This is my new born daughter. If you cannot see this photos,suggest you use IE4.0 upper browser.

"Hellow World!", My daughter Nina Chen, seven months old

"I am very glad I had a teeth already!"--my daughter Nina,seven months old

"It's time to eat!" --Nina Chen,Seven months old

"I love my sister" --My son on my daughter's birthday(Nov.30,2000).

My wife and children on Nov.30,2000, in Ottawa Hospital (Nina's birthday)

<-- This is shichao, 1997. If you cannot see my photos,suggest you use IE4.0 upper browser.

Shichao in 1997

I am working in Billing Center,China Telecom. Jan.1999

Working In China Telecom in Jan. 1999

My wife,son and me, Jan.1999

My wife,son and me in Jan.1999


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