'The World of Pern'™ is © Anne McCaffrey 1967,2000. 'The Dragonriders of Pern'© is a registered trademark. This is a recorded online session, by permission of the author but generated on Silver Skies MUSH for the benefit of people unable to attend.

The Candidate's Survive!

All dragons sense Leyrith settles back on her haunches, and then peers at the nearest egg that's now wobbling tentatively in position. << Go back inside! Stop that! >>

Eliwys ambles in from the entrance to the hatching grounds. Eliwys has arrived.

Fort senses Rasnauth rumbles laughingly, waves lapping a sandy shore <<Finally. There will be peace in the Weyr again.>> There's no stopping the tide once it's started.

Perymith turns quickly as an egg wobbles. He snorts at it, wings opening in surprise. After a moment, he pushes the sand back on top of it.

Leyrith flares her wings, the sunlight filtered into a sparkling haze by her coloration. Sand is quickly brushed back up and over an egg as it wriggles free of its golden blanket. "Leyrith, stop that" Eliwys demands as she heads onto the sands, a hand holding up her skirts, "They're going to come out whether you like it or not." That of course causes a rumble of dissent.

Perymith works busily, scooping sand onto eggs that just don't want to stay covered. It's clearly a losing battle, but he continues to struggle against the inevitable. S'vilen, pelting onto the sands, buttoning his shirt, gives a faint, amused snort. "That's not going to work," he tells the bronze.

Jalis ambles in from the entrance to the hatching grounds. J'van ambles in from the entrance to the hatching grounds.

Leyrith sends a direction over to Perymith: work harder idiot, can't you see they're, gosh, shock, horror, revealing themselves! Tail snakes around one egg as she tries to stop it from rocking, but to no avail, it just continues to do so.

Jalis gingerly approaches the sands and glances around at the shaking eggs. She smiles broadly as she's accompanied by J'van. "So, the time is now." She says. She flicks a copper hair out of her eyes and says "How are they?" Meaning the dragons.

L'in emerges from a narrow passage and walks out onto the sands. L'in has arrived. Sisala emerges from a narrow passage and walks out onto the sands.

Perymith's head shoots up as the first of the candidates, and the Weyrleaders walk onto the sands, his hum wavering a little, then he tries to push more sand up onto the egg nearest him at Leyrith's prompting, keeping a wary eye on all these strangers.

Leyrith is, for the moment, to busy to notice those defilers walking onto her sands. She'll get them later. For now she worries about the eggs, nudging one, and then covering it in sand as it tosses itself free once more.

Sisala hurries onto the sands. She immediately looks around, and offers a quick curtesy to the dragons on the sand. SHe moves to the far side, allowing the candidates who follow her the opportunity to for a circle around the eggs without tripping over her. Nervous fingers play with the ends of her bound hair, and she looks around, watching Leyrith and Perymith very attentively.

L'in enters the Sands with his most formal, jaunty walk, even though his belly bounces a little. Once out, he pauses near the Weyrleaders, turning toward the first pair of Candidates, as he waits for them to give their respect to the dragons.

Reacting to the heat of the sands and Rukbat, faces break out in sweat, reddening skin and dampening robes. Servers move through the galleries offering cool drinks and sliced fruit to the spectators. Others ply large fans, while the flutter of personal fans ripples across the crowd.

J'van moves along with Jalis, turning his head to watch the candidates come out as he makes his way towards the others, then a nod for his Weyrsecond and another for Eliwys as he moves into the slight shadow made by the wall - cooler there, perhaps.

Musa emerges from a narrow passage and walks out onto the sands. Musa has arrived. Alora emerges from a narrow passage and walks out onto the sands.

Chhaya patters out onto the sands, slim brows drawn nervously as she takes her first steps onto the sands, bowing hastily to Leyrith, then to Perymith, the trip culminating in an anxious shuffling to secure a spot from which she can clearly see the gallery exit. Best to keep an escape route handy if worse comes to worst, seems to be her logic as she takes care to check over her shoulder for it.

Alora hesitates for the briefest of instants near the entrance, then moves bravely onward. With a motion that is none too smooth or practiced she drops an awkward cursty to Leyrith and then one to Perymith. That taken care of she hurries to take a place near the others.

Musa slips out onto the sands, determined to at least get this right, and get out of the way. She bows, first to dam, then sire, and heads off to stand by herself. Where before there was safety in numbers, now she waits for others to come to her - it's better to be noticed... isn't it? She shuffles her feet - the heat hasn't had time to filter through her sandals yet, but sandals that are too small are uncomfortable. Ouch.

Keilah emerges from a narrow passage and walks out onto the sands. Keilah has arrived. Andariel emerges from a narrow passage and walks out onto the sands.

Perymith sits back for a moment, surveying the wreckage of all the hard work he's done at burying these eggs. He doesn't appear to notice the nice little bows and curtseys that the candidates are offering.

Andariel takes a deep breath and ventures out over the sands flanked as usual by Calinda and Geran. A quick curtsey is dropped to Perymith and Leyrith and one to S'vilen and Eliwys just in case before the trio scurry over to join Keilah and the others.

Leyrith couldn't care less whether they bow, curtesy, or whatever. Eggs. That's her priority now. She rumbles at one close by. Stay there. It seems to say. The egg hasn't heard though, for it wobbles, spinning around as the dragon tries to struggle free.

L'in shifts to see the Eggs better, as well as the entering Candidates, nodding as each pay their respect. Seems he thinks the first ones at least are doing well. In his scanning, he notices J'van at the wall, so he decides to join him there. "Got something for you." he notes, reaching in his jacket to haul out a skin of.. something.

Keilah pauses as soon as she enters to bow toward the sire and dam, eyes wide at the two. Walking slowly, she treds toward Musa, slipping in beside her, waving Andariel and the others over as she passes by. "C'mon," she hisses slightly. "We can make a the semi-circle over here..."

Matiaal emerges from a narrow passage and walks out onto the sands. Matiaal

Eliwys heads over to S'vilen, a hand going up to rest on slender waist as she regards the dragons, "Silly" she murmurs, the words probably lost to most, "aren't they?"

Andariel is more than happy to go and join Keilah, dragging Calinda and Geran with her she joins the semi-circle making sure that although she is beside the others, she is also a little behind them. Just to be on the safe side.

Kayla steps out, moving slowly, and takes a deep breath before curtseying to first Leyrith and then Perymith, before going to join the others in the semi-circle forming around the eggs.

Jalis rubs her hands on her thighs, cleaning them off before she goes over to stand by J'van, leaving Eliwys to S'vilen. "So Weyrleader," She begins with a warm smile, "Excited?" She certainly seems to be.

Matiaal emerges, scared as he walks, eyes darting about nervously as he half-walks and half-hops, but gives a deep bow to both sire and dam dragons before moving across the Sands to join the others.

Kaveldir emerges from a narrow passage and walks out onto the sands. Kaveldir

J'van leans against the wall, which is only moderately cooler than the sands, and smiles briefly to L'in as he comes up, though his expression brightens some at that something "Is that what I think it is?" is asked in tones less cranky and terse than for the last few sevendays. "Shards, but if it is, I am in need of it." Especially as he sees Eliwys and S'vilen standing together. "Did you make it? It's sure to be potent if you did." But he'll take anythign at this point." He blinks at Jalis as she comes over. "Excited that it is almost over? Shells, yes." Ecstatic. "I'd like life to get back to some semblence of normal."

Kaveldir steps onto the Hatching Sands, his hands fisting and releasing to try to control the nervousness. He starts to sweat from the heat and the excitement, his eyes glancing around. He feels overwhelmed by the sheer number of people here. He's never seen so many people in one place at one time. He feels way too conspicuous!

Having made her way all the way around the eggs to the far side, Sisala holds still. As best as she is able. SHifting her weight, as the heat begins to seep in, she looks around at the other candidates who come near her, and gives them all smiles. But her attention is only briefly distracted from the two dragons, and the eggs that are starting to move.

S'vilen grins and turns his head to look at Eliwys. "Better than furious," he murmurs back to her in an equally low tone as Perymith makes another desultory attempt to bury the eggs that are intent upon moving.

Ghrae emerges from a narrow passage and walks out onto the sands. Ghrae has arrived.

Musa twists her lips as she thinks about this. "We can make our /own/ semicircle." And that's that. She's not going to join in and just follow the group blindly. Ho-no. "See?" she says, as Andariel, Calinda, and Geran fall in with them, "All it took was someone to come over. And then more." Feet shuffle again... The candidate Two-Step. "Shard these shoes..." She folds her arms... Her fault for stealing them. They're getting hot, now, too.

Ghrae steps out onto the sand wordlessly. An expression of apprehension radiates through her body, making her steps stilted as she crosses the hatching sands. She progresses to a spot as far away from the clutch and more importantly the dam and sire as she can after sketching out an awkward bow to both.

Eliwys chuckles at S'vilen, nodding, trying not to ruin that hair that's been intricately braided and piled atop her head, "Definitely. There's a part of me glad this'll be over soon, and another that'll be sad once more. I just hope for no further accidents I guess."

Maurice emerges from a narrow passage and walks out onto the sands. Maurice

One moment Confectioned Adventure Egg is there, the next, it's merely a ring of shards about a long-tailed green with iridescent wings. She darts lightning-quick toward the Candidates, who dodge and scatter in every direction, some shrieking in fright. One trips over her feet and goes down in a heap, arms wrapped protectively about her head. But an insistent crooning gets her attention, and she slowly sits up, her eyes going wide with delight. "Oh, Joarith!! No, if I'd know it was /you/, I never would have tried to get away!" And so, the first Impression is made.

"Would you rather have them /off/?" Keilah murmurs to Musa with a snicker and wink before looking over her shoulder at the still-incoming candidates. "I never realized how many of us there were... Have we missed any Impressions? Hey... Maurice! Over here!" She waves to the candidate from where she, Musa, Anda and the others wait before blinking toward the egg and hatchling. "Wow. That... happened fast..."

Pennalyn walks out with her chin up, only her clenched fists showing her nerves. She bows deeply to Leyrith and Perymith, not meeting either dragon's eyes, and steps into the half-circle with one startled look at that quick first Impression.

Andariel has been looking at Musa with a smile as the first Impression happened, only Calinda's mad boucing brought her back round to see the first victim not actually being mauled to death. A slight smile flickers nervously at the corners of her mouth as she squeezes the hands that she holds.

Maurice walks out onto the sands, looking around a moment before quickly bowing, and then hurrying toward the group. Better to not be noticed. When Keilah calls his name, he flinches, but heads toward her. And then there's already an Impression. Eep.

Matiaal joins the others and watches Impressions being made, eyes remaining on the eggs.

Sisala yelps, as a green hatches. Since its the first, its easy to see. Even though its far away, she jumps on her toes, trying to see who impressed. Giving up, she focuses on the eggs nearest to her. Far away from the entrance, she glances towards it, then back to Leyrith to see her reaction to the first baby.

Kaveldir moves towards his cousin Sisala, wide-eyed and watching the first eggs hatch.

Musa, her arms still folded, shakes her head. "No, no. I'd rather have them on. But more than that, I'd rather have a pair that /fitted/." Again, her own fault. One of the other candidates is probably walking about with a pair that are too large. Maybe she can find him, or her. "Ooh." She motions towards the egg that hatches and impressed in bare moment, herself darting to the side in reflex. Bad claws. "You're right. It did happen fast. But that's the way of it. No-one got maimed." Disappointment?

Sarine emerges from a narrow passage and walks out onto the sands. Sarine has arrived.

S'vilen starts to respond to Eliwys, but that first Impression stills the words in his throat. He sighs softly instead. "Well, there's one. A lovely little green - and she has her sire's tail."

C'daer emerges from a narrow passage and walks out onto the sands. C'daer has arrived.

Maternal instincts? Leyrith? Where? Oh, impression. Snort. Look at those egg shards. Now, the rest just have to stop wobbling, and we'll be fine. See? Muzzle is shoved into sand, and scooped over a shell.

Chhaya squirms uncomfortably in the oppressive heat, beads of sweat rising like dew along her upper lip, glistening from her forehead. She lifts a hand to wipe her face, but the effort is in vain, as the perspiration rises to renew itself within moments. She glances up at the galleries briefly, but in the commotion, and from the distance, she doesn't seem to give any effort to picking out individual faces in that crowd, instead turning back toward the eggs with a sigh.

Jalis chuckles softly as she nudges J'van. "Look at Leyrith over there, denying the fact her eggs are hatching." She looks highly amused at the protective queen's antics.

Sarine hurries onto the sands, wrining her hands nervously. She looks aroud, and then bows down toward Leyrith and Perymith, low. When she straightens, she hurries toward the group, ending up next to Maurice.

Perymith pauses in his efforts as the little green finds her lifemate. He, at least, seems to be pleased. Bending, he lowers his head to wuffle the shards left behind, then watch her leave the sands.

C'daer ushers the remaining Candidates onto the Sands, already sweating in the heat and from nervousness.

Real Hero Egg begins to rock, a bare quiver at first, before the motion begins to increase. New formed hairline cracks are barely visible against the mottled dark olive and khaki tones of the shell as it shakes insistently, it's occupant unwilling to be caged any longer.

