Zodiac Love

Traditionally, the planet Venus rules over our relationships, affection and harmony. She took her name from the Roman goddess who pesided over beauty, sensuality, the arts, fertility and money.

In astrology, she represents our ability to attract and respond to others. She embodies the highest of our ideals - finding the perfect partner, aesthetic beauty, inner peace and well-being. She also reflects our struggle to achieve these.

Aquarians do not like showing their real feelings. An independent nature also means that they take their time to settle into a steady relationship. They find it hard to work up trust but will remain very faithful once a relationship is established.

Arians have a heedless attitude to love and are not content with half measures. They are true optimists, refusing to accept defeat, and frequently rush in without thinking when they believe they have found true love. They are sentimental and impulsive, sometimes to the extent of being foolhardy.

The Cancerian heart is filled with emotions but they will only expose them very gradually. Faithful and loyal, Cancerians think carefully before commiting themselves to anyone, lest their emotionalsecurity is threatened and their trust broken.

The head rules the heart for Capricorns and they never marry without being totally sure about their partner. They are steady and careful in love rather than being full of surprises, amd usually prove to be faithful and trusting lovers. Their ultimate goal in love is to feel secure.

Gemini lovers keep changing their minds. Their flighty spirit means that they do not like to be tied down. Partners may find them unreliable and a constant source of surprise as they are forever dithering, unable to reach a final decision. Most are also incorrigibly flirtatious.

Leos spare no expense when courting a new love.They are very demonstrative and loyal, and are almost continually in the throes of passion, remaining very faithful. They only lose their sparkle when love begins to fade.

Librans are in love with love. Loving relationships are the centre of their world and they expend a great dealof energy achieving harmony. For them, romantic partnerships are virtually an art form, but problems arise when an innate inability to make a definate binding decision about a relationship comes to the ore.

When in love, Piceans are filled with aspirations. Often seeking a spiritual life with their partner, they are probably the most romantic sign of the zodiac and can be very caring and sensitive. But the fact that they are dreamers can cause problems since expectations may be to high.

Sagittarians may plunge into a love affair whole-heartly, but do not commit themselves to easily. They enjoy the chase of a new romance and often prefer casual relationships to something more permanent which denies them freedom.

Scorpios may be cool on the surface, but underneath they are intensely passionate, both physically and emotionally. When love is sweet, they are very loyal, but when things go wrong they may show a sting in their tail.

Although Taureans do not sweep prospective lovers off their feet, they are incurable romantics and shower their loved ones with gifts. Once in love, they are prepared to make a commitment and remain veryfaithful.

Virgos are dependable and sincere as lovers, they have few illusions about affairs of the heart. Rather than lavishing affection on their partners, they prefer to show their love in small gestures and are cautiousin the extreme about making a first move. They are also often far too down-to-earth to be swept away.

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