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Voltron on DVD!


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Voltron, Vol. 1: Defender of the Universe DVD
Voltron, Vol. 1: Defender of the Universe

Disc 1:
1. "Space Explorers Captured"
2. "Escape to Another Planet"
3. "A Ghost and Four Keys"
4. "The Missing Key"
5. "The Princess Joins Up"
6. "The Right Arm of Voltron"

Disc 2:
7. "The Lion Has New Claws"
8. "The Stolen Lion"
9. "A Pretty Spy"
10. "Secret of the White Lion"
11. "Surrender"
12. "Bad Birthday Party"

Disc 3:
13. "The Witch Gets a Facelift"
14. "Yurak Gets His Pink Slip"
15. "Give Me Your Princess"
Plus Special Features:

Voltron, Vol. 2: Defender of the Universe DVD
Voltron, Vol. 2: Defender of the Universe (3pc)

Disc 4:
16. "Bridge Over the River Chozzerai"
17. "My Brother Is A Robeast"
18. "Zarkon is Dying"
19. "The Buried Castle"
20. "Pidge's Home Planet"
21. "It'll Be A Cold Day"

Disc 5:
22. "The Deadly Flowers"
23. "It Takes Real Lions"
24. "Raid of the Alien Mice"
25. "Short Run of the Centipede Express"
26. "The Invisible Robeast"
27. "The Green Medusa"

Disc 6:
28. "The Treasure of Planet Tyrus"
29. "Magnetic Attraction"
30. "The Sleeping Princess"

Plus Special Features:

Voltron: Defender of the Universe, Vol. 3

31 The Sincerest Form of Flattery
32 A Transplant for Blue Lion
33 Attack of the Fierce Frogs
34 Lotor Traps Pidge
35 Doom Boycotts the Space Olympics
36 Lotor's Clone
37 Lotor's New Hitman
38 Raid of the Red Berets
39 The Captive Comet
40 The Little Prince
41 There Will Be A Royal Wedding
42 The Sand People
43 Voltron Frees the Slaves
44 Voltron vs Voltron
45 One Princess to Another

Voltron: Defender of the Universe, Vol. 4 Due out Sep 2007
46. "The Mighty Space Mouse"
47. "Summit Meeting"
48. "Return of Coran's Son"
49. "Coran's Son Runs Amuck"
50. "Zarkon Becomes a Robeast"
51. "Lotor the King"
52. "Final Victory"
53. "Dinner and a Show"
54. "Envoy from Galaxy Garrison"
55. "Mousemania"
56. "The Shell Game"
57. "The Traitor"
58. "Voltron Meets Jungle Woman"
59. "Little Buddies"

VHS Sources

VOLTRON.com Webstore

Voltron - Defender of the Universe - Castle of Lions
Total Running Time: 83:15

"Space Explorers Captured" #201
"Escape to Another Planet" #202
"A Ghost and Four Keys" #203
"The Missing Key" #204

The popular classic video that revels how the original Voltron Explorers (with Sven) meet and rescue Princess Allura and Coran from the depths of the partially destroyed Castle of Lions. Zarkon's robeast forces have laid ruin the cities of Planet Arus and all seems lost. But Allura's flashbacks show how the lovable space mice reveal where the voltron vehicle keys are hidden!

Voltron - "The Challenge of Voltron" - Video
Total Running Time: 45:10

"Voltron vs. Voltron" #244
"One Princess to Another" #245

A disturbance on planet Yadl as they prepare to declare themselves a free world and wish to celebrate their independence with Voltron. Zarkon and Lotor outraged by this act of treason plan to destroy Voltron by building an exact duplicate of Voltron from stolen blueprints. As the replica Voltron takes planet Yadl by surprise and attacks, the real Voltron must somehow be warned. Voltrons only defense is to de-energize and attack the replica separately. In the second part, Princess Romelle leaves a note for Prince Bandor letting him know that Sven has discovered Zarkon preparing an army of robeasts to attack Planet Arus by using a secret satellite. Princess Romelle decides to join Sven in finding out where the satellite is located. Disguised in a robeast monster suit, Rovan sneaks onto Zarkon’s transport ship, destroys it and quickly escapes. It is now up to the Voltron force to destroy Zarkon and his satellite, without losing one of their own.

Voltron - "Journey To A Lost Planet"

Total Running Time: 44:14

The Voltron Force embarks on a mission to rescue two enslaved worlds, Zaul and Mira. On Zaul, where Zarkon operates a mining facility, the Voltron Force enlists members of an underground movement to defeat the forces of their captor. n Mira, where Hagar mines poisonous flowers and has captured members of the Galaxy Garrison, the Voltron Force tries to free enslaved miners while using an herbivorous robeast to eradicate the flower problem.

