Sonic the Fighters

Background: Sonic the Fighters is a rare arcade game in the sense that it was available in Japan and only in a select few locations in the United States. In the United States and Europe, the game was known as "Sonic Championship." There were plans for a Sega Saturn release of the game in the U.S., but the life of the Saturn was shorter than expected and these plans were dropped. The game was eventually released on the GameCube as part of Sonic Gems Collection.

Story: Robotnik has a new Death Egg in outer space, and Sonic and Tails learn of its creation. Tails has a rocket called the Lunar Fox that can send only one person into outer space, and the rocket needs eight Chaos Emeralds to power it. A tournament will decide who will take the emeralds into outer space to face Robotnik.

Levels: The levels and opponents are as follows:
South Island - Knuckles
Flying Carpet - Amy
Aurora Icefield - Bark
Mushroom Hill - Espio
Canyon Cruise - Tails
Casino Night - Fang
Dynamite Plant - Bean
Giant Wing - Sonic
Death Egg's Eye - Metal Sonic
Death Egg's Hangar - Robotnik

Chaos Emeralds: There are eight Chaos Emeralds in the game, which are obtained by defeating opponents in the first eight matches. Sonic can transform into Super Sonic, but he must not lose a single round up until the second match against Metal Sonic (at which time he can transform).

Miscellaneous: Two new playable characters are introduced in Sonic the Fighters: Bark the Polar Bear and Bean the Dynamite. Although it's obvious what animal Bark is, Bean is a duck. He has explosives with him, hence the addition of the word "dynamite."

When the character comes to the level where he/she is the opponent, Robotnik creates a duplicate of the character. For example, Fang plays against a black and white colored Fang in the Casino Night match.

There was a soundtrack released, copyright 1996. It contains all of the songs available on the game, plus a couple of "bonus" tracks.

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