Recovery Time
The moonlight through the window allowed strange shadows to dance across Spike. Angel let his hand slowly glide over Spike�s face, tracing the lines of his amazingly prominent cheekbones. Angel�s sigh echoed around the room, and as he turned and gazed at the almost translucent white body lying next to him, he realised why he had fallen for Spike, all those years ago. �What are you sighing about, you poof?� came a sleepy voice from next to him.

�Spike, Spike, Spike... you know, I like you a lot more when you�re asleep.�

�And I like you when you let me top� what�s your point?�

�My point is maybe you should shut the hell up and go to sleep more.�

�Not tired.�
Angel sighed again, glaring in mock anger at the punk vampire, who was now sitting up, and grinning evilly at him.
�Doesn�t anything wear you out?�

�No, Peaches� guess you just don�t have what it takes anymore� unless of course, you wanna go for another run?�

�Spike, please, I�m tired. Can�t we just lie here and reflect on the situation?�

�Angel,� Spike spoke slowly, as if he was talking to a 5 year old, �in case you�ve forgotten� we don�t reflect on anything.�

Angel shook his head in confusion. This was why he liked Spike more when he was asleep. He didn�t have to wade through all the insane ramblings to get to the point.

�That wasn�t what I was saying� let�s just lie here and sleep or something.�

�Oh I get it� you can�t get it up again, can you? I guess as you get older, the recovery time gets longer and longer� or maybe rigamortis hasn�t quite set in yet?� Spike grinned cheekily at Angel, knowing that this would spark some sort of a challenge within him.

�My recovery time is better than yours� maybe I can�t get it up because I�m not enjoying my company,� Angel shot back.

Spike grinned cheekily again and ran his hands up and down Angel�s legs.
�Enjoying the company yet?�
Angel dropped his head back to the pillow and turned it away from Spike, in a gesture of sexual apathy.


He could almost feel Spike�s glare boring into the back of his head. He stifled a giggle.
Spike sat up and positioned himself further down Angel�s body. He flicked his fingers across his thighs, leaning down to whisper cold air on them, making the downy hairs stand to attention, and stirring Angel�s arousal.
Angel grunted and flipped over.

�That an invitation?�


Angel felt the mattress depress as Spike moved down. Angel keeps his eyes tightly shut, and there�s a glossy, artistic tongue running over his feet, wetting his soles, and a series of careful kisses placed lovingly on the heels of his feet, and then his ankles, either side, the backs of his knees, and his thighs.
The kisses turn to licks, a long, slow swipe of his cool tongue traversing across his cheeks to his lower back ending at his spine.

�Enjoying the company yet?� Spike repeated.

Angel grinned into the pillow.

�Maybe?� Spike punctuated the question with a quick swipe of his tongue across Angel�s spine, finishing it�s journey with a small nip, at the nape of Angel�s neck.


Angel felt his hardness pressing unresistingly into the mattress.

�Lick me some more.�

�Oh, orders now?�

But he bent and swiped his tongue across the tattoo marring Angel�s otherwise perfect skin, feeling the powerful muscles ripple underneath as Angel moved his arm to reach blindly behind him, trying to flick his fingers against cold, ashen skin.

�Don�t move.�

Angel�s arm fell back to the mattress. Spike leant over the expanse of back beneath him, lifted Angel�s arm and placed a bracelet of soft kisses against the wrist.

He felt the blonde lean against him, his erection pressing against his back, signalling his arousal at the reverence of his Sire�s body. Spike�s voice, feathery and deep floated out through the darkness.

�You�re beautiful.�

Angel smiled again and pushed up with his arms, causing Spike to fall gently to the bed, and prowled over the sheets to lean over the prostrate vampire. Face to face with his childe, he saw the normally icy eyes darkened with want, and his pink lips flushed from the wanton worship of Angel�s body.

