Chapter 2

~ Cross - Continental Railway ~


After arriving in Railhead Synbios soon discovers that General Produn, is not there to meet them. Unsure what to do now, Synbios's team have some thinking to do. After a small talk scene, Synbios can look around Railhead. Around the town of Railhead you can find the following items, also remember to pay a visit to the shops to upgrade your equipment. The following items can be found around the town of Railhead.

Item Where Found
20 Gold Coins Inside a Cupboard in one of the houses
Large Mithril Found in a chest in a house at Railhead
Blue Road Map Found in a chest in a house at Railhead
Quick Chicken Found in the bar at Railhead

Once you have had a look around the town head in to the station. Note, once you have looked around the station and try to leave, a cut scene will appear with the Imperial border guards. It's looks like Synbios will not be able to get on the train this way and you cannot return to the station, so remember to pick up these items when in there.

Item Where Found
Happy Cookie Found in a chest inside the station. This Item must be collected before the border guards come to the station.
Healing Drop Found in a plant at the station, in the room with the 3 priest. This item must be collected before the border guards come to the station.

With the station now being guarded there is no way you can get to ride a train or is there? Return to HQ and see what Benetram has to say. After another cut scene Benetram will decide that the best way to board the train is too, hide in the cargo. So that is where are party heads off too, the old man watching the trains has now moved so you can now go to the cargo hold. Before you enter the hold remember to check a box, in between the two train tracks, for a nice suprise.

Item Where Found
Large Mithril Found in a box in between the 2 sections of train tracks.

However as soon as Synbios's party enters the cargo hold they discover that there not the only one's there. It appears that some of the local bandits have taken an interest in seeing what's inside the cargo.

Scenario 1, Battle 6: Hidden Cargo
1. Synbios, use the terrain to gain an advantage over the gang of bandits make sure you rescue the girl.
2. Synbios, if the opponent has a hatchet, a sword is useful. Attack your opponent's weakness.
Note: Advice 1 changes to advice 2 if Irene is rescued or killed.
Battle Notes:
1. In order to finish this battle you must kill all the enemies, bar the Birdman at the top of the boxes, who decides to run off to tell his boss.
2. The fastest way to get to Irene is to enter the boxes.

If you spoke to Irene during the battle or she is alive when you win, she will join your party. With the cargo hold now a complete mess, Synbios's party can no longer hide in it. Benetram decides that their only option is to leave Railhead and hope that they can catch a train to Aspia, further down the line. With that you can now leave Railhead, but just as you leave that stranger from the bar asks to come with you, his name is Julian, and he is the little boy in Shining the Holy Ark, my how, he has grown since STHA. Julian is going to appear in all 3 scenario, and you'll be glad to know he is an excellent swordsman. Julian agrees to show Synbios's party where the train switching point is, however before you get a chance to search for it. Some bandits and Imperial troops turn up, Synbios's party has only one choice.

Scenario 1, Battle 7: To Catch a Train
Don't get confused by their formation Synbios, watch those flyers and try to anticipate their moves.
Tomb: Blue Ruins

No sooner have Synbios's party finished off the imperials, do they carry on their journey to the switching point. However when they arrive at the switch point they run into trouble. It appears that a group of refugees, has also had the same idea, as are heroes, only they are trying to leave the Empire and move to the Republic. However they are being chased down by the imperial border guards, out to kill them.

Things don't look too good, then out of no where General Varlant turns up, good news for Synbios? No unfortunately not, it soon becomes clear that Varlant has gone mad and is now out to kill everyone. Enter Medion's team, Synbios and Medion quickly decide to work together Medion's team deals with mad General Varlant, while Synbios and his party saves the refugees. This next battle is rather hard and it's even harder to save all the Refugees, you have been warned. If you want to see Medion side of this battle you'll need to play scenario 2. One last point, which questions you answer yes or no to, will change what Medion and Synbios say to other each in scenario 2.

Scenario 1, Battle 8: A Switch and a Hard Place
Synbios, Prince Medion is taking care of the Varlant army. We must crush the Border Guard.
Battle Notes:
1. You can't finish a turn on the railway track.
2. Only Dantares can reach the switch in time to press it, if you fail to touch it you cannot rescue all the refugees.
3. For each refugee you save your party gets 10 exp, 50 if all 5 are saved. Also I believe Julian is given a Justice sword in scenario 3 by one of the refugees in this battle. I'm not sure how many of the refugees you have to save to get it and if it is them, who give Julian the sword.
4. The trains can be both and advantage and a disadvantage it, just depends on how you play it.
5. You control all the refugees.

With the battle at an end, Synbios and Medion discuss the events in Saraband and the kidnapping of the Emperor by the Bulzome monks. After that the parties head their different ways, Cybel the knight turns up as Medion leave sadden by the death of General Varlant, but Dantares offers some words of advice and she joins your team. After that Synbios's team boards the train to Storich.

The Train

After a shortcut scene in which, are heroes decide to let a little bit of fresh air in to the train, you are now free to walk around the train. Around the train you can find a few items, most of the people on the train are in the carriage behind yours, where as in the 2 carriages in front of yours, the first one is full of chickens then the next one has a priest in it.

Item Where Found
Chicken Feed Found in barrel at top of priest carriage on train
Armor Milk Found in a chest on train

If you want to get Penn to join your team then you must do the following on the train, when you have the chicken feed go to the cart full of chickens, one of the chickens will follow you around once you have given it the feed. Once you have found that chicken return too HQ on the train. You're now one third of the way done to getting Penn. When your finished looking around the train return to the HQ cart and return to your starting point and say yes you would like to take a break. Sadly are heroes will not be resting for long, enter the next battle.

Scenario 1, Battle 9: Shiraf's Surprise
Synbios, the train is quite cramped. One mistake can cost you the battle. Study the enemy carefully.
Battle Notes:
1. There is no boss for this battle so you must kill all the enemies to finish the battle.

The battle is over but the party has only just begun, it appears that the train has been taken over by the bandits, on top of that Zero and Eldar have just arrived. As friends of lord Synbios, they are very willing to lend a hand, and Eldar joins your party, while Zero heads off too help the passengers in the other carriage. Eldar also breaks the news that the bridge is out and that the train is on a one way trip to the bottom of the river. Synbios's team also comes face to face with the head of the bandits Shiraf, time to ask him some questions. However Shiraf is more interested in the bounty on Benetram head and the defeat of Synbios, cue the final battle of chapter 2.

Scenario 1, Battle 10: The Bandit King
Use the height difference between the cars to your advantage, Synbios, and seal off these bandits.

After a long cut scene Synbios and his party, stop the train a few 100 yards from the broken bridge. With Shiraf refusal to talk, they are still no nearer to finding out who wanted the peace conference to fail. With the bridge out, Synbios and his team have no choice but to walk the rest of the way to Aspia, and so they set off on foot, to the village of Quonus.

Resume of Chapter 2

The Synbios battalion arrived in Railhead to merge with Produn's army which was supposed to be waiting there. Instead, they were greeted by a Border Guard unit placed there by Prince Arrawnt to protect the train station. To avoid fighting the Border Guards, Synbios and his crew left. They ran into Prince Medion at a rail switch point. By working together, the two nobles managed to save a band of refugees whose lives were in danger. Synbios and his party then boarded a train, and ruined a gang of bandits bid to take over the train and its cargo. But with the destruction of the rail tracks, they were forced to disembark. Now they head north to Quonus Village....

Chapter 2
~ Cross - Continental Railway ~
The End

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