I know that most people do not find pleasure in reading this page on a web site, but I would appreciate it if you would take the time and consider doing it. I have provided info, in the following, that deals with copyrights, rules for my site, and also answers questions that you may have about taking stuff from my site. I have also included information you might want to know, just to save yourself and me trouble later on. If you don�t see the answer to a question you may have, then you might want to consult my FAQ section.

I do not own anything having to do with the Matrix and/or the Twins. All names, characters, images, and anything else pertaining to the Matrix and/or the Twins are all copyrighted by their rightful owners.
�2003 Warner Bros.
I do not mean to or intended to infringe on any copyrights in anyway. This is purely a fan made site and I am in no way connected with the Rayment twins or any other actors/actresses from the Matrix. So please do not email me thinking I can contact them for you because I can�t. I am not, in any way, connected with Warner Brothers either.  I am just like you, a simple fan and admirer.

The Twin background, home button, logo and section banners, the little Twins dingbat under the site logo, the welcome button, and any and all other buttons and graphics that make up Dread Rock were all created, designed, and made special for this site only! I spent a lot of time making and designing them for my site so that my site would be unique. Please respect that and do not take and use them on your site!
All graphics were made using such programs as Paint Shop Pro 5 and Photo Plus 4.
�2003-2005 Cky Fett

All photos (screen caps) in my Gallery section are exclusive to this site and may not be taken off and used in screen cap collections on other fan sites without my permission. I took them myself for use on my site and thus they belong to Dread Rock. If you are highly capable of taking screen caps yourself then you should take your own unique screen shots and not steal someone else�s that they took them self. That�s called �being lazy� you know.

All fan art pictured on this site may not be taken and used on other sites without permission too. Please do not take my personal fan art without asking me first! If you like my art well enough to display in your own fan art section, please ask me if you can take and display it. Same goes for my fanfics. As for other fans� art and stories, you will have to ask their permission.

This is a family friendly site and therefore no offensive content and/or language is allowed on here, whether if it be in fanfics, fan art, or anything else that�s submitted. This site is also a 'slash free' web site!
Anything submitted to this site should not contain bad language, drinking, drugs, sexual, immoral, vulgar, nude, or other offensive or �adult only� related themes or content. If they do, they will not be displayed on here or allowed on here. I work hard to give and provide fans with clean and enjoyable content without all the garbage so that they can have fun (no matter what age they may be) without worrying about coming upon something horrid. So all I ask is for you to respect that.
As with any site, I do not have control over the advertisements/pop ups that may appear on my site, in my guestbook, or anywhere else where ads may appear at. I just want my visitors to know that some ads that do appear on here may not necessarily agree with my values.

All entries to my guestbook I watch carefully to make sure no offensive stuff gets in it, so this site will stay friendly for any age to view and enjoy. However, I may miss a bad entry sometime.
If by any chance you (the visitor) happen to find the content in one of the entries in my guestbook to be offensive or that you consider offensive in any way, an entry I might have missed, please contact me about it as soon as you see it and I will take it down.
Any entries that contain content bashing someone or one of the Matrix characters I consider bad as well.

If you have any problems with viewing anything on this site (graphics, photos, links, etc.), be sure to refresh the page by using your 'refresh' button, located on your Internet browser. If the problem still occurs after refreshing the page, please contact me about it and I will look into it as soon as I can. Report any 'dead links' to me as well and I will correct them whenever I can.

I try my best to watch that I don't display graphics and content that I find on the Internet unless I asked permission to use it or unless the site I got it from told its visitors to use it freely. Anything I do use I make sure I give credit where needed. However, if you happen to see anything on my site, now or in the future, that may belong to you and I am not aware of it, email me and I will gladly give you credit for it or take it down. Just make sure that it is in fact yours before you email me about it. Do not email me asking me to take something down or give you credit for something that wasn't yours to begin with. This does not go for screen caps or photos scanned from magazines because anyone has the right to take screen caps or scan magazine photos that may turn out to be identical! So if you see a screen cap that I took personally that may happen to look like yours, do not come to me complaining about it.

All photos shown in my Collectibles section are for show and information purpose ONLY! I do not sell the items listed. My own personal collection is not for sale or trade. If you need help in finding a Twins collectible, please consult my FAQ section for help or email me if you can�t find the information you�re looking for. I have also linked some of the main sites that carry Matrix collectibles, at the bottom of the Collectibles page.
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