Updates, News, Etc.


Metal Sonic has defeated Sonic the Hedgehog in the second match of the Final Zone bracket! Now it's time for the final match we've all been waiting for: Knuckles versus Metal Sonic! Who will win the 32x Tournament for 2009? Start voting now, and be sure to come back often to vote again! The results will be announced next Tuesday (the 27th).

Well, hopefully today I've gotten rid of every link that directs people to Geocities (other than .txt documents, which have the Geocities URL in them). I've redone the links in the Sonic Dictionary, and I reworded a few of the definitions. I wish I had realized sooner that I needed to work on the dictionary! There are so many more terms I could add. Anyway, I've also updated the links in the newbie/"welcome to the site" page. Oh, and I've moved the Sonic Quizzes to the FanFare section. I haven't been able to work on the quizzes page as much as I originally wanted to, so I think it would be better as a subsection of the Fanfare page. It's been so long that I didn't realize that Quizilla is now a part of the Teen Nick website. Huh.

By this time next week, Sonic's Hideaway should have a new URL. Just visit the Geocities URL like you normally would, and you should be redirected to the new URL. If you're worried about it not working, please e-mail me so I can update you on the new location. I'm going to try and get the new domain name registered as soon as possible--I just don't know what it will be at this time. Oh, and I'm not sure if the Sonic Memories (in the Fanfare section) will still submit correctly. I'll probably have to update that next Tuesday. So the main point of this rambling would be: bear with me and my sanity as we finish the last part of this transition. Thanks! BTW, don't forget to check out the 32x Tournament results!


Knuckles is the winner of the first match of the Final Zone bracket! Now it's time for the second match to see who will go up against Knuckles: Sonic versus Metal Sonic. Who will win? Be sure to vote as much as possible to determine the winner!

I've got great news: the new Games section is up and running! I've got the information pages up right now, so in the future I plan to add more information, such as screenshots and cover art, reviews, etc. Oh, and as a bonus, I've finally got the information up on Sonic and the Secret Rings! Next week I plan to correct the links for the Sonic Dictionary. After this, Sonic's Hideaway should be ready for the move to its new URL. Keep coming back here for more details.


Knuckles is the winner of the Green Hill bracket! Now is the time we've all been waiting for: The Final Zone bracket. Who will win the first match: Shadow or Knuckles? Go vote, and be sure to come back next week for the results!

Tonight I'm adding a new hoax based on the Genesis version of Monopoly. Go check it out! I've also updated links for the following comic summaries: Sonic #54-64, both Knuckles mini-series, and Sonic Quest #1-3. I realized last week I should have updated some links . . . hindsight is always 20/20. There are only two Tuesdays left of updates before the move! I'm going to work hard to make sure it all gets done, so I think I'll have to put other updates aside as I try and focus on correcting the remaining links for the move. If all goes well, I should have the new Games section up and running next week (although it will be missing the reviews, screenshots, and other minor details that will have to be added later).


Metal Sonic is the winner of the Egg Carrier bracket! Now it's time to find out who will be the winner of the Green Hill bracket: Knuckles or Bunnie? Go and vote right now!

For this week's update I'm adding a summary of a Sonic X episode. One more down, so many more to go! On a more serious note, it's getting close to crunch time. In less than a month, Geocities will be closing. But don't worry--if you come to the Geocities address, you will be redirected to the new location of Sonic's Hideaway! Just be sure to update your bookmarks at that time. :) As for me, I'm still working on the Games section in my free time. After that I'll do an update of the Sonic Dictionary (just updating the links and adding a few new terms), and then Sonic's Hideaway should be completely ready for the move. Keep checking this section for any other news about the move--and other Sonic stuff, too!


Sonic is the winner of the Mystic Ruins bracket! Up next is the match to determine in the winner of the Egg Carrier bracket. Who will win: Metal Sonic or Cheese? Be sure to cast your vote early (and often)!

Today I'm adding Space Ace's newest story, so head over to the fan fiction part of the FanFare section to check it out. I've also updated some links for Sonic comic summaries #46-53. I've been able to work a little bit more on the Games section, but I think it'll be at least a couple more weeks until I get it done (depending on how much time I have between now and then).


Shadow is the winner of the Station Square bracket! Who will be the winner of the Mystic Ruins bracket: Sonic or Fiona? Vote now, and be sure to vote again later!

I guess I should stop talking about the Games page so that maybe I'll actually have a chance to work on it! Today I'm adding the soundtrack information for Sonic Unleashed (also known as Sonic World Adventure). I hope to add the cover for the liner notes later since my scanner is currently having some "issues." I'm not entirely sure what next week's update will be yet, so be sure to come again next week to find out--oh, and come again to find out who is the winner of the Mystic Ruins bracket!


Bunnie is the winner of the sixth match of the Green Hill bracket! Now it's time to see who is the champion of each bracket! Up first is the Station Square bracket: Shadow versus Blaze. Who will be the winner of the Station Square bracket? Don't forget that you can vote as many times as you want to for your favorite character!

I did a lot of reading over the weekend, so I'm able to post the newest fanfics by Space Ace and Moon Princess today. Head over to the FanFare section to check them out. I've also updated the links for Sonic comic summaries #39-45. I missed a link in #39 when I last updated the links, just in case you're wondering. I'm not sure if I'll be able to get the new Games page ready for next week. Come back and see if I get it done (or what I did in its place)!


Knuckles has beaten Mighty in the fifth match of the Green Hill bracket! Next is match six: Silver versus Bunnie. Vote today, and come back and vote some more!

The Sega Genesis system is turning 20! I wish I could say that in honor of this event, I am redesigning the Games section . . . but that's not the case. At least not yet. I've got almost half of the existing pages redone. Hopefully I can show the new (and hopefully improved) Games section soon. Anyway, for tonight's update, I'm adding a summary for a Sonic X episode. I'm excited that I snuck in enough time to get it done! (I had to come up with something since I couldn't finish the Games section in time.) For next week's update, I'm going to add two new fanfics, so come back soon!

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