The wonderful world of newspapers!
It's not easy to tell exactly what it is with broadsheet newspaper that turns me on but for me is it a combination of a lot of things;

* The most important is the newspaper's logo. It's the thing that catch the eyes first.

* Here in Sweden is there a tradion of big images on the frontpage. And I have always loved
frontpages and newspapers that have large images.

* It doesn't matter how good looking the logo is or how big the image on the front page is; is the rest of the paper isn't good looking it doesn't attract me. One should be able to go to a random page and find  it's attractive aesteticly. Good fonts, images, textediting and so on.

* The format itself; There's something special with broadsheet. It's great, attractive and sexy. I feel the opposite about tabloids. I hate that format, both in practical beacuse you have to turn page very often and it doesn't arouse me. It's to small.

* The things that surround a newspaper; the wondeful feeling of leting the fingers touch the newspaper and feel the paper it's printed on. I love hearing the sound of someone "struggling" with the paper so it makes those wonderful sounds that I love. The smell of it is also something  that I associate with attraction to newspaper

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