Loud, annoying noise.
Angel could hear it coming from the rooftop.
Spike was probably up there.
"How could you lose? You fucking bullocking wankers? I swear to god you're useless!"
Obviously Spike's team had lost. So Spike had lost money.
Well... Angel had lost money.
Angel sighed and stretched out his legs, levering himself up, out of his easy chair. He reluctantly put down the book of poetry, he had been reading, on his coffee table, after cleaning off the dozen empty beer cans residing on it, thanks to Spike, and strode to the door.
He'd have to calm Spike down. And ask him how much of Angel's money he'd managed to lose.
Angel opened the door and ascended the stairs. And upon reaching the roof, Angel was both amused and surprised at what he saw.
Spike was dancing. But not in anger. He was dancing to fucking Britney Spears. If the sight of Spike dancing and singing wasn't so funny, he would've thrown the stereo AND Spike off the roof.
"I'm not that innocent..."
"You got that right."
"Oh fuck! Bollocks!"
Spike ran to the CD player and quickly switched it off. He turned back to face Angel, looking somewhat sheepish.
Angel watched him, laughter about to erupt from the smirk on his face; as Spike toyed with the buckle on his jeans, doing anything but meeting his gaze.
Angel couldn't hold it in any longer.
"What the fuck are you doing?"
Spike's eyes flicked up and a hand raised to scratch the back of his neck.
"I... uh... well, I was upset... about the wanker team I bet on, losing my money..."
"MY money..."
"You knew about that?"
"Well I figured. Where else would you get the money? Clearly not busking."
"Sod off."
"You can pay me back later, alright?"
Spike's face broke into a cheeky grin, but he soon returned to scowling when Angel began laughing.
"You like Britney Spears!"
"I do not! It was just in the CD player... it's probably Wesley's!"
"Oops, Spike did it again - "
"Come on, we'll go inside and we can - "
"You know, I've often wondered how I ended up with you as a childe. You're so uncouth and you have such bad taste."
"At least I'm not wearing a purple shirt will frills everywhere."
"You like Britney Spears."
�Fuck me.�
Angel rolled his eyes at the abrupt statement.
The reason his childe was dancing bare-chested, on the roof of all places, cigarette clenched obligatorily between his lips, signing to friggen Britney Spears, was beyond his comprehension.
Although, a lot of the things his wayward childe did were beyond his comprehension.
�Fuck you.�
A statement. A confused statement really, spoken with a raised eyebrow.
Spike grinned, drawing a smoke filled breath through his teeth.
�Yeah. Come on, I lost my money, I�m upset. Cheer me up.�
�My money, and why should I?�
Spike sidled up to him, grin in place. He reached Angel and put pale arms around his neck�
He fluttered his eyelashes and snorted.
�Because you love me�. He spoke out around his cigarette.
Angel smirked and moved one of his hands down Spike�s back to rest on the blondes waistband, and slipped long fingers in his jeans to rub the velvety skin over his tail bone.
Spike grinned and pitched his body forward into Angel�s chest, and used his fingers to massage the older mans neck.
Angel�s other hand lifted to stroke the blonde�s cheekbone, while Spike chuckled and tipped his head into Angel�s palm and closed his eyes, smirk in place.
Angel�s gaze ticked down to the glowing tip, phosphorescent in the twilight.
He removed his hand from Spikes face to extract the offending cigarette from his childes mouth.
As soon as it was removed, Spikes eyes flicked open.
He pulled out of Angel�s arms with a frown, and snatched the ciggie from Angel�s hand.
�Don�t smoke Spike.�
Spike pulled a face and walked away from Angel mimicking him. He sauntered to the side of the rooftop and sat down on the table holding the stereo. He picked up a crumpled pack of cigarettes and shook one out. He used the tip of his almost spent cigarette to light the tip of a new one, defiantly staring at Angel as he did so.
�I�m serious Spike, I don�t like it.�
�Well� I do.�
�It�s like kissing an ash tray.�
Spike grinned, flicked the old ciggie off the rooftop and stood up to walk towards Angel. He stopped a few inches from touching him, and blew a puff of smoke into his face.
Angel closed his eyes against the stinging smoke briefly, before re-opening them to the sight of a maniacally grinning, punk vampire.
He swiftly wrapped his arms around Spike�s waist, ripped the cigarette from his mouth and stubbed it out on the bare chested blonde�s pectoral, to the sounds and smells of a burning vampire.