The wobbly, friendly looking mouth of white on the Big Red Canine Egg splits at the teethmarks that grin like a half crescent moon. Then one of the teeth shatters, beneath a talon finding its way out. The bright red egg breaks apart, as first a tail appears, then talons and finally the nose of a brilliant blue hatchling, who gives himself a good shake, wings unfolding with the effort and catching the light. He walks down the line of candidates, head raising and pausing at each as if asking directions to the one who will be his. He stops in front of a young girl with long brown hair tied back in a white bow and cocks his head at her, a toothy grin almost appearing as he finds his mate. Kyou kneels down and says, "Yes Ryoueth. We'll get you some food." Ryoueth croons happily, tail thumping and moves with ungainly legs towards the stands. Kyou walks after and stands in front of him, "This way," Pointing towards where an assistant weyrlingmaster is waiting to guide them towards the food. "You're welcome. I'll always help you find your way," The newly impressed girl promises.

Ghrae watches warily as an egg hatches and its inhabitant impresses. Some relief seems to cross her features as it moves in a direction other than her own.

L'in extends the skin to J'van and grins widely. "Oh, you can be sure to know what it is!" he says, then nods to Jalis respectfully. "I figured you'd be needing it by now. Jalis? You too?"

"All looks safe so far," Keilah whispers as she moves aside slightly to make room for Maurice. Eyes flicker occasionally toward Leyrith, and she looks down at Musa's feet with a small grin. "Well, that happens..." when you steal sandals... "Oh, surely you'll get to see a maiming or two yet, Musa. Don't give up hope... Heya, Sar. Ooh... he's a handsome one," she remarks about the newest Impressed.

Andariel raises one foot to nervously rub up the back of her leg casuing a few grains of sand to course down the bare skin. The heat makes Andi jump forward a little, joining the semi-circle properly as the second Impression is made.

Eliwys reaches out for S'vilen's hand, grinning, "See that? One already safe, and one less candidate to worry over!"

J'van looks over at Leyrith, since Jalis wishes it, and smiles faintly - he's making an effort, he is. "She does seem to want to keep them forever. She'll get over it, I imagine. They all do, once the last egg has cracked." This he says as he reaches for L'in's skin, taking a deep swallow that burns his throat - his eyes water, but he grins finally "Faranth's teeth, but that has a bite to it. One swallow, Jalis, and you will not note the heat, I assure you." He passes the skin to the Weyrwoman. "A good batch, Weyrlingmaster."

Kayla's eyes shift back and forth as she tries to keep up with everything around her, but its a nervous sort of motion, as she tries to keep her feet from burning, or seeming to.

Pennalyn isn't even noticing the hot sands. Her eyes skip from egg to egg to hatchling to Impressee, trying to see everything at once. A smile flickers across her face as Kyou and her blue meet, and then vanishes as she goes back to watching.

Maurice just gives Musa a -look-, nose wrinkling up. And then he's turning to look for stumbling dragonets - or charging dragons. "It's all happening so.. fast!" he exclaims as yet another candidate impresses.

Musa jerks backwards as another hatches, a blue this time. "I wouldn't have picked that..." She offers, and she wouldn't have, either. She barely knows that girl. "I should hope so. I endured candidacy so that I could experience a good maiming. Or rather, see one take place. I wouldn't mind a scratch for my troubles. Something that leaves a nice scar. I'll leave the maining for the others." The eggs are once again eyed, and she seems to be considering which will hatch next. "That one..." she points, but it's hard to see exactly which she has gestured towards.

L'in nods to the Weyrleader, as he watches the green being led off the Sand by one of his assistants, toward the barracks. He sighs, deeply. "I may need a few swigs of that very soon." he notes, nodding toward the Pair.

Sisala shifts nervously as the eggs near her move, and she looks around. Seeing Kav coming near her, she reaches for his hand. Still, she shakes her head, watching the eggs, and she asks, "Did another hatch?" She looks around, unable to see what is going out very far from her.

Jalis takes the skin and grins, eyeing it critically. "Well here goes nothing." She says as she tilts the skin over her lips and takes a healthy swallow. She'd spit it right back out but she is the Weyrwoman and it wouldn't be seemly. She does her best to hold it in as tears run down her cheeks and her breathing grows ragged. Hoarsely she remarks, "Faranth!" And quickly hands the skin back to J'van.

Sarine sighs soflty, gaze darting this way and that. "Very fast." she agrees, a small smile appearing on her face at the next Impression.

S'vilen takes Eliwys' hand and squeezes gently. "I won't have to worry about them for a long time, anyway," he says, pleased.

Won't Fall Down Egg wobbles a very slight bit, pushed back and forth as if by a breeze.

J'van chuckles softly to L'in's words "Better you than me.." He notes.

C'daer runs both hands through his hair, staring around at the collection of candidates and eggs. He looks over towards L'in, and grins widely, waiting.

Eliwys giggles at S'vilen, "This is true" she notes, squeezing back, and glancing over to the madly bulldozing Leyrith. There a uneasy rumble as another egg splinters, but she's not going to let it distract her from her work. If there's one egg left on the sands at the end, she'd be happy.

Keilah nods at Maurice's words. grinning, before blinking toward Musa. "You frighten me," she comments with a grin and wink. "Well, we had Dima and her broken bones. Wasn't that enough?" she comments as she rocks on her heels slightly, watching the shaking eggs.

Real Hero Egg picks up speed in it's rocking, back and forth, back and forth. The thin cracks widen and grow in number as the young dragon within wages war with the shell that holds it hostage. Tiny flecks of olive shell begin to shiver off, and the end can't be far behind.

Andariel lets out a little squeak as Calinda withdraws her hand for a moment to move hair from her eyes. As the hand comes back Andi clings to it thankfully, eyes scanning the sands for signs of movement.

J'van takes the skin from Jalis as she takes her mouthful, grinning at her reaction "Didn't I tell you it was a good batch?" He says, taking an other swig of his own and managing not to choke at the fiery stuff, before adding for the Weyrlingmaster's benefit "I"m sorry, L'in - but I don't think you should be drinking this, with the task you have before you. You'll need your wits about you." And that means more for him and the Weyrwoman.

One of the Candidates giggles and points across the sands. "Look, I didn't think old ugly-face would impress," she says to her companions, not noticing as the Snuggle-up Teddy Bear Egg cracks open nearby. "Keralee, look out!" one of them cries. But the green coming up behind means Keralee no harm - she merely nudges with her muzzle, and the girl whirls about. "Oh, Yaserth! Of course I see you. You're the most beautiful green ever!"

Ghrae looks very uncomfortable and nervous as Leyrith shoves shards into the sands to hide their evidence. She looks as if she'd really like to move as far away as she possibly can from that queen and her furious efforts.

Perymith has given up his mad efforts to bury the hatching offspring. Here and there a few aren't moving, yet, but his attention is proudly on those that are moving.

Pennalyn stares, then almost laughs, her sober nerves broken by the Impression of her shy little friend. "A green for 'Lee? Oh Faranth..." A nearby egg rocks, and her eyes lock on it, but a little smile stays on her face.

"I was right!" Musa says, with a grin. "I should have placed more bets." Does that mean that she placed bets in the first place? Watching the hatchling a long moment before it impressed to 'ugly-face', Musa lets a momentary flicker of something cross her features, before it is schooled. She frightens herself sometimes, too. "No, I'm serious. After all this time, and you just walk away with absolutely nothing for your troubles but your 'experiences'." She uses a mocking tone there. "I want something I can say, 'What.. this old scar? I got that when I was a candidate on the sands.'" Or something like that, at least!

Perymith senses Leyrith rumbles, deep like the ocean << Stop watching, and start helping. The sand keeps falling off and when it does they hatch. >>

Chhaya's attention is as ever-shifting as the sand beneath her black-sandaled feet, which scuff constantly in a futile attempt to escape the burning heat from below. Ebon eyes sweep impartially the eggs and those hatchlings that maneuver about the sands, drift across the many faces of her white-robed companions, linger on the clutch parents.

Kaveldir tries to keep his eyes on the dragons as well as the commotion down lower on the Sands, where the shells are bursting apart and popping open with the sharp cracking sounds and the flying of sand and grit. Oh, but the young dragons are so...magnificent! So are their sharp claws and teeth. He keeps his feet shift near constantly across the sand to keep his body ready to move out of the way of any charging dragonet as well as to keep them from cooking. The heat enwraps him with such a heaviness that he can hardly tell if he is actually breathing in any real air.

L'in laughs, shrugging to the Weyrleader and Weyrwoman. "Oh, by now I'm immune, though afterward? Lots of time for Celebration!" He looks toward C'daer and grins. "You? Perhaps you can join us. Perhaps." he teases with a wink.

Won't Fall Down Egg wobbles a bit more violently, enough so that flakes of shell drift to the sand as the orb rocks back and forth, balanced precariously on the edge of its sandy nest.

Sisala shakes her head, and shifts her weight as she looks from egg to egg. "Oh.. my. Kav, look!" She points at an egg, and then at another, as they begin to crack and spin. As the dragonets aren't close to her, yet, she seems taken by the eggs instead.

Kayla keeps shifting back and forth, escaping wisps of hair plastered to her brow as the sweat from the heat beads there. She doesn't seem to be noticing the impressions at all, since all her attention seems to be on keeping from getting sat on or mauled.

You sense that Leyrith senses Perymith responds, pride and delight rippling through his tones, << They will hatch whether we bury them or not, my rider says. If we bury them, they will not be happy. Look! They are little dragons, now. >>

C'daer calls across the sands, "I couldn't stomach that stuff unless you paid me L'in, but maybe if you've a variety.." He glances at a Candidate whose hair is coming undone and quickly steps to clumsily help her tie it back up.

Andariel hasn't even noticed that she's in the semi-circle properly as she kicks one leg back ad forth to try to get up some sort of breeze to save her from the heat. Retreiving her hand from Geran for a moment she quickly flaps the bottom of her robe aroud her knees, a smile breaking at the slight cooling.

Perymith senses Leyrith snorts. << Little pains you mean. I don't want more of them to annoy me! >>

"I'm sure if you ask nicely enough," Keilah replies to Musa as she pushes stray hair from her face, "Leyrith will give you a small scars for your trouble. I mean, some people take shards as a souvenir, but, you know, whatever works for you... All I want is a glass of wine after this." She licks her drying lips before quickly pushing that thought from her mind. "Heat's not too bad yet..." Keilah, Lady Holder of Random Comments.

Jalis grins over her shoulder at L'in and says "You won't have much time for Celebration you know, L'in." She teases him before she turns her gaze to the hatching, making sure her face is dry of alcohol induced wetness.

Kaveldir nods to Sisala, "I can't believe how fast they're hatching!"

As the sun beats mercilessly down on the hatching sands, heat rises, trapping candidates and hatchlings alike between the two.

Embossed Velvet Egg is fairly upright at the moment, heavy side deeply embedded in the hot sand. No movement can be seen until.. Was that a.. wobble? Sure enough, the sand about the bottom of it seems to have been displaced, yet it was so fast it was barely seen at all.

Maurice again just eyes Musa, and chuckles in spite of himself. "I think I'm in agreement with Keilah." he mutters, absently lifting one leg, holding it there a moment, and putting it down only to lift the other.

The multitude of greens across the shell of the Real Hero Egg melds into a uniform coloration as the egg begins to move. The battle begins as the conflict heightens, the hatchling inside struggling to play its role in this war against confinement and its shell. It quivers without stopping, its feverish trembling expanding the cracks along its surface. Large pieces of shell join whatever minute flecks have already dispersed, until all masks fall away to reveal a sierra brown hatchling. A small head perks up, lids flickering over whirling eyes as he slowly unfolds himself in awkward jerking motions: still unfamiliar with all these limbs.

J'van will just keep that skin all to himself, thank you - and does, imbibing rather freely of it and relaxing in direct relation to his transference from skin to stomach.


---*** Moon Desert Brown Hatchling ***---

The image of a desert seen from unimaginable heights unfolds in sun-limned glory, a picture perhaps glimpsed from the surface of Belior and portrayed here across the hide of this parched brown hatchling. Golden sand mingles with the arid shading of his flanks: heat-baked browns highlighted by the copper of seared brush, haunches and shoulders lit with the arescent hues of the sierra. Parched riverbeds wander in serpentine fashion amid neckridges, darkening at tail's tip in inky sable, as though welcomed shadow. A faint smudge of dry sage is a mirage on the horizon, a bare hint of a promised oasis resting along pinions. Translucent wingsails seem strewn with moist, rich soil, dappled with the dusky shade of sun-dried palms: their individual fronds etched on delicate membranes. Sharp talons hold the resilience of mahogany, defying the dehydration that drinks moisture from his belly as well as a drought-blunted muzzle, drained to pale ochre.

Ghrae moves closer to one of the other candidates, as if seeking some solace from the company of others in this time of trepidation. She does her outward best to show complete calm and composure, even if her inner aprehension causes her to tremble a little.

You sense that Leyrith senses Perymith coaxes, << But whey they are all little dragons, you will be able to fly and hunt for yourself. Your Eliwys will take you flying, just the two of you. >> He doesn't even seem to be aware that he can't speak for her.

Perymith senses Leyrith projects << Oh. Right. Well, maybe we should help them hatch then? Can we speed it up? >>

Alora's feet shuffle backward, almost of their own accord as a dragonet passes close. A swift glance over her shoulder assures there is no one right behind her and she moves a bit more, giving the teetering baby a wide berth. Her head quickly swivels back around to focus on the hatchling, eyes following the slow progress across the hot Sands.

Sarine wipes a sweaty hand off on her robe, content to just watch and sift foot to foot. "Oooh.. lookit /him/." she says softly as the real hero egg cracks open.

