Buy All Cars
Persona Editor
Replay Info Tool
Weather Selector
This tool allows you to change the sky textures.
This file allows you to change your racer name and increase your $$$
This tool allows you to see what settings were used in replays.
This file allows you to go back through the years, and buy missing cars
This changes the size and buttons of the online gaming menu. Very cool, and made by our great [XR]Chey!
Silent Witness
This lil program allows you to modify some racing files, to make the cars go faster. If you modify *.sim file, you'll be unable to correctly watch other racers replays, and won't work online. So always make backups. :-)
Cheat detector. This is a great program, to see if people have been using invalid settings during replays, and racing online. It was made by the good people at
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