Name: Bit

Age: N/A

Gender: Male

Sexuallity: Strait

Species: Mothfox

Mate: Crushing on Moment

Friends: Moment

Reletives: N/A

Likes: Moment, Quietness, Nature, eating berries, being silly , chasing small things, wondering off.

Dislikes: people who hurt moment.

Personallity: Silly, Naive, Outgoing, Friendly, Loyal, Goofy.

Bio: Bit is a silly little guy. he likes trying to make Moment smile, he's always by her side. He is sweet and likes meeting new people but don't go hurting moment! He ay get angry his own idiot way. He is Naive and always wonders into bad situations. He is loyal and kind in his own way, He has a key blade sword and is pretty good with it. He likes moments clocks and enjoys spending time with moment. He also likes moments tea parties which usually ends up to being bit, moment and a clock. He never seems to understand. He is a niave idiot but he tinks he is funny but isnt most of the time.

Status of character: Not for trade or sale.

Adopted?: Yes by: Pand-ASS@DA

Other: N/A