker?� Spike asked in the exact same tone as before.

Angel rolled his eyes.


Spike grinned.

�I wasn�t joking before. I know where the vamps are.�

Angel looked at him in utter frustration.

�You knew where they ��

�Yeah.� Spike said simply.

Angel stared at him.


�I don�t think I�ll ever understand you.�

�That�s cause you�re stupid.�

�Yeah, okay� Angel grabbed a sword from the back wall and shoved some stakes in his coat pockets.

Spike copied quickly as Angel clicked the elevator buttons, and stepped in. He held the doors open as Spike stepped in.

The doors opened again and Angel strode out towards the multitude of cars, pulling the keys to one out of his pocket and unlocking the door.

�Hey,� Spike said, making Angel turn around, �I know where they are, I�m leading this time.�

Angel stared at him for a long moment, before holding up the keys and dropping them into Spike�s upturned hand.

Spike smiled as he slid into the car, Angel following him.
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