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From: Bala N. Aiyer <[email protected]>
Jan 7, 2005
Subject: About Conversions

I am forwarding a letter I received recently. I am sure you are aware
of hundreds of incidents like this, but here, as I say, are two

1. A missionary catching a person and her family for just 500 rupees
and one meal.

2. Our failure in not educating the public and creating awareness.
Here, while we should help renovate the hundreds of village temples
and make them independent of a secular government hold, also should
establish schools in each of these Temples to teach Hindu Dharma and
also to avoid discrimination in the name of Jaathis.

Bala N. Aiyer
For Study of Hindu Religion



I know personally of one case at least which is repeated wholesale in
India. My daughter's maid servant in Chennai who was known as
Parameswari all her 19 years suddenly one day told my daughter that
she will henceforth be known as Marie. Asked how, she said the local
church has paid each member of her family Rs.500/-, a set of 'pavada
dhavani', and ration for one week to each member of her extended
family. Further asked whether she understood what converting to
Christianity meant she was
ignorant of any principles but said that the 'father' (Padri) has
asked them to remove the bindi, not to keep any Hindu God's pictures
or go to any temple. To her that was Christianity. Most of all she
said being poor if some one was paying for this, why not?

She may even convert to Confucianism if some one was willing to pay!
Hence as Chitra said it was the power of the $ which flows uninhibited
to India and the missionaries eagerly reap many many souls. I have
heard so many cases where after conversion the church ignores the neo
convert and he or she continues to live in the same old poverty as
before. If they are dalits they have separate service and separate
grave yard too. That is the Indian scene which all of us protest and

K R Nath


It is not only in India that the unscrupulous, cunning 'padris'
misrepresent facts and try to entice gullible Hindus to their fold.
Even in the U.S.A. they are not lagging behind. Here is a flyer
captioned "KARMA" vs. "KRUPA", distributed in Irvine, CA, which twists
the Karma-vada, the doctrine of Karma, and at the same breath
glorifies the so-called Grace of Jesus Christ, and exhorts: "There is
no need for a sinner to perish by his Karma. Jesus Christ is salvation
to you in the present. He forgives the sins of your past and He will
bring you to glory in future. Come to Christ who is the refuge from
Karma. Escape from the judgment to come and enter into eternal life.
Will you do that?  May the Lord help you to make such a decision."

A few excerpts at the very outset:

"Karma is the effect of a disobedient act which the first parents
committed. The law of Karma ruled over humanity until a new Man came
two thousand years ago. This man is the first species of the new human
race. He is God who became man. He is Jesus Christ, the Son of God. In
Him a new law came into effect. This is the law of grace (Krupa).
Karma says: 'You are a sinner by birth'. Sin demands your death. But
Krupa says, 'Here is Jesus Christ. He paid to the last pie the debt
you owe to Karma. Jesus nailed your Karma to the Cross. Through the
first man the law of Karma ruled in your heart. But through Krupa
(grace) the fetters of Karma are broken'.

"The law of Karma judges you. The law, before the advent of Christ,
was such a dread to mankind.  Karma demanded good works. But nobody
could do good works polluted by a sinful heart. Grace, through Jesus
Christ makes you a Karma-muktha (the soul released from Karma).

"What happens to man after his death should not be the point of
discussion, because we cannot arrive at a definite truth about a thing
not revealed to us. Dear friend, the will of God is that you should be
saved right now. Moksha is not something people look for as a state
after death.  It is a practical reality to be enjoyed while you live
on the earth. Karma is merciless in its judgment.  Eye for eye and
tooth for tooth is its principle. Karma theory is not the solution to
the issue of life; only Grace is that. God sent his only begotten Son
to bear the Karma of all mankind. The Karma of all men is forgiven in
Christ. 'You sin is bloody red', says God, 'but I will make it white
in the shed blood of Jesus Christ'.

"In Christ is the revelation. The mystery of Karma which was hidden
for ages is now revealed in Christ. Karma demanded vicarious suffering
of Christ. 'Come unto me', says Christ to all those who are
heavy-laden by karma.  Christ will give us rest.