Sisala tugs on Kav's arm, "Kav, Kav! Look! Its a brown! Isn't he pretty?" She shakes her head, and the tie in her hair comes loose, and she quickly bends down to snag it. Trying to tye it again, she watches the brown hatchling attentively.

S'vilen gives Perymith a wary, suspicious look. "He's up to something," he murmurs in an especially low voice to Eliwys.

Calinda squeaks. "A brown!" and tugs on Andariels hand. "Look, look a brown." Dutiful candidate that she is Andariel looks and indeed does spot the brown although cannot match the excitement of her friend as she flickers another smile accompanied by a "Brown. Yeah. Nice."

L'in was about to say something to J'van, or was it Jalis, when C'daear's comment gathers his attention. A laugh comes quickly as he shakes his head. "Nothing but the best for /this/ clutch!" he calls over to his helper.

Eliwys arches an eyebrow to S'vilen, "He is? Like what?" she asks suspiciously.

Matiaal shifts from foot to foot as the sands heat really sinks in, even through his sandles. As the Moon Desert brown hatches his eyes widen, "Look at that one..." He remarks to whoevers nearest him, "He's a nice looking one."

Pennalyn wipes sweat from her face, and wrinkles her nose as flecks of sand adhere to flushed skin. Her hand absently brushes across her robe--and then she's stock-still again as she Looks at that brown. "Oh..." she whispers, breathless-awed, "he's beautiful. Isn't he?" Asked of anyone in the vicinity. "Isn't he?"

Won't Fall Down Egg weaves in place, uncertain on how to deal now that the dragonet inside, who had been balancing it, has gone awry. In the end, it just can't live up to its name, and with a final teeter and then a totter, it tumbles down the slight incline of its sandy nest. Flakes and shards give way to great chunks of shell that fall to the wayside and litter the hatching ground until all that is left is a very dizzy little green dragonet.

Heat not too bad yet? What /is/ Keilah talking about? Musa is almost jumping back and forth as she tries to keep cool. "I hope they don't take too long to hatch. I want to be off these sands, impressed or not, as soon as I can manage it. I'd hate to wait until the end... I mean, standing around like this for too long can't be good for your feet. That numbweed bath is looking more appealing... If you have no feet, they can't be burned. Right?" Another egg cracks, and a brown emerges... Musa treats it with a raised eyebrow. "No... IT's ugly. All that goo. Not good."

Kaveldir grins at Sisala nervously, "Maybe for you. He's pretty.. look at that egg wobble!"

Guest1 has connected in the Lounge.


---*** Garden's Bounty Green Hatchling ***---

As a garden awakens from winter's dormancy, unfurling towards life-giving calidity, the glow of a spring sun warms this verdant green hatchling's hide. Nature's chromatology covers the landscape of her physique to soften sharp edges - from the delicate muzzle to the tip of her tail, absinthe depicting neckridges' sharpness along a graceful neck. Wingsails shimmer with sequined glory, a panoply of color on stretched canvas - hints of violet, forget-me-not, marigold, and poppy hues stippling a backdrop of beryl between wingspars of woody tincture. Deeper malachite leaves pattern her haunches and shoulders with careful mordancy, light diffusing through a bower of twisting foliage to illuminate her belly and sides into the sweetness of peridot that trickles down her legs - talons of earthy brown gleaming darkly in contrast.

You sense that Leyrith senses Perymith noses one of the egg mounds that isn't moving and it twitches. Surprised, he suggests, << They move when I touch them. Perhaps they will hatch if we unbury them! >>

An audible crack startles two of the youngest Candidates, who grip each other's hands tightly as they watch a marbled blue dragonet hatch from the Vivid Imagination Egg in front of them. Light and dark blue play over his hide, as intertwined as the fingers of the two nervous prospects - he chooses Hassie, the tall girl who'd been murmuring encouragement, without a glance at the younger ones.

Perymith noses one of the sandy eggs, then draws back as it twitches. S'vilen, watching, eyes narrowed, says softly to Eliwys, "I'm not sure. Something about making them hatch faster."

C'daer moves easily through the semi-circle of candidates, checking them endlessly, waiting for an impression for him to usher off the sands.

Maurice turns to look when Sarine points, and nods. "He's handsome." he says when he sees the brown in question. "Very. And look at her." he nods toward the newest blue, "Oh, and him!" a blue hatched and quickly impressed. "Aiee! Too fast again!"

Keilah chuckles toward Maurice as she shakes her head. Dragonets keep coming, candidates keep sweating, and Keilah keeps grinning. She glances toward the galleries for a moment, eyes squinting to reveal the faces, then looks back to the eggs with a sigh and smile. "I have to admit, they are quite lovely... so far..."

Andariel blinks a few times as all of a sudden it seems the whole sands are covered in dragonets. "Brown. Green. Where'd the blue go Geran?" she shakes her head for a moment. "Its real. Its really real. They're coming."

Alora looks one way, then the other, checking for nearing dragons as she darts forward a step. Her battle to stop thinking about her friends seems to be lost as she peers down the line of fellow Candidates with one hand raised to shield her eyes. Unable to see who has or has not Impressed in the cacophony of hide, skin and blowing sand, she steps back into place. Elbows move, nudging Candidates aside as she vies for her former position in the middle of huddling bodies. She eyes the rocking eggs with a mixture of anticipation and trepidation flickering over her lips and brow and she releases the softest of sighs.

L'in sends another Assistant out toward Hassie by a flick of his hand. Seems they have come to know that gesture. "C'daer, wait here." he orders, raising his voice to a level he hopes his other Assistant will hear.

Ghrae Ghrae blows out a great breath of air, rubbing her hands together. The eggs cracking around her make her dark eyes dart back and forth across the hot grounds. The newly hatched green captures her attention and then she scans the adult dragons warily, moving to the left a little in her unease.

Leyrith is watching Perymith, aureate head canted to one side, and then as Perymith does it, she does too: a nudge, not particularly gentle, to one of the eggs. It wobbles, but doesn't do much else right now.

Pennalyn doesn't let Alora's elbows move her, head switching back and forth between brown and now green, although a quick grin appears as she hears Sisala's nervous chatter.

Musa is taken aback by the green, however, her reaction entirely different. The female dragons seem to have a lot more... grace, or poise, or something. She doesn't outright say that she thinks that the green is pretty, but then, she doesn't say that it's downright ugly, either. She at least approves of it, before a blue again captures her attention. "Good. They're moving quickly. Lets get off these sands already." She makes no move though, other than the customary dance of the candidate. "No bronze yet, though." And bronze is meant to be good sign... Right?

Jalis chuckles drily as the Weyrleader hoards the wineskin to himself and she remarks "You'll become dehydrated if thats all you're drinking, J'van." She pats a cooled skin at her hip. "I've water. Don't think I'm sharing any with you though!"

Kaveldir nods and points to an impression somewhat near them, "Look there. Better pay attention!"

J'van shrugs at Jalis "I will rehydrate later" he murmurs "Once the hatching is finished." Of course, one has to wonder if he'll be able to walk at that point, much less given any necessary speeches.

Embossed Velvet Egg is still moving in such a tiny way that it would seem it's not moving at all. That's until now, when an explosive movement from inside causes the egg to roll down, down, down, onto its side, over the top where it pauses momentarily before sliding down the other side! Light crackles preceed jagged spinnerweb cracks that form on its side.

C'daer nods sharply to L'in, pausing where he indicates and looking about, seeming on edge.

Sarine tries to look everywhere at once, and at last just laughs. "There're so many!" she exclaims. A glance to see what the parent dragons are up to, and then she's dizzying herself trying to see all the hatchlings and eggs at once again.

With sounds resembling a creak and a sigh, the Etched Thread Egg gives way to shards, leaving a squat blinking brown standing there surveying his new surroundings with a puzzled air. The dragonet steps forth, trying unsuccessfully to keep his wings from dragging in the sand, and walks slowly down the line to inspect the Candidates one by one. His choice, when it comes, is clear and unmistakable: he darts straight for young Halakon, butting him happily in the legs and sending the young man tumbling backwards. "Ha! Unnerth!" H'kon cries, reaching out to scritch his new lifemate.

Farplane Sent Egg has remained rather still for the time being, but now the faintest of movement can be seen as it begins to wobble a bit from side to side. Then a pause, a short break really, before movement picks up again and a bit more noticible this time.

Chhaya glances uncertainly at the candidates flanking her on the left and right, gaze then passing them by as if seeking in vain for a particular companion. Her anxious but disappointed expression reflects the futility of the effort, as across the sands, all faces seem to blur together in the heat and commotion of the hatching.

"Maybe the bronzes are waiting to make a grand entrance at the end?" Keilah remarks to Musa with a giggle. "And aye... they are... yet none of our friends have Impressed yet. Maybe that's the way it will work--none of our group will Impress, so we can all enjoy the party afterwards!" She grins at Sarine's words as she continnues to fidget in her sandals, lifting one leg, lowering it, then lifting the other.

Leyrith blinks, stepping back - that one hatched when she nudged it! She curiously dips her head, watching the brown impress.

Kayla blinks as she notices the actions of the two adult dragons, which, considering their mass, is impossible to really miss, especially since about half of her attention is still focused on them. Her hands twist into the sides of her robe as she continues to shuffle back and forth, her skin a bit pasty looking.

Moon Desert Brown Hatchling looks about dazedly for a moment, taking in his surroundings with wonderment. A gnawing hunger breaks his fascination, and he emits a creel. What now? Maybe one of those white and pink things can help him. Stealthily he begins his journey, creeping along the sand towards the candidates.

Ghrae stays very still as the brown dragon moves and then slowly shuffles back and forth in the sand. Again her eyes drift to the bronze and gold before snapping back towards the eggs and milling hatchlings.

Andariel's eyes flick left, right, up and down in an attempt at not missing anything and despite all that she does. Squeezing the hands she holds she moves one arm up to brush a few drops of sweat from her forehead, her arm then shaking to try to rid herself of the dampness.

"Look! That one is sneaking around!" SIsala points at the brown, and she grins, "Think he'll find his lifemate that way?" Still, she glances from the brown to the larger dragons, "Kav.. do you think that the dragons helping to hatch the babies is bad?"

Perymith tilts his head to the side and experiments again, to see if he can manage the same result that Leyrith did. Nothing at all happens when he nudges the nearest egg, so he draws back and snorts at it. It shakes hard and he hums at it curiously, then snorts again.

Musa nods her head emphatically. "After all of this, you impress, and you can't drink afterwards to celebrate. You just get to watch everyone else with the wine. It might be nice to not impress... I could go for some drink... water, wine, anything... right about now." She watched the advance of the brown, and nods her head to Keilah. "Perhaps... Perhaps. They're sure taking their time about it, but. Hurry up!"

Garden's Bounty Green Hatchling finally lifts herself from the sand where she sprawls, shaking her head as if to remove the last of the egg goo from her hide and the dizzyness caused by her tumbling roll from her mind. A hesitant step is taken as she tries to move awkward legs - she immediately lands face down in the sands again, creeling her distress. Why won't the sharding things work?

Kaveldir shakes his head, tensely watching the dragonets move around the sands. "Of course not. They know what's best!"

Smoothness once predominated the Embossed Velvet Egg, but now the lavender shading is spun with spinnerwebs as the dragon inside struggles for emergence into the world. The variations in color across its fragile surface ripple with motion, before the egg finally shatters, yielding to the pressure of the rich blue hatchling now standing amid the fragments of his former home.


---*** Swaggering Psychedelic Blue Hatchling ***---

The finest material, rich velvet reminiscent of the pictures of ancient's clothing, unfolds itself with the brash confidence that would befit the most prosperous Lord Holder, hues shifting in different lights to dapple the hide of this blue hatchling. Night-dark indigo and deep blue rumple across his flanks, little variation in hue discernable across his haunches or shoulders. All that changes, though, when he's viewed from the front. There's a bright splash of royal blue across his chest, as if paint had been flung at him, droplets splashed around his neck then splattered down the mysterious blending of his forelegs, his ebony talons devoid of shading, reminiscent of shining boots. Wingsails display a psychedelic melding of colors: caliginous luminescent sapphire with streaks of turquoise and even dabs of that not-quite-blue, not-quite-green tint of summer seas.

Pennalyn unobtrusively gathers the loose edges of her robe closer to her body, lest a sneaky brown hatchling mistakes them for food. She makes a sympathetic face as the little green trips, murmuring "We all have wobbly legs today, hon....oh my, a blue..."

Sarine giggles as the little green falls, hand imediately going to her mouth at the same time. "Aaw.. poor thing!" she says. The brown is not noticed right now. Stealy thing, see.

This time, worry crosses the candidate's face. She rises to her toes, so that she is taller, and Sisala tries to see the green. "That one fell!" SHe points to the green far away, completely missing the blue's hatching. "Kav, do you think she'll be alright?"

Matiaal picks a foot up to free it of the sands heat, before laying it down again, keeping an eye on the brown and green that still roam the sands, stealing glances at the rocking and shaking eggs. When the garden green falls to the sand he winces, but turns an admiring look on the blue that hatches close after.

Calinda winces as she hears the creel of the green and goes to take a step forwards but is anchored firmly where she is. "You can do it." she whispers quietly gaining her a look from Andariel and Geran who both try to figure out who she's talking to. "Up you get, just a bit more."

