Care Bear Cousins

Welcome to my Care Bear Cousins Page! Here you can meet the Care Bear Cousins. The Care Bears met them in the Forest of Feelings. At first, they didn't have pictures on their tummies.

Care Bear Cousins

These are the Care Bear Cousins.

They help you put your good feelings into action. The pictures on their tummies tell what's special about each one of this great group.

Brave Heart Lion

Hello! I'm Brave Heart Lion; it's my job to show that you can be a leader if you have kindness in your heart.

Playful Heart

I'm Playful Heart Monkey. I love good times, and I want to remind you that fun can be found everywhere if you have joy in your heart.

Lotsa Heart Elephant

My name is Lotsa Heart Elephant, and my job is to show you that your real strenght shows through when when you never say,"it can't be done."

Bright Heart

I'm Bright Heart Raccoon, and I want to show you that learning can be fun, especially when the solution to the problem helps a friend!

Gentle Heart Lamb

I'm here to show you that when someone is in need, the best cure is love and kindness. That's why they call me Gentle Heart Lamb.

Swift Heart Rabbit

I'm Swift Heart Rabbit. Remember that no matter how busy life gets, there's always time to spread happiness and good cheer.

Proud Heart Cat

I'm Proud Heart Cat, and I want you to remember that you should take pride in yourself and do your best in everything you attempt.

Loyal Heart Dog

My job is to remind you that loyalty and honesty are the things upon which you build true friendships. That's why my name is Loyal Heart Dog.

Cozy Heart Penguin

Making others feel confident and comfortable is the most important job I can think of. That's why I'm known as Cozy Heart Penguin.

Treat Heart Pig

I'm Treat Heart Pig, and I say that any day can be be a holiday when you help others enjoy themselves!

Noble Heart Horse

Why hello! I am Noble Heart Horse. I took Care of the Care Bears and Care Bear Cousins when they were little along with my good friend, True Heart Bear.

Now that you've met all of the Care Bear Cousins, we hope that you'll want to become our friends just as much as we want to be friends with you!

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