A relative of 'Steely Dan 2 form Yokohama' This one is 'Plastic Dan 4 of Oregon'
Some 'fine Colombian' (left)
Pictured right is another fine Colombian, Soccer star Faustino Asprilla!
We all knew what a Bodhisattva was, didn't we?
Anyway, pictured here is Bodhisattva Guanyin, Chinese deity of compassion and mercy, from the 11th/12th century AD
Jack would have been stalking something like this with his radar. This is the 'dread Moray Eel' that they were after on the trip to Barbados.
The Caves of Altamira. This is the 'beast without a name' that accompanied the wooly man without a face in the song. The caves are in Spain.
Charlie Parker and John Coltrane, two of the jazz legends that so influenced Becker and Fagen to make music.
This is a milk truck. One of these eased into Donald's place in 'My Rival'. He wasn't pleased.
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