"That one will be bronze," one boy says confidently to another as the Left Foot On Yellow Egg starts to rock, the other replying, "Sure, -my- bronze," and both are quickly proved wrong. The green who spreads her dusk-dark wings seems as proud as any bronze ever could, and she gives the first boy a look as she approaches: that suave and confident look has him yelping, "Rerimeth!" and he's sure to be wrapped around her little finger forever.

Ghrae grips her hands together tightly, knuckles going white with the force of her grip. This is the only indication of her tightly wound nerves as she side-steps back and forth steadily. Beads of sweat are prevalent on her features but she doesn't seem to notice. Her gaze is caught by the hatching blue and then it slips away to the candidates nearby her.

Keilah spots the brown moving a ways off, watching it between looking to the other hatchlings, older dragons, and the people surrounding her. "Right," she replies to Musa as she lifts one leg to remove her sandal, shaking the sand out of it before replacing it. "It'd be so much better to enjoy the festivities with friends than sit in the barracks..." She pauses in thought, chewing on her lip. "Though they're taking time, I have to say they're handsome to watch. See that blue over there?"

Alora's breath catches at the sight of this latest grand entrance to Pern and life. She touches the hand of the Candidate nearest her, then nods to draw the girl's attention to the gorgeous little blue hatchling. Her own lips slide into an appreciative smile and she takes the tiniest step forward to insure a better view of this little one's progress.

Andariel tries to take stock once more. "Green, blue, brown, Im sure there was another blue. or was it another green?" She sighs and shakes her head, hand once more releasing to drop down and flap her robe hem. "I think Im lost."

Farplane Sent Egg has begun to wobble and shake even more noticibly now, thin cracks appearing over the ribbons of colours of the shell. Wobbling and shaking, the egg rolls onto it's side now, the thin cracks widening and becoming more visible with time.

Maurice's eyes widen as the green falls down, but then there's movement caught in the corner of his eye, and his gaze swings that way, to the sneaky brown. "And just where do -you- think you're - oh! Woah." his gze now rests beyond the brown, to the blue. Far out.

Musa snickers at the garden green hatchling, any image of poise and grace flying out the window with her movement. Musa is distracted though, by the hatching of a blue. Then another green. But the blue is looked back to, all the different colours within him. "Now /that/ one is different," She again observes, the slightest of grins on her face. "I think I like him." Different, and colourful is good... As long as he's not orange. Muttering, and nods slowly. "Yes, yes... They are nice to watch. But it's too hot." Flapping her robe about herself, Muse sighs. Being a candidate is more trouble than it's worth... so far.

S'vilen shakes his head at Perymith. "Now he thinks he can make them hatch by snorting. Still, better than stomping anything," he mutters.

Foundation of Life Egg slowly begins to make a movement. It starts out as a slight trembling, as if the passage of one of the hatchlings or another egg had caused its quiver. Gradually the quaking becomes a full struggle, the shell splintering, cracks beginning to form as the very foundation of its existence comes into question.

Eliwys wrinkles her nose, "I got that from Leyrith too" she notes, glancing over to the gold who seems to be prodding another egg with the same intention.

Moon Desert Brown Hatchling shakes a foreleg that has got some egg goo stuck to it, creeling again, this time in distaste. Make it go away! A final shake flings it from his limb and he moves on. Shuffling farther and farther from the remains of his shell, he gives up a moment of his search to nose wonderingly at the sand beneath his talons. How fascinatingbut the inexplicable need and duty to choose one of those standing overpowers his curiosity and he begins to scan the collection of candidates.

Chhaya's brow knits in displeasure as she plucks at her robes, which have taken to clinging awkwardly to her slender frame. Hatchlings and eggs are ignored yet again, in favor of attempting to coerce the garment into hanging more freely once more. It's a losing battle she fights, each area glomming right back on the moment she lets go to pluck out a different one.

Jalis turns her head having caught the tail end of Eliwys' words, "You got what too?" She inquires, looking curious as her hand absently pulls forth the skin at her hip and begins to unfasten its cap.

Sisala turns, as another egg near her rocks, startling her attention away from the hatchlings. "Whew. Just an egg. THought maybe someone was sneaking up behind me." She giggles, as the brown catches her attention, fussing with the shell, "That one is neat."

C'daer wipes sweaty palms down the front of his vest, glancing towards the galleries in a quickly-dared once-over, seeking familiar faces.

Keilah isn't sure where to look, with all the activity about her. She nods at Musa's words as she does a bit more dancing in her sandals, fidgeting horribly. "Shouldn't be too much longer, I hope," she murmurs to keep herself from worying about the heat. "I'm not sure which one I want to look at most," she randomly admits, laughing, "but I have to say I'm glad they haven't harmed anyone, no matter what your sentiments may be, Musa."

Eliwys waves her hand that's not still in S'vilen's, over to Jalis, "Nothing, Jalis" too hard to explain at this distance and with this noise, afterall. Maybe later.

Pennalyn peels her gaze away from that absolutely wonderful blue to check on the others' progress. No recent Impressions, no friends having Impressed. Oh, and that brown is looking around. She tries to keep breathing evenly.

Not a breath of air moves in the crowded galleries or across the sands, the air shimmering with distortion and creating brief little mirages.

Andariel re-grabs Calindas hand as her eyes are drawn across the sands by a movement. "Was that another? I cant see?"

Ghrae rubs her shoulders, nervousness causing her to hug herself for strength briefly before she regains some equilibrium as hatchlings and eggs move about.

S'vilen fans his face with his spare hand and watches. "So long as they don't hurt any of the eggs," he remarks, glancing towards Jalis and smiling cheerfully.

Eliwys nods at S'vilen, "Ah yes, that would *not* be a desirable outcome at all. You hear that Leyrith? You do, I'll tan your sharding hide!"

Jalis bursts into a laugh as she hears Eliwys's threat to her dragon. Rolling her eyes she grins and glances around, curious.

Garden's Bounty Green Hatchling will make those things she is supposed to stand on work! She has an assignment to complete, after all, and being muzzle-down in the sand isn't helping her get it done. Again she rights herself, a frustrated creel sent towards her parental units before she turns towards those pink and white things standing what seems oh so far away. Well, nothing ventured, nothing gained. She takes careful steps forward, at least appearing to know where she is going, even if not totally steady on her legs, stumbling from time to time.

Swaggering Psychedelic Blue Hatchling isn't messing around, no way. Not caring at all that a portion of the shell is stuck onto his headknob precariously with egg goo, he pulls his lavender head as high as possible and begins to swagger toward the whiteness nearby. He's the Lord Holder, come to survey those around him! Are they in good form? Are they ready for this? Er, do they have food?!?

J'van takes another swig off the skin L'in had lent him, not commenting on threats or otherwise, just watching the hatchlings, the eggs, the candidates and the impressions - all with a jaundiced gaze.

Matiaal rubs his hands on the sides of his robe, attention becoming more and more divided as more eggs rock and hatch over the hatching grounds.

The ribbons of color that weave together across the surface of the Farplane Sent Egg, seem to add to the illusion of the fragile shell pulling apart. Cracks appear, at first nebulous, and then increasing in intensity until the egg shatters. From out of its depths falls a brightly hued hatchling, soft green hide gleaming with the wetness of her former imprisonment. She's startled, and leaves her head where it is on the ground as she takes in the sights, until with a soft rumble she gathers herself together. Wings extended to dry and balance, she steps tentatively forward.

Kaveldir nudges Sisala sweatily, "Watch that one go. Can you believe this?"


---*** Guardian's Struggle Green Hatchling ***---

Darkness is banished, kept at bay by guardians that protect against the shifts in power, infinitesimal changes in the equilibrium of color preserving the treasure that dominates the richly hued hide of this green hatchling. A subtle struggle for dominance in shading plays out along her flanks, varied pigments warring for the right to influence the valuable gold-green threads that are interwoven between her neckridges. Emerald stains her fingersails: smaller splashes of peridot jealously preserving it from the encroaching mint that jags, threateningly, in faint streaks to the prevalent livery of her mainstays. Sunshine reaches to dapple its way down her belly, repudiating the underlying tarnish of corruption, leaving avaricious cream talons devoid of imperfections, the sullying sage vanquished, as though mere intimidation.

Sisala says "Look, she found her feet!" She grins, looking at the wobbly green with the ease of someone who doesn't remember her who trembling first walk. She rises onto her toes -- even a tall girl like herself needs a little extra height to see better. And her attention is caught by a new hatchling, "Look, Kav! ANother green! Can you see her?"

Musa folds her arms, and then realises that by doing so, she'll make herself hotter. So she unfolds her arms, trying to find something to do with them that won't make her hotter... So she flaps her robe some more. There we go. Hands occupied, and it's cooler, too. "I'm glad they havn't hurt me. But I still want something to remember this by. Whether it be a scar, or a nice maiming to remember - or another candidate, of course..." she lowers her voice. "I don't much like that... What's his name." The one she stole the sandals off. "Might be nice to see him maimed." The blue is looked to, and Musa shakes her head. "Who does he think he is... And what about her?" The newest green is eyed with a huff. "Looks a ragged as a wherry."

Foundation of Life Egg looks about ready to explode into millions of pieces though somehow the shell holds together around the creature fighting its way free, within. Life waits to be born, struggling against adversity as tiny flecks litter the sand.

Kayla's shifting feet look ready to bolt, or to at least get out of the way of any hatchlings that inadvertantly come in her general direction. She doesn't look at all comfortable out here, and doesn't even seem to want to waste any time speaking.

S'vilen grins and watches Perymith snort several times without result at the nearest egg. Giving up, the bronze turns his attention to another egg, giving it a gentle nudge that results in a wobble, either of its own volition, or just the reaction to being pushed.

Chhaya brings both hands up to her face, pressing slender fingers against rosily flushed cheeks briefly in obvious discomfort as the heat buffets her mercilessly. After a moment's consideration, she begins to flutter them in front of her, in an effort to fan herself and hopefully cool off a bit. Anything to beat the heat.

"Shards, but it's /hot/!" Maurice announces observently. There's sweat dripping down his face, and he wipes an equally sweaty palm across, attempting to wipe it off. "Ugh!"

Alora looks to be swept away in an ever-rising tide of excitement. Each new development only serves to deepen the wonder in her eyes and the smile on her lips. Everyone around her is ignored more and more as each new addition makes its way into the world. The newest baby garners a quiet exclamation of wonder. Alora's hand flutters to her mouth as the baby takes its awkward first steps, and it looks like this former stablehand is absolutely taken with this tiny dragonet.

Geran bounces this time, the newest of greens catching his attention. "A green. Look, look, a green. Isnt she just darling." Andariels hand is dragged up and down with each bounce, the necline of her oversized robe slipping slightly with gerans excitement and causing her to blush furiously and snatch her and back to tug the offernding robe back into its proper place.

Ghrae warily gazes at the newest hatched green and even backs up a step before she forces, through strength of will, that foot to move back into place.

Moon Desert Brown Hatchling seems to be a bit confused as he wanders past some of the candidates, looking each of them in the face searchingly, finally, as he's passing by a blonde haired boy, he stops and gazes lingering into his sapphire eyes before moments latter reaching up to rest his right foreleg on his thigh.

Sarine just continues to shift from foot to foot, offering an exclaimation for this dragon here, that dragon there, keeping eye on those dragons heading toward the candidates.

Keilah readjusts her robe, straightening it, before looking back from hatchling to hatchling. "They just keep coming," she whispers breathlessly, "and aren't Impressing. That worries me... You think they are all right?" She smiles at the next hatched. "Oh, yet another lovely one," she remarks as she folds her hands behind her back, blinking toward Musa. "Who? Foobah? Yeah, he's kinda... odd... Maybe we can shoo the meanest little dragon his way."

L'in's deep blue eyes flicker from the skin to J'van to Jalis, his expression one of longing, or is it disgruntlement? "Hmmph." he mutters to himself as his arms round his big belly to rest there, fingers twining.

Alora shakes her head as if to clear it as the momentum seems to pick up. She casts a brief glance around, worry momentarily causing eyes to widen and a nervous tongue to wet her lips. The roaming gaze persists as if the former Stablehand is searching for something, or someone, amidst the chaos. Candidates shift and dragonets lurch, obscuring her view of the enormous cavern and the sounds of an approaching baby jerk her attention back to where it should be. Fists tighten at her side and her mouth firms into a straight line- she looks determined to keep her focus on the Sands in front of her.

Sisala fans at her face, with her hand, "Shards, its really hot." Still, her attention flits from hatchling to hatchling, from egg to egg, as she attempts to take everything in that is happening on the sands. "Look, Kav, Siv's bronze is snorting at the eggs! Isn't that cool?"

Eliwys shakes her head, "I don't care what anyone says, Leyrith, you'll behave, or I'll come and stand in front of you. So just do it, and stop the arguments!" A pleasant smile goes back to S'vilen, then to the sands, to see what's going on.

M'ial blinks and blinks again as all of a sudden the brown is standing before him. Tears glimmer in his eyes as he reaches forward, placing his hands on the young dragons head, "Xinth? Yes, yes you did find me!" He exclaims, voice a mix of joy and wonder.

Crazy wobbling and incessant scrabbling within yields a fine pattern of cracks all across the Cuddly Stuffed Runner Egg's shell. A taloned claw appears, and with a wrench, the shell parts and a small creeling green flops onto the sands. The Candidates nearby close ranks, watching as she rights herself and makes straight for the boy on one end of their group. "Way to go, Geran!" they cheer as he wraps arms around the dragonet's small neck, tears streaming down his face. "G'ran, I'm G'ran," he sobs joyfully, "and she's Sinanth!"

