Premium Disc Battles Part 1

The Final Hero's Test

WARNING: You cannot play the Premium Disc's Battles if you don't have a save file from a previous Shining Force 3 Scenario and it is recommend that you use a finished Scenario 3 saved game.
I have spit this guide into 2 parts as a single page to all 9 battles would be very large and also for spoiler reasons as the first 5 battles are all to do with Shining Force 3 enemies.

Congratulation you have either just finished Shining Force 3 Scenario 3 or you are about to died a very quick death, as these battles are very hard and I mean very hard. I recommend you use Level 3 promotion character at level 25+ and in total they should have gone up about 60+ levels from the start of scenario 1. I would like to believe you could do it with scenario 1 or 2 finished games, but I just can't see your team beating the 3 Yasha's, let alone what comes after them. If you saved Jane and got her to fight for you at the end of scenario 3 then you'll be pleased to know she is a playable character on the Premium Disc and a very good mage in my opinion. For more information about Jane make your way to the character page.

After you have spoken to Unoma and selected your team of 12 heroes you can mix and match your team from all three scenario, but only from the character you had in all 3 teams your team. So no Garosh and Jade on the same team I'm afraid, you'll now be ready to begin the action.

I'll just point out a few notes first is, any character lost during a battle cannot be revived for any of the battles after would. Synbios must always be your team leader, no matter who else is in your team. If you take Medion, Julian or Gracia in your team, and they are killed then you will fail the PD battle section, must be to do with their character numbers, if Synbios is killed this will also happen. Enough talk lets prepare for the first battle on the Premium Disc!

Premium Disc, Battle 1: The Hidden Foe

Battle Tactics:
If you need help with this monster I advisor you, give up now and level up your characters some more! The only different between this and the Scenario 2 fight is that all the Octopus tentacles appear at once, even it's statistics are the same as scenario 2 and with your characters all being more powerful this fight will be a walk over. The only thing I will say that if Jane is in your team now is the team to level her up as all the enemies in this battle give her 49 exp. You should have no problems sending this monster back to the deep.

With the Octopus back in it's grave we head to the second fight against Yasha.

Premium Disc, Battle 2: The Three Yashas

Battle Tactics:
The Three Yasha return along with some ninja's, again this fight, shouldn't be too hard to beat. However you can get caught out on this one, as Yasha does likes to cast Frost a lot, which is very annoying. The weaker Yasha shouldn't be a problem but do watch out for the Black Ninjas as if they cast Confuse one of your party members, chaos has been know to break loose. Try to clear the Black Ninjas quickly and then fence in the stronger Yashas, that way if your characters get frozen, he'll have nowhere to move to. Remember the Blaze spell cure's frost, also don't send in a character on their own as the Yashas will pick on them, I've seen them kill lone flying characters very quickly including Honestly. If all goes well you should have finished this fight in a few turns.

With battle 2 over, it's time for battle 3 with the Rainbloods.

Premium Disc, Battle 3: The Rainbloods Return

Battle Notes:
1. The Rainblood Queen heals 3HP each turn.
Battle Tactics:
Together at last, sadly however the Rainbloods are in their weak scenario 3 form and not their kick arse scenario 2 version. Two words describe this fight and they are "rush then", I find this fight to be easier than battle 2. In the first turn move your whole party a few squares forward to draw the Rainbloods out, then wham hit them with every thing you've got. Hit them with your heavy spells, then get your heavy hitters in next, go for the weaker Rainbloods first and they should fall in the first turn, then finish the rest off. The only thing I will say is don't leave a character out in the open always make sure they are next to somebody as the Rainbloods do like to attack the same target and four Rainbloods against one isn't good odds. I've have managed to finish this battle in 3 turns, so in truth you shouldn't have any problems with it.

Another battle another victory over the Rainbloods, time for battle four.

Premium Disc, Battle 4: The Four Priests

Battle Tactics:
That's right you finally have a chance to stick it to all four high priests of Bulzome and Synbios can at long last get his revenge on Fiale. Again another quite easy battle, but they are getting more harder, the four priest aren't that strong but they do have a habit of blocking the path ways so only one person can attack them at a time, this tends to draw out the battle some what. As if you could surround the priests you could easier kill one a turn. Their magic doesn't quite have the power it used to, but still keep your party in a group and be carefully of characters with weak magic defence. You have two options for this battle the first being split your team into two groups and attack the priests from both sides. Second as one large party attack the side the Basanda is one as she is weaker than Dessheren, all four priest will likely come to her aid. I tend to go for the priests in the following order Basanda, Fiale, Dessheren and Goriate. However it doesn't really matter which one you kill first just so long as you kill all of them. This battle tends to be a bit annoying because it can take some time to defeat the first priest but once one goes the rest all go very quickly. If you every get a chance to surround on of the priest's do so and quickly, your heavy hitters will quickly finish them off.

The four priests maybe defeated but it's time you dealt with their master for the last time.

Premium Disc, Battle 5: Lord of Vandals, Bulzome

Battle Notes:
1. Bulzome goes twice each turn.
2. Every time Bulzome gets a turn he heals 30HP as he goes twice each turn he heals 60HP in one full round
Battle Tactics:
From here on in the fights get a lot harder or easier depending if you use a certain tricks or not. The Bulzome fight may still be fresh in your mind if you have recently finished scenario 3, so you pretty much no what to do. The only difference is that he has his three high priests protecting him. I find the best way to do this fight is to finish the priest's first then deal with Bulzome second. My normal tactic is to try and draw the priests as far away from Bulzome as possible with archers and mages and kill them as quickly as possible. It's possible to draw two of them outside Bulzome attack range, but the middle one never seems to move so you'll have to move closer to Bulzome, to take the last one out. Keep your healers as far away from Bulzome as you can and get them to cast Aqua L4 when your team is low on HP. Once all three priests are dead it's time to take out Bulzome, get your three strongest hitters to get in close, I take Medion, Synbios and Julian and any flying team members. Then get your mages in behind them and your archers in the corner shooting at Bulzome with such a heavy attack Bulzome should fall in 4 - 6 turns time. The only other thing I'll say is use your spells wisely, and balance MP use with spell type and damage, to maximise your magic damage. If you have any support spells use them as they can be a real life saver and keep all your character alive the battles are going to get much harder believe me!

With Bulzome's defeat you leave the world of Shining Force III behind as the last four battles are against enemies from past shining game! Thus ends part one of my Premium Disc guide.


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