Ranks and Specialisms in the Roman Army


Ab Epistulis Secretary for Letters
Actarius Accounts Clerk
Adiutor Adjutant
Agrimensor Surveyor
Aquilifer Senior Standard Bearer
Architectus Architect
Beneficiarius Consularis Soldier exempt from menial duties, orderly on Governor's staff
Bucinatores Trumpet Blowers
Capsarius Medical Orderly
Cataphractus Armoured Cavalryman
Centenarii Centurion  (early)
Cerarius Clerk
Comes Assistant
Cornicen Horn Blower
Cornicularius Tribune or Centurion’s secretary
Curator Commander of unit containing Curator Veteranorum
Curator Veteranorum Serving Legionary who has passed retirement age
Custos Armorum Armourer
Draconarius Standard Bearer
Dromedarius Camel Rider
Duplicarius Second in Command of Troop
Eques Cavalry Trooper
Equites Cohortales Cavalrymen in Infantry Cohort
Evocatus Soldier recalled to, or retained with, the colours
Exactor Tax Collector
Exactus Clerk
Explorator Scout
Excubitor Sentinel
Excubitores Ad Signa Soldiers on duty at the standards
Exercitator Instructor
Fabricenses Armourers
Frumentarius Intelligence Officer
Hastilarius Spear Thrower
Imaginifer Standard Bearer carrying image of Emperor
Immunes Men exempt from fatigues
Interpretes Interpreters
Legatus Legionis Commander of the Legion
Legionarius Legionary
Librarius Caducorum Clerk responsible for looking after belongings of those killed in battle
Librarius Depositorum Savings Clerk
Librarius Horreorum Granary records Clerk
Magister Campi Drill Instructor
Medicus Doctor
Mensor Surveyor
Metatores Surveyors
Miles Private Soldier, Infantryman
Munifex Private Soldier
Officium The Governor’s  Staff
Optio Centurion’s understudy and Second in Command of Troop
Optio ad spem ordains Man accepted for promotion to Centurionate, waiting for vacancy
Pecuarius Animal keeper
Pedes Foot Soldier
Praefectus Prefect, Commander of an auxiliary, or allied unit
Praefectus Castrorum Third in command of Legion, Camp Prefect
Praepositus Commander of infantry or cavalry unit
Princeps Officer responsible for training, and Headquarters staff, Senior Centurion
Principalis Junior Officer (under Centurion)
Probatus An officially enrolled Soldier
Publicanus Tax Collector
Quaetionarius Torturer or interrogator
Quaestor Quartermaster
Sagittarius Archer
Sesquiplicarius Third in Command of Troop
Signifer Standard Bearer
Speculatores Spy, scout, or messenger
Strategus Senior Officer
Strator Groom
Tesserarius Guard Commander
Tiro Recruit
Tribunus Senior Officer
Tribunus Angusticlavius Junior Tribune
Tribunus Laticlavius Senior Tribune
Tribunus Praepositus Tribune in charge of detachment
Tribunus Stabuli Tribune in charge of stables
Tubicen Trumpeter
Velites Lightly armed Legionaries
Venatores Hunters
Veteranus Veteran, a soldier who has re-enlisted
Vexillarius Standard bearer who carried Vexillum (cloth flag)


The above was compiled using information from Webster's "The Roman Imperial Army", Davies' "Service in the Roman Army", and Graham's "Dictionary of Roman Military Terms"

I've tried my best to make sure that the information is accurate, but if you do spot an error or you think something should be added please leave me a message.   I can be e-mailed at:

[email protected]


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