Photos to follow!!!

The Empire Skanks Back


The Suffragettes, Community Cervix,

Back Door Stomp,

Wiseacre, Blowhard

The Red Room

10th July 1999


Hey what do you get when you drink- Irish Stout, Raspberry Sub Zero and Tequila Sunrises?

The Suffragettes suffered from first band syndrome - few punters at 8.30pm and no skankers. Now don't think for a moment they suck, if you like crusty punk/ ska beats you'll like them heaps.

Community Cervix's showcase included such tunes as "Wankah," "Christian Death Metal Band," "Oi Oi Oi," " Beer is Bonza", "Top Dollar" and "Sausage Chop Culture." At times the mixture of crusty punk and ska in the one song, as one of their songs goes " Gives me the Shits!" but I do like em heaps. These stooges have some new songs; they aren't half bad either. OK OK I caught onto Doug Cervix's dedicated follower of fashion plan, he has been secretly hiding. It has taken him a while to "come out" with the Wiseacre Boutique Range. I was chuffed to see a few faces up skanking away, once someone starts it seems like other crew can muster up some courage to join in. So to that sXe chick I would think started it.. "Cheers"….. Oops I can't say that .. So ….. "Wanna lolly little gal?"

The Red Room Management musta been creaming themselves. It was the largest crowd I have ever seen there. Shit!!!! Yobbos even had to wait at the bar cause there was only two barmaids (normally 2 would be overkill). The crowd was filled with a mix of faces and ages. I love it when you see faces that you haven't seen for eons out. It's a bit of a shame only the huge gigs pull these punters away from "Hey Hey It's Saturday". To that person who arrived late and went home after 2 bands: Shame on you!!! Why on earth didn't all the bands set up a merchandise stall? Backdoor Stomp had their act together- $20 for a collared T-shirt, bargain price I reckon.

Who said that two tone ska was outta favour? Cause judging on the crew it's IN! Heaps and heaps of punters went wild skanking around to Backdoor Stomp. This gig was probably their debut for a lot of the crowd as they haven't played here that much. Who said age is a barrier to stop ya doing things… Cause go take a look at Tom McKenzie (sax)… I'm sure he'd put ya on the yellow brick road to know age isn't any barrier at all. Backdoor Stomp certainly are more than just entertaining, I can honestly say if they played at lot and had some more original material they would be THE ska act in Brisbane. Everyone I spoke to was totally and utterly stoked with their set. The songs were blasts from the past covering The Funaddicts (What's Goin on, Inspector Martins), Bad Manners (Lorraine, Just a Feelin ), The Specials (Nite Club). Backdoor Stomp threw to the crew a blow up autographed saxophone after a few kicks and throws it found it's way to a new home. Backdoor Stomp Skank Hard!!!!!! (If they read this can I have a demo please!)

In between bands at The Red Room play CD's that are total and utter shite but tonight the Reel Big Fish CD brought a lot of fans onto the dance floor skanking around without a care in the world. You should hear the awesome up and coming new singers. Alright maybe I lie, but it's great to sing at the top of your lungs never realizing your out of tune, singing the wrong words and generally being very loud.

"Leith Mulligan" set the scene for the rest of Wiseacre's set. The punters up the front kept yellin out for " Let's Go Bowling". These guys are one of my local favourites, and they didn't disappoint me tonight. Tunes they pumped out included: " Texas Ranger", "Not the Same", "You're So Good Looking", "Bummin Around" and what seemed like the favourite to the crew " Let's Go Bowling". Punters skanked like no tomorrow, seems like the "older" males like that style where ya put ya arms over each others shoulders and skank around. Whilst others like that "Yeehaa Partner Country" style swing arm and arm skanking around. Heads spins rule! It was a pleasure to see these guys fashion statements haven't changed much either. Harro must of felt in a rather daring mood. Why you ask? Well you'd have to have balls to wear that cream/ brown snowboard scene nylon shirt. I was waiting all night for a well known ugly shirt lover to rip it off his back and steal it for himself. The crew loved jumping on stage and running amok showing off their new found musical talents and dancing styles. Good Going Wise Guys!!!!!

Now there seems to be a lot of confusion with the male patrons as to the location of the male loo. I musta caught at least 10 guys in the ladies or maybe these guys really wanted to know but were so scared to ask what's in the ladies before. So with that said…. Hey guys YOUR loo is rite next to the end of the bar with a sign that says "MEN". Nuffin worse than men who can't aim after a few beers…..

Blowhard summed up with entire night with their opening song… " Big One!". I know there woulda been a few hangovers on the Sunday as well as a few punters with sore feet from skanking so much. Speaking of hangovers… rumours have it that one particular punter couldn't drink anything tonight due to the huge night before. Is that a sign of getting old? Blowhard have the best brass section I have ever heard or seen live. So many of the crew were yelling out songs… best thing was Blowhard played them as fast as they heard the songs being yelled out. Songs like "Sexual Deviate" and "V8" amongst others. The set list was written on the back of VB cartons.. how impressive! The crowd went into a frenzy skanking away and singing the top of their lungs. The newer songs seemed to be hits to the punters as well. Of course Ben Godnose made a guest appearance to sing that all time classic " Erection". But that's not all…. If you buy this you get this steak knife for free… Oh all we got was 66% of Girls Germs play a two numbers with Spider playing drums shit fast. Wow didn't Rollo looked a million bucks with that new haircut and that purple suit on? I'm so used to seeing him with little on when they play I was blown away. Rollo seemed to offer his husband services to a wife that had lost her husband. I wonder what sorta services he had in mind to help her with? Blowhard cranked… everyone at the end of the set was either covered in sweat or they were the wusses at the back just watching. Shame on you lot … next time get up off your arses and dance!

If you missed this gig…suck shit. Everyone who went should be talking about how awesome a night it was for ages! Thanks to Spider playing with a painful injury.

Oh to answer your question at the start of the review….. your name is changed to "Bert" and you end up calling "Ernie".



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