Kaveldir cheers for his dangerous friend Matiaal, made even more dangerous now! What fun! He lets out a loud whoop, then immediately goes quiet, his hands over his mouth, afraid that he's made too much noise...like that would be noticed here!

Pennalyn brushes a curl of hair away, grimacing as it clings. "Hot. It's way too hot." Looking around again, at fellow Candidates, prowling brown and strutting blue and greens both. "Something's got to happen soon...oh." Her eyes shine as someone she _knows_ actually _Impresses_. "Mat? Oh, Mat!"

C'daer moves quickly towards Matiaal as he spots the impression, calling over the noise, "Now! Follow me, and be careful with him.. Xinth, is it? Very nice. Let's go."

Garden's Bounty Green Hatchling pauses to catch her breath - or maybe just to steady herself after what seemed a long trek to get near to those pink and white things that seem to be calling to her. She looks them over, hesitating for a brief moment more, and then all at once lunges forward in a flurry of clumsy legs and tripping wings....that one there, isn't that the one she is looking for? Only time - and a bit of luck that she won't kill herself getting to the one she has spotted - will tell.

S'vilen squeezes Eliwys' hand to get her attention, and nods towards M'ial and the brown. "Do you see that?"

Sisala glances over at Kav, "Who was it? What? I didn't see anything!" She stands up on her toes, but her attention is diverted to the green hatchlings, and she looses sight of who Impressed. SHe'll catch up on it later.

Jalis elbows J'van and says, gesturing at M'ial. "Well, will you look at that, our little woodsmith is now a dragonrider." She grins wide. "That was unexpected!"

Andariel loses a hand to one side and blinks, missing Matiaals Impression completely, seeing only green. "Ger? Geran! You... She... G'ran?"

L'in leaves his longing gaze at his wineskin in J'van's hand to peer toward C'daer. "Good, good." he mutters, now that his assistant has everything under control.

Patches of sweat grow on the robes of the Muse, and she sighs softly as she notices. Wonderful. "I think his name's... Yeah, Foobah. I wouldn't want to see him with a mean dragon, though. You know? A mean candidate with a mean dragon... But maybe we can make a nice one maim him, then leave him be. I wonder if there's an artist around to capture the moment. A maiming on the sands, and all the blood underfoot. What a nice image." Or, is Musa just sick? Looking over, she catches Matiaal's impression, and claps her hands together in elation. Oh, wow. Is she getting into this, now? Perhaps. She doens't offer congratulations -- or rather, commisserations, because that can be done later. The grin on her face though, doesn't fade as she moves out of the way of a green... "G..g...Geran?" Wow. Shame it didn't scratch her on the way past.

Missing M'ial's Impression, Keilah does see the nearby one, and she beams upon her weaver friend. "Ger Impressed!" the girl whispers, bouncing, to Andariel. "I knew he would."

Shards fall to the sand as the La La La La La La Egg begins to crack. A blue wingtip emerges, then part of a leg, but no more, and Jendan starts forward, only to be restrained by a fellow Candidate on either side. "They said not to /touch/!" one scolds him, voice carrying as far as the galleries. The boy pays his comrades no mind, struggling to get free, until finally that blue manages to tumble out of the egg on his own. He lopes right over with a happy croon for J'dan, his protector and defender.

M'ial is still in something of a daze, and any comments from those around him are somewhat unheard as he nods to C'daer, following with Xinth.

Maurice blinks, and then just laughs. "Oh, yes. The sneaky brown. For Matiaal. Perfect! I feel sorry for the weyrlingmasters!" though he doesn't call out a congrats, he does send a beam after the pair.

Andariel has a spare hand now and isn't entirely sure what to do with it. Tugging Calinda with her Andi sildes over towards Keilah. "He.. he was right next to me." She blinks downat her hand for a second before offering it to Keilah. "Got a spare hand?"

J'van was in the process of drinking when Jalis nudges him - he chokes, coughs, and stares. "Faranth save the Weyr..." he mutters. "L'in, you truly /will/ have your work cut out for you." Poor, poor man.

Swaggering Psychedelic Blue Hatchling paces along with that same rolling gate, slowing only when a whiterobe seems to catch his attention, but not for long. Strut, creel, even his youthful voice seems to exude a commanding tone. Commanding to whom is the big question. Hmm. Now /this/ one looks /very/ interesting! Slowing down, he pauses before what just may be The One!

Ghrae shows more relief as yet another dragon moves on its way, non-violently. She begins to relax by gradual amounts as the Hatching progresses without incident.

Alora's chest lifts with a deep, steadying breath as baby after baby chooses its lifemate. She nearly beams at the approach of a darling newborn, the deep smile splitting her face almost ear to ear. Awe paints its picture clearly across the girl's features, chestnut brows lifting and mouth dropping slightly open. She catches her hands halfway lifting to touch the silken hide of a hatchling who passes near, drawing them immediately back to her sides and taking a small shuffle-step backwards.

Guardian's Struggle Green Hatchling :steps forward carefully, pausing once more to glance around the cavern in slight wonderment. What to do now? Wings still slightly unfurled, she slowly turns her attention towards the white clad candidates. Hmm. Hunger soon comes to attention as well and her decision is made as she finally continues to move forward with determination.

Kayla misses another impression, since she really isn't paying much attention. She has all her attention focused on her immediate surroundings and on the adult dragons, her robe now looking sandy, as are her feet and sandals.

Sarine also sends a smile after Matiaal.. M'ial.. "Hah. I /knew/ it." she announces, and then moves to close in the gap left.

Keilah wipes sweat from her face, spirit revived--as if she isn't eternally hyper--with familiar folks finding lifemates. "It's passing quickly again, Mus!" she exclaims before hmming. "Good point. Foobah would be terrible in Threadfall, especially, with his, you know, screaming and running any time anyone says the word 'Thread.' But I think you should pay more visits to the healer, Mus. You're quite eccentric." She learned it's better to say that then 'crazy.' Nodding and grinning, the candidate reaches out to squeeze Anda's hand. "How ya holding up?"

Cracking and popping sounds are heard as Toys in the Sandbox and Sweet Dreams Eggs finally give way under the assault from within, and the Wispy Rainbow Egg shatters into bits a moment later. A blue and two greens stand bewildered on the sands, looking at the remaining Candidates and at one another. After a pause, the blue steps forward first, making his way to a dark-haired Smithcraft apprentice. One green selects the blonde niece of Gar's Holder, and the other decides upon the chubby blond boy at the end of the row.

Kaveldir nudges Sisala. "It's so hot," he murmurs, feet lifting to minimize the heat.

Garden's Bounty Green Hatchling trips and falls flat on her muzzle once again: but this time she meant to, honest. She lands with the tip of her snout on the feet of a girl, see: the one she really, really wanted, who she knew was there waiting for her all along. Her multifaceted eyes raise to look adoringly at the one with thin ebony tresses and chocolate eyes, oblivious to everything else.

Andariel returns Keilahs squeeze and sighs. "I'm.. I'm... here?" She flicks her eyes back to the eggs and hatchlings to make sure none of them come in her direction and attempts a smile. "The touchings were bad enough, but this is scary."

Chhaya's hair hangs limply down her back, the not-quite-black of it contrasting sharply with the sweat-soaked white of her robe. Tiny wisps curl free of the confining cord that holds the silky mass back, plastering their spiraling selves against damp skin along her hairline and neck. She brushes at them in irritation, glancing down and muttering to herself.

Sisala nods to Kav, "It is very hot. But look.. that blue seems to know what he's looking for. Think he'll pick a boy or a girl?" She shifts her weight, and fans at her face, "Aren't they beautiful, Kaveldir?" And her attention flickers to the clumsy green, "Oooh, that poor baby.."

Pennalyn is trying to look unobtrusively. All these dragonlings, and it looks like they're choosing...she cranes her neck, following their progress without shifting from her spot on the sands.

Keilah blinks, immediately dropping Andariel's hand as she takes a deep breath and looks at the hatchling before her. "Of course, Crysalth," she replies with a giggle. "Let's get off these Sands..." Hopefully, the weyrlingmasters will distract her, because she's not taking her eyes from the creature before her.

Kaveldir picks at random, wiping his face. "Boy?" And peers where Sisala's looking.. "Oh!"

C'daer is grinning proudly as he hurries back out onto the sands, despite the sweat sticking his shirt to his ribs and plastering his hair down.

Andariel eeks as her hand is lost once more. "Kei!" She'd missed the green, she'd forgotten about the green. "Keilah!"

As the Foundation of Life Egg wobbles, tossing itself free of the sand that's been warming it's shell, cracks appear in between the bricks. It is as though the mortar itself were crumbling from inadequate building, or more likely an earthquake threatening to topple this edifice. There's a moment more and then the fragile shell shatters, a lurid gold hatchling left in the wake of its passage.


---*** Lurid Sun Gold Hatchling ***---

Darkness embraces a nameless denizen, a burning coal that illuminates the trackless night, a strange and lurid sun to fetter wings of fancy across the hide of this aureate dragon. The temporary darkness of her flanks are obliterated, the serene sky interrupted in a path of fiery gold to reveal equatorial deserts, rich with oxidized minerals that shimmer like motes of dust. Feathery traces of Cimmerian fire flicker across the shadows of her neckridges, a tempestuous storm of mystical anomalies that burnishes her tail in coppered carmine. Molten butterscotch roils amid the glacial hues of her belly, crystalline jade frozen with swirls of lapis lazuli, a voraciousness held at bay by the tenacity of her talons. Coruscating flax vies with saffron, veiling her pinions in chaotic, almost menacing, patterns, the gilding of her translucent wings partially obscured by clouds of emerald vapor, alien-like in its presence.

Musa narrows her eyes as there's a triple impression. "And not a one of them is /maiming/ anyone!" She's miffed at this. She was couting on bloodshed and mayhem. Or rather, that's what she wanted to happen to a few of the other candidates... not to name names... Cough-Foobah-Cough. "I don't need a healer to tell me I'm eccentric when I've got you, Keilah. You're quite the mindhealer. He does seem to pale at the mention of thread though. You're right about that much." A definate nod there. "Who..." she asks, as she notices the Garden Green hatching stop. It's so hard to... OH MY! Now /that/ was a shock! "Keilah?! Oh, wonderful. Now there's no-one left." Well, there is Andariel. "Can you get her to maim someone for me Keilah? Please?"

Sisala squeaks, "Kav, Kav, Kav.. look, its a gold!" She stands up on her toes, looking, "I knew there would be.. that's why Leyrith was so protective, because she had a gold egg." She squeezes's Kav's hand, tightly, and attempts to get a better look at the tiny queen, her free hand reaches up to shield her eyes, and focus her view.

Pennalyn grins again, hugely, for Keilah and the Garden green. Gold flashes at the corner of her vision, then. "Oh _shells_. Did we know there was a gold?" Rhetorical to Sisala and Kaveldir, who happen to be closest.

Eliwys snorts. That's too much for her. She starts off across the sands to her lifemate, hand still clasping S'vilen's and therefore tugging him with her. Those long legs don't take long, even encumbered by skirts. "Leyrith. You really really *really* REALLY need to stop this. I'm not happy!"

Kayla doesn't even notice the golden hatchling as she continues to watch, though a brief glance does register that at least someone she knows has impressed. Still, no time for that, as she keeps trying to keep both cool and safe.

Ghrae expression doesn't broadcast that she's all that interested in the gold hatching. She spares the young queen a respectful glance, but then she's back to watching her back and sides for any sneak-attack from unstable hatchlings or their parents.

Kaveldir gasps and calls, "Keilah! Good for you!" He nudges Sisala and laughs, "I guess so," then watches the gold with wide eyes.

Andariel gulps as she looks past Keilah towards Musa. "Muse? Can I?" she takes a step round behind the newly Impressed Keilah, sheltering behind her for a moment before taking another step. "Hand?" Her eyes flick to the sands again as someone mentions a new hatching and blinks. "A mini Leyrith" she finally sighs out. "Now I really need a hand."

Simple Strategy Egg shakes slightly - waiting for its turn in the grand hatching game - then as the dragonet inside renews attempts at freedom, the shell moves agonizingly slowly, returning to the position it had been in before.

Amongst the crack of shells, and crunch of broken shards beneath dragon feet, there is the sound of hands and fans flapping at sweaty faces.

Musa blinks, and looking over the rest of the candidates, she tries to gague the number of females left. There's a gold there, now. "You know, just once, I'd like to see a horridly ugly gold hatchling. It's so... usual, to get a pretty one." Her gaze keeps being pulled back to that psychadelic blue though, a tilt of her head at him, before her gaze flickers again to Keilah. Shardit. She's just 'lost' a friend, if she doesn't impress. Shuffling from foot to foot, she holds out her hand, resigned. "Oh, /fine/." Just don't let on that you wanted a hand the whole time.

Maurice blinks, "Keilah?" he asks, as he hears her name called out, and turns. "Keilah! Ha!" and then more exclaimations, this of 'gold!' and his gaze imadiately jerks to the dame.. and Eliwys running toward her. Brows scruntch down in confusion.

Jalis starts beaming before taking a swig of water from her skin. Lowering it she says, "A new gold for the weyr." In bemused tones of pride.

S'vilen wasn't looking at Eliwys when she takes off after Leyrith, so it takes him a moment to realize he's getting pulled along, too. Erp. He picks up the pace to avoid getting his arm yanked, and so fails to notice any new hatchlings on the sands.

