Zodiac Wealth

Aquarians enjoy having the opportunity to skip from one job to another and hate to be tied down. They like the freedom money brings them, but are more interested in ideals than in being rich.

Arians are pioneers, have to keep moving, and constantly work at setting up new schemes. They have a tremendousneed for money, power and influence, but rarely take account of other peoples wishes. Faced with a choice between money and authority, their love of power will usually win out.

Cancerians love collecting things - people, objects and money - and are not very free with their cash, since they tend to feel rather vulnerable without it. Their bank accounts stay healthy just in case of a rainy day.

Capricorns can be very successful financially; but because they are afraid that the good times will not last, they often squirrel away their money and possesions. Fear of losing their building blocks may turn them into misers and hoarders before too long.

Geminis are the thinkers of the zodiac. They are very clever, extremely inventive, and love to spend time dreaming up ideas for new schemes. They will never concentrate on one thing for very long, and they certainly have little time to think seriously about the making of money.

Leos are proud and determined; but their vitality and creativity has a price - that of power. They demand recognition of a distinct ability to make money and to influence how things will proceed.

Librans tend to use their diplomatic skills to sweet-talk others into giving them precisely what they want. They can also be extravagant with their cash, spending it on things that give them pleasure.

Pisceans are very much concerned with solving other people's problems. Mere personal finicial problems hardly bother them, even when difficulities over cash flow are potentially serious. Their finances sometimes ebb, with disastrous results.

Sagittarians is a sign of the extremes. Some Sagittitarians see money as their only road to freedom, and so they take big risks: others see it as beneath them, and spend without responsibility. The quest is often for adventure, not cash.

Scorpios can be highly manipulative, and what they crave is power. They have a singularabilityto sense a good deal and to exploit a weakness. They will not hesitate to use other people to achieve their own ends.

Taureans are stable, constant and true to themselves. Possessions provide their security, and life is spent in pursuit of what they regard as good things. Sometimes they get carried away by sheer greed.

Virgoans tend to be as organized and meticulous in their financial affairs as they are in other spheres of life. They also like to know exactly what people expect from them for their money. They will work hard at applying their practical minds to the efficent running of a business enterprise.

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