Satanic Ritual Abuse, Government Mind Control, Military Mind Control, Physical, Sexual, Emotional and Verbal Abuse are what I have survived.  Abuse so horrific, it is only through Christ that we could have survived.
I am a survivor
I have suffered alone.
No one to turn to,
No where to roam.

Years of abuse
I had to survive.
It's a miracle of God-
That I am still alive.

Starring death in the face
With each breath I take.
Am I really alive?
Or is this a mistake?

Horrible traumas
Haunted me day and night.
But in the strength of the Lord
I continued my fight.

Desperate and battered,
As my mind was shattered.
Into tiny parts.....
                Along with my heart.
Come on in and read my story.....  If you are a survivor, be very careful, it is very triggering!!!!  Just click below!
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