Name: Mist

Age: N/A

Gender: Female

Sexuallity: Strait

Species: Fox

Mate: N/A

Friends: Yaku

Reletives: Sierra

Likes: Sierra, Playing pranks on Sierra, Flying, being silly, Goofing off.

Dislikes: When she cant have fun

Personallity: Hyper, Outgoing, Bubbily, Fun loving, Silly, Goof ball, Naive, Air head.

Bio:Mist loved being near her older sister. As things go, she is childish and likes picking on her sister. Sierra is mostly annoyed at her but cares anyway XD sister love can be unfriendly sometimes. She hates it when sierra is sad. Will do anything to cheer her up. She is outgoing, goofy and loves meeting new people! She eats alot of cookies but sierra tries to make her eat more apples. 

Status of character: Not allowed to sell as she is an approved sibling to stormqlouds fursona.

Adopted?: No but is a sibling to Stormqloud's Oc.

Other: N/A