Eliwys points up at Leyrith, "Another sharding gold. And no sharding notice again." She stammers for words for a moment, then tugs - oh, S'vilen's there. "You tell her, Siv, we're disgusted! Totally. Eww!"

L'in visibly sighs, his great belly heaving with the effort as the Weyrlingmaster replies to J'van. "Oh, it's going to be funfunfun, I can tell." he nods, then moves toward the dwindling mass as Impressions continue, and his staff responds. Time enough later to get as drunk as J'van, if not moreso. He's talented that way.

"Keilah!" Sarine echos, laughing, "And she didn't even get sat upon, like she thought!" she steps in to fill in the next gap, and then blinks. "Gold. Gold? Oh, my, isn't she lovely?"

J'van grins at L'in, quite pleasantly relaxed by now "Poor thing. I feel for you, I do." Now if only there were sincerity in his tone. A brow raises "Look, Weyrlingmaster - the joys abound...a gold for you to deal with as well. A Leyrith gold." Now doesn't /that/ just want to make you run screaming?

Jalis grins over at L'in, having heard that clearly. "Poor L'in, I don't envy your tasks as Weyrlingmaster." She tells him with a chuckle. She nudges J'van and says, "I'm getting hungry," In a playfully whining voice meant to tease.

L'in doesn't reply to Jalis or J'van, instead he heads for Keilah and her new lifemate. "Come this way." he motions toward the barracks, attempting a smile.

Unity and Creation Egg begins to move its sandy covering just a little. The motion is so slow that hardly a grain of sand leaves the concealing mantle, but all of them shift and slide against each other. In the heat, this torpid motion could easily be mistaken for heat waves.

The Anyone for Tea Egg shatters its illusion and releases the dream inside, a small hatchling who wafts towards a plump girl, looking her over carefully. However, she turns to the boy next in line and gazes up at him; the medium-shaded green is adoringly pronounced, "Haldidath." The overlooked girl bites her bottom lip, tears welling up in her eyes as she crosses her arms over her chest tightly.

Keilah turns quick smiles onto her friends, an apologetic one to Andariel for having dropped her hand, but then her attention quickly returns to the green before her. "Yes, we'll get you some food, some nice and bloody food!" she tells the young one as she heads behind L'in.

"Um, what?" Siv says, looking around and finally spotting it. He doesn't yell at Leyrith though. It's Perymith. "You wherry! Was that the one you kept hiding from me?" he hollers at the the dragon.

Fly like an Avian Egg shudders. Then it is still for quite some time. This is a game it's playing, one that requires strategy, cunning, and a certain type of deceptiveness. Across the tenuous surface of the egg, grains of sand dance, trickling down between the symmetric lines that delineate the surface. The texture is held in illusion, even more apparent now that the ovoid has started to move. Sandy wallow continues to hold it's flightless, but wobbling, shell in place, judging the time and the place under its terms and no one else's.

Ghrae looks at one of the other hatchlings, a blue, curious about its movements now as it makes its way toward its lifemate.

Andariel snatches onto Musa's hand like it was a life preserver. "Too many of them Muse, too many." As Keilah moves off Andi sends a smile after her and tries once more to calm her breathing.

Chhaya's eyes return to the hatchlings that travel the sands, her interest clearly limited to their likelihood of charging or injuring her. She marks movements intently, casting an occasional flickering glance back at the gallery exit, as if to reassure herself of its precise location in case she finds herself in need of a speedy escape.

Swaggering Psychedelic Blue Hatchling stumbles and swaggers unerringly up to one tall, willowy, chestnut haired Candidate and, planting his feet firmly, lowers his head and gives girl a good shove in the gut to knock her on her rear. Tail twitching, he tilts his head to peer down at his chosen one, jaw dropping in pleased surprise. /That/ was a piece of cake after all!

Eliwys shakes her head, "You and I will be having words about keeping secrets later. We had this conversation last time at Monaco. Time to remind you I believe." Course, that should've come before, but whatever. She steps closer to S'vilen and tilts chin to the air, determined to show an indifferent face now the temper has receded, she's sure to get told off later after all about hiding gold eggs. Grumble.

C'daer watches L'in take Keilah off, then strides towards the impressing blue in anticipation.

Crysalth heads out southwards to the cooler stone of the grounds entrance.

Alora had so wanted to touch that little blue as he came near her, and now she does. Jade eyes suddenly swim with tears and a wide smile breaks out across her face. A single step forward, and the willowy girl wraps her arms lovingly around the hatchling's slender neck. Wide eyes dart to her friends, and then to those watching in the galleries. "I am Alora! And I know you, too, Emeryth" It's a voice filled with awe and joy.

Guardian's Struggle Green Hatchling cautiously steps towards the group of candidates, looking to be judging each one, rather then glance by them curiously. Hmm. Half unfurled wings flutter a bit as she gives a bit of a uncertain rumble. Which one? Which one will be her's to protect? She begins to move along the lines of candidates, only to huff a bit in frustration. Her head is lowered a bit--then lifts once more as something seems to catch her attention. There. Awkwardly, she begins to move quickly towards that direction with renewed determination.

Musa uses her free hand to wave towards Keilah, somewhat depressed. Now she's got no-one to make snide comments towards. Bah. Would Andariel mind all that talk of maiming and hurting and mutilation? Perhaps. "Faranth, Andi!" She exclaims, trying to free her hand, or at least, get it out from such a grip. "Do you /have/ to?" She shakes her head, and snickers as a girl goes flying. Hehe. "That's a little better. Still no blood, but at least someone got a good headbutt to the gut."

Kaveldir nods furiously to emphasize, "No kidding, Sisala! Look.. is that Alora?" He grins and then sobers slightly as he catches sight of the gold out of one eye, and a green on his other side. "They do have sharp claws," he says, uncertainty in his tone.

Sisala grins, "I think so, Kav. I can't tell. WE'll figure it out later, I'm sure. Look.. they are converging!" Well, okay, they are just close to each other. "Kav, the green seems pretty determined.. and there is the gold again.."

Pennalyn just smiles for Alora, a touch of envy in her eyes for her happiness and that amazing blue. Yet there are others, and her gaze switches to the green, and that burning-bright gold.

Lurid Sun Gold Hatchling lifts her head ever so casually to gaze all around her demolished egg and leaking fluids with a small degree of skepticism - almost as if she's trying to decide to believe in the world outside of her small egg. Seeing is not always believing as many things can trick the senses. Slowly she maneuvers to her hind legs, wobbling unsteadily, wings flaring out to maintain some form of balance. It is time to investigate the truth of the matter and her determination leads her to the closest thing to investigate: Eliwys. What is this curious thing? Nostrils flare as she breathes in, using part of her senses.

C'daer pulls up next to Alora, "Congratulations! Would you follow me please? Help.. Emeryth out, careful now."

Andariel eeeps and releases her grip a little. "Sorry Muse, I didntrealise I was squeezing." Eyees flicker along towards the blues direction and she nudges Calinda. "Did you see where the blue went?" althoug her attention is quickl drawn back to Musa. "Blood? You actually /want/ blood?"

S'vilen shakes his head slowly. "Crazy dragons," he mutters under his breath. He can't help but keep a somewhat interested eye on what's happening - especially as the gold approaches them. "Wrong way," he says, taking a half step back.

Alora nods and moves to follow C'daer off the sands, helping Emeryth along wit her.

Sisala giggles, "Look, the gold is checking out her mama's rider!" She wrinkles her nose, and murmurs, "She's confused, Kav.. she hasta try to impress someone who doesn't ahve a dragon already.."

Eliwys just grimaces at the little gold that comes to about her knees, taking a step back, "Er" hand waves towards the candidates, "that way. You're all goopy, and yeah, that's just plain icky. So, be a good girl, unlike someone else, and go, there." Hand continues to point. Maybe she'll get the hint?

Maurice blinks, and then shakes his head. "Alora.. on blue! I guess I can see that." he murmers. And then his eyes are on the green, a smile playing on his face, and then to the gold.. going the wrong direction.

Kayla's constantly shifting eyes manage to catch another impression, and even a glimpse of a small golden dragon. This doesn't illicit a gasp or anything else, but just adds to the number of hatchlings to keep clear of, lest she get mauled accidently.

Simple Strategy Egg wobbles from side to side: it's been playing this game for some time, and a conclusion still has not been reached. Finally, as though reaching the last of its patience, cracks diverge into veritable crevasses, the small shape shuddering with compulsion from within. One foot in the veritable door, the dark shape is discernable, a dusky wingspar slipped from mysterious depths, followed by a slim frame equally twilight in hue from the ruined remnants that once contained its secret, revealing the coolly poised frame of <hatchling name>.

Pennalyn really has to ask _someone_. "Is it just me, or is that gold trying to Impress Eliwys?" Talk about your scary thoughts.


---*** Impossibly Deceptive Blue Hatching ***---

Illusionist's tricks have provided an amalgam of mystifying methyl hues that collaborate to glide evocatively over the supple hide of this blue hatchling. Aged cobalt amplifies the shading of hawk-like muzzle, tinges of twilight's darkness working their way into shadowed creases of his head. Eyes are outlined by a hint of innocent cornflower, stoic headknobs tipped with a similar shade, giving the expression an innocuous cast. Flanks are liberally rolled in an array of tones; the lissome stretch of spine capped with frosty cerulean ridges that darken to a solid base of royal. Tints transform to the blue-black of a midnight lake across his pinions, reaching the wingsails with its caliginous, fluidous influence. His chest hides a powerhouse of strength, ever-changing colors playing conjurer, romping between merry cerulean to a somber navy near talons rapacious embrace.

Sarine giggles. "Wrong way, girl." she says, more to herself than anyone else, really. A glance is sent back to that green again, and then, "Oh, another blue!

The Pop Beads Egg shudders violently, and its shell gives way with a crack. One giant shard flies free, and the rest of it parts neatly in two pieces, to reveal two dainty greens blinking at the Candidates before her. One stumbles her way down the line past a whole row of hopeful-eyed girls, and finally pauses at the feet of young Betrel. A wordless cry escapes him, and he kneels, reaching out to tenderly scratch her eyeridge, while companions hoot and announce his new name for him. "B'trel!" The other's impression is lost in the moment of the first's.

Sisala wrinkles her nose, as another egg breaks, "Kav, its a blue. Look at him.. he's so pretty. He's so... dark. Like the middle of the night, when there isn't a moon..." She glances over at Penna, and points, "Look at that one! He's incredible!"

Eliwys dances in its place, as though it desired to be airborne: a hope and a need to equal some scores with the candidates out there, who earlier spread tentative fingers across it's fragile surface. Dark markings radiate from its surface, crisscrossing, webbing a network across the shell, the shading reminiscent of a net, made to catch.. something! However, right now, that illusionary lattice is content to imprison the hatchling within, arresting it's desire to be free and impeding it's progress.

Fly like an Avian Egg dances in its place, as though it desired to be airborne: a hope and a need to equal some scores with the candidates out there, who earlier spread tentative fingers across it's fragile surface. Dark markings radiate from its surface, crisscrossing, webbing a network across the shell, the shading reminiscent of a net, made to catch.. something! However, right now, that illusionary lattice is content to imprison the hatchling within, arresting it's desire to be free and impeding it's progress.

Ghrae eyes the newest blue with curiosity mixed with anxiety. She smiles a little in its direction before saying, "He's rather interesting." To the candidate on one side of her.

Pennalyn nods, brown eyes fixed on that dangerously beautiful blue. "Oh _wow_. Just...wow."

Kaveldir watches the hatching eggs, attention torn between them and the hatchlings who already have claws. "Blue? Where, which one? I don't see."

L'in motions for C'daer to join him, rolling his arm about in the air. "Shards, they're coming faster now." As if he didn't know that, already.

Unity and Creation Egg continues its unhurried rocking, keeping the sandy shroud close about the hidden shell. Eventually, a small shower of rocky particles cascade off, shedding just one layer.

Andariel's eyes flicker from green, to gold, to blue, once more unconsciously squeezing the hands she holds and trying to take a step backwards to put them infront of her. "Too many, too fast." she mutters trying to wtch everywhere and everyone.

C'daer strides over towards his weyrlingmaster, grinning widely. "Not so hard after all.. A lot better from this end, too. Have anything to drink, other than that.. swill?"

It's a quick split for the hatching of the Dingy Yellow Ovine Egg, three main shards cracking off and leaving a small, soft-colored blue dazed. He needs only the prompting sight of another dragonet to rouse himself and move across the sands as though tipsy, his wandering path encircling this candidate and that candidate before he nudges the back of the knees of a Seacraft boy. "Garnalath? Oh!"

Musa clenches a fist. "Go on..." She mutters, before quietening, the gold watched with a slightly... wierd grin. "Perhaps..." Looking to Andi once more, she pauses... pursing her lips. Perhaps now that there are more on the sands, and that the danger is more apparent, Musa perhaps isn't as bold. "Well... nothing major." Non-chalant, she shrugs, the hold of Andi's hand is a comfort. "Too many, too fast..." She repeats, and shakes her head. "Not too fast. I want /off/ these sands. Too hot, I tell you."

Guardian's Struggle Green Hatchling makes her mind up: her head lifts and is held poised as she hurries the short distance to a dark brown, nearly black, haired candidate, scuffing awkwardly through the hot sand. As her wingtips touch those hot grains, she jerks them up and folds the bright sails neatly, with a short soft croon as her eyes meet her lifemate's and deepen to the intense purple of Impression.

