Mutations & Chaos Gifts


This section covers additional ways in which a character can be given uniquely identifying features thus helping you home in on your character concept. Though these rules provide more flexibility they drastically alter your character (in the case of mutations and even more so in the case of chaos gifts) and you should really only play with these additional character choices if you’ve already played a few games without using them. Basically they add extra complication and novice rather than experienced players may not need the extra flair they can add to a game.



Mutations are increasingly common place in the gothic universe of Warhammer 40,000. The reasons for this are many. For one thing the human race has been heavily polluting and radiating the multitude of worlds they live on; but frankly radiation is not the real reason the number of mutations – and really wild mutations like batwings, crab-claws and eyestalks – has gone up over the last twenty millennia. Since the birth of Slaanesh (which the eldar refer to as the Fall) and the opening of that terrible maelstrom called the ‘Eye of Terror’ the Imperium has been exposed to more warp flux than ever before in human history. The touch of the Immaterium irrevocably alters anything of a physical nature, including flesh and bone. Mutations are also a sign of man’s growing capacity for psychic powers and his growing learning of the other side of the universe that overlaps with the material world.


While a mutation can assume many forms, it typically signifies an abnormal trait or ability not common to the human race. Mutations can be pronounced or unnoticeable. They may grant extraordinary abilities or effect subtle to grotesque changes in a person’s physiology. Mutations may appear only at birth or manifest as consequences of radiation/warp exposure.


Ordinarily, a GM should allow players to select appropriate mutations and drawbacks for their characters using the Mutation Point (MP) system presented below. However, for GM-controlled creatures and supporting characters, the GM can determine mutations randomly and a set of random tables have been provided for that purpose.


Mutation Points

Mutation Points (MP) provide a simple method of selecting mutations while preserving game balance. All creatures (including heroes) begin play with 0 MP. A creature gains MP by selecting one or more drawbacks—physical deformities and disabilities that make the creature less effective in play. A creature can then “spend” the MP on one or more beneficial mutations. The total MP spent on beneficial mutations cannot exceed the total MP the creature gains from drawbacks. A creature may still have unspent MP after choosing beneficial mutations, however. These unspent MP can be spent on new mutations at a later time.



This link takes you to the random beneficial mutation table. This is normally used for NPC purposes as characters are allowed to pick their mutations. This appears as a pop-up so pop-up stoppers must be turned off.



This link takes you to the random detrimental mutation table. This is normally used for NPC purposes as characters are allowed to pick their mutations. This appears as a pop-up so pop-up stoppers must be turned off.



This link takes you to the general rules for hiding mutations (disguise check modifiers) as well as introducing you to the format with which the following mutation list is presented.



This is the mutation list itself, a slightly modified list of mutations drawn in part from the d20 Future System Reference Document.





Chaos Gifts signify the character has given himself over partially or wholly to one of the major forces of evil in the Dark Millenium. The Chaos Powers care for nothing; they are anarchic forces of the Immaterium. They are vile parodies of the material world made from the nightmares of the living. In truth the power of Chaos swelled tremendously in ancient times when the war-cries of the Eldar in their bloody war against an ancient enemy they called the Yngir (who call themselves the C’Tan) and then again more recently during the birth of Slaanesh and the creation of the Eye of Terror. In the year 40,000 the Gods of Chaos are very real, very dangerous daemons that live in the immaterial universe that exists parallel to the material one. Their influence has toppled worlds, created despots and bred the greatest warriors in the dark millenium being the driving force behind such historic figures Horus and Abbadon the Despoiler. The road to this depraved evil however rarely results in the powers granted to Abbadon and Horus. Most often the road leads to damnation. Worshipping the fell powers can lead a character to untold power; but it can also be a characters ruin. Dabbling in the dark is dangerous business.


To represent this Chaos Gifts are rolled randomly, and not selected, as are mutations. A player does not have a choice as to how his God blesses him (even though he can choose the character’s physical and mental attributes). A character can take any number of Chaos Gifts; so long as he pays 2 Mutation Points per gift (a high price for a such a dangerous game). If a player rolls the same Chaos Gift twice he re-rolls the second gift.



This is a random table for generating Khorne Chaos Gifts. It appears in a pop-up.



This is a random table for generating Nurgle Chaos Gifts. It appears in a pop-up.



This is a random table for generating Slaanesh Chaos Gifts. It appears in a pop-up.



This is a random table for generating Tzeentch Chaos Gifts. It appears in a pop-up.



This is a random table for generating Chaos Gifts not aligned with any of the four major powers. Chaos cultists can take these gifts regardless of which major power they worship - or even if they don't worship any of the major powers but pay homage to Chaos in its undivided state. It appears in a pop-up.



A link to all the Chaos Gifts available in the game and the rules governing those gifts.

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