"Dear Friend, your Karma has been stamped on Christ. The Cross is the
answer to the problem of Karma. Because of your Karma, Christ, the
spiritual law, has made a new act on mount Calvary. Look at the
wounded hands and feet of Jesus Christ. Your look of faith heals you.
He has borne your death, the wages of your Karma and He is ready to
give you eternal life.  Don't you want to take what He is offering

"Karma is unchangeable.  But the new law is, 'There is therefore now
no condemnation to those who are in Christ'. There is no need for a
sinner to perish by his Karma.  Jesus Christ is salvation to you in
the present. He forgives the sins of your past and He will bring you
to glory in future. Come to Christ who is the refuge from Karma.
Escape from the judgment to come and enter into eternal life. Will you
do that?  May the Lord help you to make such a decision."

A friend who gave me this flyer writes:

"The little flyer 'KARMA VERSUS KRUPA' [contents of which are fully
reproduced below] was picked during the Indian Independence Day
celebration in LA area, at the booth set up by (obviously a Malayali
Christian from Kerala):

Albert and Maya Thomas.
Prarthana Center
P O Box 3922
Torrance, CA 90510-3922,
Phone 310-518-9714.
Web site: <>
E-mail: <[email protected]>

At the end of the flyer is also another address:
Naya Jeevan Project
P.O.Box 50415
Irvine, CA 92619-0415

"They had a huge stage for prayer and they were inviting everyone to
pry. I saw lot of young and old Indians gathered in their booth. Their
message is loud and clear: Do not follow Vedanta /Hinduism, follow our
Jesus, the ONLY Savior of your souls.

"I feel that we need to make counter flyer simplifying the teachings
of Vedanta/Hinduism for our young generation in the U.S. They are
looking for simple practices such as prayer for everyday or once a
week at least. The 'abstract' does not work for common people.

"Our temples need to have 1/2 hour lead and follow the usual ritual
(along with a 15 to 20 minutes lecture). Then we can attract younger
generation. Please think about some message. Currently I am preparing
my students for speeches on the life and message of Swami Vivekananda.
There is a youth day organized on Jan 15th for all Vivekanada Balvihar
students at Irvine, CA."




Albert and Maya Thomas.
Prarthana Center
P O Box 3922
Torrance, CA 90510-3922,
Phone 310-518-9714.
Web site: <>
E-mail: <[email protected]>

Karma is the most popular principle of life accepted by all Hindus in
India.  It is the doctrine of cause and effect.  A Karmavaadi (one who
believes in Karma) once said to a beggar, "I can predict your future
and tell you of your past on the basis of your present.  You are a
beggar because you were a beggar in your previous birth. You will be a
beggar in your future birth because you are a beggar now".  This is
the way Karma frequently depicts the lot of man.

Karma shows to man a black picture of life. Karma is the result of his
previous deeds. It is the effect. Karma, if understood right, is a law
operating in life. "As you sow, so you reap" is a practical theory.
Vedanta says that Karmaphala (The fruit of Karma) is inevitable. You
just cannot escape from it. It is universal law before which all
mankind should bow down.

You see, the confusion arises with the word Karma, so freely used in
India. To some, it is fatalism. You cannot improve your lot. To
others, attributing everything to Karma, it is a complacent way of

I want you, my friend, to reason this out and come to a decision.
Karma is a law of life.  It originated with the first man. The first
man sinned by disobeying God. Into the ocean of humanity a stone was
thrown, and ripples spread from the center to all the shores.  The
paapakarma (Sin by thought, word and deed) of your first parents has
come down to you as a heritage. Karma is, therefore, the effect of a
disobedient act which the first parents committed. The law of Karma
ruled over humanity until a new Man came two thousand years ago. This
man is the first species of the new human race.  He is God who became
man. He is Jesus Christ, the Son of God. In Him a new law came into
effect. This is the law of grace (Krupa). Karma says: "You are a
sinner by birth".  Sin demands your death.  This is a God-made law.
But Krupa says, "Here is Jesus Christ.  He paid to the last pie the
debt you owe to Karma. Jesus nailed your karma to the Cross. Through
the first man the law of Karma ruled in your heart. But through Krupa
(grace) the fetters of Karma are broken".