Chhaya stretches up onto her toes, craning her neck in search once more of that familiar face, failing yet again to locate the friend she seeks. Heels thumping back down onto the sand, she begins hopping a bit, perhaps the result of some of the roasting sand spilling into her sandal with all the moving around.

Kaveldir does not know for how much longer he can take the heat and the Sands. Even the noise is beginning to buzz in his ears in an uncomfortable way. But there is something that is buzzing even louder to him. It feels so warm and correct, it is like a growing sense of balance against the way the rest of the Cavern is spinning about him. He realizes that is it a voice inside his head! "Sylviath!" he calls out, hardly understanding how he knows it. K'dir is nearly panting with the excitement as he calls out his dragon's name. It's beautiful! It sounds so right. He hugs the dragon around her neck, and promises food and hugs and play and rest and food and play and love and more food!

Lurid Sun Gold Hatchling has spent her time well in her quest. She has moved away from Eliwys, making her way past sire and dam - giving them both a quick inspection before obviously deciding that she'll not get anywhere until she peruses the question that those white-robed candidates pose. She lifts her snout, head twisting all about as she looks everywhere she can, on alert for any surprises. The candidates' presence draws her onwards, an irresistible mystery that needs to be solved.

Sisala blinks, and releases Kav's hand, as the beautiful green comes right up to them. "Oh.. Kav.. that's wonderful. She beams, and looks at the lovely green, "Oooh, she's perfect for you... she's... just right." She takes a step backwards, trying not to get in the way, as the rest of the hatching grounds are gone for one moment, as she watches her cousin with joy.

Impossibly Deceptive Blue Hatching rises softly from the shards of his egg, feet crushing them into the sand as he moves outward. He takes a long moment, standing there with wings arched out gracefully in the heat. Taking in his new surroundings - evaluating - and carefully deciding on a course of action.

Eliwys sighs in relief, brushing an imaginary bit of egg from her dress, "Silly thing, I pity whoever gets her if she's anything like that one" she adds, head nodding to Leyrith.

Selene rides Gold Doloveth at Monaco Weyr.

Pennalyn takes a quick, startled step back from Kavel--K'dir, and his green. "Congratulations," she murmurs, joining Sisala a polite distance away. Gentle envy is still visible in her face.

Kayla can't really miss the impressions now, not when the hatchlings present the only real hazard now, unless of course the heat gets to her. She even smiles for a brief moment, before reaching up to wipe her brow in a futile attempt to dry it a bit.

S'vilen, eyes on the young gold for a moment, shakes his head. "She probably won't be. Doloveth isn't, after all," he points out reasonably.

Through clouds and sunshine that decorate its fragile shell, the Unity and Creation Egg rids itself of its sandy blanket, grains tossed loose as if they never existed. Cracks appear in the earthen coloring, striations webbing as though quakes quivered across its surface. Then, suddenly, it cracks open with explosive force, scattering its shards over its nearby brethren and possibly making it as far as some of the candidates. Posed within the half-shell that remains, a dainty green dragon stands, her wings half-unfurled as she struggles to straighten them.

K'dir stands, a hand kept on Sylviath's neck as he looks around, shocked, "She's hungry!"


---*** Mystic Misty Isle Green Hatchling ***---

Late summer spreads her verdant cloak over a tor that materializes from a misty lake, turning this rocky pinnacle green with life and warmth, the vision echoed across this verdurous green hatchling. Over haunches and shoulders, fresh groves of yellowed green gather, reaching towards the sun, only to fall short of the mature olive multitude behind them, while blue-green waves lap at tail and talons, leaving an aquamarine tint in its wake. Hidden here, amongst the dark viridescence, are tiny shoots of saffron, reminiscent of a plant struggling to survive amid the boughs of a tree. A spiraling earthen, faintly gingered, pathway rises towards a crown of weathered stones that ascends in khaki rings around her dainty head. Glaucous swells spread over wingsails like the reflection of green earth in still water, spars like shadowed thoroughfares leading across the land.

Andariel nods and can completely agree with Musa. "I wouldnt mind being off as well. Its hot, but its..." She searches for the words but is distracted by Calindas tuggin of her hand and pointing at Kaveldir. "Oh, Kav Impressed." finally breaks free from Andis mouth as she tried to once more hide from view behind Musa and Calinda.

Suddenly, a solitary breeze finds its way onto the sands, rifling through the candidates, up through the galleries and then gone, leaving only the oppressive stillness behind.

Sisala shakes her head, finally getting over K'dir's impression, just in time to see another egg hatch. "Penn, look! Its another green, like Kav's!" She smiles at the candidate near her, and looks at the various hatchlings, eggs, and shards in the vacinity of her.

L'in moves onto the Sand near K'dir, ready to move him and his new dragon to the Barracks. "This way, K'dir." he offers with a grin. "Food is this way!"


---*** Seafoam Tidal Green Hatchling ***---

As though the waters of a deep tropical ocean had begun to form their own creation, a deep transcendence of emerald, lightened to jade by unseen rays, rises upward unnaturally over this hide of this hatchling. Fluid seas roll smoothly over aquamarine haunches, turbulent tides receding in a stream of spray-bleached beryl across her flanks. Waves surge upward into crests of jadeite, washing over her muzzle before flooding her neck in deep forest-hues, like a gentle watery cascade. The mottled hills of her neckridges materialize in spring tones, evergreen elevating verdine tides of lush olive that capture the verdant imagery of her tail, the fierce thrashings of the sea held in abeyance. A glittering mountain of jagged malachite ranges out over pinions, wingsails flowing in rippled textures as it melds into the surf that laps in sun-dappled turquoise at her trailing edges.

Maurice laughs, "And Kaveldir, too!" he exclaims, shaking his head. "I can't believe it... Mati, Keilah, /and/ Kave."

Hop. Hop. Hop. The Hoppity Hop Egg seems to be trying to roll over, but it merely twitches impotently back and forth a few times, then bursts apart. An eager, if clumsy, bronze tramples the shards all to dust in his hurry to get free and dash across the sand toward that dark-skinned quiet boy from River Bend Hold. The lad stumbles and nearly falls, steadying himself with arms around the bronze's neck. "Salinath! You're wonderful, too! Oh, and /hungry/!" He seems floored by the realization, and the candidates nearby giggle.

There hasn't been much movement from the Oddly Malleable Pink Egg up until now, just the occasional shake. But all of a sudden it takes to rocking with incredible determination, toppling over just as a cornflower-streaked head breaks through. It's all over by then as the misproportioned blue leaves his old home, stepping from the remains of the egg quickly, shuffling across the sand, peering around the semi-circle with great indecision. He begins his march, passing a tiny blonde, a young man with dark brown eyes, no, no, no. Finally he stops in front of a gangly young man with ginger hair from the herderhall, nudging his side insistently. "Of course, we'll be together always Lopneth!" The former herder breathes.

Ghrae is much more at ease as fewer and fewer eggs remain and the sands are all but clear of hatchlings. Two greens hatch and she gives them a curious gaze, observing them with some nervousness, before warily moving her gaze back to watch the sire and dam.

Impossibly Deceptive Blue Hatching slinks along the sands, head carried low to provide him with a better vantage point from which to see /everything/. He's quite content, it seems, to pause and stare at each candidate for a long tantalizing minute, before moving right along down the line. None of those quick hasty impressions for this blue: he is wiser than that.

The Rainbow Slinky Egg has been wobbling since the hatching started, more and more insistently. Finally a giant crack appears directly across the middle. It splits into two cracks, which make for either end of the egg, finally parting it - it comes away from the bronze dragonet in three pieces. He takes some time to collect himself, flopping his wings about and turning his head from side to side, and finally carefully turning his whole self about to face a farmboy from Fort's cotholds. With a bugle of joy he heralds his choice, who rushes to him to help wipe sand and eggshard away and lead the Weyr's newest bronze off to be fed.

Sisala gasps, "Look.. she knows what she wants!" SHe points, but her aim is a bit off from the gold, as a green attracts her attention, "Look at all the greens! Course, the browns and blues are probably in the other corner or something.. just placement, what I can see. You know?"

Mystic Misty Isle Green Hatchling uncurls herself awkwardly, stepping first on a wingsail, then managing the coordination to lift her foot off of it and extract the wing, intact. She gives the wingtip a cautious shake and creels at the unfamiliar sensation in the membrane. However, a stronger need soon distracts her and she starts to walk, wings held gracelessly up from the sands.

Sarine beams as Kaveldir impresses, "Green. Such a cute one, too!" and then two more greens pop out, and a bronze, and she's momentarily distracted by them, until that gold catches her attetntion again. "Looks like she's found the one."

Pennalyn almost laughs as she looks at the two greens. "They're both beautiful," she agrees with Sisala, "and there, there went the first bronze, and--oh boy, I think the gold sees who she wants." Her eyes stay on the gold hatchling, just in case getting out of the way should be required.

Andariel watches carefully from her hiding place between Musa and Calinda, her eyes scanning constantly just in case that blood that Musa has bbeen looking for might just be hers. As a bronze claims one near her she squeaks and tightens her hold again, leaning forwards to be able to scan the sands properly.

Harsh summer sunlight glints down into the sands, reflecting off the insides of broken shells, dazzling the eye and adding to the general confusion on the sands.

Musa oohs softly, closing her eyes at that breeze. "I wonder if there'll be another..." She says, upon sighting the bronze, and the boy to whom he impressed. "At least there is one. But there's a gold, too. I suppose that that makes up for it. And my... a lot of greens... And another bronze." A soft commentary, and Muse pouts, stepping from foot to foot. "ANDI!" She cries, her hand the thing mutilated. "Watch it!" Sigh. Blinking though the glare, Musa raises her free arm to be able to see. There are eggs left, aren't there? It's hard to tell.

There's a crack striking down the center of the For Love of the Game Egg, sudden and sharp, and with a valiant thrust the brown inside butts his head through. He fights his way out of shell's confines, resting for an exhausted moment on the sands until a high-pitched voice catches his attention. Quickly he looks up at the nearest group of Candidates, and young Calinda runs to meet him as Impression is made.

The heat of the sands envelops the Lurid Sun Gold Hatchling as she moves onwards with an uneasy grace, wings spread for better balance. She's drawn irresistibly toward a pair of dark eyes, her gaze staring into those that may not be looking quite in her direction. Finally she stops, head tilting upwards to look searchingly at a girl with mousy brown hair. Only a moment passes before the young queen's muzzle prods into the girl's midriff.

C'daer waits for the next impression which will require his attention, watching the other assistants taking them off.

Andariel doesnt have a hiding place any more as Calinda is Impressed. "Cal! No! come back! Comes instinctively out of her mouth but is quickly cut off as her gut is prodded and the wind leaves her. Blinking down at the gold she squeaks out something that could have been a name but soon her voice comes back. "L... Llianth?"

Guest5 has connected in the Lounge.

Impossibly Deceptive Blue Hatching flicks his wings back into place along his back, arrogance suddenly arching his neck as he passes yet another candidate by. None of these suit his game plan. Where? Where is the one? A quick snorted huff of air and he edges along to the next white robed being, upward gaze demanding.

Llianth seems very agreeable to that name and croons softly up at Andariel, gazing raptly, wings fluttering as she rests them along her back.

Chhaya folds her arms crossly over her chest, the corners of her lips pulling down into a deep frown. Mere moments later, she flings her bare arms away from her body, unable to maintain the closed posture in the suffocating heat of the hatching cavern. She swings them at her sides, creating a small, private breeze, and closes her eyes, breathing deeply. She can get through this.

Over the soft protest of a Candidate who loved its pattern, the Marble Mania Egg splits; the young resultant green bounds from the ruin with no regrets, choosing an older Candidate who announces her as Orelath. "And - she's so hungry," adds the new rider with soft wonder.

Sisala laughs, as the gold finds her match. She can't see who it is, but she points, "Penna, look!" Instinctively, her attention flickers back towards the other hatchlings on the sands. "It is incredible out here.."

C'daer's grin stretches wide as he hurries towards Andariel and Llianth near him, "Oh congratulations. This way, help her along - she must be hungry after all that."

L'in is probably saying something like 'OY' by now as he watches Impressions going on still. Folding his hands over his belly, he first tries to pull down his shirt that has ridden up to give a glimpse of his belly, as if that'd hide his actions. "Another one." he mutters, stepping toward Andariel.

Showing no sigh of abating, the heat almost seems to intensify as the hatching stretches on. Overhead, not a cloud gathers in the clear blue sky.

S'vilen squints across the commotion towards Andariel, pointing. "Isn't that the one who ran off the sands in terror at that first egg touching?" he asks Eliwys quietly.

Mystic Misty Isle Green Hatchling blows a breath at a candidate in a short robe, causing the boy to quickly shove it down, lest he embarrass himself. The hatchling, however, doesn't seem to notice his mortification. She has already moved on, searching, turning, going back the way she came, completely disoriented amongst all the white-robed figures.

Pennalyn almost laughs as the gold chooses, and fills in her Impressee's name for Sisala. "Andariel!"

Jalis glances over at S'vilen and Eliwys to see them whispering. She looks curious, but doesn't bother to stride over there to pry.

