Thermo Image of Daniel Fischer

The Cosmic Mirror

Daniel Fischer looks into the Universe

New: every page both in Europe and the U.S.!

Links to the News and Press Releases / Contact me!

This page is a kind of cosmic "short cut", leading the viewer to the most important (or most entertaining) events in space without wasting lots of time searching around for the real news stories or downloading unknown or useless images - that's my task :-)

So then, welcome to The Cosmic Mirror of March 21, 2006!
There are many long articles and a new Blog (in German) to browse.
Space History - Space News in German - Strange News

Awards: Star Award Logo and Space Views Award Logo and

Daniel Fischer is also the 1997 winner of the
Bruno-H.-Buergel-Preis of the Astronomische Gesellschaft

Then there are the astronomical expeditions which I like to organize - so far I've been to 11 total and 6 annular solar eclipses, two meteor storms and two major showers, three comets, a transit of Venus and more. Here are my reports on And reports on the solar eclipses of Also one more report on the 1997 trip, three more on the 1995 event, and picture stories from our expeditions of 1994 and 1995 (all total eclipses). Now and then I also take pictures of bright comets like Hyakutake or Hale-Bopp (March 28, April 4 and 8). Or watch one crashing into Jupiter (see also my reports quoted by ESO and archived at PDS-SBN [ 2nd report])... Finally I'd like to draw your attention to my publicistic adventures which include the production of the (almost) weekly newsletter Skyweek and the publication of German-language books on the Jupiter Crash, the Galileo mission and the Hubble Space Telescope, the latter also being available in an English edition (reviewed here). And there is a 2nd volume in print!

There is also a CD-ROM on the same topic. I also wrote the Kosmos Report Weltraum Aktuell 1997/98.

Furthermore I also like to give talks on astronomy, some of which are contained in conference videos of The Astronomer.

New: A tested collection of links about Hale-Bopp and comets! ( SuW version)

And for something completely different, try the funny pages...

Search Tools: ForschungsPortal, Google News Tracker, Raging, Excite, PaperBall.

Spaced-out Links worth of frequent checks:

Leading sources for breaking news in space and astronomy:

Continuous news streams: WAA Berichte | Planetary PhotoJournal - latest pix | | WDR Raumfahrt-Log | AstroTreff | RealClimate (Anti-Green Myths) | | Sci.astro | De.sci.astronomie | Sci.astro.amateur | Dome of the Sky || Ananova Space | Science Now | Nature Science Update | MondNews | ACC News | Curious | PhysicsWeb | MorgenWelt | Universe Today | NewsReality Astronomy | MSNBC Space News | IDW Forschung | ExploreZone | NYT Science | TeachersNet | Astronomy News | CBS Space ( SciTech) | Wired Tech News | CENAP News | SPIEGEL Wissenschaft | NetZeitung | SZ and Welt Wissenschaft | Yahoo Science | Yahoo Aerospace | NEO News and Big Rock News | AP Science Update | | IAUCs and GCN Circulars (GRBs) | NewsAktuell | Ticker | MSNBC Science and Tech fronts | RP Wissenschaft | Yahoo News, German news and Tech headlines | WP Top News ( Science, Horizon) | CBS Breaking News in Space | Aurora live! | Comet magnitude estimates, collected by Morris and ICQ | VIDEOTEXT

Updated daily or almost: Nachtschw�rmer | Münster | NewsWorks SciTech | Science Daily Space & Time | B. Globe h&s | Hale-Bopp What's New (JPL) (mirror site!); discussion | AW&ST News | inScight | USA Today | Lehrermagazin | Nando Times Science | ABQ Journal | Astronomer's Telegram | Astronet list | DLF Forschung Aktuell | TIME Daily | Today @ NASA | Galileo Updates | CCNet | Space Weather Today | Earth & Sky | StarDate | Sternzeit | PR Newswire | Site and Picture of the Day