�OW! That REALLY hurt.�
Angel leant forward and pulled Spike closer to give the writhing vampire a grinding kiss. He brusquely let Spike go and walked to the roof access door, turning around to insult Spike as the door closed.
He walked down the stairs, only to hear the roof access door open and close a few moments later, followed by the heavy foot falls of Spike�s clunky boots on the metal stairs above him.
Angel smiled to himself, and walked into his apartment.
Moments later, he saw Spike run past him before hearing a loud crash of pots and pans.
Spike was in the kitchen. And apparently making a lot of noise.
Angel walked into the kitchen and smiled at Spike, who was now standing in the middle of the room, hands on his hips, looking at him in anticipation.
Spike walked over to him, and undid the buttons on his shirt, caressing Angel�s bare chest. Angel growled and pushed Spike up against the fridge, kissing him violently, before Spike fought back and pushed him onto the table.
Angel fell on his back, length ways on the table, legs sprawled.
The blonde climbed on to the table, on his hands and knees, straddling Angel. He leant down and held his head as he gave him a bruising kiss. He leant back, sitting on Angel�s hips, wrapped an arm around his shoulders and pulled the older vampire up. He kissed his sire, curling his fingers through the dark strands of his hair as he dragged the sombre shirt off along Angel�s arms. Spike moved his arms down the length of him, scratching and clawing to squeeze at the flesh of Angel�s lower back.
Angel felt the little scratches and cuts made by Spike and hissed into his childes cool mouth. He lifted his own hands to wrap around peroxide blonde locks and skilfully yanked the younger vampires head back, revealing a stretch of alabaster neck. Spike coughed out an objection but was silenced by another vicious yank of his hair. His hands left the broad expanse of Angels back to grasp onto shoulders so he could avoid being wrenched onto the kitchen floor.
He held the bigger mans shoulders with one hand, the other travelling to the back of his ill-treated head to try to dislodge the grasping hold.
�ANGEL! Ow! Let me go!�
Angel laughed and yanked again.
�You�re not going to top me.� He giggled into his face as he let the hair go, causing Spike to fall ungracefully onto his butt, crumpled on the tiled floor.
He rubbed the back of his head and frowned up at his Sire.
Angel smiled sweetly down at him and slipped from his sitting position, off the table. He picked up the protesting heap of vampire and dropped him onto the table, in very much the same position as he himself was just in.
He pushed the blonde�s chests back and flipped his boots and socks off. He looked up and saw Spike lying flat on the table, breathing heavily. He flipped his black t-shirt off over his head, and looked down to see his childe grinning. He lifted his hips and Angel felt Spike�s hardness poking him through the confinement of his jeans.
Angel shook his head.
�You love this.�
Spike nodded, gave him a maniacal smile and began to undulate his hips against Angel�s, to create friction.
Angel stood up and looked down at Spike, wriggling around sensuously on the hardwood table.
Too much.
He undid the buckle of Spike�s jeans and dragged them off his Aryan legs, unsurprised to see Spike�s length erect, unhampered by his lack of underwear. Oh well, when he did wear underwear it was usually Angels, and that was only done on request.
As soon as he was freed, Spikes hand moved down to stroke himself. Angel stepped back to watch the portrait of magnificence unfolding before him. He watched as Spike pulled and squeezed at himself, bucking his body, sweat glossing on his face and chest, stretching his lean, muscled physique back and forth.
Angel�s own hand moved down and slipped into his jeans, tugging slowly as he beheld his Spike squirming in lust on the kitchen table. He unzipped his jeans with his free hand and liberated his hard cock from its restrictions. He had a vague thought of his friends sometimes eating at the table Spike was currently masturbating on, but it passed quickly as the exalted body layed out before him began to arch and buck as his childe grew closer and closer to his own zenith.
Angel moved towards the struggling vampire and joined the flurry of Spikes hands, pushing them out of the way. His palm circled the inundated member and began to jerk the blonde and himself at the same gruelling pace, relishing the sounds of Spike pain pleasure whimpers.
Spike grabbed onto Angel�s forearms and quickly bounced his body off the table and into his Sire�s hand, bucking and mewling in ecstasy.
Angel released his own length, and trailed his hand across the vision of carnality under him,  to rub his fingers across Spikes mouth, smiling as the lips opened to him, tongue flicking around the digits. He pulled on the blondes cock harder and faster, and brought the Spike-licked hand down to trace a figure eight around his globes, then down to stroke his perineum, laughing at the shudders he received for his actions.