Musa shakes her head softly. "And then there were two." Where did that come from? Musa looks over at Andariel, and just... blinks. "And then there was one, obviously." She'd sit down in a huff, if the ground wasn't so hot. All her friends are impressing and leaving her here. "Great." She sighs... but she won't cry. No... she won't. There are still dragons on the sands... "Congratulations..." she offers, as Andariel's hand is released. "Go... go." No-one will see her cry. No-one. Holding it in, she again watches, silent. Gazing down at the sands, she is too stubborn to head back to the others, and so, stands alone - that is, once Andariel leaves. "She's beautiful."

Eliwys nods at S'vilen as she squints across the sands, her thought confirmed by Leyrith's sharper gaze, "Indeed. I just hope.." words are left unsaid. "Maybe a spine will grow?"

With a clatter Hidden Music and the Tracking for Play Eggs knock together, splitting apart at almost the same time, revealing a small green, who hangs back shyly and a dark hued brown who, after giving a creel for all to hear, heads outward. The green soon follows, and it's not long before each find themselves with new lifemates: the green with a tall brunette, and the brown with a young woman from the weaverhall.

Andariel blinks, not entirely taking in everything except the intense hunger that she suddenly feels. "Yes." she finally nods to C'daer. "We.. we're coming. Shes very hungry."

J'van is watching the hatchlings and the candidates through a liquor-softened gaze, a smile on his face. Maybe he's remembering another hatching entirely?

Maurice squints against the wind. "Ugh. Sand!" he exlaims. Which means he misses Andariel's Impression. "Wha? Who? Andi? What color?" he scratches at his eyes, and then opens them. But she's already gone.

The Little Wooden People Egg begins to increase its quivering, rocking back and forth quite insistently, beginning to shed flakes of shell that increase in size, showing flashes of pale brown hide. Slowly but steadily the egg crumbles, revealing a light brown, cinnamon dusted dragonet. Staggering to his feet he creels insistently, surveying the assembled candidates impatiently. With another sharp creel he starts forward, heading towards a cluster of white robes but stumbling before he arrives in front of them. His momentum carries him to the toes of a petite brunette, who kneels beside him, exclaiming, "Flynth! Yes, of course there's food for you! Lets go!"

Seafoam Tidal Green Hatchling holds her head high: Green she may be, but boy, she's proud and sure of herself. Confidence exudes from this aqueous mystery as she continues to survey her environment, taking in all the information that she can, before making a decision on a course of action. Once it's been plotted, determined strides carry her across the golden grains, tail streaming behind like a rudder on a boat, the wake of her presence left in talon marks in the soft, malleable sands. Wingsails unfurl, lending her balance to her voyage, and as she passes one girl from Fort Hold, they almost scratch along her face: ungainly she is, like all others freshly hatched. Her investigation proceeds: who will be her insurance against the perils of the world.

Kayla keeps trying to get the sweat to not pour into her eyes from her forehead, as she tries to just avoid large, hatchling shaped blurs now.

S'vilen runs his hand over the hair that one candidate so kindly cut for him. "We can hope," he agrees, nodding and dropping that hand back to his side.

Sisala gasps, "Oooh, look." SHe points to another hatchling, a green that is passing by. Seeing a different green, she points, "That one looks a little confused.. you know?" Her nose wrinkles, and she offers softly, "Can you imagine being born that way? That'd be rather... startling. And to have all of us circled around..."

L'in swervs as C'daer takes care of business, returning to his more secure place to the side of the remaining Candidates. Looking around, he pats his midsection to make sure that errant shirt stays put.

Impossibly Deceptive Blue Hatching has halted the stealthy maneuvering through the throng, lean limbs carrying him unerringly past the last few untried robes to the beacon amidst bewildering white. The lanky little frame pauses, and shrewd gaze lifting to focus on a curly blonde haired girl, even as the stygian blackness of his foretalons slip out to gently pluck at the embroidered hem of his chosen with assurance.

Mystic Misty Isle Green Hatchling finds herself near her dam, but she does seem to realize that she's in the wrong place immediately, unlike her golden sister. She turns around once, then again, not sure where she should go, now. Eventually, she takes a few steps away from Leyrith, towards the candidates again, then stops once more, perplexed.

Pennalyn would answer Sisala. Except her eyes are locked on this blue. Looking at her. "Teanth?" she breathes. "In my ears and in my eyes...Teanth!" Forgetting the hot Sands, she drops to her knees and hugs the dragonet tight.

The Fuzzy Wuzzy Egg dissolves into minute shards and a chubby blue waddles forth to inspect the candidates. He pauses for a long moment, head swinging back and forth between two sisters from Peyton Hold. Finally his tail curls about the legs of the elder girl. She cries out with glee, "Owarth! Of course you couldn't help but find me," just as the younger sister bursts into tears, happy for her sister, but knowing there is no hatchling left for her.

L'in strides over to Pennalyn, offering another big grin for this Impression. "Time to get food, right?" he asks, extending a hand toward the way to the Weyrling Barracks. "G'thon is waiting for you."

Teanth croons smugly at Pennalyn, leaning into her with obvious delight. He is, indeed, her Teanth. And as his eyes whirl back to red - he's hungry.

Sisala Turns, looking at Penna finally. "Oh.. my. I didn't even see him come up... Penna, he's beautiful.. he's perfect for you..." She looks away, as tears fill her eyes. First Kav, and then Penn. She looks around, standing alone. No one to chatter at, constantly. She smiles, and then her attention is caught by a determined green, and she watches quietly.

Pennalyn's eyes aren't really focusing, but she smiles and nods anyway. "Right. Hungry. Yes. Following you." If her legs hold her up.

Mystic Misty Isle Green Hatchling turns, still lost in her search for the one she must choose. Whirling eyes hunt among the blur of white robes and she stops, clearly confused. With surprising suddenness, she moves, abruptly graceful, across the sand, her quarry sited and caught in the intensity of her gaze.

Sarine smiles after Pennalyn, then glances out at the dwindled number of eggs and hatchlings. Shaking her head, she glances over to watch where those two young greens go, one looking like she's found her own lifemate.

C'daer's eyes search the candidates remaining on the sands, wiping off his forehead impatiently as sweat beads up again.

Musa stands alone, rubbing at her eyes. She's not crying, not in the lest... Well, maybe a little. Like Sisala, she has no-one to chatter to any longer... At least Foobah hasn't impressed. With a sigh, she again watches over, another mutter to herself, "Perhaps I will be drinking at the end of this, afterall." A resigned, sad mutter - the hatchlings are rejecting her. But... there is one still wandering around, isn't there? Are there more eggs? It's so hard to see, the sands a blur - it's the light and the wind that's are making her eyes sting and water. Yes. The wind.

Only for a moment is she alone, as Sisala is finally caught by the gaze of a green. She gasps, "Faianth!" She rushes forward, towards the green, "Ooh, of course.. you're mine. Forever.." She wrinkles her nose, and nods, "Yes.. lets get you something.. yes..."

Seafoam Tidal Green Hatchling turns her head in a new direction. There! There is the one she's been waiting for all this time! The one that shall be hers and hers alone. With strong-footed steps for one so new from the shell, she wanders forward to the young woman with short, wavy blonde hair, looking directly into her warm brown eyes.

As the last egg cracks open and the last hatchling finds her lifemate, a second breeze stirs robes and dances coolingly over the sands and up into the galleries.

Chhaya's definitely wilting, sweeping lashes fluttering open once more so tired sable eyes can keep tabs on the hatchlings movements. With the sands growing less crowded, hatchlings and candidates pairing up and removing themselves from the open cavern for food and oil, she begins to find herself with a bit more personal space. Of course, this means that Leyrith and Perymith are also less hampered, and therefore, the girl's logic seems to follow, that pair must be watched with more diligence.

C'daer remarks as he hurries towards Sisala, "Lovely name! Good for you, Sisala - she's hungry, now, let's get her into the barracks, shall we?"

Maurice also watches the last of the hatchlings impress, a sad little grin appears on his face. "Well then.. back to the corrals with me." a beam is sent out to Sisala, and then she's watching and waiting to see where that last green is going.

Kayla is still rocking back and forth on her feet, as she watches the two greens impress, realizing that, as far as she can tell from here, she's made it through this safely. Maybe a bit premature, but she actually smiles faintly.

Sisala nods, eyes focused on her lifemate. "Okay.." SHe answers, dazedly, and she murmurs, "COme on, Faianth.. come on.." SHe wraps an arm around the young green, and helps to lead her in the direction she was sent.

Musa rubs at her eyes to clear them. What's that? There's something there? Blinking, she takes in the form before her, a beam shooting from her face as her vision clears. "Zarineth..." She breathes, falling to her knees, heedless of the heat of the sands. "I thought you wouldn't find me!" There's the moment of weakess, before she softly chides her dragon, "It took you long enough!" It's somewhat teasing, though, as she nods her head to something unheard by others. "Yes, yes, Zarineth. Food, and oil. I can do that, I believe!"

Leyrith glances around the sands, and shifts broken shell with her muzzle. All gone. Hey, wait, doesn't that mean..? Wings shift, membranes rustling as she cants aureate neck to nudge Eliwys.

Sarine's face falls a bit, though she's still smiling - even wider when Musa Impresses. She says nothing, though.. just puts her hands behind her back and looks around, waiting to find out what to do next.

Chhaya continues to keep her eyes locked primarily on the clutchparents, Perymith in particular, keeping less vigilent tabs on the procession of young dragonets in search of lifemates. Ebon eyes flick down fairly regularly for a quick sweep of her immediate viscinity, but her interest is purely that of self-preservation. As a hatchling passes near her a neighbor nudges, reminding, "Watch the babies, girl, they've got clumsy claws!"

Ghrae looks pleased as can be when the last eggs hatch and none of the dragons have come for her. She surveys the people left on the sands and then starts to back towards the exit slowly. She'll wait for the weyrleaders to give their speech but she's eager to get off the hot sands.

Jalis takes a sip from her wineskin before glancing over at J'van meaningfully and giving him a smile of encouragement. "Well, looks like its that time." She murmurs.

Sarine has disconnected.

S'vilen's eyes track around the sand. "That's all of them," he says, breaking into a grin. "Every one of them hatched!"

J'van starts from his reverie "Hmmm? Oh...yes." He looks out over the sands, the remaining candidates. "So it seems it is..." Well, down to business, right?

Musa closes her eyes, again to listen to something that no-one else can hear... her dragon. "But you found me. And that's what matters. I suppose this is better than a scar. Much better." Looking around, Muse searches for instruction... She's lost? Oh, right! The barracks. "Come on, Zarineth!"

Kayla shrugs slightly, if not looking happy, looking satisfied, she'd been right, at least half-way so. She walks over to join the others left on the sands, still keeping a clear berth of the parents.

J'van moves from his place along the wall, walking out of the shadows and through the litter of shell shards towards those few candidates left, his expression unreadable as he paces forward. He stops then, looking at each candidate in turn, and smiles - a regretful curve of lips that speaks volumes more than any mere words could express. "Would that we could have had dragons for everyone." he begins softly, continuing to make eye contact. "But it is a sad fact that the dragons choose more than are needed to give the new hatchlings a varied choice. It isn't fair, but it's a necessity - strong pairings make strong fighters."

J'van continues to smile, regarding each of the candidates with a sameness of expression. "This is not to say you are not worthy of being part of a team, dragon and human."

J'van says "I like to think instead, and believe it to be true, that your lifemate just wasn't in one of those eggs today.""

J'van continues, "Perhaps there is one in your future, or perhaps your life will take another turn. But remember this. You would not have been here at all, on these sands, if one of our dragons did not find something in you that made you worthy of the chance. There is no shame in not being chosen today, but rather you should feel pride in being chosen to stand at all."

J'van pauses, as if gathering his thoughts, and then continues. "The Weyrwoman and I, as well as Eliwys and S'vilen, lifemates of our clutchparents, would like to thank you for the time you have given to this chance, realizing that the outcome was unknown. We appreciate the fortitude it has taken to withstand the hardships of candidacy as well as the emotional upheaval it might have on your lives.

J'van continues.."We know there is no going back to what you were before, as an experience such as this brings irrevocable change. That is why we would like to welcome you to remain at the Weyr, if this is your wish. We are sure there are any number of ways you can lead fulfilling lives here with us, even without a dragon, and we would be glad to have you

J'van adds, "If, however, you decide to leave us and go back to your homes, our riders will take you wherever you wish to go. But you will /always/ be welcome here."

J'van pauses and turns partially then, looking towards Jalis, and then back, his smile less regretful and more pleased now. "And now that I've gotten all the formalities out of the way, we would love it if you would join us for a bit of a shindig in the caverns. I hear tell the cooks have been basting and baking away for most of the time we've been broiling ourselves on the sands, and so there will be feasting for all."

J'van grins then "And wine, now that it is no longer prohibited. I'm sure you are all pretty parched by now." He gestures towards the exit to the bowl "If you would all come with me, we will leave the heat of this place behind - I think my feet have blistered from this oven of a cavern, and my throat is ready for something cool and liquid."

Kayla moves a hand back up to try and wipe the sweat from her brow, "If its all the same sir, I think I really want a bath and some sleep. This has been very tiring." She smiles a little wryly.

Jalis nods at Kayla. "Of course, though you're welcome to get some food if you wish." Then she beckons "I for one know I'm famished." And she leads the way out of the hatching grounds.

J'van watches the candidates go, then looks down at the skin he still holds in his hand. Oh, look. Some left. He drains it, then moves slowly towards the exit.

S'vilen takes a deep breath and lets it out as the candidates leave the sands. "Well," he remarks, then shoots a look towards Perymith. "You want what?"

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