Name: Tsunami

Age: N/A

Gender: Female

Sexuallity: Bi

Species: Shark/Dog

Mate: NA

Friends: N/A

Reletives: n/a

Likes: Swimming, friends, ocean, collecting seashells, daydreaming, Hats, Vollyball.

Dislikes: When people discourage her.

Personallity: Shy, kind, clutzy, silly, calm, awkward, spaced out.

Bio: Tsunami is a huge day dreamer, sometimes she is there, sometimes she isn't. She loves swimming and the ocean and lives very near to one. She likes collecting seashells and being near friends. Sometimes she likes spacing out day dreaming near the ocean. Wondering what else is out there. She wishes she culd breathe underwater to find new species of fish and to explore. She is sweet girl but sometimes she's a bit of a airhead. Oh and did I mention she likes hats. She is a hat collecter.

Status of character: Never for trade or Sale

Adopted?: yes Unfollow@DA

Other: N/A