What do you mean when you say God is a consuming fire? The law of
Karma judges you. The law, before the advent of Christ, was such a
dread to mankind.  Karma demanded good works. But nobody could do god
works polluted by a sinful heart. Grace, through Jesus Christ makes
you a Karma-muktha (the soul released from Karma).

Please observe the conflict between Karma and Krupa.  Karma is the
wisdom of our land. It is the cultured philosophical thinking of
India. Karma is spoken of in gossips and group discussions. People
cultivate Karma-centered thinking from their early childhood. Karma is
understood to be a doctrine of works. If you want to progress, keep on
doing good works. Samsara (the cycle of life) is living according to
Karma law.  The cyclic movement of creation is also called Karma.
People die and are born and there is repetition of the same thing:
routine and rut. Karma did not give any meaning to life as such. It
only tells people to live and be carried along with the current.  But
there is a little bit of hope implied in this philosophy. Work out for
yourself merit so that the debt of Karma will be gradually diminished.
Then there is some speculation built upon it.  Upanishads (expository
treatises on Vedas) say that man's incessant spiritual industry may
melt the mountains of a series of Karma acquired in your previous
births.  Karma is the answer to Lokapravrithi (the way of the world).
But alas, nobody has the assurance to that effect.

The Vedantists tried to simplify the problems of cause and effect
through the Karma-vada (the doctrine of Karma).
Let me quote here the four ways Vedanta suggests for redemption from Karma:

1. Because of one's unspirituality, man may degenerate into an animal
in his next birth.

2. A spiritual man, after his death, will go to Chandraloka (the lunar
world) and when his earned merit is used up he will be born as a man
on the earth.

3. A man who has acquired extraordinary and abnormal spirituality will
attain Brahmaloka (the supreme world) and he will then become a
citizen of heaven in eternity.

4. Some people while they are on the earth become Karmamukthas (the
soul released from Karma). They live in heaven even while on earth.
They are Jivanmukthas (one who is released in this very life).

Dear friend, the will of God is that you should be saved right now.
Moksha is not something people look for as a state after death.  It is
a practical reality to be enjoyed while you live on the earth.  Karma
is merciless in its judgment.  Eye for eye and tooth for tooth is its
principle.  Karma theory is not the solution to the issue of life;
only Grace is that.  God is the Father of spirits. God sent his only
begotten Son to bear the Karma of all mankind.  The Karma of all men
is forgiven in Christ. "You sin is bloody red, says God, "but I will
make it white in the shed blood of Jesus Christ".

What happens to man after his death should not be the point of
discussion, because we cannot arrive at a definite truth about a thing
not revealed to us. A blind man cannot hunt for a black cat in a dark
room. In Christ is the revelation. The mystery of Karma which was
hidden for ages is now revealed in Christ. Karma demanded vicarious
suffering of Christ. "Come unto me", says Christ to all those who are
heavy-laden by karma.  Christ will give us rest.

Dear Friend, your Karma has been stamped on Christ.  The Cross is the
answer to the problem of Karma.  Because of your Karma, Christ, the
spiritual law, has made a new act on mount Calvary.  Look at the
wounded hands and feet of Jesus Christ. Your look of faith heals you.
He has borne your death, the wages of your Karma and He is ready to
give you eternal life.  Don't you want to take what He is offering

Karma is unchangeable.  But the new law is, "There is therefore now no
condemnation to those who are in Christ". There is no need for a
sinner to perish by his Karma.  Jesus Christ is salvation to you in
the present. He forgives the sins of your past and He will bring you
to glory in future.  Come to Christ who is the refuge from Karma.
Escape from the judgment to come and enter into eternal life.  Will
you do that?  May the Lord help you to make such a decision.



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