Voltron - "Merla: Queen of Darkness" - Video
Total Running Time: 44:14

"Merla: Queen of Darkness" #312
"A Ghost of a Chance" #313

Zarkon recruits some new allies: Stride, the Tiger Fighter, and Merla, Queen of Darkness, to battle Voltron. After the first attempt fails, Merla devises a scheme involving lies about King Alfor to exact revenge. The unlikely help of Lotor, Cheddar & the mice, and Alfor cause some dooming complications for the Queen of Mean.

Voltron - "The Reign of Prince Lotor" Video
Total Running Time: 44:45

"Lotor The King" #251
"Final Victory" #252

Announcing himself as the “New King,” Lotor and Witch Haggar attempt to transform Zarkon into the most powerful Robeast ever in order to destroy Voltron. Powered by Haggar’s magic and evil, the fierce Robeast hopes to give Voltron his final doom, allowing Zarkon to reclaim the throne. Meanwhile back on Planet Doom, Princess Romelle and Sven attack the laboratory to free the slaves that witch Haggar has taken as prisoners, but it will take the help of the rest of the Voltron force to free them. With Zarkon’s Robeast defeated, Voltron is challenged to destroy Prince Lotor’s last line of defense at Darkstone Castle. Assisting Voltron, Coran launches secret operation “Flying Fortress” to help battle Darkstone Castle and save Voltron. Sven faces Lotor alone and Lotor demands Voltron be brought to him for destruction to save Sven. At last the mice fire upon Lotor, allowing Sven to take over Lotor, thus saving Voltron.

Voltron - "Zarkon's Revenge" Video
Total Running Time: 44:14

"The Alliance Strikes Back" #320
"Breaking Up Is Hard To Doom" #321

Zarkon, a frustrated dad, tired of Lotor's failures, banishes him to the pit of skulls leaving him for dead. Merla asks the help of the Voltron Force in freeing Lotor and receives it. But when she tries to arrange for Lotor and the V.F. to team up against dad, Lotor foils the opportunity and conspires against our heroes. Lotor, however, proves himself a failure yet again as the V.F., led by Keith and Pidge, exposes the ungrateful prince.

Vehicle Voltron Videos - "Explorer Trilogy"
Running Time 86:14

"First Day On A New World" #102
"Try This World For Size" #105
"Help Not Wanted" #107
"Ghost Fleet From Another Plane" #107

The Vehicle Voltron Force explores three new worlds. In the Explorer, the V.V.F. battle the planets' oppressors in strange, exotic environments. The enemy in each case is the Drule Empire, led by commanders Hazar and Quark and Captains Mongo and Rowgar)

In the first world, Drule commanders Hazar and Quark try to prevent the alliance from establishing a base. The V.V.F. attempts a rescue and battles a powerful robeast to save the planet.

In the next world, our heroes manage to subdue the Drules. But later Captain Mongo attempts a sudden, surprise attack on the V.V.F's Explorer. Back-up from a Galaxy Garrison support fleet defend the Explorer and the V.V.F. later must defend that fleet against the Drules.

The third world, guarded by a Drule ghost fleet, becomes the next territory explored by the V.V.F. When Captain Rowgar attacks the Explorer and later submerges it in a mysterious lake, the Force deploys to defeat Rowgar. But the V.V.F. also must contend with the mystery of the lake.

Vehicle Voltron Videos - "Whose Solar System Is It?"
Running Time: 64:30

"Another Solar System" #141
"Whose World Is It?" #142
"It's Anybody's World" #143

This video showsases the Air, Land, and Sea teams at their best! A newly discovered planet, with beautiful resources initially seems a wonderful new base for the Galaxy Alliance. One problem: The Drules are there first, led by the independant Commander Hazar! The DOOM second video half sets up a showdown for the Galaxy Alliance and the Drules over control of the new planet. Things get complicated when a third party is discovered... the planet's original stone age inhabitants!

TriMark Home Video

Vol 1

"Fleet of Doom" Both Voltrons finally join forces. Allura’s soul is captured by Witch Haggar. King Alfor sends Keith into the dream world to save her. Haggar’s history is revealed how she once was good until Zarkon showed her the power she could have and she couldn’t resist.
"The Alliance Strikes Back"Merla turns good? She helps Voltron. She later gets them to save Lotor from the vultures where his father left him to die.

Vol 2
"Space Explorers Captured" First episode. The Explorers are captured by Doom and have to escape. We get a tour of Doom. I really like the fight scenes in this one.
“Escape To Another Planet” Enter Coran and the Princess.

