Officio Assissinorum

“Sometimes the authority of the Imperium must be exterted through clandestine means. The ultimate harbringers of Imperial will are the trained killers of the Officio Assassinorum. Rebel governors, heretic priests and dangerous aliens all fall beneath their knives. Imperial Assassins are trained in a number of hidden temples on Ancient Terra, each temple specialising in a different method of stealthy murder.”

Assassins are the most powerful human in the game and should really only be used as NPCs. I really suggest not using Assassins as player characters.

Size: Medium.

Ability Score Adjustments: +8 Strength, +12 Dexterity, +6 Constitution, +4 Intelligence, +2 Wisdom, +6 Charisma.

Skill Adjustments: None

Starting Feats: 2


Training: Assassins are trained to react with superhuman instincts. +4 dodge bonus to AC. +4 Initiative. Assassins also get specialized bonuses according to their temple.

Proficient: Assassin’s are trained in all forms of death-dealing. They are automatically proficient with all weapons.


Assassin’s Temple

Callidus: +8 Charisma

Culexus: +4 Intelligence

Vindicare: +1 to critical range, +1 to critical multiplier (so 19-20/x2 becomes 17-20/x3).

Eversor: +4 Strength and Dexterity.


Level Adjustment: +10 Warning: It is very difficult to balance an assassin of any type with any other character.



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