May 7, 2004

In recent weeks, there were strange happenings within the walls of the Young Lions dressing room forcing FAS to conduct an investigation.

The S-league club had been hit by what appears to be a spate of thefts. 3 Young Lions players Ridhuan Mohd, Itimi Dickson & Baihakki Khaizan have found their personal items missing from the dressing room.

Out of the 3 players both Ridhuan Mohd & Baihakki Khaizan have found their missing items which are their mobile phones & the worst hit is Dickson as his employment pass was among the items lost when his wallet went missing.

A police report had been make on the matter.

At the meantime, FAS is not taking any chances anymore & have threatened polygraph test for all players if the thefts continued.

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