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Affidavit of Quitting Islam
(This is major part of suddhikaraNa vidhi. Modify it as necessary, and translate in the language that is the mother tongue of the signing party. Please share it with those organizations and persons who could use it. Thanks.)


I, (full name)____________________________________________________________,

residing at (full address) ____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________, make this affidavit and declaration to the world, with free will, sober mind and without any  pressure from any one, to day (date)_____________________,

at location _____________________________________________________________

in the presence of (check all that apply):

            |_|         a gathering in a Vedic temple

            |_|         a Vedic guru (spiritual master), or a poojari

            |_|         a public or private meeting of respectable Vedic people

            |_|         a judge in the court of law

            |_|         an attorney

            |_|         (other) _____________________________________________


that I renounce my Islam religion and culture from today. The reasons for quitting Islam are:

  1. My ancestors were Hindus who were forcefully converted to Islam. As there is now no force in free and democratic India for anyone to hold on to a particular religion, I feel there is no reason for me to hold on to my current Islamic faith.


  1. India is a land of the Vedic dharma and culture since many millenniums. Islam  has invaded here with force and brutality.  My Hindu ancestors loved this land, its dharma and culture which were taken away from them by forcefully converting them under threat of death, and worse.  I am born in this land and now want to return to my original ancestral Vedic religion and culture which my ancestors were denied.


  1. Whilst a Hindu is free to quit Hindu dharma any time, the punishment for quitting Islam is death per Koran. I do not agree with such Koranic messages. While Gita (Hindu dharma) gives a lot of freedom of thought and action, Islam (Koran) does not give any such freedom.  I now want my original ancestral rights back, that of being free, and a Hindu again.) 


From now on I and my immediate family


  1. will not visit any mosque, madressa, mullah, imam, or any Islam religion authority like the Muslims do.


  1. will not visit to any Islamic pilgrimage place for religious purpose.
  2. will not read Koran or Hadith as a faithful Muslims, and will not go to listen the recitation of Koran.


  1. will not celebrate any Muslim holidays.


  1. will not participate in celebration of any Muslim holiday.


  1. will not circumcise my children unless necessary for any health purpose.


  1. will not behave like a Muslim in the social events like birth, death, marriage, divorce, etc.


  1. will uphold and respect the common law of the Vedic land, and will not ask for any separate law as the Muslims ask for Shari’a.


  1. will give up dressing like a Muslim.


  1. will give up typical Muslim manners.


  1. may not follow any religion, but if we do, we will choose a dharma (Hindu, Sikh, Jain, Bhakta, or Buddha dharma, etc.) that is grown on this Vedic land.


  1. will respect Vedic gurus, sadhus and scriptures like the Vedas, Upanishads, eighteen Puranas, six Darshan Shastras, many Smritis, Ramayan, Mahabharat, Gita, Tirukural, etc. . We understand that Gita is the Book of Hindu dharma, and Hindu dharma is universal.


  1. will respect the Vedic pilgrimage places, rivers like Ganga, Yamuna etc, mountains like Himalaya, Kailash, etc, temples like Jagannath, Dwarika, etc.


  1. will not kill or eat cows because cows are considered very sacred in the Vedic culture.


I believe that this act of my quitting Islam will bring peace to my Hindu ancestors and cause peace in Hindustan (Bharat).


Signed _______________________________________________ Date ____________

PRINT NAME_________________________________________________________


Signatures of Witnesses:


Signed _______________________________________________ Date ____________

PRINT NAME_________________________________________________________

ADDRESS ____________________________________________________________


Signed _______________________________________________ Date ____________

PRINT NAME_________________________________________________________

ADDRESS ____________________________________________________________


Signed _______________________________________________ Date ____________

PRINT NAME_________________________________________________________

ADDRESS ____________________________________________________________



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