Care Bears

Welcome to my Care Bear Page! Here you can meet the Care Bears.

Care Bears
These are the 10 original Care Bears.

We're a special group of colorful, round, snuggly, little bears whose job it is to help you understand your own feelings and share them with others.

As you can see, we have special pictures on our tummies, and those pictures tell you the special job each of us love to do.

Tenderheart Bear

I'm Tenderheart Bear, and it is my job to help people reach out to each other. I say that love is a warm, fuzzy feeling, so go ahead and share it.

Cheer Bear

I'm Cheer Bear, and if you're sad or not feeling well, I'll slide down a rainbow and make you feel better.

Funshine Bear

Smile! I'm Funshine Bear so, there's a great, big, happy sun on my tummy to remind you to laugh and look at the lighter side of things.

Good Luck Bear

You're in luck because it's me, Good Luck Bear. That's why I'm wearing a four-leaf clover.

Birthday Bear

Don't count the number of birthdays. Count how happy you feel! I'm Birthday Bear, and I'll help you make your birthdays the best ever!

Wish Bear

I'm Wish Bear, and if you wish on my star, maybe your special dream will come true.

Friend Bear

If you're ever feeling lonely, just call on me, Friend Bear. See, I've got a daisy for you and a daisy for me.

Grumpy Bear

Grr! I'm Grumpy Bear. There's a cloud on my tummy to show I take the grouchies away, so you can be happy again.

Love-a-Lot Bear

I'm Love-a-Lot Bear. I have two hearts on my tummy. One is for you; the other is for someone you love.

Bedtime Bear

It is my job to bring you sweet dreams. I'm Bedtime Bear, and right now, I'm a bit sleepy. Are you sleepy too?

Champ Bear

Hi! I'm Champ Bear. I'm a want you to always remember to be a good sport. It doesn't matter if you win or lose as long as you have fun!

Share Bear

Don't you just love sharing? I do! I'm Share Bear, and I have a soda with 2 straws in it on my tummy. 1 straw is for you the other is for someone you can share with.

Harmony Bear

I'm Harmony Bear and, I think that harmony is the most important thing I know of! You should be nice to everyone even someone you dislike!

Secret Bear

Who do the Care Bears trust whole heartedly? Why me, Secret Bear, of course. I'm great at keeping secrets. I'll never tell your secrets, unless you want me to!

Take Care Bear

Hello! I'm Take Care Bear. I dislike to see anyone sick because being sick is one of the worst things I can think of! I'll be there to take care care of you if you happen to get sick.

Grams Bear

I take care of Baby Hugs and Tugs and help them learn about letters and numbers. That's why they call me Grams Bear.

Baby Hugs and Tugs

Well hello, my name is Baby Tugs. I am not a full grown Care Bear yet but, I try to help people when ever I can. I can't wait to be big! I'm Baby Tugs . I aam just learning along with my sister Baby Hugs. Grams takes care of us and teaches us stuff like the numbers.

Now that you know all of us, we hope that you'll have a special place for us in your heart, like we do for you.

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