Name: Yaku

Age: N/A

Gender: Male

Sexuallity: N/a

Mate: N/A

Friends: N/A

Reletives: N/A

Likes: Nature, Friends, Nature, Studying, Listening to stories.

Dislikes: the fact he cannot speak

Personallity: Quiet, Kind, polite, Childish, Flirty,Silly.

Bio: Yaku cannot speak but that does not mean he isn't a nice guy! He likes listening to stories and being in nature. He cannot see but he can hear, he can feel with his 4 retractable tenticles. They are also his reproductive organs.

Status of character: $20 ir 2000 points.

He is my original species, you will get a new ref if purchased and

his name must be changed.

Adopted?: NO

Other: N/A