by Jerry Organ

There may be an assassination film that captured at close range the shot impacts and Grassy Knoll at the crucial moment. But few, if any, have ever seen it. Various images show a woman standing just off the curb seeming to film the limousine under fire as it goes down Elm. What appears to be a large camera bag hangs from a strap over her buff-colored raincoat. Because of the bright triangular head scarf she wears, she's known as the "Babushka Lady."

Babushka Lady appears to be filming as the limousine approaches. Possibly her camera may have captured a portion of the Depository building in the background. Jack Harrison, a Kodak technican, claimed to have developed on Nov. 22nd an out-of-focus color slide for a brunette (mid to late 30s) that showed a similar view.

Both of Babushka Lady's arms are elevated, as if holding a camera--a dark object is in front of her face. A still camera would require her to lower the camera to advance the film. Charles Brehm and his son are in front. Gary Mack believes that the raising of her right hand signifies she was using a still camera.

As Her Hindness pans left, wind seems to be bellowing the lower part of her coat. Height of left hand seems more appropriate for a movie than a still camera. Lady in red is Jean Hill, standing to right of Mary Moorman.

Camera at chest-level, the Babushka Lady remains standing as both couples (Brehms, and Jean Hill and Mary Moorman) near her go low to the ground.

Babushka Lady's scarf makes her stand out among crowd rushing up the Grassy Knoll, behind Jean Hill.

Returning to the bottom of the steps, the camera-shy lady looks over the crowd. She apparently took no movies from here on. One facial sighting (lower left) is likely not her. On the right, I have sharpened and colorized her form.

A last tantilizing glimpse of Her Hindness as she heads up Elm and into obscurity.

Just who just the Babushka Lady? What happened to the images she captured on film? Was there a mechanical failure or human error, such as leaving the lens cap on?

In 1970, a former Dallas nightclub singer named Beverly Oliver came forward, claiming she had filmed from a location similar to that of the Babushka Lady. The argument has raged ever since that she's the missing lenslady. Does Her Hindness look like a 17 year-old blonde? It's possible, I suppose, that Bev had a hard night and was prone to fluid retention in the morning.

Here are some great pages analysing the Oliver claim:

John McAdams Site: Babushka Babe?
Dave Reitzes' JFK 100: Beverly Oliver

Connally's Seating

Zapruder Oddities
Limousine Drawing Modified

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(c) Copyright 2004 Jerry Organ. All rights reserved.

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