Sidra Ramzan

My name is Sidra Ramzan
My Email id is [email protected]
My instructor name is Altaf Khan and his website address is

My Aim

My name is Sidra Ramzan.I'm student of BSCS froms Virtual University of Pakistan.I choose VU because it contains ideal reasons for me.I want to generate unlimited and uge amount of money in some next years. I don't need money for myself but i want to help and serve my nation through it , as my nation has lack of money and shortage of basics. Not only i want to help my Pakistan but also other poorest countries of the world. Allah will surely ask about my mentally and physically skills in the day of Judgment so in this life short life i'm preparing myself and doing hardwork to answer these questions wheather i use my skills for the betterment of this world or not. I hope In Sha Allah in the next ten years i will achieve my aim.