Name: Moment

Age: N/A

Gender: Female

Sexuallity: Strait

Species: Main coon Cat

Mate: N/A

Friends: bit

Reletives: Jello

Likes: Clocks, reading, time travel, tea, being alone, peace.

Dislikes: Loud things

Personallity: Kind but quiet, intelligent, complex, hard to figure out.

Bio: Moment can time travel. She can fast forward time, rewind it and freeze it. She likes being alone reading and being near clocks. 
She is hard to figure out but she enjoys tea and her friend bit. They live together. She is a timekeeper. Makes sure time does not go unbalenced.
On the inside of her pocket watch it says "Cest la vie, your friend bit." Meaning Such is life. She watches people has time goes past. has it's sort of her job to know everything and know about the history around her, She is smart and insightful but she can be hard to understand. She will not mess with the balance of time. As it most flow naturally.

Status of character: never for sale or trade!

Adopted?: Yes kind of Custom by Digital-z@DA

Other: N/A