p h y s e d
Sports Med
This section contains course notes, useful web links, and sample exam questions.
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The Importance of Personal Hygiene
Athlete's Foot
The Importance of Personal Hygiene
Press here for exam questions on 'Personal Hygiene'' and send your answers to be electronically marked.
GCSE PE -  Personal health
Teen Issues
A Level PE
PE Links
You have about 3 million sweat glands in your skin
You can lose up to 3 litres of sweat an hour during hard exercise in the heat
You smell only when the bacteria tha live on your skin feed on the salts, ammonia and other waste products that are present in sweat.
Important to keep skin clean, particularly after physical exercise
Average foot has 2000,000 sweat glands, more tahn any other part of the body of comparable size.  Therefore, it is important to keep feet clean (see Athlete's Foot and Verrucae below).
Light, loose, cotton clothing is ideal for hot weather.
REMEMBER:  Your feet live in shoes 16 hours a day.  That's 2/3rds of your lifetime!!
Allows you to sweat freely.
Shorts and short-sleeved tops expose plenty of skin for sweat to evaporate
Cotton is a breathable material which helps regulate the body's temperature.
Wear several layers in cold weather
The layers trap heat between them
You can peel of a layer (or layers) as you get warmer. You sweat during exercise even in cold weather.
Cover your head and hands if it's very cold
View From clothing. Designed by athletes for athletes.
REMEMBER:  Wash sports clothing regularly to remove sweat and bacteria
Deoderants and antiperspirants
These help you avoid sweaty smells.
Deoderants mask the smell of sweat with a nicer smell
Antiperspirants coat the sweat pores wit ha film so the sweat can't get out.
Since sweat helps you during sport, using an antiperspirant before a game is not a good idea.
Athlete's Foot
What is it?
How to prevent it.
Recognising athlete's foot.
How to treat it.
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