Characters Profile

Name: Gon Furi-Kuso ( Freecss )


B-Day:May 5th

Age: 12

Height: 154 cm

Weight: 49 kg

Blood Type: B

Type of Nen: Strength 50%

Father: Jin Freecss

Ambition: To be a Hunter just like his father.

Reason why he join the Hunter test: To find his father jin

Aunt: Aunt Mito

Weapon: fish-hook


   Gon was raised by his Aunt Mito. Gon never met his father, he just see Gin (his father )in picture. Aunt Mito told him that his father is dead, but actually not.Gon had no idea who his father was until he was saved by this hunter in the forest. The hunter was named Kaitou, Jin's student. Leaving his aunt sad and worried, Gon leaves to become a hunter to find his father. He went to join the hunter test hoping that if he pass, he will have the clues to meet his father.

    Gon grew up in the forest and the sea that why he has lots of speacial skill. He can understand bird's language, he has very special eyes view and great speed,he has a powerful body strength and recovery. 

    Gon is very friendly. Animal likes a good hunter like him. He can get along withanyone and the only time he got mad at somebody is with Kitaracle (killua's brother). Along the way to the Hunter Test Gon met Reorio,Kurapika and killua. God and Killua became best friend and they start thier jorney when the test is ended.

Gon Picture


Name: Killua Soldick

Nick Name: Kil

Gender: Male

B-Day: July 7th

Age: 12

Height: 158 cm

Weight: 45 kg

Blood Type: A

Type of Nen: Embodying and Special 60%

Reason why he join the Hunter Test : He thought it would be fun to join to the hunter Test and to run away from his annoying family

Father: Silver


Grand Father:Zeno

Brothers: Irumi (Kitaracle) and Milky.

Sister: Culto

Expectation: His family Expect him to be the killer

Weapon:Hands are as sharp as knife

Special Skills: Can drink any poison without any harm


Best friend: Gon

Other Information:

    Killua came from a Soldick Family. Soldick Family is known as a killer family. This family is a very rich family.he was raised and forced to kill others. Although he kills without feeling regretful and all (in other words, cold blooded), deep inside he just wants to have fun and make friends with others just like a normal boy like gon. He didn't really want to kill, but he had to because of his family. He doesn't want to be a killer even his father (Silver) told him that he choose killua among his son to be next to him and knowing his the most skilled of all.

    Killua run a way from home to  join the Hunter Test because he has nothing else to do. He thought the Hunter Test will be exciting, but it is not. In the Hunter Test he met Gon and they became best friend and they travel together after the test is over.

   Killua is probaby the strongest in the group (or he was the strongest).him a pretty funny. Both he and Gon are very cheery and likes to exoplore around places. He's the only one in the group that doesn't have a Hunter license. (yet...)

he was raised and forced to kill others. Although he kills without feeling regretful and all (in other words, cold blooded), deep inside he just wants to have fun and make friends with others. You find

Killua's Picture

Name: Kurapika


B-Day: April 4th

Age: Teenage

Height: 171 cm

Weight: 59 kg

Blood Type: AB

Type of Nen: Embodying allows him to practice all types of Nen at 100% when his eyes turn to red

From: Kurata Tribe

Eyes: Their eyes turn to red when they are angry.

Reddish Color : If they were kill at that time when thier eye is in redish color, the color will not change forever.

Red: This color is said to be one of the most beautiful color in the world.


Other Information:

    Along all Kuratas he was the only one survived. The rest of the Kuratas were killed by a very cruel group of thugs. The one who killed his friend has 12-leg spider tatoo in thier back as their symbol. If he passes the Hunter Test, he could get more information on Geneiryodan.His goal was to take back all his friends' eyes and revenge for them.

    Kurapika is the cleverest of all. He very knowledgeable because he read many books.He is normally calm, but if he sees a spider,any spider, his eyes will turn red and became so mad because it reminds him of the group that kill his friends the Geneiryodan.

Picture of Kurapika

Name:Reorio (Leolio)

Gender: Male

B-Day: march 3rd

Age: 18

Height: 193 cm

Weight: 85 kg

Blood Type: O

Weapon: A small dagger/knife

Type of Nen: doenst have one

Ambition: To be a doctor who cure people without charging.

Skill: Curing people from sickness and curing wounded injuries.

Description: The most clumsiest and less skilled of the four. He seems like a hot-head guy but he is very caring and won't give up easily. He wanted to be a hunter so that he could study to be a doctor to help for free.

Reason why he join Hunter Exam: He join because of money

Saddest Memory: His friend died of sickness because he has no money to pay for doctor fees

Other Information:

    After he passes the Hunter Test, he begins to study hard for the Doctor Exam.

Picture of riorio


Age: ???

Other Information:

    Hisoka is a mysterious magician. He seems to be very cruel at a time and sometimes not. He let Gon live because he thought that Gon is a person who "is not worthy to kill right now" Hisoka uses cards as weapon. He uses "Nen", a very special skill. Nen can change paper into a sharp thing that can cut iron. Hisoka is waiting for Gon on the 200th floor of the Battle Tower where Gon and Killua went after the Hunter Test. Hisoka promised to fight with Gon if Gon can beat anyone on that floor just once. Hisoka seems to be one of the most popular fighter of that floor. His skills are nearly that of the "Floor Master."



Skyscraper Battle Arena

Explanation of the Tecnique

Picture of the Four

Kurapika's Picture

Gon's Picture

Killua's Picture

Picture of Riorio

Picture of the Other Characters
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