�So are you.�


Placing his hands either side of the smaller vampire, Angel appropriated Spike�s former homage and licked Spike�s Aryan face, caressing him from his chin, over his prominent cheekbones and across to his ear, flicking across the lobe.

He progressed down, laying a thick stroke across Spike�s jugular, making the blonde tip his head back in an attempt to get more flesh attended to by Angel�s tongue. He suckled at his throat, a hand moving off the mattress to trace aimless, provocative patterns across the chest below him.

Spike closed his eyes tightly, a serious look etched on his sharp face, as if remembering every touch, every sensation.
Angel leant down and started to trace the outline of Spike�s nipple with his tongue, making the blonde spread his legs across the bed and arch his back against Angel�s mouth with pleasure.

The mouth is removed and Spike looked down in time to catch an offhand smile before his Sire knelt between his legs and put his mouth and skill-ful tongue to other uses.
�Angel,� Spike cried out, �fuck�Angel� as he felt himself slide into Angel�s cool mouth, biting through his lip, feeling more than hearing Angel�s purr-growl at the scent of fresh blood teasing through the air, making the older vampire grip his hips and start a slow pace.

Angel lifted off Spike�s length, heedless of the annoyed hiss escaping his lips, and used the blonde�s wrists to pull him to the headboard and into a sitting position. He feels his back pressed against his Sire�s broad chest, and looks down to see his legs on either side of his thighs.
�I�m enjoying my company.� Angel breathed into his ear, licking at the sensitive flesh behind it.
Spiked closed his eyes as Angel flicked his blunt fingernails across Spike�s stomach, scratching the skin almost imperceptibly, tantalisingly, raising goose bumps and he�s lost in the sensation.

Large, strong hands lift Spike�s hips, position him effortlessly and Angel eases into him with deliberate care, aided by their previous session and Spike forgets everything, leaning his head back against Angel�s shoulder, mouth agape, his long fingers gripping his Sire�s thighs at the gentle entry.
�Spike�� said Angel breathlessly, covering the hands on his thighs tightly with his own. He pressed his face against Spike�s body, and kissed the shuddering skin.

Angel thrusts into him again and hears a moan of pleasure, Spike�s body writhing on his own, trying to touch as much flesh as he can. The older vampire releases his vice grip on Spike�s hands and coils his fingers around the blonde�s achingly solid erection, using his other hand the lift one of Spike�s thighs to spread them further. Angel pumps the velvet covered steel roughly, the way Spike likes it, as he thrusts into him again and again unwilling to focus on anything but the act.

�Angel� oh fuck, oooh, Angel..� the blonde grunted out, trying to find a rhythm in which he could grind his hips back against the willing invasion and then into the grip of Angel�s hand.
He can hear his name being praised in his ear, by a grunting hoarse voice, gravelled with lust.


And Spike�s hips bucked wildly, lost in the connection, as Angel pulled his length with fervour, nipping the nape of his neck, beautifully possessive in the tie. His Sire�s other hand spreads his thighs further in an effort to keep him still, but the world is growing kaleidoscopic, and his vision is tipping and the room turns and spins and distorts and  *erupts*�and he feels his orgasm disappear past Angel�s ministrations.

Angel�s hands release their hold on him, and the room is now underwater, and so is Angel, murmuring things into his sweaty hair.

Spike tried to fall forward but Angel�s hands hold him up, and pull him back against his chest, enfolded in his arms, panting uselessly.

Angel�s entire body is still humming and shaking as he slips Spike off him and curls around him on the bed.
The blonde vampire shakes off his arms and cocks his head quizzically at him. He reaches out and runs his fingertips along Angel�s cheekbones, and down the bridge of his nose, a black tipped finger alighting and lingering on his lips, slipping into his mouth and back out.

Angel smiled at the attention, watching as the younger vampire tried to memorise everything, uncaring of how he might seem in his blissful post-coital state.
Angel couldn�t resist.

�How�s that for recovery time?�
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