The Technology

The Good Guys Toys

Lion Voltron

Black Lion
The Black is piloted by Captain Keith. The Black Lion gets its power from the lightening in the skies above Arus. Its home, is sitting atop the Lion Monument as the sentinel, welcoming all to the Castle of Lions. It becomes the head and torso of Voltron.

Red Lion
The Red is piloted by Lance. It gets its power from the molten core of Arus. Its home is inside a volcano near the Castle of Lions. It becomes the left arm of Voltron.

Blue Lion
The Blue was formerly piloted by Sven, now it is piloted by Princess Allura who has proven herself a formidable pilot. The Blue Lion gets its power from water. Its home is in the lake that surrounds the Castle of Lions. It becomes the left leg of Voltron.

Green Lion
The Green is piloted by Pidge. It gets its power from nature itself. Its home is in the forest near the Castle of Lions. It forms the right arm of Voltron.

Yellow Lion
The Yellow is piloted by Hunk. It gets its power from the heat of the desert. Its home is in the desert near the Castle of Lions. It forms the right leg of Voltron.

Vehicle Voltron
Is piloted by the Interplanetary Starship Explorer’s Voltron team and commanded by Jeff. Fifteen pilots make up three teams, land, sea, air, which all form together to make Vehicle Voltron. They are busy fighting the Drule empire at the other end of the galaxy.

The Bad Boy's Toys

Robeasts are Witch Haggar’s lovely creations. King Zarkon collects the meanest, nastiest critters around, lets them battle it out in his arena for sport, weeding out the weak. The few that are strong enough to survive are transformed by Witch Haggar’s magic, into giant fighting beasts, bent on destruction.

Doom robot army

The Star Cutter is Queen Merla's ship.

Doom Ship

Doom Fighter

Coffin Transport Ship



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