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Hindu-Xian Discussion-6
by Suresh Vyas



We wish merry Christmas …


God has come (incarnates) on this earth and other planets many times, and will keep coming. He (Krishna) says why as follows:


Whenever and wherever there is a decline in religious practice, O descendant of Bharata, and a predominant rise of irreligion--at that time I descend Myself. In order to deliver the pious and to annihilate the miscreants, as well as to reestablish the principles of religion, I advent Myself millennium after millennium. -Gita 4-7, 4-8


The world needs to appreciate that the Vedic dharma tells humans to not shake (loosen) other's faith, whatever it is. Only in friendly and rational debase the Hindus support the Vedic or challenge other's faith.


However, when on earth, His body is always spiritual, but appears to the humans as like any other human. His acts however are superhuman or miraculous to the extent needed to serve His purpose of incarnation (avatar).


The Vedic people have no problem of Mary being virgin. Srimad Bhagavatam describes a number of ways how at some times children were produced without sex. Brahma had produced children out of his mind. Kunti was made pregnant by the Sungod without engaging in sex. A great king died without a son, and the rishis produced his son by rubbing/shaking his thigh. Etc.


A few days ago I was flipping TV channels and stopped at a movie about Jesus. In a gathering he says, "eat my blood and flesh." To a Vedic person, eating other human is sin, and eating or injuring a godly person is a very big sin. A godly person can benefit humans more by being alive than dead. Not killing any animals or humans for food is always beneficial for spiritual advancement. Additionally, in the vast Vedic literature, there is no example of anyone (an avatar or a godly person) telling others like that (eat me). God already has given plenty of foods to eat to mankind (except in deserts.) A serious Vedic person (except kshatriyas class) would prefer to die of hunger than eat flesh or blood of any animal or man. On can also argue, if eating Jesus is okay, then eating any human being should also be okay. However, Jesus also says, "Thou shall not kill." So, killing or eating Jesus does not suit to the Vedic people.





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Christmas is a special holiday for Christians around the world as we celebrate the birth of Jesus.  It is unfortunate that it has become such a commercial extravaganza but the business enterprise always looks for ways to advance their financial endeavors.  However my focus is on Jesus Christ and I simply want to share some key elements that are related to his birth.


Since Christians are by definition believers in and followers of Christ, our understanding of Christ is central and determinative of the very character of the Christian faith.  Our faith rests on Jesus actually being God in human flesh, and not simply an extraordinary human being. 


The Bible indicates in John 1:1,14, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God...and the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth."  Jesus Christ came into the world in human flesh.  By coming into the world as a man, He voluntarily set aside the independent use of His divine attributes and took on the form of a man.  He was fully human, a man in every way, except He was without sin.  This teaching is referred to as the "incarnation."


The word "incarnation" means "in-flesh-ment".  When we speak of the incarnation of the Son of God, Christ Jesus, we mean God in the flesh - God manifest in the flesh.  At His birth, Jesus was fully God and fully man.  He was born of a woman, the Virgin Mary and he grew in stature and wisdom as a normal boy.  He had human emotions, thirst and hunger and had a body like any other human person.  His mother Mary's pregnancy was like any other pregnancy, with the important exception that she was a virgin when Jesus was born.



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Jai Sri Krishna.


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