Privacy Policy

TCS Express is committed to preserving the privacy of users of our web sites. Any information about you that we collect is used purely to improve the services we offer to you, and to make our web site's content and services easier to use and more appropriate to you. We may use this information, with your permission, to contact you with information about updates to our web site or other marketing information. TCS Express has never shared any information obtained on or from its web sites with any other organization, and will not do so in future, unless required by law. Nor will we sell information obtained on this site to any party or parties external to TCS Express and its sister concerns.

Information obtained from users may also be used for TCS Express's marketing purposes. TCS Express provides a right of access and rectification of personal data under the applicable legislation.


TCS Express reserves the right to change its privacy policy at any time with or without prior notice. Please check back frequently to be informed of any changes. By using TCS Express.com you agree to this Privacy Policy.