The Silver Surfer Profile
Name: Norrin Radd AKA Silver Surfer
Height: 6' 4"
Weight: Unknown
Eyes: White
Hair: As Norrin Radd- None, with black eye brows.As Silver Surfer-None.
Home planet: Zenn-La
Accupation: Adventurer
Former Occupation: Scientist; Herald of Galactus
Marital Status: Single
Group Affiliation: Defenders and The Star Masters
Known Allies: Avengers, Defenders, Adam Warlock Beta Ray Bill, Captain Marvel, The Fanstastic Four, Galactus, The Infinity Watch, Nova, Firelord, The Jack Of Hearts, Eros, and Quasar.  
Major Enemies: Galactus, Mehpisto, and Thanos


Power Cosmic-  Ablility to shoot super powerful energy blasts(cosmic blasts), enough to level large cities, Cosmic Awearness, which lets him feel the energy at work around him,  Ability to re-arrange molecules, vast super human strength, which allows him to lift well over 100 tons, ability to channel cosmic energy into his body at will.  His silver skin is so great, that only few forces can over come them.  His inner body is resisant to injury.  He is invunerable to almost any phsycal harm.  He can withstand great extremes of tempurature.
Industructable surfboard granted by Galactus. When on board, he can travel at lightspeed.  Silver Surfer can control it with a single thought.  Not even Galactus' great power can damage his board.
Fist Appearence:
Fantastic Four#48-1966
First Title: Sentinel Of The Spaceways! The SILVER SURFER-1968
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