Updated weekly or roughly so: SciDev | WFS Bild der Woche | Science News | Phys. Rev. Focus | TIME | DIE ZEIT | U.S. News & W.R. | VDI Nachrichten | Space Central | HobbySpace News | BerliNews | Science Week back issues | NGST Weekly Update | Newswise | Susanne Weimer | Astronomy Hot Links | Jonathan's Space Report | AIP Physics News Update, FYI, PEN | EBN Future File

Updated every two weeks: Space Views & Space Views Update | AstroNet (FTP)

News releases & other info, updated irregularly: NASA HQ | STScI | ISAS | ISRO | MirCorp | NASA Cosmic Journeys PR | ESO | CNES | Planetary Society News | R.A.S. | MPG (PRI's) | AGU | NASA Hot | JPL | Ames | NASA (Goddard) | NASA (Marshall) | JSC PAO | NASA (OSS) Space Science News | JHU (JHU-APL) | CSIRO | Univ. Bonn | U of A | LBL | U Mass | LANL | Origins - what's new | NASDA | Science Web | Astro-Ph preprints | EOS Online | USGS | NSF | Nat. Acad. Sci. | NOAO | NRAO | CfA | ESA | DLR | LockMart | DASA | CBAT Headlines | BAA News | News from Dale's Hot News | San Gersole | IMO (Meteors) | Berkeley | Cornell | IfA (U Hawaii) | Wake Forest | Caltech | Norway | VfR Ticker | CENAP News on UFOs (W.W.) | SurfTip | Boston satellite views | Nat'l Space Soc. | Comet News | More Comet Info

Also nice: Encyclopedia of Astrobiology, Astronomy & Spaceflight | Space Calendar | NASA Image Exchange | | Sternstunde | Astro Archive | Encyclopedia Astronautica | Kleine Planeten | Hale-Bopp Hot (Science) Topics | Star Hustler | Solar System Simulator | current Supernova pictures | Peoria Handbook | Astrophysics Data System (ADS) | Current Sky Events | The Galactic Center News | NASA's "Observatorium" | Ask the Astronomer | Star Child | Solar System in 3D | History of Astronomy and Physics | Multimedia-Physik | Windows on the Universe | Chronology | Hazards Homepage & News (SGF (in Germany); TPS NEO Page) and JPL NEO Page | IAU Teaching of Astronomy | Astronomy Unbound (a virtual astronomy text) | Huette :-) | StarMan astro-comics | SkyView | Universe in the Classroom | Skeptic | Amateur Web Forum.

Magazines: Jahn's collection, CMO | GRL Online! | Sky & Telescope | Astronomy Now | Astronomy | CERN Courier | Solar Eclipse Newsletter | The Astronomer | Coelum, Il Cielo and Astronomia | ZVEZDOTCHET | Mercury | Scientific American | American Scientist | Discover ( astronomy news) | New Scientist | Air & Space | New Mars (online only) | Sternzeit | Flug Revue | NAS News Report | NOAO Newsletter | ESA Space Science Newsletter | Jupiter Atmosphere Newsletter | Journal of the BAA | Physics Today | The Smithsonian | Science | Technology Review | Spektrum d.W. | OMNI | Focus | Naer Kontakt | HMS Beagle (biology) | GEO | Mars News Online | Geowiss. Online | Morgenwelt (Kiosk)

Houston Chronicle Space Archive, Space Links galore! (Earlier version) | Mrotzek's list | BIG directories! | Expanding Universe | Astronomical Net Resources - esp. on the Web! (Huge List) | Martindale's | WWW-VL | Astro!nfo | Astronomy's HotLinks | AstroNet Hotlinks | Resources | Site of the Day lists | HEASARC links | WWW-Liste der VdS | S&T's AstroDir | Air & Space Web Dir | Spacenight-Links | Russian links | Athena links | Woodlands links | German Astronomical Directory | Adressen deutscher Astronomen | obituaries for astronomers | Astronomie | NGC Images | sci.astro FAQ | Physics FAQ | Deep Space | sci.astro.research archive | Wer weiss was? | NYT Navigator

Daniel Fischer, Im Kottsiefen 10, 53639 Koenigswinter, Germany

E-Mail: [email protected], FAX & Phone: +49-2244-870966 (new!)

� 1996 [email protected]

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