The Tau are a species that have risen to power in the 41st millenium. A new species that was discovered 6000 years ago when they were still a primitive emerging race. The Tau are divided according to their caste, Fire, Water, Earth, Air or Ethereal. Also the species known as the Kroot has become part of the Tau empire. All 6 of these types will be covered in this section.


General Features

These special features apply to all castes of Tau.

Scent (Ex):They smelt bitter, an aroma as unvaried and unsubtle as it was unpleasant, so unlike the rich pheromone language the Tau enjoyed,”

– thoughts of famed Aun’el T’au Ko’vash.

The Nasal Slit of the Tau is far better developed than the human or even the canine smell organs to the point that they can actually detect pheromones of fear emanating off of humans and animals. This grants them the Scent special ability.

Psychic Null (Ex): “…the Tau found it difficult to comprehend the hallucinogenic effects [the warp] had on other races and the terrible threat it could represent to psykers. Such talents were a mystery to the Tau as they had no psychic abilities whatsoever, their minds barely even registering in the warp at all.

The tau are a psychically null race. They get a +2 natural bonus on saves against psychic powers and are unable to take psychic feats, talents or classes.


Tau Fire Caste

The Tau Fire Caste is the one we are most used to dealing with in Warhammer 40,000 as they run the military but they do not in fact represent the majority of the tau population.


Tau Water Caste

The Water Caste are the diplomats and traders in Tau society.


Tau Air Caste

The Air Caste are the pilots and space travellers in Tau society


Tau Earth Caste

The farmers and the workers in Tau society.


Tau Ethereal Caste

The mystical rulers of the Tau empire. By some force they can command all Tau.



Carnivorous creatures who feed on their fallen enemies to aid their guided evolution.


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