He urged the white legs up and slipped a saliva-coated finger into Spike�s entrance, revelling in his power to make his childe shake and cry out beneath him. He worked one finger, crooking it against the hidden prostrate and then added another, the result of which made Spike see bolts of electricity crackling wildly before his eyes and made him thrust harder into Angels gripping hand.
Spikes hands were spasmodically clenching on the older vampire�s shoulders and he squeezed his eyes closed, feeling his body loosen and relax under his Sire�s ministrations.
He managed to manipulate three fingers into Spike before he heard the whispered
below him. Still tugging on Spike�s shaft, he delved his fingers further, crooking them to stroke against his prostate, and leant down to lick and kiss Spike�s stomach. Spike�s rhythm lost, he thrust frantically, his Sire�s cavalier mahogany coolly gazing down at him, his services never stopping or halting for a moment.
His actions were what mattered to Spike. Not words, not sonnets or declerations, but what Angel did.
What Angel was doing now, was what mattered.
Spike felt his body seize up and he felt the familiar swirling in his stomach moments before he let go, falling into the white black daze Angel had created for him, knowing Angel knew what he needed, and acted on those needs.
He curled his toes and broke Angel�s skin under his fingernails as the white-hot feeling coursed through his balls and up his shaft, spilling over his stomach and Angel�s hands.
He lay shuddering on the cool table, closing his eyes, feeling hands roam over his chest, flicking his nipples, and rubbing his collarbone, soothing him in the afterglow of climax.
He felt Angel�s strong arms around him, lifting him to a sitting position, sliding him along the table.
Spike opened his eyes and saw Angel sitting in front of him on a chair. Angel lifted Spike off the table and onto his lap, legs straddling legs, Spike�s feet touching the floor. Once settled Angel took his time kissing Spike�s cheekbones, massaging his neck and shoulders, and laying little licks near his flushed lips. Spike could feel Angel�s length prodding him, and used his feet to push up off the waiting lap, so he could position Angel beneath him.
He slowly slid back down, hissing at the semi dry entry, feeling Angel�s tongue entreat through his lips, probing his mouth, his arms lightly scraping across Spikes back, causing goose bumps to rise across his ashen flesh.
He sat for a few moments of dusk coloured eternity, before opening his eyes to gleaming mahogany staring back at him, seeing the need in them, the want�of him. He started to rise and fall, impaling himself on his lover, wanting Angel to be buried within him, to be a part of him.
Angel knew he was not going to last long, with the beautiful, pliant flesh above him now, catering to his needs, he gave himself over to the sensation. Feeling the pressure of Spike�s inner walls enveloping his hardened length, he sped up the pace, using one arm to wrap around Spikes waist urging the spent vampire to rise and fall faster, using the other to grip around Spikes cock with a whimper. Angel began to stroke Spike, again, in time to his thrusts.
Angel bowed his head and settled fluttering kisses over the expanse on Spikes chest as his childe worked him towards culmination.
The older vampire traced dreaming patterns up and down Spikes back, occasionally flicking his tongue out to taste a bead of sweat formed on the blondes chest, continually tugging on Spikes length, or dropping his fingers to trail across Spikes balls.
After a languid passage of time, Spike felt Angel dig his fingers into his back, and start to thrust harder into him.
He moved faster, and stroked the back of Angel�s neck, feeling the build up of tension in the room, thick as soot coating them both, he sensed it.
As he heard his Sire start to growl and whimper, he lifted Angel�s head and leant forward to capture the brunette�s lips beneath his. He suckled on his bottom lip, and flicked his tongue inside. He felt Angel�s lips soften under his own and started a gentle invasion of his Sire�s mouth, running his fingers along the dark beauty of his face, suckling at the probing length of Angels tongue.
In the midst of this intense but tender kiss, Angel couldn�t hold on any longer, he grasped Spike�s hair, and thrust himself deep within his childe and let loose, pumping his seed deep within him, lost in stimulation and grinding kisses. Lost.
Lost with Spike.
As he wiped away the last of the clouds and cobwebs of his climax, he distantly recognised the feeling of Spike�s hands slowly drifting up and down his body, rubbing, a pale beauty soothing him in the aftermath, his peroxide head resting on his shoulder, soft purr near his ear. He was vaguely aware that Spike had come, but didn�t know when.
He felt an overwhelming urge to tell Spike what he meant to him.
He had to say it. He didn�t want to, but he had to.
�Spike�� he murmed.
�Yeah, I know you love me, its okay, if I weren�t me, I�d probably love me too.�
In his orgasm-clouded brain, that strange sentence almost made sense.
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