Sonic Investigation
Case #1:  The Sonic Story

Question:  What started the whole thing with Sonic and Robotnik?

Jump to a Scenario:  Kintobor American version, Kintobor British version, Archie Comics, SatAM

Sonic, Kintober, and the R.O.C.C. Scenario #1a:  Dr. Kintobor (American version)

Perhaps the most interesting version of how Sonic started his battle against Robotnik concerns Dr. Kintobor.  The American version can be found in the form of an advertisement.  It appeared in the Disney Adventures November 1991 issue (volume 2, number 1).

After saving some of his friends that have been turned into badniks, Sonic is told that he must find Dr. Kintobor in order to stop Robotnik.  Sonic explains that Kintobor is Robotnik, and begins to tell a story.

One day a brown Sonic the Hedgehog dug himself into an underground laboratory, where he found a man named Dr. Kintobor.  Kintobor was working on a Retro-Orbital Chaos Compressor (R.O.C.C.).  The purpose was to capture all of the evil energy on Mobius in emeralds and then destroy the emeralds, ridding Mobius of evil.

Sonic and Kintobor became friends, and Kintobor let Sonic use his treadmill.  In order to show off, Sonic ran as fast as he could on the treadmill, which caused an explosion.  When the clouds cleared, Sonic discovered that he was blue.  Kintobor explained that the cobalt effect occurred when Sonic broke the speed barrier, and made him some shoes that would not burn when Sonic ran.

Later, Kintobor became hungry and asked Sonic for a hardboiled egg and a soda.  Sonic promptly completed this task, and Kintobor explained that he needed a gray emerald to neutralize evil.  Kintobor accidentally knocked over the soda, which spilled on the panel of the R.O.C.C. and electrocuted him.  When it was all over, Robotnik appeared.

Sonic ends his story by explaining that he is collecting the rings in hopes of putting the R.O.C.C. back together.  The story is continued with the Sega Genesis video game Sonic the Hedgehog.

Kintobor and Sonic Scenario #1b:  Dr. Kintobor (British version)

Another version of the story is found in the British book Sonic the Hedgehog:  Spin Attack (Ravette Books, 1994).  The individual story is called “The Origin of Sonic,” where Sonic uses the Omnipotent Omni-viewer to show his friends the truth of Robotnik.  (Note:  this story is also found in Sonic the Comic #8 dated 9/4/93.)

The brown Sonic the Hedgehog finds his way into Dr. Ovi Kintobor’s lab, and Kintobor explains that Sonic is looking at the ROCC (Retro-Orbital Chaos Compressor).  Kintobor wants to rid Mobius of evil, but the ROCC is unstable since he cannot find the seventh emerald.

Kintobor conducted experiments on Sonic’s speed, so he used a kinetic gyratoscope to help Sonic learn how to run faster.  When Sonic was testing out Kintobor’s new power sneakers, Sonic broke the sound barrier.  After the explosion, Sonic discovered that he was blue.

One day, when both Kintobor and Sonic were hungry, they discovered that the only thing left in the refrigerator was a rotten egg.  Kintobor said that the egg has been in there for about six months, and with a little salt it would be fine.  As Kintobor walked, he tripped over a cord and hit the panel of the ROCC.  When the smoke cleared, Dr. Ivo Robotnik appeared due to the evil from the emeralds and the rotten egg.

Scenario #2:  Sonic and Robotnik grew up together (Archie Comics)

When Sonic the Hedgehog was first published, some of the stories revolved around the thought that Sonic and Robotnik actually grew up together.  One story, called “Sonic Flashback! -or- What if Sonic and Robotnik were Kids Together . . .” presents a situation where Sonic and Robotnik grew up together.  It even explains that Sonic’s Uncle Chuck created the power rings.  The story was later described as a "nightmare."

Later issues of Sonic the Hedgehog adapted Scenario #3 – the SatAM version of the Sonic story.

Scenario #3:  Robotnik took over while Sonic was a kid (SatAM)

The Sonic the Hedgehog Saturday morning cartoon show (SatAM) explained a different version of the Sonic story.  Combined with time travel, this story is detailed in “Blast to Past” parts one and two.  Just like Scenario #2, there are no accidents with Sonic’s speed causing him to turn blue or the good Kintobor changing into the evil Robotnik.

To summarize the story, Robotnik planned a coup from within King Acorn’s kingdom.  At this time, Sonic and his friends were only five years old.  On the fateful day, Robotnik’s robots stormed Mobotropolis and Robotnik gained power.  Sonic and his friends escaped by running to Knothole.

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