Vol 3
“A Ghost and Four Keys” We meet King Alfor’s ghost and they get four of the five keys. (Yeah, the title pretty much sums up this one.)
“The Missing Key” The Mice had the key all along. Voltron can now be formed one blazing sword and one less Robeast.

Vol 4

"The Princess Joins Up" The castle is resurrected and Allura joins the fighting manning the cannons herself.
"The Right Arm of Voltron"
This it the episode when Sven is almost killed by Haggar.

Sony / Adler Video Marketing
These are out of print old store rentals that I have been able to pick up used, from where else but good ole eBay. (Don’t get suckered in to the people who say they have all the episodes they usually don't, and if they do, they’re bootlegged for sure.) Oh, and watch your wallet! There’s lots of great old toys too!

Castle of Lions (83min. four episodes)

“Space Explorers Captured” First episode. The Explorers are captured by Doom and have to escape. We get a tour of Doom. I really like the fight scenes in this one.
“Escape To Another Planet” Enter Coran and the Princess.
“A Ghost and Four Keys” We meet King Alfor’s ghost and they get four of the five keys. (Yeah, the title pretty much sums up this one.)
“The Missing Key” The Mice had the key all along. Voltron can now be formed one blazing sword and one less Robeast.

Planet Doom (83min. four episodes)

“The Stolen Lion” The team is out training when a stranger aids Allura from crashing. Who is he? A Prince of course, and how perfect, looking for a princess. Lance and the Prince go at it. But, we soon find out this guy is a snake, literally! Great Lance episode.
“The Witch Gets a Facelift” Haggar goes on a fieldtrip to Arus disguising herself as Allura’s Aunt, Queen Orla and gains access to the castle. Allura runs through the castle in just a towel in this one!
“Yurak Gets His Pinkslip” Enter Lotor. (It’s About Time!!!) Lotor challenges one of the Voltron Force one on one. Keith and Lotor fight for the first time. Yurak is turned into a Robeast.
“Zarkon is Dying” We meet Zandra another Doom witch. Zarkon is ill and Lotor goes to get berries from Arus to save him. Yeah right!

Planet Arus (83min. four episodes)

“The Buried Castle” This is a Pidge episode. Look out Indiana Jones!
“The Deadly Flowers” This is a total Lance episode all the way! Lance gets to swordfight Lotor this time!
“Raid of the Alien Mice” This one is for the Mice. Haggar sends some pretty ugly mice, (look more like rats to me,) and they wreak havoc on the castle.
“The Green Medusa” Another Pidge episode. Pidge befriends a Robeast sent to attack Arus.

Journey to the Lost Planets (45min. two episodes)

“The Traitor”Doom needs Lazon! The team goes to Zaul the desert planet. We meet Joran a slave of Zarkon and Omnia who lives there. Lotor had red hair? (Boy, I’m glad he stopped dying it.)
“Voltron Meets Jungle Woman”
Hagar makes a fish beast. He escapes on Planet Mira. A Galaxy Alliance ship crash lands on the planet and Galaxy Garrison sends the Voltron Force to help We meet Lt. Lorn a pilot and a jungle girl named Mirana.

The Blue Robots Revenge
(20min. one episode)
"Take a Robot to Lunch" We meet Maryanne the robot tech who lives on Caspia. Cossack has stolen one of her robots and plans to use him as a new weapon.

Return of Sven (20min. one episode)
"Who's Flyin' Blue Lion? The Return of Sven!

Merla, Queen of Darkness (45min. two episodes)

“Enter Merla Queen of Darkness” We meet Stride the Tigerfighter and Queen Merla. She and Lotor hit it off immediately. (Wink!) Keith and Stride fight.
“A Ghost of a Chance”
Merla’s plots to capture Allura and put her in her Cosmotron. Lotor later saves Allura.
Great quotes is this one.
Haggar to Cossack “Figure it out, Horn Head!”
Merla and Allura on Lotor...
Allura: “He thinks he’s so great just because he’s got big muscles.”
Merla: “They’re not really that big. I’ll tell you a secret. Underneath his uniform he wears foam rubber shoulder pads.”

Zarkon’s Revenge (45min. two episodes, full of flashbacks)

"The Alliance Strikes Back” Merla turns good? She helps Voltron. She later gets them to save Lotor from the vultures where his father left him to die.
"Breaking Up Is Hard To Doom” Merla asks Lotor to turn good. Lotor and Merla help them to defeat doom, or do they? Zarkon has a great line in this one. As the Voltron Force enters his throne room. “Let see, you’re looking for a heart, a brain, and Kansas.”


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